3 Offset
bi0qaw edited this page 2017-11-25 15:03:49 +01:00


vectors %vectors% offset by %vectors%


%locations% offset by %vectors%

Adds each offset to all locations or vectors. You will usually use this to move some vectors to a location. Example:

set {_vector-circle::*} to circle with radius 5 and density 5 #creates a circle
set {_location-circle::*} to location at player offset by {_vector-circle::*} #gives the locations in the shape of the circle around the player


set {_circle::*} to circle with radius 1 and density 5
loop all players:
    show happy villager at loop-player's head offset by {_circle::*}

This shows a particle halo around the head of each player on your server.

You can also use multiple offset expressions for more complicated things like:

set {_cube::*} to cube with radius 5 #creates a cube
set {_circle::*} to circle with radius 2 and density 5 #creates a circle
set {_cube-circles::*} to {_cube::*} offset by {_circle::*} #creates a circle at each vertice of the cube
show happy villager at player offset by {_cube-circles::*}

Which gives you green particles in the shape of 8 circles at the cube vertices as can be seen in the following image: