Restructure the language system, use SQL

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Govindas 2020-08-13 16:26:47 +03:00
parent 1e1033b0c6
commit fda8feb1d2
9 changed files with 3563 additions and 3676 deletions

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@ -1,168 +0,0 @@
#delete language cache after 7 server restarts (not sure if this is exactly a good design xD)
on skript load:
add 1 to {langlimit}
if {langlimit} is higher than 7:
delete {langmsg::*} and {langlimit}
on script load:
set {_languages::*} to "EN", "LT", "RU", "ES", "DA", "PT", "CN_Simplified"
loop {_languages::*}:
set {languageslist::%loop-value%} to loop-value
load yaml "plugins/Skript/scripts/languages/LanguageEN.yml" as "langEN"
loop {languageslist::*}:
loop-value is not "EN"
#load it in memory so we can always have it loaded
load yaml "plugins/Skript/scripts/languages/Language%loop-value%.yml" as "lang%loop-value%"
#clear non-existent messages that have been removed from original EN file, but still exist in other languages
loop yaml nodes from "lang%loop-value%":
yaml value loop-value-2 from "langEN" is not set:
send "Removed Non-existent message: %loop-value-2% from %loop-value-1%" to console and ops
delete yaml value loop-value-2 from "lang%loop-value-1%"
set {_deleted} to true
{_deleted} is set:
save yaml "lang%loop-value%"
delete {_deleted}
translate %string% [for %player/string%] [with variables %-strings%]
translate %string% [with variables %-strings%] [for %player/string%]
if expressions 3 is not set:
return translate(expression 1, expression 2)
return translate(expression 1, expression 2, expressions 3)
function translate(message: text, treceiver: object, variables: strings = "null") :: text:
#support both UUIDS and player names for getting language of the player
set {_uuid} to {uuid::%{_treceiver}%} if {name::%{_treceiver}%} is not set else {_treceiver}
set {_lang} to epic variable "%{_uuid}%::language" ? "EN"
if {langmsg::%{_lang}%::%{_message}%} is not set:
#format the index
set {_index} to convert string uncolored {_message} to lowercase
replace all "-" and ":" and "'" and """" and "." and " " and "[" and "]" and "," and "!" and "?" and "*" and "^" and "%%" and "##" and "@" and "(" and ")" and "_" and "+" and "=" and "`" and "~" and "$" and "|" and "{" and "}" and "<" and ">" with "" in {_index}
#detect if the message hasn't been added to YAML file, if so, auto add it!
yaml value "%{_index}%" from "lang%{_lang}%" is not set:
loop {languageslist::*}:
#check if the message isn't present in any other languages, if it isn't present, add it!
#one little issue about this, it results into double value check for current language, but I think optimizing that would be simply pointless (much less clean code)
yaml value "%{_index}%" from "lang%loop-value-2%" is not set:
set yaml value "%{_index}%" from "lang%loop-value-2%" to "%{_message}%"
save yaml "lang%loop-value-2%"
#save the message to memory + CSV file that gets auto-loaded into memory on server startup (maybe I'll save this to mysql instead for future)
set {langmsg::%{_lang}%::%{_message}%} to {_message}
#if yaml value is present, but it is not loaded into memory, load it!
set {langmsg::%{_lang}%::%{_message}%} to yaml value "%{_index}%" from "lang%{_lang}%"
#since INDEX generation in my yaml files may not be always unique if the messages are extremely similar, but only with differing color codes, this unused code checks for index duplication
#set {_msgc} to yaml value "%{_index}%" from "langEN"
#{_msgc} is not {_message}:
#send "LANGUAGE: %{_msgc}%&2 does not equal to &r%{_message}%&2 | this might be a bug of different colorcodes." to ops and console
#log "LANGUAGE: %{_msgc}% does not equal to %{_message}% | this might be a bug of different colorcodes." to "language-errors.log"
#get the translated message which should be sent
#replace $1$, $2$, etc. stuff into proper values (function provides arguments for it)
if {_variables::1} is not "null":
set {_msg} to {langmsg::%{_lang}%::%{_message}%}
loop {_variables::*}:
{_msg} contains "$%loop-index%$":
replace "$%loop-index%$" with loop-value in {_msg}
exit loop
return {_msg}
#Translation Mode 1, return the message (MOST USEFUL!)
return {langmsg::%{_lang}%::%{_message}%}
function getSlotFromLanguage(lang: text) :: number:
switch {_lang}:
case "EN":
return 0
case "LT":
return 1
case "RU":
return 2
case "DA":
return 3
case "PT":
return 4
case "CN_Simplified":
return 5
command /languages [<text>]:
description: Set your language
usage: /languages
wait a tick
open chest with 1 row named "&6- &a&lSelect language &6-" to player
set {_inventory} to player's current inventory
#diamond block is displayed if the banner variable isn't set
set slot 0 of {_inventory} to {banners::english} ? diamond block named "&aEnglish" with lore "&e&lCLICK TO SELECT" with no nbt
set slot 1 of {_inventory} to {banners::lithuania} ? diamond block named "&aLietuvių" with lore "&e&lCLICK TO SELECT" with no nbt
set slot 2 of {_inventory} to {banners::russia} ? diamond block named "&aРусский" with lore "&e&lCLICK TO SELECT" with no nbt
set slot 3 of {_inventory} to {banners::denmark} ? diamond block named "&aDansk" with lore "&e&lCLICK TO SELECT" with no nbt
set slot 4 of {_inventory} to {banners::portugal} ? diamond block named "&aPortuguês" with lore "&e&lCLICK TO SELECT" with no nbt
set slot 5 of {_inventory} to {banners::china} ? diamond block named "&aChinese (Simplified)" with lore "&e&lCLICK TO SELECT" with no nbt
set {_slot} to getSlotFromLanguage(epic variable "%uuid of player%::language")
set {_item} to {_inventory}.getItem({_slot})
set lore of {_item} to "&a&lSELECTED"
set slot {_enchantslot} of {_inventory} to {_item}
set {_sp} to "Automatically detects your language based on your location."
if {forcedenglish::%uuid of player%} is not set:
set slot 8 of {_inventory} to glowing redstone dust named "&eAutomatic Language Detection &2[&a&lON&2]" with lore "&7%{_sp}%", "&7This is enabled by default.", "&a", "&a&lCLICK TO TOGGLE"
set slot 8 of {_inventory} to redstone dust named "&eAutomatic Language Detection &2[&c&lOFF&2]" with lore "&7%{_sp}%", "&7This is enabled by default.", "&a", "&a&lCLICK TO TOGGLE"
on inventory click:
inventory name of player's current inventory = "&6- &a&lSelect language &6-"
clicked inventory is not player's inventory
set {_l} to epic variable "%uuid of player%::language"
switch clicked slot:
case 0:
set {_lang} to "EN"
case 1:
set {_lang} to "LT"
case 2:
set {_lang} to "RU"
case 3:
set {_lang} to "DA"
case 4:
set {_lang} to "PT"
case 8:
{forcedenglish::%uuid of player%} is not set:
set {forcedenglish::%uuid of player%} to true
send "&cAutomatic language detection has been disabled."
delete {forcedenglish::%uuid of player%}
send "&aAutomatic language detection has been enabled back."
{_l} is not {_lang}:
set epic variable "%uuid of player%::language" to {_lang}
send "&eYou have selected &a%{_lang}% &elanguage!"
close inventory of player

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

code/! Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
function YAMLtoSQL():
loop {languageslist::*}:
load yaml "plugins/Skript/scripts/languages/Language%loop-value in lowercase%.yml" as "lang%loop-value in lowercase%"
execute "TRUNCATE TABLE `languages`" in {-sql}
send last sql error to console if last sql error is set
wait a tick
loop yaml nodes from "langen":
loop {languageslist::*}:
set {_list::%loop-value-2%} to yaml value loop-value-1 from "lang%loop-value-2 in lowercase%"
execute "INSERT INTO `languages` VALUES (%{_list::en}%, %{_list::lt}%, %{_list::ru}%, %{_list::es}%, %{_list::da}%, %{_list::pt}%, %{_list::CN_Simplified}%)" in {-sql}
send last sql error to console if last sql error is set
#load languages from mysql
function loadSQLLanguages():
execute "SELECT * FROM `languages`" in {-sql} and store the result in {_l::*}
loop indexes of {_l::*}:
set {_list::%loop-value%} to loop-value
#done to make it the first index
set {_list::1} to "en"
delete {_list::en}
loop {_list::*}:
loop {_l::%loop-value%::*}:
if loop-value-1 is "en":
set {_index::%loop-index-2%} to loop-value-2
set {langmsg::%loop-value-1%::%{_index::%loop-index-2%}%} to loop-value-2
on script load:
wait a tick
function SQLtoYAML():
execute "SELECT * FROM `languages`" in {-sql} and store the result in {_l::*}
send last sql error to console if last sql error is set
loop indexes of {_l::*}:
unload yaml "lang%loop-value%"
load yaml "plugins/Skript/scripts/languages/Language%loop-value%.yml" as "lang%loop-value%"
set {_list::%loop-value%} to loop-value
#done to make it the first index
set {_list::1} to "en"
delete {_list::en}
loop {_list::*}:
loop {_l::%loop-value%::*}:
if loop-value-1 is "en":
set {_index::%loop-index-2%} to loop-value-2
set yaml value "%{_index::%loop-index-2%}%" from "lang%loop-value-1%" to "%loop-value-2%"
save yaml "lang%loop-value%"
on script load:
set {_languages::*} to "EN", "LT", "RU", "ES", "DA", "PT", "CN_Simplified"
loop {_languages::*}:
set {languageslist::%loop-value%} to loop-value
translate %string% [for %player/string%] [with variables %-strings%]
translate %string% [with variables %-strings%] [for %player/string%]
if expressions 3 is not set:
return translate(expression 1, expression 2)
return translate(expression 1, expression 2, expressions 3)
function insertlater(m: text):
execute "INSERT INTO `languages` VALUES (%{_m}%, %{_m}%, %{_m}%, %{_m}%, %{_m}%, %{_m}%, %{_m}%)" in {-sql}
function translate(m: text, p: object, variables: strings = "null") :: text:
#support both UUIDS and player names for getting language of the player
set {_uuid} to {uuid::%{_p}%} if {name::%{_p}%} is not set else {_p}
set {_lang} to epic variable "%{_uuid}%::language" ? "EN"
if {langmsg::%{_lang}%::%{_m}%} is not set:
set {langmsg::%{_lang}%::%{_m}%} to {_m}
#replace $1$, $2$, etc. stuff into proper values (function provides arguments for it)
if {_variables::1} is not "null":
set {_msg} to {langmsg::%{_lang}%::%{_m}%}
loop {_variables::*}:
{_msg} contains "$%loop-index%$":
replace "$%loop-index%$" with loop-value in {_msg}
exit loop
return {_msg}
#Translation Mode 1, return the message (MOST USEFUL!)
return {langmsg::%{_lang}%::%{_m}%}
function getSlotFromLanguage(lang: text) :: number:
switch {_lang}:
case "EN":
return 0
case "LT":
return 1
case "RU":
return 2
case "DA":
return 3
case "PT":
return 4
case "CN_Simplified":
return 5
command /languages [<text>]:
description: Set your language
usage: /languages
wait a tick
open chest with 1 row named "&6- &a&lSelect language &6-" to player
set {_inventory} to player's current inventory
#diamond block is displayed if the banner variable isn't set
set slot 0 of {_inventory} to ({banners::english} ? diamond block) named "&aEnglish" with lore "&e&lCLICK TO SELECT" with no nbt
set slot 1 of {_inventory} to ({banners::lithuania} ? diamond block) named "&aLietuvių" with lore "&e&lCLICK TO SELECT" with no nbt
set slot 2 of {_inventory} to ({banners::russia} ? diamond block) named "&aРусский" with lore "&e&lCLICK TO SELECT" with no nbt
set slot 3 of {_inventory} to ({banners::denmark} ? diamond block) named "&aDansk" with lore "&e&lCLICK TO SELECT" with no nbt
set slot 4 of {_inventory} to ({banners::portugal} ? diamond block) named "&aPortuguês" with lore "&e&lCLICK TO SELECT" with no nbt
set slot 5 of {_inventory} to ({banners::china} ? diamond block) named "&aChinese (Simplified)" with lore "&e&lCLICK TO SELECT" with no nbt
set {_slot} to getSlotFromLanguage(epic variable "%uuid of player%::language")
set {_item} to {_inventory}.getItem({_slot})
set lore of {_item} to "&a&lSELECTED"
set slot {_enchantslot} of {_inventory} to {_item}
set {_sp} to "Automatically detects your language based on your location."
if {forcedenglish::%uuid of player%} is not set:
set slot 8 of {_inventory} to glowing redstone dust named "&eAutomatic Language Detection &2[&a&lON&2]" with lore "&7%{_sp}%", "&7This is enabled by default.", "&a", "&a&lCLICK TO TOGGLE"
set slot 8 of {_inventory} to redstone dust named "&eAutomatic Language Detection &2[&c&lOFF&2]" with lore "&7%{_sp}%", "&7This is enabled by default.", "&a", "&a&lCLICK TO TOGGLE"
on inventory click:
inventory name of player's current inventory = "&6- &a&lSelect language &6-"
clicked inventory is not player's inventory
set {_l} to epic variable "%uuid of player%::language"
switch clicked slot:
case 0:
set {_lang} to "EN"
case 1:
set {_lang} to "LT"
case 2:
set {_lang} to "RU"
case 3:
set {_lang} to "DA"
case 4:
set {_lang} to "PT"
case 5:
set {_lang} to "CN_Simplified"
case 8:
{forcedenglish::%uuid of player%} is not set:
set {forcedenglish::%uuid of player%} to true
send "&cAutomatic language detection has been disabled."
delete {forcedenglish::%uuid of player%}
send "&aAutomatic language detection has been enabled back."
{_l} is not {_lang}:
set epic variable "%uuid of player%::language" to {_lang}
send "&eYou have selected &a%{_lang}% &elanguage!"
close inventory of player