13 Gallery
bi0qaw edited this page 2017-11-30 19:43:39 +01:00

A script with all the examples can be found here. Just call the command above to image to see the effect. To stop all effects type: /stopeffect


Shows circles with random colors. Could be used for a teleportation effect.





/miniblock-halo <integer>

Note: This is a quite advanced example. You can choose the amount of miniblocks with the integer parameter.



Halo follows the rotation of the player's head


Color changes depending on the yaw of the player

/star <integer>

Simple star shape. You can change the amount of vertices with the integer parameter.

/star-2 <integer>

Makes a star with more connections than /star. You can change the amount of vertices with the integer parameter.

/star-player <integer>

Makes a star that is always oriented towards the player. You can change the amount of vertices with the integer parameter.