diff --git a/!lang.sk b/!lang.sk deleted file mode 100644 index 0b8e3b8..0000000 --- a/!lang.sk +++ /dev/null @@ -1,168 +0,0 @@ - -#delete language cache after 7 server restarts (not sure if this is exactly a good design xD) -on skript load: - add 1 to {langlimit} - if {langlimit} is higher than 7: - delete {langmsg::*} and {langlimit} -on script load: - send "LOADING GLOBAL LANGUAGE FILES" to console - set {_languages::*} to "EN", "LT", "RU", "ES", "DA", "PT", "CN_Simplified" - loop {_languages::*}: - set {languageslist::%loop-value%} to loop-value - - load yaml "plugins/Skript/scripts/languages/LanguageEN.yml" as "langEN" - loop {languageslist::*}: - loop-value is not "EN" - #load it in memory so we can always have it loaded - load yaml "plugins/Skript/scripts/languages/Language%loop-value%.yml" as "lang%loop-value%" - #clear non-existent messages that have been removed from original EN file, but still exist in other languages - loop yaml nodes from "lang%loop-value%": - - yaml value loop-value-2 from "langEN" is not set: - - send "Removed Non-existent message: %loop-value-2% from %loop-value-1%" to console and ops - delete yaml value loop-value-2 from "lang%loop-value-1%" - set {_deleted} to true - - {_deleted} is set: - save yaml "lang%loop-value%" - delete {_deleted} - - send "FINISHED LOADING GLOBAL LANGUAGE FILES" to console -expression: - patterns: - translate %string% [for %player/string%] [with variables %-strings%] - translate %string% [with variables %-strings%] [for %player/string%] - get: - if expressions 3 is not set: - return translate(expression 1, expression 2) - else: - return translate(expression 1, expression 2, expressions 3) -function translate(message: text, treceiver: object, variables: strings = "null") :: text: - - #support both UUIDS and player names for getting language of the player - - set {_uuid} to {uuid::%{_treceiver}%} if {name::%{_treceiver}%} is not set else {_treceiver} - - set {_lang} to epic variable "%{_uuid}%::language" ? "EN" - if {langmsg::%{_lang}%::%{_message}%} is not set: - - #format the index - set {_index} to convert string uncolored {_message} to lowercase - replace all "-" and ":" and "'" and """" and "." and " " and "[" and "]" and "," and "!" and "?" and "*" and "^" and "%%" and "##" and "@" and "(" and ")" and "_" and "+" and "=" and "`" and "~" and "$" and "|" and "{" and "}" and "<" and ">" with "" in {_index} - - #detect if the message hasn't been added to YAML file, if so, auto add it! - - yaml value "%{_index}%" from "lang%{_lang}%" is not set: - loop {languageslist::*}: - #check if the message isn't present in any other languages, if it isn't present, add it! - - #one little issue about this, it results into double value check for current language, but I think optimizing that would be simply pointless (much less clean code) - yaml value "%{_index}%" from "lang%loop-value-2%" is not set: - set yaml value "%{_index}%" from "lang%loop-value-2%" to "%{_message}%" - save yaml "lang%loop-value-2%" - - #save the message to memory + CSV file that gets auto-loaded into memory on server startup (maybe I'll save this to mysql instead for future) - - set {langmsg::%{_lang}%::%{_message}%} to {_message} - - #if yaml value is present, but it is not loaded into memory, load it! - else: - set {langmsg::%{_lang}%::%{_message}%} to yaml value "%{_index}%" from "lang%{_lang}%" - - #since INDEX generation in my yaml files may not be always unique if the messages are extremely similar, but only with differing color codes, this unused code checks for index duplication - - #set {_msgc} to yaml value "%{_index}%" from "langEN" - #{_msgc} is not {_message}: - #send "LANGUAGE: %{_msgc}%&2 does not equal to &r%{_message}%&2 | this might be a bug of different colorcodes." to ops and console - #log "LANGUAGE: %{_msgc}% does not equal to %{_message}% | this might be a bug of different colorcodes." to "language-errors.log" - - #get the translated message which should be sent - - - #replace $1$, $2$, etc. stuff into proper values (function provides arguments for it) - if {_variables::1} is not "null": - set {_msg} to {langmsg::%{_lang}%::%{_message}%} - loop {_variables::*}: - {_msg} contains "$%loop-index%$": - replace "$%loop-index%$" with loop-value in {_msg} - else: - exit loop - return {_msg} - - #Translation Mode 1, return the message (MOST USEFUL!) - return {langmsg::%{_lang}%::%{_message}%} - -function getSlotFromLanguage(lang: text) :: number: - switch {_lang}: - case "EN": - return 0 - case "LT": - return 1 - case "RU": - return 2 - case "DA": - return 3 - case "PT": - return 4 - case "CN_Simplified": - return 5 -command /languages []: - description: Set your language - usage: /languages - trigger: - wait a tick - open chest with 1 row named "&6- &a&lSelect language &6-" to player - set {_inventory} to player's current inventory - - #diamond block is displayed if the banner variable isn't set - set slot 0 of {_inventory} to {banners::english} ? diamond block named "&aEnglish" with lore "&e&lCLICK TO SELECT" with no nbt - set slot 1 of {_inventory} to {banners::lithuania} ? diamond block named "&aLietuvių" with lore "&e&lCLICK TO SELECT" with no nbt - set slot 2 of {_inventory} to {banners::russia} ? diamond block named "&aРусский" with lore "&e&lCLICK TO SELECT" with no nbt - set slot 3 of {_inventory} to {banners::denmark} ? diamond block named "&aDansk" with lore "&e&lCLICK TO SELECT" with no nbt - set slot 4 of {_inventory} to {banners::portugal} ? diamond block named "&aPortuguês" with lore "&e&lCLICK TO SELECT" with no nbt - set slot 5 of {_inventory} to {banners::china} ? diamond block named "&aChinese (Simplified)" with lore "&e&lCLICK TO SELECT" with no nbt - - set {_slot} to getSlotFromLanguage(epic variable "%uuid of player%::language") - set {_item} to {_inventory}.getItem({_slot}) - - set lore of {_item} to "&a&lSELECTED" - - set slot {_enchantslot} of {_inventory} to {_item} - - - - - set {_sp} to "Automatically detects your language based on your location." - - if {forcedenglish::%uuid of player%} is not set: - set slot 8 of {_inventory} to glowing redstone dust named "&eAutomatic Language Detection &2[&a&lON&2]" with lore "&7%{_sp}%", "&7This is enabled by default.", "&a", "&a&lCLICK TO TOGGLE" - else: - set slot 8 of {_inventory} to redstone dust named "&eAutomatic Language Detection &2[&c&lOFF&2]" with lore "&7%{_sp}%", "&7This is enabled by default.", "&a", "&a&lCLICK TO TOGGLE" - -on inventory click: - inventory name of player's current inventory = "&6- &a&lSelect language &6-" - clicked inventory is not player's inventory - set {_l} to epic variable "%uuid of player%::language" - switch clicked slot: - case 0: - set {_lang} to "EN" - case 1: - set {_lang} to "LT" - case 2: - set {_lang} to "RU" - case 3: - set {_lang} to "DA" - case 4: - set {_lang} to "PT" - case 8: - {forcedenglish::%uuid of player%} is not set: - set {forcedenglish::%uuid of player%} to true - send "&cAutomatic language detection has been disabled." - else: - delete {forcedenglish::%uuid of player%} - send "&aAutomatic language detection has been enabled back." - {_l} is not {_lang}: - set epic variable "%uuid of player%::language" to {_lang} - send "&eYou have selected &a%{_lang}% &elanguage!" - close inventory of player diff --git a/LanguageCN_Simplified.yml b/LanguageCN_Simplified.yml index 8f153e1..814dee9 100644 --- a/LanguageCN_Simplified.yml +++ b/LanguageCN_Simplified.yml @@ -1,820 +1,837 @@ -/chatpartytotogglepartychat:' /chat party&2-&a切换聚会聊天。' - -/donateviewwaystodonatemoneytoourserver:'/donate&2-&a查看捐款的方式向我们的服务器。' - -/facceptacceptfriendrequests:' /f接受&2-&a接受朋友的请求。' - -/faddrequestsomeonetobeyourfriend:'/f add&2-&a要求某人成为您的朋友。' - -/faqgetanswerstofrequentlyaskedquestions:' /faq&2-&a获取常见答案问题的。' - -/fdenydenyfriendrequests:' /f拒绝&2-&a拒绝朋友请求。' - -/flistlistallyourcurrentfriends:'/f列出&2-&a列出您当前的所有朋友。' - -/fremoveremoveafriend:' /f删除&2-&a删除朋友。' - -/frequestslistallfriendrequests:' /f请求&2-&a列出所有朋友请求。' - -/friendviewfriendcommandshelp:' /friend&2-&aView朋友命令帮助。' - -/fshowsthishelppage:' /f&2-&a显示此帮助页面。' - -/groupacceptacceptagroupinvitation:'/group接受<组>&2-&接受组邀请a组邀请。' - -/groupchunks browseclaimedchunksofagroup:'/group块&2-&aBrowse声明了一个组的块。' - -/groupclaim claimachunktoagroup:'/group Claim &2-&a将一个块声明为一个组。' - -/groupcreatecreateagroup:'/group创建<组>&2-&a创建组。' - -/groupdemotedemoteaplayerinagroup:'/group降级<玩家> <组>降级组中2-&a的玩家。' - -/groupinfoviewinformationaboutagroup:' /group info &2-&查看信息有关组的。' - -/groupinviteinviteaplayertoagroup:'/group邀请<玩家> <组>邀请&2-&a玩家加入组。' - -/groupkick kickaplayerfromagroup:'/group kick &2-&a从组中踢出一名球员。' - -/groupleave leaveagroup:'/group离开&2-&a离开一个组。' - -/grouplistlistthegroupsyouarein:' /group list&2-&a列出您所在的组。' - -/grouppromotepromoteaplayerinagroup:'/group促进 促进组中&2-&a的玩家。 - -/groupunclaimunclaimachunk:' /group取消&2-&a取消声明一个块。' - -/groupupgrade upgradeagroup:'/group upgrade &2-&a升级组。' - -/joinlobbynametojoinapublicgamebyacommandorprivategamebyspecifyinglobbyname:'/join<游戏>到加入公共游戏通过命令或私有游戏通过<游戏> [大厅名称]&2-&a通过通过命令或私人游戏加入公共游戏大厅名称指定大厅名称指定大厅名称。' - -/listviewinformationaboutalonlineplayers:' /list&2-&a查看有关所有在线玩家的信息。' - -/msg sendaprivatemessagetoaplayer:'/msg &2-&a发送私人消息向玩家。' - -/partyaccept toacceptanpartyinvite:'/party accept &2-&a接受聚会邀请。' - -/partydisbandtodisbandyourparty:' /party disband&2-&a要解散您的聚会。' - -/partyinvitetoinviteaplayertoparty:' /party邀请<玩家>&2-&邀请玩家参加派对。' - -/partyjoin tojoinpublicpartyofaplayer:' /party join &2-&加入玩家的公开聚会。' - -/partykick tokickaplayerfrom您的聚会:' /party kick &2-&踢出a您的聚会的玩家。' - -/partyleavetoleaveaparty:' /party离开&2-&a离开聚会。' - -/partylisttoviewmembersofyourpartylist:' /party list&2-&a查看您的成员聚会列表中的。' - -/partyopentoopenyourpartyforpublicjoin:' /party open&2-&a要您的聚会公开加入。' - -/partytransfer <玩家>以将partyleader:'/party transfer <玩家>传递给其他成员&2-&a要将组长转移给其他成员。' - -/partyviewpartyhelp:' /party&2-&aView派对帮助。' - -/partywarptowarpyourpartymemberstoyourgamelobby:' /party warp&2-&a将您的扭曲聚会成员到游戏大厅。' - -/rulesreadserverrules:'/rules&2-&a读取服务器规则。' - -/spectateenterspectatemode:' /spectate&2-&a进入旁观模式。' - -/staffviewstafflist:'/staff&2-&aView人员列表。' - -/stats viewplayersstats:' /stats &2-&aView播放器的统计信息。' - -1arrowonknockout:淘汰赛上有1个箭头! - -1defeated2:$1$ &cdefeated&6 $2$ - -1donated1snowballtoyou:$1$ &edonated&e&l1&fSnowball和您! - -1flaghasbeendropped:$1$ &eflag已被删除! - -1gotfirstkillofthegame:'&a $1$ &egot the first kill of the game!' - -1hascaptured2flag:$1$ &ehas捕获了$2$&eflag! - -1hasdisdisedtheparty:$1$ &ehas解散了聚会! - -1hasinvitedyouintoaparty:$1$ &ehas邀请您参加聚会! - -1hasjoinedyourparty:$1$ &ehas加入了您的聚会! - -1hasjoined:$1$ &ehas加入! - -1haslefttheparty:$1$ &ehas离开了聚会! - -1hasleft:$1$ &chas走了! - -1hasnotinvitedyouintoaparty:$1$ &ehas未邀请您参加聚会! - -1haspickedup2flag:$1$ &ehas拿起$2$ &eflag! - -1hasreachedthemaxsticklevel:$1$ &ehas达到了最高交易量水平! - -1hasreturned2flag:$1$ &ehas返回$2$ &eflag! - -1hasvotedfor2map:$1$ &ehas投票给&b&l $2$ &emap! - -1hasvotedfor2mode:$1$ &ehas投票给&b&l $2$ &emode! - -1hasvotedforbalancedteamsmodifier:$1$ &ehas为&b&lBalanced Teams&emodifier投票! - -1hasvotedfordoublejumpmodifier:$1$ &ehas为&b&lDouble Jump和emodifier投票! - -1hasvotedforfastsnowballsmodifier:$1$ &ehas为&b&lFast Snowballs&emodifier投票! - -1hasvotedforinstakillsnowballsmodifier:$1$ &ehas为&b&lInstakill Snowballs &emodifier投票! - -1hasvotedfornocompassmodifier:$1$ &ehas为&b&lNo Compass&emodifier投票! - -1hasvotedforreflectsnowballsmodifier:$1$ &ehas投票赞成&b&lReflect Snowballs&emodifier! - -1isalreadyinyourparty:$1$ &cis已加入您的聚会! - -1isnotyourfriendadd1tofriendswith/fadd2:$1$ &c不是您的朋友!向朋友添加$1$ &c,通过&e /f添加$2$ - -1ofplayersneedstovoteenable:$1$ &7of玩家需要投票以启用 - -1teamisfull:$1$ &cteam已满! - -accept:'[ACCEPT]' - -achancetospawncreeperwhereyoursnowballlands:在地方生成爬行者的机会雪球降落的雪球降落的。 - -activatedmodifiers:激活的修饰符 - -allowstodoublejumpbypressingthesneakbuttoninmidair:通过按下可进行双跳在空中踩踏按钮在空中潜行按钮。 - -animationiscurrentlydisabled:动画当前为&c&lDISABLED&e。 - -animationiscurrentlyenabled:当前动画是&a&lENABLED&e。 - -areyouseriouslygoingintoapartywithyourselfinvitesomeone:您是否认真地参加与自己一起聚会自己的聚会?邀请某人! - -areyousureyouwanttoleavetype/qtoconfirm:确定要离开吗?输入&e /q &6进行确认。 - -armor:装甲 - -arrowaccuracy:箭的准确性 - -arrowbonusperk:箭的额外 - -arrowsfired:箭被发射的 - -arrowsleft:箭留给 - -asnowmanwhichshootsenemies:一个雪人射击敌人! - -averagerating:'平均评分:' - -balancedteamsmodifier:平衡的团队修饰符 - -becauseoftoomuchgamechangingmodifiersactivatedthismatchwillnotaffectyourrating:'&7&l,因为太多的改变游戏的修饰符激活了此比赛不会影响您的由于激活了太多的改变游戏的修饰符,因此该比赛不会影响您的评价评分。' - -bethecommanderofagiantarmyanddefeatalltheenemykingswithyourarmytowin:'&e&l成为的指挥官,并击败您的一支庞大的军队指挥官,并与您的军队一起击败所敌人的国王,以取胜!' - -bewareofgravityalwaysbuildsupportstoyourminesandbuildingswithatleast8blocksofdistancebetweensupports:提防重力,重力!始终在矿山和建筑物至少要有8之间建立支撑,支撑之间的距离个距离。 - -blindnessperk:Blindness Perk - -blockssnowballs50chancetobreakonfirsthit100onsecondhit:阻止雪球。 &e&l50%&7机会在第一击中打破,&e&l100%&7在第二击中。 - -blocks:块 - -bombsfired炸弹被发射发射 - -bombsplaced:炸弹被放置 - -bonussnowballsonknockout:淘汰赛上的额外雪球burningstickk: - -burningstickperk:燃烧棒Perk - -burns1oftargetssnowballs:烧伤目标的雪球。 - -burnstargetonhit:命中时燃烧目标。 - -cantfindaplayerbythenameof1:找不到名称为'$1$ '的玩家。 - -cantshootfarbecausesnowballsmeltintheair:由于雪球在融化,无法射击远空中空中因此。 - -chanceofcreeperspawn:爬虫的机会 - -chanceofdoubleexperience:双重经验的 - -chanceofdoublemelons:双瓜的机会。 - -chanceofenchantedsnowballgainafterkill:被击杀后获得&b迷住雪球的机率&7杀的。 - -chanceofreflection:反射的机会。 - -chancetoblindopponentonhit:有一定几率在命中盲目的对手 - -chancetoburnopponentonhit:有一定几率在命中烧对手 - -chancetonotlosealife:概率不会失去生命 - -chancetoslowslowness1opponentonhit:机会慢(慢度$1$ )对手击中 - -chancetoslowslownessiiopponentonhit:击中机会放缓(步履维艰II)的对手 - -checkersinminecraftlikethepopularboardgame:《我的世界》中的跳棋!就像流行的棋盘游戏一样。 - -checkers:跳棋 - -checkpoint:检查点 - -chestslooted:胸部被抢劫clickheretojoin1 - -classes:class - -clickheretojoin1:单击此处加入$1$ ! - -clicktoacceptthepartyinvite:单击以接受聚会邀请! - -clicktobuy:单击购买! - -clicktojoin:' [点击加入]' - -clicktoopen:菜单打开菜单 - -clicktoplay:单击播放 - -clicktoratethismap:单击以对此地图进行评分 - -clicktoundothisrating:单击以撤消该评分! - -clicktovotefor1mode:单击以投票给$1$ &amode! - -clicktovoteforthismap:单击以对此地图进行投票! - -clicktovoteforthismode:单击以对此模式进行投票! - -clicktovoteforthismodifier:单击以投票给该修饰符! - -completeparkourracesearnprizesandcompeteinleaderboards:完成跑酷竞赛,赢得在排行榜上的表现和竞争奖金并参加排行榜! - -cooldown:冷却 - -crackedplayerscanjoinourservertheycanapplyat1tojoin:破解的玩家可以加入我们的服务器,服务器!他们可以申请$1$ &rto加入。 - -?creativeworldwithalotofusefulfeaturesworldeditvoxelsnipergobrushgopaintahugecollectionofplayerheadsandevenacustomprogramminglanguagetocreateyourowncustommaps:具有许多有用功能的创意世界!WorldEdit,VoxelSniper,goBrush,goPaint,大量的玩家头像,甚至是自定义编程语言来创建自己的自定义地图! - -creeperchanceperk:爬行者机会 - -crystal:水晶 - -current:当前 - -damagedealt:输出伤害 - -damagetaken:造成的受到的伤害所受伤害的 - -day:日 - -deaths:死亡 - -defeat:击败 - -defendyourcastleattackothercastlescommandyourarmyandbecomethebestcommander:捍卫你的城堡攻击其他城堡命令你的军队,成为最好的指挥官你的城堡,攻击其他城堡,指挥你的军队并成为最好的指挥官! - -destroyingotherplayercreationsorruiningtheminanywayisnotallowed:破坏其他玩家的创作或破坏最小值不允许玩家的创作或以任何方式破坏他们! - -destroyingthegoodlookofterrainbymakingholes1x1towersandanyotherwaywhichmakesitlookbadisnotallowed:破坏通过制造1x1洞和其他任何其外观的方式地形的美观通过制造孔,1x1塔架和任何其他方式地形的美观不允许不允许使其看起来不好的。 - -didyouknow:你知道吗? - -?differentelementalclassescompetewitheachotherinbowfightingabilitiesusefascinitingabilitiesofyourclasstodefeatotherplayersandwin:'&e&l不同的元素类在弓法战斗能力上相互竞争。使用您班上迷人的能力击败其他玩家并获胜!' - -dissappearsafter10soflanding:降落&e10&7之后消失。 - -doubleemeralds:双祖母绿 - -doublejumpmodifier:双跳修改 - -doublemelonsperk:双瓜类帕金斯 - -emeraldstotalearned:翡翠共赚 - -emeralds:翡翠 - -emerald:翡翠 - -enchanteddiamondcannon: '&bEnchanted&B&lDiamond炮' - -enchantedsnowballperk:魔法雪球帕金斯 - -enchantedstonecannon: '&bEnchanted&7Stone炮' - -enchantedwoodcannon:魔&aWood炮 - -enemyteam : 敌方队 - -everyplayergets3liveseliminateenemyteamtowin:每个玩家获得3条生命,消灭敌人团队都能赢得敌人的敌方团队获胜。 - -everyplayergets3liveseliminateotherplayerstowin:每个玩家获得3条生命,消除赢得其他玩家双赢其他玩家获胜。 - -experiencebonusperk:体验Bonus Perk - -explodeyourwaytootherplayersandexplodethem:向其他玩家并爆炸爆炸爆炸爆炸! - -exploringthevoidmayrevealmysterioussecrets:探索虚空可能揭示神秘的秘密秘密! - -explosionradius:爆炸半径 - -fallingblocksanimation:下降块动画 - -fastsnowballsmodifier:Fast Snowballs修改器 - -feelfreetoinviteotherplayersbyusingthechat:使用随时邀请其他玩家聊天聊天。 - -finalkills:最终杀死 - -flamethrower:火焰喷射器 - -free:免费! - -friendcommands:'&2&l-=-=&a&lFriend Commands&2&l =-=-' - -friendlysurvivalwithtechandmagicexploremanydimensionsgrowbeautifultreesandmore:友好科技和魔术的生存科技与魔术的生存!探索许多维度,种出美丽的树木等等! - -gameendedinadraw:游戏 - -gameend:游戏结束 - -gamehasstarted:游戏已经开始! - -gameisstarting:游戏正在启动 - -gamestartsin1seconds:游戏开始于&e&l $ 1&eseconds - -gamestartsin:游戏开始于 - -gamestatistics:游戏统计信息 - -gametime:游戏时间 - -gamewillendin1minutes:游戏结束于&e&l $1$ &eminutes。 - -gamewillendin1minute:游戏将以&e&l $1$ &eminute结尾。 - -gamewillstartin1seconds: '&eGame将开始在&E&L $1$ &eseconds' - -gamewillstartin1second: '&eGame将在&E&L $ 1日开始$&esecond' - -gatherresourcesprepareforfightprotectyourcrystaloflifeattackothercrystalsandwinthegame:收集资源,准备战斗,保护您的生命水晶,攻击其他晶体和赢得比赛! - -gravityhasnoeffectonblocksheresoyoucanbuildinthesky:重力对块没有影响此处的,因此您可以在天空中构建此处的,因此您可以在天空中构建! - -groupcommands:'&2&l-=-=&a&lGroup Commands&2&l =-=-' - -havefun:玩得开心! - -health: 健康 - -hereyoucanfindgameswhichcanbeplayedbothaloneandwithfriends:在这里,您可以找到玩游戏可以与朋友单独玩的既可以单独也可以和朋友玩的! - -hereyoucanfindgameswhichcanbeplayedonlywithfriends:在这里您可以找到游戏只能与朋友一起玩的只能与朋友一起玩的! - -hereyoucanfindlittleguiminigamestheseminigamesunlikeothersarentmadebyusitsjustadownloadedpluginbuttheyarestillfun:在这里您可以找到小小的游戏,这些minigame就像是制作其他游戏一样您可以找到一些GUI微型游戏,这些微型游戏与不同,不是制作通过下载插件来的,但是它们仍然很有趣我们我们的,它只是一个下载的插件,但是仍然很有趣! - -hereyoucanusevariousabilitiestoexplodethemapandotherplayers:在这里您可以使用各种功能来炸开地图和其他玩家功能来炸开地图和其他玩家! - -hitstaken:命中 - -hits:命中 - -hittolevelupyourstickandknockotherplayersintothevoid:命中以升起棍子,并将踢其他玩家进入其他玩家入虚空! - -hours:小时 - -howtoplay:'&b&l如何玩' - -ifyouwanttogetoutofthespectatormodetype/q:如果您想退出&eSpectator模式模式&c /q, - -ifyouwanttoleavethegametype/q:如果您想退出游戏类型为&e /q&6。 - -ifyouwanttospectateotherplayertype/stp: 如果您要观看其他玩家永恒特权类型类型&e /stp <玩家> - -immortalityperk: Immortality Perk - -increasesthechancetoreflectasnowballto100:将机会反射到雪球的机会反射雪球的机会增加到100增加到100% - -increasesthedamageofsnowballsto10hearts:将雪球的伤害增加到10个心。 - -increasesyourspeedby1: 增加速度$1$ - -instakillsnowballsmodifier:Instakill Snowballs Modifier - -invalidcode:无效代码。 - -ironcannon:'&7&lIron Cannon' - -itsveryhotinmustafaryougonnaneedtodrinktwiceasmuchwater:Mustafar非常热,需要喝两次水您需要喝两倍的水。 - -jumps:跳跃 - -killer:杀手 - -killsanynormalopponentevenwitharmor:杀死任何普通对手,即使有护甲。 - -killstreak:连杀 - -kills: Kills - -king:王 - -knockotherplayersofftheplatformasyouhitplayersyoudealmoreknockback:'&e&l&nbsp;其他玩家关闭平台,而玩家退出平台。当您击中玩家时,会造成更多的击退。' - -level:等级 - -listofgames:游戏清单 - -lives:Lives - -lootchestsfightotherplayersfindrandomlygeneratedlootwithinterestingabilitiesandthrowmobeggslikepokeballs:抢夺抢夺其他玩家的战利品和有趣的能力随机产生的掠夺物宝箱,与其他玩家战斗,找到具有有趣能力的随机生成的掠夺物,并扔出类似pokeballs的暴民蛋! - -lootrandomlygeneratedchestswithuniqueitemsusethemtoeliminateyourenemiesbetheonlysurvivortowin:'&e&l用唯一生成的随机生成的唯一随机物品随机生成宝箱。用它们消灭你的敌人。成为唯一获胜的幸存者。 - -losses:损失 - -makesallofyoursnowballsburn:使您的所有雪球燃烧。 - -makeyoursnowballssuperfast:使您的雪球超快。 - -maxlevelreached:最高水平达到 - -maxlevel:'MAX LEVEL:' - -melonsearned:瓜类获得 - -melonsspent:瓜类花费 - -melons:瓜类 - -melon:瓜类 - -mineoresupgradepickaxesbuyawesomeupgradesandunlocknewcaves:矿山矿石,升级镐,购买很棒的升级并解锁新洞穴! - -minutes:分钟 - -mode:模式 - -movetimeleft:向左移动时间 - -mustbeatlowerfloor:必须低下楼层在较低楼层上 - -mustnothaveanysuperjumps:必须必须没有超级跳跃不能有任何超级跳跃 - -newrating:新评分 - -newrecord:NEW RECORD! - -new:新! - -nextsuperjumpin:下一个超级跳转 - -next:在下一个 - -night:夜 - -nocompassmodifier:没有指南针修饰符 - -notenoughmelons:甜瓜不足! - -note:'注意:' - -nowblockswillstartbreakingwhenyousteponthem:当您时,nowblocks将开始破裂:现在,时,blocks将开始破裂踩到它们踩到它们! - -oldrecord:Old Record - -parkourcourse:跑酷路线 - -participateinamassivesnowballfightandusepowerupstoeaseyourexistencedelayingsnowballsallowstothrowthemfurther:'&e&l强化大规模的雪球搏击和使用,了我们的存在了雪球的,了他们参加大规模的打雪仗,并使用道具来缓解您的生存!推迟打雪仗可以使雪球更进一步。' - -partycommands:'&2&l-=-=&a&lParty Commands&2&l =-=-' - -partyinvitefrom1hasexpired:来自$1$ 的聚会邀请&ehas过期。 - -partyleader:政党领导人 - -partymember:政党 - -partyof1isnotopenforpublicjoin:&a $1$ &cis的政党不公开参与。 - -placebombsandexplodeblocksarounditinashapeusepowerupstotakeadvantageoveropponents:'&e&l将在形状周围炸弹和爆炸块,以利用炸弹和爆炸块以+形状围绕。使用强化道具来击败对手。' - -playercommands:'&2&l-=-=&a&lPlayer Commands&2&l =-=-' - -playerdied1timesinarowwithoutkills:玩家连续死亡$1$ 次,没有杀死 - -playeriswaiting:玩家正在等待 - -playernotfound:找不到玩家。 - -playersarewaiting:玩家正在等待玩家 - -playersin:玩家在玩家 - -playersleft:玩家离开的 - -playerswaiting:玩家正在等待的 - -players:玩家 - -playerwason1killstreak:玩家的 $1$ 杀 - -playvariousclasseswithdifferentabilitiesanduseyourbowskillstowininmanydifferentmodes:玩各种具有不同能力的类,并使用各种具有不同能力的类,并使用弓箭技巧在许多获胜不同模式不同模式下! - -pleaseratethismapbyclicking:'请点击以下内容对此地图进行' - -pleasespecifygroupname:'请指定群组名称:请指定群组名称!' - -pleasespecifyplayername:请指定玩家名称! - -plotname:情节名称 - -plotowner:情节拥有人 - -points:点数增能 - -powerups:增能 - -price:'价格:' - -quicklytestyourskillbyfightingotherplayerswithahugevarietyofmodifiers:快速测试快速测试通过与大量修饰符对抗其他玩家来您的技能:通过与其他修饰符对抗其他玩家来您的技能! - -radarbreaker:雷达 - -rainisabletorefillwatersources:雨能够补充水源。 - -rapidfirepoweruphasspawnedatmiddleofthemap:'&6&lRapid Fire&bpowerup已生成在地图中间在地图中间!' - -rating:等级 - -reflectionperk:反射Perkasnowballreducingdamagetakenby1 - -reflectsasnowballreducingdamagetakenby1:反映雪球,减少伤害$1$ 的。 - -reflectsnowballsmodifier:Reflect Snowballs Modifier - -regeneratesyourhealth1:再生健康$1$ - -regeneration:再生 - -removescompassfromthegame:从游戏中移除指南针。 - -resources:资源 - -respawningin:在重生中 - -serverrulescanbereadin/rulesmakesuretofollowthem::服务器规则可以在&a /rules&e中读取,请确保遵循它们! - -shootchickensandgetthemostkillstowinbewarefilthyzombiesandcreepers:'&e&l射杀鸡肉并获得杀死杀人的最大杀伤力并获得最大的杀伤力来取胜!当心:肮脏的僵尸和爬行者! - -shootchickensasfastasyoucan:尽快射击鸡! - -shoototherplayerswithsnowballsbuypowerupswithmelonsandplayinmanydifferentmodes:射击用雪球其他玩家以多种购买甜瓜和游戏用雪球其他玩家,用甜瓜购买能力道具并以许多不同的玩方式模式! - -shoottntwithyourcannonandknockopponentstothevoidorexplodethemsaveyourselffromhazardsusingsuperjumpssneak:'&e&l射击用你的大炮对手,自己用大炮TNT,将对手击倒至虚空,或将其炸开。让自己使用'超级跳跃'免受危险。 [潜行]' - -slowballs:Slowballs - -slownessionhit:Slowness I on hit - -slownessperk:Slowness Perk - -sneaktouse:潜行使用 - -snowballaccuracy:Snowball Accuracy - -snowballsfired:Snowballs fired - -snowmanperk:Snowman Perk - -snowman:Snowman - -snowman:sortsteamsteamsonskillsskillsforfairness:出于公平考虑,对团队进行计数。 - -spawnpointswitch:Spawnpoint Switch - -speed:速度将其他 - -spleeftntspleentexplodeotherplayersintothevoid:Spleef + TNT = Spleent!将其他炸玩家入虚空! - -statistics:统计 - -stonecannon:'&7Stone Cannon' - -succesfullysentpartyinviteto1:成功将聚会邀请发送至$1$ ! - -superjumps:超级跳跃 - -superjump:超级跳跃 - -survivalbasedonoldminecraftversionsbetweenalpha12andbeta173warningnostalgiaisacertainty:':基于旧的Minecraft版本在alpha 1.2和beta 1.7.3之间进行。||&警告:和beta173之间的oldminecraft&7NOSTALGIA是一种确定性。' - -survivalrules:生存规则 - -team:团队 - -thankyouforratingthismap:感谢您对此地图进行评分 - -theknockbackstick:The Knockback Stick - -therearemanyspecialrecipescheckthemoutin/recipes:'有很多特殊的食谱!在以下位置检查它们:&e /recipes&r' - -thereisacustomprogramminglanguagemadeforcreativeworldwithityoucancreatesimplefeaturesforyourplot1:有一种针对Creative World的自定义编程语言,您可以用它来创建为绘图简单的功能! $1$ - -thisgamecanbeplayedalone:'&a可以玩&e&lalone&a这个游戏。' - -thisgamecanbeplayedwith2players:此游戏可以与&e&l2&a&l +&aplayers一起玩。 - -thisgamecanbeplayedwithonly2players:此游戏只能由&e&l2&aplayers玩。 - -thisgameisstartingearlyyouwillnotearnemeraldsandyourstatsachievementswontcountifitstartswithlessthan1players:此游戏开始的时间很早,您将不会就不会赢得游戏开始得早,您将无法获得Emeralds和您的统计信息,成就有不到1名玩家如果开始时 $1$ &6玩家以下将不会计入。 - -thispowerupisreadyactive:此通电已激活! - -thisroundof1v1didnotmeettherequirementsforwinrewardsandratingchanges:此回合不符合赢奖和评级更改的要求1v1不满足获胜奖励和评级更改的要求。 - -throwablecobweb:可投掷的蜘蛛网 - -timeelapsed:经过的时间 - -timesincelastupdate:自上次更新以来的 - -totalplaytime:总计上场时间 - -troopsalive:部队存活的 - -troopskilled:部队被杀死的 - -troopslost:部队失去的 - -troops:部队 - -turnsyoursnowballsintoslowballs:将雪球变成慢球。 - -turn: Turn - -unlocked:解锁 - -use/agree1toagreewithsurvivalrules:使用/agree $1$ 同意生存规则。 - -usef5highfovtogetabetterviewofthegamefield:使用F5 +高FOV可以更好地查看游戏场游戏场! - -utilisepreparationtimegiventogatherasmuchresourcesaspossibledefendyourcrystaloflifeandfightyourwaytovictory:'&e&l利用充分的准备时间,以尽可能多的资源捍卫准备时间来收集尽可能多的资源,捍卫水晶生命和战斗的胜利生命之,为胜利而奋斗。' - -victory:VICTORY - -votes:'Votes:' - -vote:'[VOTE]' - -waitingplayers:等待玩家 - -waitingqueuestatus:等待队列状态 - -warped1partymemberstoyourourlocation:Warped&e&l $1$ &eparty member to your location! - -waterisfiniteheresoyouaregoingtoneedtobuildfarmsclosetobigsourcesofwater:水是这里的有限的,因此您打算在靠近大水源的地方建立农场这里的有限的,因此您将需要在靠近大水源的地方建造农场。 - -winspercentage: 胜率胜率 - -wins:赢得 - -woodcannon:Wood Cannon - -youalveyhavetedforamap:您已经投票投过地图! - -youarealreadyinapartyof1:您已经参加了&a $1$ &c的聚会! - -youarealreadyon1team:您已经使用$1$ &cteam! - -youareleaderofapartyuse/partydisbandtobeabletodothis:您是聚会的领导者,请使用要能够执行以下&e /party disband&c能够执行此操作。 - -youarenowamemberof1team:您现在是$1$ &eteam的成员! - -youarenowjuggernaut:您现在是Juggernaut! - -youarentinaparty:您没有参加派对! - -youarenttheleaderoftheparty:您不是党的领袖! - -youcanchatonlyonceevery15second:您每1.5秒只能聊天一次! - -youcandiefromcoldduringnightinhothifyoudonothaveleatherarmor:如果您没有皮甲,晚上可以在&bHoth&r中。 - -youcanfindfriendlysurvivalwikiin1:'您可以在$1$ 中找到Friendly Survival Wiki', - -youcanlockyourcontainersanddoorswithsignsifyouwanttoprotectlandyoucanjoinagrouporcreateone:您可以锁定容器和门并带有签名以保护土地,您可以将带有标志的集装箱和门锁定,如果要保护土地,您可以加入一个小组或创建一个可以加入一个小组或创建一个小组。 - -youcannothavemorethanonesnowmanininventoryatthesametime:您不能同时拥有一个雪人库存一个以上的&fSnowman&cin库存。 - -youcannotpartywarpintothisgame:您无法将warp拖入该游戏! - -youcanonlybuythisingame:您只能在游戏中购买! - -youcanonlyvotewhentheresenoughplayerstostartthegame:您只有在有时才能投票足够的玩家开始游戏足够的玩家可以开始游戏。 - -youcansendcarepackagestosupportaliveplayerswith/carepackage:您可以发送 - 护理包以支持活跃的玩家使用&e&l /carepackage 护理包以支持活跃的玩家, - -youcantoggledisplayoftheanimationofftoreduceyourfpslag:您可以显示 - 动画以减少您的帧数滞后关闭动画以减少FPS滞后! - -youcanusedimensionalwarptowarptomanybeautifulandinterestingdimensions:您可以使用任意尺寸的变形或美丽的有趣尺寸&5Dimensional Warp&r变形为许多美丽而有趣的尺寸。 - -youcouldnotbewarpedtoyourpartyleaderslocationbecauseyouareinagameuse/qtoleave::由于您在游戏中,因此无法翘曲至组长位置。使用&e /q&c离开。 - -youdonated1snowballto1:您捐赠了&e&l1&fSnowball&eto&a $1$ &e! - -youdonothaveenoughemeralds:您没有足够的&aEmeralds&c! - -youdonothaveenoughmelons:您没有足够的瓜! - -yougetpointsforflagcapturesyourteamneedstoreachtheneededamountofpointstowin:您需要获得您需要为团队捕获的标记积分,而需要存储的积分数量积分捕获标记的积分,您的团队需要达到所需的积分数量才能获胜。 - -?yougetpointsforkillsoneplayerischosentobejuggernautandthenalltheplayersareagainstthemifyoukillthejuggernautyouwillbecomethejuggernautyouneedtoreachtheneededamountofpointstowin:您将获得击杀点数,一个玩家被选为主宰点,然后主宰者,所有的玩家都,如果您杀死玩家都会反对他们。您需要达到所需的点数才能赢。 - -yougetpointsforkillsyouneedtoreachtheneededamountofpointstowin:您需要获得点数您需要击杀才能达到所需的双杀击杀,您需要达到所需的点数才能获胜。获得积分获得所需积分数量:您获得得分您需要为团队所需的杀伤力,而的杀伤力需要为击杀,您的团队需要达到获胜所需的积分数量。 - -yougotaenchantedsnowballfromyourkill:您杀死了一个&l魔法雪球&b! - -youhaveagreedwiththesurvivalrulesfollowthemandeverythingwillbeokay:您已经同意 - 按照生存法则了生存规则生存规则,请遵守生存规则,一切都会好起来的! - -youhavealreadyinvited1intoyourparty:您已邀请$1$ &cin参加您的聚会! - -youhavealreadyvotedforamapinthisgametodaysupporttheserverbybuyingvipifyouwanttovoteunlimitedamountoftimesperday:您今天已经通过购买为该游戏投票支持该服务器今天已经在此游戏中为地图投票,请通过购买支持该服务器,每天无限制的时间&a&lVIP&cif来每天您要投票无限制的时间。 - -youhaveyyvotedforamode:您已经投票赞成一种模式! - -youhavealreadyvotedforthismodifier:您已经投票赞成该修改器! - -youhavefastasyncworldeditfastasyncvoxelsnipergobrushandgopaintbuildingtools:您拥有FastAsyncWorldEdit,FastAsyncVoxelSniper,goBrush和goPaint构建工具! - -youhavejoinedpartyof1:您已加入&a $1$ &e的聚会! - -youhaveleftpartyof1:您已退出&a $1$ &e的聚会! - -youhavepurchased1:您已购买$1$ &6! - -youhavereachedthelimitof1powerupspermatch:您已达到&e&l $1$ &cpowerups的限制每场比赛每次比赛!您已经达到雪球极限:您已经达到雪球极限!您已经收到了技能杀手5的雪人:您已经收到&f雪人杀人魔到达&e达到了&e&l5&e的! - -youhareflectedsnowballof1:您反映了$1$ &f的滚雪球! - -youhaveremovedyourlastratingofthismap:您已删除此地图的最新评级。 - -youhavetoreadandagreewiththerulesofsurvivaltobeabletobreak/placeblocksuse/survivalrules:您必须阅读并同意使用可以生存的可突破中断/放置块的规则必须阅读并同意生存规则才能打破/放置障碍,使用&e /survivalrules - -youhaveupgraded1to2:您已将$1$ 升级到$2$ ! - -youhaveupgraded1:您已升级&a $1$ &6! - -youmustbeleaderofapartytousethis:您必须是聚会的领导方才能使用此功能! - -yourarmyisunderattack:您的军队受到攻击! - -youropponentissblinded byyourperk:您的对手对您的特权视而不见! - -youropponentisigniteded byyourperk:您的特权激发了您的对手! - -youropponentisslowedbyyourperk:您的振作使对手减速! - -yourpartyinviteto1hasexpired:您加入$1$ 的聚会邀请已过期。 - -yourpartyleaderhaswarpedyoutotheirlocation:您的党魁已将您扭曲到他们的位置位置! - -yourradarbreakereffectisover:您的Radar Breaker效果已经结束! - -yoursnowballhit1:您的雪球达到$1$ &f! - -yoursnowballhitboatof1:您的$1$ &f雪球命中船! - -yoursnowmanssnowballhit1:您的雪人的雪球命中$1$ &f! - -yourteam:您的团队 - -1kicked2fromtheparty:从聚会中踢了1美元&踢了2美元! - -youhavealreadyusedthispowerupinthislife:您已经在此使用了这种能力生活中生活中! - -swearingiscompletelyforbiddeninourserveryouwillgetanautomaticallyissuedpunishmentifyoudo:宣誓完全禁止在服务器中,您将获得自动发出的惩罚在我们的服务器中完全禁止,,您将自动受到处罚如果您这样做。 - -1hastransferredpartyleaderto2:$1$ &ehas将党的领导转移到$2$ &e! - -1isnotinyourparty:$1$ &cis不参加您的聚会! - -youcanbuythisitemonlyonceperlife:您一生只能购买一次。 - -youhavegainedextralifefromyourimmortalityperk:您已经从获得了额外的生命&aImmortality Perk&e! - -rightclicktoactivategamemodifiers:右键单击以激活游戏修改器! - -youhaveloggedin1daysinarowyouwillgethigherrewardsforeverydayloggedinarow:您已连续记录中记录了登录&e&l $1$ &天!您每天登录将获得更高的奖励连续。 - -locked:锁定 - -1hasgainedanextralifefromtheirimmortalityperk:'&a $1$ &ehas从其永生性中获得额外的生命!' +" /chat party §2- §aTo toggle party chat": "/chat party&2-&a切换聚会聊天。" + +" /donate §2- §aView ways to donate money to our server": "/donate&2-&a查看捐款的方式向我们的服务器。" + +" /group accept §2- §aAccept a group invitation": "/group接受<组>&2-&接受组邀请a组邀请。" + +" /group chunks §2- §aBrowse claimed chunks of a group": "/group块&2-&aBrowse声明了一个组的块。" + +" /group claim §2- §aClaim a chunk to a group": "/group Claim &2-&a将一个块声明为一个组。" + +" /group create §2- §aCreate a group": "/group创建<组>&2-&a创建组。" + +" /group demote §2- §aDemote a player in a group": "/group降级<玩家> <组>降级组中2-&a的玩家。" + +" /group info §2- §aView information about a group": " /group info &2-&查看信息有关组的。" + +" /group invite §2- §aInvite a player to a group": "/group邀请<玩家> <组>邀请&2-&a玩家加入组。" + +" /group kick §2- §aKick a player from a group": "/group kick &2-&a从组中踢出一名球员。" + +" /group leave §2- §aLeave a group": "/group离开&2-&a离开一个组。" + +" /group list §2- §aList the groups you are in": " /group list&2-&a列出您所在的组。" + +" /group promote §2- §aPromote a player in a group": "/group促进 促进组中&2-&a的玩家。" + +" /group unclaim §2- §aUnclaim a chunk": "/group取消&2-&a取消声明一个块。" + +" /group upgrade §2- §aUpgrade a group": "/group upgrade &2-&a升级组。" + +" /join [lobbyname] §2- §aTo join a public game by a command or private game by specifying lobby name": "/join<游戏>到加入公共游戏通过命令或私有游戏通过<游戏> [大厅名称]&2-&a通过通过命令或私人游戏加入公共游戏大厅名称指定大厅名称指定大厅名称。" + +" /list §2- §aView information about all online players": "/join<游戏>到加入公共游戏通过命令或私有游戏通过<游戏> [大厅名称]&2-&a通过通过命令或私人游戏加入公共游戏大厅名称指定大厅名称指定大厅名称。" + +" /msg §2- §aSend a private message to a player": "/msg &2-&a发送私人消息向玩家。" + +" /party accept §2- §aTo accept an party invite": "/party accept &2-&a接受聚会邀请。" + +" /party disband §2- §aTo disband your party": " /party disband&2-&a要解散您的聚会。" + +" /party invite §2- §aTo invite a player to party": " /party邀请<玩家>&2-&邀请玩家参加派对。" + +" /party join §2- §aTo join public party of a player": " /party join &2-&加入玩家的公开聚会。" + +" /party kick §2- §aTo kick a player from your party": " /party join &2-&加入玩家的公开聚会。" + +" /party leave §2- §aTo leave a party": " /party离开&2-&a离开聚会。" + +" /party list §2- §aTo view members of your party list": " /party list&2-&a查看您的成员聚会列表中的。" + +" /party open §2- §aTo open your party for public join": " /party open&2-&a要您的聚会公开加入。" + +" /party transfer §2- §aTo transfer party leader to other member": " /party open&2-&a要您的聚会公开加入。" + +" /party §2- §aView party help": " /party&2-&aView派对帮助。" + +" /party warp §2- §aTo warp your party members to your game lobby": " /party warp&2-&a将您的扭曲聚会成员到游戏大厅。" + +" /rules §2- §aRead server rules": "/rules&2-&a读取服务器规则。" + +" /spectate §2- §aEnter spectate mode": " /spectate&2-&a进入旁观模式。" + +" /staff §2- §aView staff list": "/staff&2-&aView人员列表。" + +" /stats §2- §aView player's stats": " /stats &2-&aView播放器的统计信息。" + +"1 arrow on knockout!": "淘汰赛上有1个箭头!" + +"$1$ §cdefeated §6$2$": "$1$ &cdefeated&6 $2$" + +"$1$ §edonated §e§l1 §fSnowball §eto you!": "$1$ &edonated&e&l1&fSnowball和您!" + +"$1$ §eflag has been dropped!": "$1$ &eflag已被删除!" + +"§a$1$ §egot first kill of the game!": "&a $1$ &egot the first kill of the game!" + +"$1$ §ehas captured $2$ §eflag!": "$1$ &ehas捕获了$2$&eflag!" + +"$1$ §ehas disbanded the party!": "$1$ &ehas捕获了$2$&eflag!" + +"$1$ §ehas invited you into a party!": "$1$ &ehas邀请您参加聚会!" + +"$1$ §ehas joined your party!": "$1$ &ehas加入了您的聚会!" + +"$1$ §ehas joined!": "$1$ &ehas加入!" + +"$1$ §ehas left the party!": "$1$ &ehas离开了聚会!" + +"$1$ §chas left!": "$1$ &chas走了!" + +"$1$ §ehas not invited you into a party!": "$1$ &ehas未邀请您参加聚会!" + +"$1$ §ehas picked up $2$ §eflag!": "$1$ &ehas拿起$2$ &eflag!" + +"$1$ §ehas reached the max stick level!": "$1$ &ehas达到了最高交易量水平!" + +"$1$ §ehas returned $2$ §eflag!": "$1$ &ehas返回$2$ &eflag!" + +"$1$ §ehas voted for §b§l$2$ §emap!": "$1$ &ehas投票给&b&l $2$ &emap!" + +"$1$ §ehas voted for §b§l$2$ §emode!": "$1$ &ehas投票给&b&l $2$ &emode!" + +"$1$ §ehas voted for §b§lBalanced Teams §emodifier!": "$1$ &ehas为&b&lBalanced Teams&emodifier投票!" + +"$1$ §ehas voted for §b§lDouble Jump §emodifier!": "$1$ &ehas为&b&lDouble Jump和emodifier投票!" + +"$1$ §ehas voted for §b§lFast Snowballs §emodifier!": "$1$ &ehas为&b&lFast Snowballs&emodifier投票!" + +"$1$ §ehas voted for §b§lInstakill Snowballs §emodifier!": "$1$ &ehas为&b&lInstakill Snowballs &emodifier投票!" + +"$1$ §ehas voted for §b§lNo Compass §emodifier!": "$1$ &ehas为&b&lNo Compass&emodifier投票!" + +"$1$ §ehas voted for §b§lReflect Snowballs §emodifier!": "$1$ &ehas投票赞成&b&lReflect Snowballs&emodifier!" + +"$1$ §cis already in your party!": "$1$ &cis已加入您的聚会!" + +"$1$§c is not your friend! Add $1$§c to friends with §e/f add $2$": "$1$ &c不是您的朋友!向朋友添加$1$ &c,通过&e /f添加$2$" + +"$1$ §7of players needs to vote to enable": "$1$ &c不是您的朋友!向朋友添加$1$ &c,通过&e /f添加$2$" + +"$1$ §cteam is full!": "$1$ &cteam已满!" + +"[ACCEPT]": "[ACCEPT]" + +"A chance to spawn creeper where your snowball lands": "在地方生成爬行者的机会雪球降落的雪球降落的。" + +"Activated Modifiers": "激活的修饰符" + +"Allows to double jump by pressing the sneak button in mid-air": "通过按下可进行双跳在空中踩踏按钮在空中潜行按钮。" + +"Animation is currently §c§lDISABLED§e": "动画当前为&c&lDISABLED&e。" + +"Animation is currently §a§lENABLED§e": "当前动画是&a&lENABLED&e。" + +"Are you seriously going into a party with yourself? Invite someone!": "您是否认真地参加与自己一起聚会自己的聚会?邀请某人!" + +"Are you sure you want to leave? Type §e/q §6to confirm": "确定要离开吗?输入&e /q &6进行确认。" + +"Armor": "装甲" + +"Arrow Accuracy": "箭的准确性" + +"Arrow Bonus Perk": "箭的额外" + +"Arrows Fired": "箭被发射的" + +"Arrows left": "箭留给" + +"A snowman which shoots enemies!": "一个雪人射击敌人!" + +"Average Rating:": "平均评分: " + +"Balanced Teams Modifier": "平衡的团队修饰符" + +"§7§lBecause of too much game changing modifiers activated this match will not affect your rating": "&7&l,因为太多的改变游戏的修饰符激活了此比赛不会影响您的由于激活了太多的改变游戏的修饰符,因此该比赛不会影响您的评价评分。" + +"§e§lBe the commander of a giant army and defeat all the enemy kings with your army to win!": "&e&l成为的指挥官,并击败您的一支庞大的军队指挥官,并与您的军队一起击败所敌人的国王,以取胜!" + +"Beware of gravity! Always build supports to your mines and buildings with at least 8 blocks of distance between supports": "提防重力,重力!始终在矿山和建筑物至少要有8之间建立支撑,支撑之间的距离个距离。" + +"Blindness Perk": "Blindness Perk" + +"Blocks snowballs": + " §e§l50% §7chance to break on first hit, §e§l100% §7on second hit": "阻止雪球。 &e&l50%&7机会在第一击中打破,&e&l100%&7在第二击中。" + +"blocks": "块" + +"Bombs fired": "炸弹被发射发射" + +"Bombs placed": "炸弹被放置" + +"Bonus snowballs on knockout": "淘汰赛上的额外雪球" + +"Burning Stick Perk": "燃烧棒Perk" + +"Burns §e§l$1$ §7of target's snowballs": "烧伤目标的雪球。" + +"Burns target on hit": "命中时燃烧目标。" + +"Can't find a player by the name of '$1$'": "找不到名称为'$1$ '的玩家。" + +"Can't shoot far because snowballs melt in the air": "由于雪球在融化,无法射击远空中空中因此。" + +"chance of creeper spawn": "爬虫的机会" + +"chance of double experience": "双重经验的" + +"chance of double melons": "双瓜的机会。" + +"chance of §bEnchanted Snowball §7gain after kill": "被击杀后获得&b迷住雪球的机率&7杀的。" + +"chance of reflection": "反射的机会。" + +"Chance to blind opponent on hit": "有一定几率在命中盲目的对手" + +"Chance to burn opponent on hit": "有一定几率在命中烧对手" + +"Chance to not lose a life": "概率不会失去生命" + +"chance to slow(Slowness $1$) opponent on hit": "机会慢(慢度$1$ )对手击中" + +"Chance to slow(Slowness II) opponent on hit": "击中机会放缓(步履维艰II)的对手" + +"Checkers in Minecraft! Like the popular board game": "《我的世界》中的跳棋!就像流行的棋盘游戏一样。" + +"Checkers": "跳棋" + +"Checkpoint": "检查点" + +"Chests looted": "胸部被抢劫clickheretojoin1" + +"classes": "class" + +"Click here to join $1$!": "单击此处加入$1$ !" + +"Click to accept the party invite!": "单击以接受聚会邀请!" + +"Click to buy!": "单击购买!" + +"[CLICK TO JOIN]": " [点击加入]" + +"CLICK TO OPEN MENU": " [点击加入]" + +"CLICK TO PLAY": "单击播放" + +"Click to rate this map": "单击以对此地图进行评分" + +"Click to undo this rating!": "单击以撤消该评分!" + +"Click to vote for $1$ §amode!": "单击以投票给$1$ &amode!" + +"Click to vote for this map!": "单击以对此地图进行投票!" + +"Click to vote for this mode!": "单击以对此模式进行投票!" + +"Click to vote for this modifier!": "单击以投票给该修饰符!" + +"Complete parkour races, earn prizes and compete in leaderboards!": "完成跑酷竞赛,赢得在排行榜上的表现和竞争奖金并参加排行榜!" + +"Cooldown": "冷却" + +"Cracked players can join our server! They can apply at $1$ §rto join": "破解的玩家可以加入我们的服务器,服务器!他们可以申请$1$ &rto加入。" + +? "Creative world with a lot of useful features! WorldEdit, VoxelSniper, goBrush, goPaint, a huge collection of player heads and even a custom programming language to create your own custom maps!" +: "破解的玩家可以加入我们的服务器,服务器!他们可以申请$1$ &rto加入。" + +"Creeper Chance Perk": "爬行者机会" + +"Crystal": "水晶" + +"Current": "当前" + +"Damage Dealt": "输出伤害" + +"Damage Taken": "造成的受到的伤害所受伤害的" + +"Day": "日" + +"Deaths": "死亡" + +"DEFEAT": "击败" + +"Defend your castle, attack other castles, command your army and become the best commander!": "捍卫你的城堡攻击其他城堡命令你的军队,成为最好的指挥官你的城堡,攻击其他城堡,指挥你的军队并成为最好的指挥官!" + +"Destroying other player creations or ruining them in any way is not allowed!": "破坏其他玩家的创作或破坏最小值不允许玩家的创作或以任何方式破坏他们!" + +"Destroying the good look of terrain by making holes, 1x1 towers and any other way which makes it look bad is not allowed": "破坏通过制造1x1洞和其他任何其外观的方式地形的美观通过制造孔,1x1塔架和任何其他方式地形的美观不允许不允许使其看起来不好的。" + +"Did you know?": "你知道吗?" + +"§e§lDifferent elemental classes compete with each other in bow-fighting abilities": + " Use fasciniting abilities of your class to defeat other players and win!": "你知道吗?" + +"Dissappears after §e§l10s §7of landing": "降落&e10&7之后消失。" + +"Double Emeralds": "双祖母绿" + +"Double Jump Modifier": "双跳修改" + +"Double Melons Perk": "双瓜类帕金斯" + +"Emeralds total earned": "翡翠共赚" + +"Emeralds": "翡翠" + +"Emerald": "翡翠" + +"§bEnchanted §b§lDiamond Cannon": "&bEnchanted &b&lDiamond炮" + +"Enchanted Snowball Perk": "魔法雪球帕金斯" + +"§bEnchanted §7Stone Cannon": "&bEnchanted &7Stone炮" + +"Enchanted §aWood Cannon": "魔&aWood炮" + +"ENEMY TEAM": "敌方队" + +"Every player gets 3 lives, eliminate enemy team to win": "每个玩家获得3条生命,消灭敌人团队都能赢得敌人的敌方团队获胜。" + +"Every player gets 3 lives, eliminate other players to win": "每个玩家获得3条生命,消除赢得其他玩家双赢其他玩家获胜。" + +"Experience Bonus Perk": "体验Bonus Perk" + +"Explode your way to other players and explode them!": "向其他玩家并爆炸爆炸爆炸爆炸!" + +"Exploring the void may reveal mysterious secrets!": "探索虚空可能揭示神秘的秘密秘密!" + +"Explosion Radius": "爆炸半径" + +"Falling Blocks Animation": "下降块动画" + +"Fast Snowballs Modifier": "Fast Snowballs修改器" + +"Feel free to invite other players by using the chat": "使用随时邀请其他玩家聊天聊天。" + +"Final Kills": "最终杀死" + +"Flamethrower": "火焰喷射器" + +"Free!": "免费!" + +" §2§l--=-= §a§lFriend Commands §2§l=-=--": "&2&l-=-=&a&lFriend Commands&2&l =-=-" + +"Friendly survival with tech and magic! Explore many dimensions, grow beautiful trees and more!": "友好科技和魔术的生存科技与魔术的生存!探索许多维度,种出美丽的树木等等!" + +"GAME ENDED IN A DRAW": "游戏" + +"GAME END": "游戏结束" + +"Game has started!": "游戏已经开始!" + +"Game is starting": "游戏正在启动" + +"Game starts in §e§l$1$ §eseconds": "游戏开始于&e&l $ 1&eseconds" + +"Game starts in": "游戏开始于" + +"Game Statistics": "游戏统计信息" + +"Game time": "游戏时间" + +"Game will end in §e§l$1$ §eminutes": "游戏结束于&e&l $1$ &eminutes。" + +"Game will end in §e§l$1$ §eminute": "游戏将以&e&l $1$ &eminute结尾。" + +"§eGame will start in §e§l$1$ §eseconds": "&eGame将开始在&e&l $1$ &eseconds" + +"§eGame will start in §e§l$1$ §esecond": "&eGame将在&e&l $ 1日开始$&esecond" + +"Gather resources, prepare for fight, protect your Crystal of Life, attack other crystals and win the game!": "收集资源,准备战斗,保护您的生命水晶,攻击其他晶体和赢得比赛!" + +"Gravity has no effect on blocks here, so you can build in the sky!": "重力对块没有影响此处的,因此您可以在天空中构建此处的,因此您可以在天空中构建!" + +" §2§l --=-= §a§lGroup Commands §2§l=-=--": "&2&l-=-=&a&lGroup Commands&2&l =-=-" + +"Have fun!": "玩得开心!" + +"Health": "健康" + +"Here you can find games which can be played both alone and with friends!": "在这里,您可以找到玩游戏可以与朋友单独玩的既可以单独也可以和朋友玩的!" + +"Here you can find games which can be played only with friends!": "在这里您可以找到游戏只能与朋友一起玩的只能与朋友一起玩的!" + +? "Here you can find little GUI minigames, these minigames unlike others, aren't made by us, it's just a downloaded plugin, but they are still fun!" +: "在这里您可以找到小小的游戏,这些minigame就像是制作其他游戏一样您可以找到一些GUI微型游戏,这些微型游戏与不同,不是制作通过下载插件来的,但是它们仍然很有趣我们我们的,它只是一个下载的插件,但是仍然很有趣!" + +"Here you can use various abilities to explode the map and other players!": "在这里您可以使用各种功能来炸开地图和其他玩家功能来炸开地图和其他玩家!" + +"Hits Taken": "命中" + +"Hits": "命中" + +"Hit to level up your stick and knock other players in to the void!": "命中以升起棍子,并将踢其他玩家进入其他玩家入虚空!" + +"hours": "小时" + +"§b§lHow To Play": "&b&l如何玩" + +"If you want to get out of the §eSpectator Mode §ctype §e/q": "如果您想退出&eSpectator模式模式&c /q," + +"If you want to leave the game type §e/q§6": "如果您想退出游戏类型为&e /q&6。" + +"If you want to spectate other player type §e/stp ": "如果您要观看其他玩家永恒特权类型类型&e /stp <玩家>" + +"Immortality Perk": "Immortality Perk" + +"Increases the chance to reflect a snowball to 100%": "将机会反射到雪球的机会反射雪球的机会增加到100增加到100%" + +"Increases the damage of snowballs to 10 hearts": "将雪球的伤害增加到10个心。" + +"Increases your speed by $1$": "增加速度$1$" + +"Instakill Snowballs Modifier": "Instakill Snowballs Modifier" + +"Invalid code": "无效代码。" + +"§7§lIron Cannon": "&7&lIron Cannon" + +"It's very hot in Mustafar, you gonna need to drink twice as much water": "Mustafar非常热,需要喝两次水您需要喝两倍的水。" + +"Jumps": "跳跃" + +"Killer": "杀手" + +"Kills any normal opponent, even with armor": "杀死任何普通对手,即使有护甲。" + +"Killstreak": "连杀" + +"Kills": "Kills" + +"King": "王" + +"§e§lKnock other players off the platform": + " As you hit players, you deal more knockback": "&e&l 其他玩家关闭平台,而玩家退出平台。当您击中玩家时,会造成更多的击退。" + +"Level": "等级" + +"List of Games": "游戏清单" + +"Lives": "Lives" + +? "Loot chests, fight other players, find randomly generated loot with interesting abilities and throw mob eggs like pokeballs!" +: "抢夺抢夺其他玩家的战利品和有趣的能力随机产生的掠夺物宝箱,与其他玩家战斗,找到具有有趣能力的随机生成的掠夺物,并扔出类似pokeballs的暴民蛋!" + +"§e§lLoot randomly generated chests with unique items": + " Use them to eliminate your enemies": + " Be the only survivor to win": "&e&l用唯一生成的随机生成的唯一随机物品随机生成宝箱。用它们消灭你的敌人。成为唯一获胜的幸存者。" + +"Losses": "损失" + +"Makes all of your snowballs burn": "使您的所有雪球燃烧。" + +"Makes your snowballs super fast": "使您的所有雪球燃烧。" + +"Max level reached": "最高水平达到" + +"MAX LEVEL:": "MAX LEVEL: " + +"Melons earned": "瓜类获得" + +"Melons spent": "瓜类花费" + +"Melons": "瓜类" + +"Melon": "瓜类" + +"Mine ores, upgrade pickaxes, buy awesome upgrades and unlock new caves!": "矿山矿石,升级镐,购买很棒的升级并解锁新洞穴!" + +"minutes": "分钟" + +"Mode": "模式" + +"Move time left": "向左移动时间" + +"Must be at lower floor": "必须低下楼层在较低楼层上" + +"Must not have any Super Jumps": "必须必须没有超级跳跃不能有任何超级跳跃" + +"New Rating": "新评分" + +"NEW RECORD!": "NEW RECORD!" + +"NEW!": "新!" + +"Next Super Jump In": "下一个超级跳转" + +"Next": "在下一个" + +"Night": "夜" + +"No Compass Modifier": "没有指南针修饰符" + +"Not enough melons!": "甜瓜不足!" + +"Note:": "注意: " + +"Now blocks will start breaking when you step on them!": "当您时,nowblocks将开始破裂现在,时,blocks将开始破裂踩到它们踩到它们!" + +"Old Record": "Old Record" + +"Parkour Course": "跑酷路线" + +? "§e§lParticipate in a massive snowball fight and use powerups to ease your existence! Delaying snowballs allows to throw them further" +: "&e&l强化大规模的雪球搏击和使用,了我们的存在了雪球的,了他们参加大规模的打雪仗,并使用道具来缓解您的生存!推迟打雪仗可以使雪球更进一步。" + +" §2§l --=-= §a§lParty Commands §2§l=-=--": "&2&l-=-=&a&lParty Commands&2&l =-=-" + +"Party invite from $1$ §ehas expired": "来自$1$ 的聚会邀请&ehas过期。" + +"Party Leader": "政党领导人" + +"Party Members": "政党领导人" + +"Party of §a$1$ §cis not open for public join": "$1$ &cis的政党不公开参与。" + +"§e§lPlace bombs and explode blocks around it in a + shape": + " Use powerups to take advantage over opponents": "&e&l将在形状周围炸弹和爆炸块,以利用炸弹和爆炸块以+形状围绕。使用强化道具来击败对手。" + +" §2§l --=-= §a§lPlayer Commands §2§l=-=--": "&2&l-=-=&a&lPlayer Commands&2&l =-=-" + +"Player died $1$ times in a row without kills": "玩家连续死亡$1$ 次,没有杀死" + +"Player is waiting": "玩家正在等待" + +"Player not found": "找不到玩家。" + +"Players are waiting": "玩家正在等待玩家" + +"Players in": "玩家在玩家" + +"Players left": "玩家离开的" + +"Players Waiting": "玩家正在等待的" + +"Players": "玩家" + +"Player was on $1$ killstreak": "玩家的 $1$ 杀" + +"Play various classes with different abilities and use your bow skills to win in many different modes!": "玩各种具有不同能力的类,并使用各种具有不同能力的类,并使用弓箭技巧在许多获胜不同模式不同模式下!" + +"Please rate this map by clicking:": "请点击以下内容对此地图进行" + +"Please specify group name!": "请指定群组名称: 请指定群组名称!" + +"Please specify player name!": "请指定玩家名称!" + +"Plot Name": "情节名称" + +"Plot Owner": "情节拥有人" + +"Points": "点数增能" + +"Powerups": "增能" + +"Price:": "价格: " + +"Quickly test your skill by fighting other players with a huge variety of modifiers!": "快速测试快速测试通过与大量修饰符对抗其他玩家来您的技能通过与其他修饰符对抗其他玩家来您的技能!" + +"Radar Breaker": "雷达" + +"Rain is able to refill water sources": "雨能够补充水源。" + +"§6§lRapid Fire §bpowerup has spawned at middle of the map!": "&6&lRapid Fire&bpowerup已生成在地图中间在地图中间!" + +"Rating": "等级" + +"Reflection Perk": "反射Perkasnowballreducingdamagetakenby1" + +"Reflects a snowball, reducing damage taken by $1$": "反映雪球,减少伤害$1$ 的。" + +"Reflect Snowballs Modifier": "Reflect Snowballs Modifier" + +"Regenerates your health $1$": "再生健康$1$" + +"Regeneration": "再生" + +"Removes compass from the game": "从游戏中移除指南针。" + +"Resources": "资源" + +"Respawning in": "在重生中" + +"Server rules can be read in §a/rules§e, make sure to follow them!": "服务器规则可以在&a /rules&e中读取,请确保遵循它们!" + +"§e§lShoot chickens and get the most kills to win! Beware: filthy zombies and creepers!": "&e&l射杀鸡肉并获得杀死杀人的最大杀伤力并获得最大的杀伤力来取胜!当心肮脏的僵尸和爬行者!" + +"Shoot chickens as fast as you can!": "尽快射击鸡!" + +"Shoot other players with snowballs, buy powerups with melons and play in many different modes!": "射击用雪球其他玩家以多种购买甜瓜和游戏用雪球其他玩家,用甜瓜购买能力道具并以许多不同的玩方式模式!" + +"§e§lShoot TNT with your cannon and knock opponents to the void, or explode them": + " Save yourself from hazards using Super Jumps": + " [Sneak]": "&e&l射击用你的大炮对手,自己用大炮TNT,将对手击倒至虚空,或将其炸开。让自己使用超级跳跃免受危险。 [潜行]" + +"Slowballs": "Slowballs" + +"Slowness I on hit": "Slowness I on hit" + +"Slowness Perk": "Slowness Perk" + +"Sneak to use": "潜行使用" + +"Snowball Accuracy": "Snowball Accuracy" + +"Snowballs fired": "Snowballs fired" + +"Snowman Perk": "Snowman Perk" + +"Snowman": "sortsteamsteamsonskillsskillsforfairness出于公平考虑,对团队进行计数。" + +"Sorts teams based on kills count for fairness": "sortsteamsteamsonskillsskillsforfairness出于公平考虑,对团队进行计数。" + +"Spawnpoint Switch": "Spawnpoint Switch" + +"Speed": "速度将其他" + +"Spleef + TNT = Spleent! Explode other players into the void!": "Spleef + TNT = Spleent!将其他炸玩家入虚空!" + +"Statistics": "统计" + +"§7Stone Cannon": "&7Stone Cannon" + +"Succesfully sent party invite to $1$!": "成功将聚会邀请发送至$1$ !" + +"Super Jumps": "超级跳跃" + +"Super Jump": "超级跳跃" + +"Survival based on old Minecraft versions between alpha 1": + "2 and beta 1": + "7": + "3": + "||§cWARNING: §7NOSTALGIA IS A CERTAINTY": ": 基于旧的Minecraft版本在alpha 1.2和beta 1.7.3之间进行。||&警告: 和beta173之间的oldminecraft&7NOSTALGIA是一种确定性。" + +"Survival Rules": "生存规则" + +"Team": "团队" + +"Thank you for rating this map": "感谢您对此地图进行评分" + +"The Knockback Stick": "The Knockback Stick" + +"There are many special recipes! Check them out in: §e/recipes§r": "有很多特殊的食谱!在以下位置检查它们: &e /recipes&r" + +"There is a custom programming language made for Creative World, with it you can create simple features for your plot! $1$": "有一种针对Creative World的自定义编程语言,您可以用它来创建为绘图简单的功能! $1$" + +"§aThis game can be played §e§lalone§a": "&a可以玩&e&lalone&a这个游戏。" + +"This game can be played with §e§l2§a§l+ §aplayers": "此游戏可以与&e&l2&a&l +&aplayers一起玩。" + +"This game can be played with only §e§l2 §aplayers": "此游戏只能由&e&l2&aplayers玩。" + +? "This game is starting early, You will not earn Emeralds and your stats, achievements won't count if it starts with less than §e§l$1$ §6players" +: "此游戏开始的时间很早,您将不会就不会赢得游戏开始得早,您将无法获得Emeralds和您的统计信息,成就有不到1名玩家如果开始时 $1$ &6玩家以下将不会计入。" + +"This power-up is already active!": "此游戏开始的时间很早,您将不会就不会赢得游戏开始得早,您将无法获得Emeralds和您的统计信息,成就有不到1名玩家如果开始时 $1$ &6玩家以下将不会计入。" + +"This round of 1v1 did not meet the requirements for win rewards and rating changes": "此回合不符合赢奖和评级更改的要求1v1不满足获胜奖励和评级更改的要求。" + +"Throwable Cobweb": "可投掷的蜘蛛网" + +"Time elapsed": "经过的时间" + +"Time since last update": "自上次更新以来的" + +"Total play time": "总计上场时间" + +"Troops alive": "部队存活的" + +"Troops killed": "部队被杀死的" + +"Troops lost": "部队失去的" + +"Troops": "部队" + +"Turns your snowballs into slowballs": "将雪球变成慢球。" + +"Turn": "Turn" + +"UNLOCKED": "解锁" + +"Use /agree $1$ to agree with survival rules": "使用/agree $1$ 同意生存规则。" + +"Use F5 + high FOV to get a better view of the game field!": "使用F5 +高FOV可以更好地查看游戏场游戏场!" + +? "§e§lUtilise preparation time given to gather as much resources as possible, defend your Crystal of Life and fight your way to victory" +: "&e&l利用充分的准备时间,以尽可能多的资源捍卫准备时间来收集尽可能多的资源,捍卫水晶生命和战斗的胜利生命之,为胜利而奋斗。" + +"VICTORY": "VICTORY" + +"Votes:": "Votes: " + +"[VOTE]": "[VOTE]" + +"Waiting Players": "等待玩家" + +"Waiting Queue Status": "等待队列状态" + +"Warped §e§l$1$ §eparty members to your location!": "等待队列状态" + +"Water is finite here, so you are going to need to build farms close to big sources of water": "水是这里的有限的,因此您打算在靠近大水源的地方建立农场这里的有限的,因此您将需要在靠近大水源的地方建造农场。" + +"Wins Percentage": "胜率胜率" + +"Wins": "赢得" + +"Wood Cannon": "Wood Cannon" + +"You already have voted for a map!": "Wood Cannon" + +"You are already in a party of §a$1$§c!": "您已经参加了&a $1$ &c的聚会!" + +"You are already on $1$ §cteam!": "您已经使用$1$ &cteam!" + +"You are leader of a party, use §e/party disband §cto be able to do this": "您是聚会的领导者,请使用要能够执行以下&e /party disband&c能够执行此操作。" + +"You are now a member of $1$ §eteam!": "您现在是$1$ &eteam的成员!" + +"You are now Juggernaut!": "您现在是Juggernaut!" + +"You aren't in a party!": "您没有参加派对!" + +"You aren't the leader of the party!": "您不是党的领袖!" + +"You can chat only once every 1": + "5 second!": "您每1.5秒只能聊天一次!" + +"You can die from cold during night in §bHoth§r if you do not have leather armor": "如果您没有皮甲,晚上可以在&bHoth&r中。" + +"You can find Friendly Survival wiki in: $1$": "您可以在$1$ 中找到Friendly Survival Wiki" + +"You can lock your containers and doors with signs, if you want to protect land you can join a group or create one": "您可以锁定容器和门并带有签名以保护土地,您可以将带有标志的集装箱和门锁定,如果要保护土地,您可以加入一个小组或创建一个可以加入一个小组或创建一个小组。" + +"You cannot have more than one §fSnowman §cin inventory at the same time": "您不能同时拥有一个雪人库存一个以上的&fSnowman&cin库存。" + +"You cannot party warp into this game!": "您无法将warp拖入该游戏!" + +"You can only buy this in-game!": "您只能在游戏中购买!" + +"You can only vote when there's enough players to start the game": "您只有在有时才能投票足够的玩家开始游戏足够的玩家可以开始游戏。" + +"You can send care packages to support alive players with §e§l/carepackage ": "您可以发送护理包以支持活跃的玩家使用&e&l /carepackage 护理包以支持活跃的玩家," + +"You can toggle display of the animation off to reduce your FPS lag!": "您可以显示动画以减少您的帧数滞后关闭动画以减少FPS滞后!" + +"You can use §5Dimensional Warp§r to warp to many beautiful and interesting dimensions": "您可以使用任意尺寸的变形或美丽的有趣尺寸&5Dimensional Warp&r变形为许多美丽而有趣的尺寸。" + +"You could not be warped to your party leader's location, because you are in a game": + " Use §e/q §cto leave": "由于您在游戏中,因此无法翘曲至组长位置。使用&e /q&c离开。" + +"You donated §e§l1 §fSnowball §eto §a$1$§e!": "您捐赠了&e&l1&fSnowball&eto&a $1$ &e!" + +"You do not have enough §aEmeralds§c!": "您没有足够的&aEmeralds&c!" + +"You do not have enough melons!": "您没有足够的瓜!" + +"You get points for flag captures, your team needs to reach the needed amount of points to win": "您需要获得您需要为团队捕获的标记积分,而需要存储的积分数量积分捕获标记的积分,您的团队需要达到所需的积分数量才能获胜。" + +? "You get points for kills, one player is chosen to be juggernaut and then all the players are against them, if you kill the juggernaut - you will become the juggernaut" +: " You need to reach the needed amount of points to win": "您需要获得您需要为团队捕获的标记积分,而需要存储的积分数量积分捕获标记的积分,您的团队需要达到所需的积分数量才能获胜。" + +"You get points for kills, you need to reach the needed amount of points to win": "您需要获得点数您需要击杀才能达到所需的双杀击杀,您需要达到所需的点数才能获胜。获得积分获得所需积分数量 您获得得分您需要为团队所需的杀伤力,而的杀伤力需要为击杀,您的团队需要达到获胜所需的积分数量。" + +"You get points for kills, your team needs to reach the needed amount of points to win": "您需要获得点数您需要击杀才能达到所需的双杀击杀,您需要达到所需的点数才能获胜。获得积分获得所需积分数量 您获得得分您需要为团队所需的杀伤力,而的杀伤力需要为击杀,您的团队需要达到获胜所需的积分数量。" + +"You got a §lEnchanted Snowball §bfrom your kill!": "您杀死了一个&l魔法雪球&b!" + +"You have agreed with the survival rules, follow them and everything will be okay!": "您已经同意按照生存法则了生存规则生存规则,请遵守生存规则,一切都会好起来的!" + +"You have already invited $1$ §cinto your party!": "您已邀请$1$ &cin参加您的聚会!" + +? "You have already voted for a map in this game today, support the server by buying §a§lVIP §cif you want to vote unlimited amount of times per day" +: "您今天已经通过购买为该游戏投票支持该服务器今天已经在此游戏中为地图投票,请通过购买支持该服务器,每天无限制的时间&a&lVIP&cif来每天您要投票无限制的时间。" + +"You have already voted for a mode!": "您今天已经通过购买为该游戏投票支持该服务器今天已经在此游戏中为地图投票,请通过购买支持该服务器,每天无限制的时间&a&lVIP&cif来每天您要投票无限制的时间。" + +"You have already voted for this modifier!": "您已经投票赞成该修改器!" + +"You have FastAsyncWorldEdit, FastAsyncVoxelSniper, goBrush and goPaint building tools!": "您拥有FastAsyncWorldEdit,FastAsyncVoxelSniper,goBrush和goPaint构建工具!" + +"You have joined party of §a$1$§e!": "您已加入&a $1$ &e的聚会!" + +"You have left party of §a$1$§e!": "您已退出&a $1$ &e的聚会!" + +"You have purchased $1$§6!": "您已购买$1$ &6!" + +"You have reached the limit of §e§l$1$ §cpowerups per match!": "您已达到&e&l $1$ &cpowerups的限制每场比赛每次比赛!您已经达到雪球极限您已经达到雪球极限!您已经收到了技能杀手5的雪人您已经收到&f雪人杀人魔到达&e达到了&e&l5&e的!" + +"You have reached the limit of snowballs!": "您已达到&e&l $1$ &cpowerups的限制每场比赛每次比赛!您已经达到雪球极限您已经达到雪球极限!您已经收到了技能杀手5的雪人您已经收到&f雪人杀人魔到达&e达到了&e&l5&e的!" + +"You have received §fSnowman §efor reaching killstreak of §e§l5§e!": "您已达到&e&l $1$ &cpowerups的限制每场比赛每次比赛!您已经达到雪球极限您已经达到雪球极限!您已经收到了技能杀手5的雪人您已经收到&f雪人杀人魔到达&e达到了&e&l5&e的!" + +"You have reflected snowball of $1$§f!": "您已达到&e&l $1$ &cpowerups的限制每场比赛每次比赛!您已经达到雪球极限您已经达到雪球极限!您已经收到了技能杀手5的雪人您已经收到&f雪人杀人魔到达&e达到了&e&l5&e的!" + +"You have removed your last rating of this map": "您已删除此地图的最新评级。" + +"You have to read and agree with the rules of survival to be able to break/place blocks, use §e/survivalrules": "您必须阅读并同意使用可以生存的可突破中断/放置块的规则必须阅读并同意生存规则才能打破/放置障碍,使用&e /survivalrules" + +"You have upgraded $1$ to $2$!": "您已将$1$ 升级到$2$ !" + +"You have upgraded §a$1$§6!": "您已升级&a $1$ &6!" + +"You must be leader of a party to use this!": "您必须是聚会的领导方才能使用此功能!" + +"Your army is under attack!": "您的军队受到攻击!" + +"Your opponent is blinded by your perk!": "您的军队受到攻击!" + +"Your opponent is ignited by your perk!": "您的军队受到攻击!" + +"Your opponent is slowed by your perk!": "您的振作使对手减速!" + +"Your party invite to $1$ §ehas expired": "您加入$1$ 的聚会邀请已过期。" + +"Your party leader has warped you to their location!": "您的党魁已将您扭曲到他们的位置位置!" + +"Your Radar Breaker effect is over!": "您的Radar Breaker效果已经结束!" + +"Your snowball hit $1$§f!": "您的雪球达到$1$ &f!" + +"Your snowball hit boat of $1$§f!": "您的$1$ &f雪球命中船!" + +"Your snowman's snowball hit $1$§f!": "您的雪人的雪球命中$1$ &f!" + +"YOUR TEAM": "您的团队" + +"$1$ §ekicked $2$ §efrom the party!": "从聚会中踢了1美元&踢了2美元!" + +"You have already used this power-up in this life!": "您已经在此使用了这种能力生活中生活中!" + +"Swearing is completely forbidden in our server, you will get an automatically issued punishment if you do": "宣誓完全禁止在服务器中,您将获得自动发出的惩罚在我们的服务器中完全禁止,,您将自动受到处罚如果您这样做。" + +"$1$ §ehas transferred party leader to $2$§e!": "$1$ &ehas将党的领导转移到$2$ &e!" + +"$1$ §cis not in your party!": "$1$ &cis不参加您的聚会!" + +"You can buy this item only once per life": "您一生只能购买一次。" + +"You have gained extra life from your §aImmortality Perk§e!": "您已经从获得了额外的生命&aImmortality Perk&e!" + +"Right click to activate game modifiers!": "右键单击以激活游戏修改器!" + +"You have logged in §e§l$1$ §adays in a row! You will get higher rewards for every day logged in a row": "您已连续记录中记录了登录&e&l $1$ &天!您每天登录将获得更高的奖励连续。" + +"LOCKED": "锁定" + +"§a$1$ §ehas gained an extra life from their §aImmortality Perk§e!": "&a $1$ &ehas从其永生性中获得额外的生命!" + +"Your party is now open for public join! Other players can do §a/p join $1$ §eto join it!": "&a $1$ &ehas从其永生性中获得额外的生命!" + +"§bEnchanted §7§lIron Cannon": "&a $1$ &ehas从其永生性中获得额外的生命!" + +? "Castle Wars, 1v1, Govindas Survival Games, Mini Sky Walls, Spleent, Knockout, Snowball, Checkers, Bomberman, Elemental Archers" +: "&a $1$ &ehas从其永生性中获得额外的生命!" + +? "Creative world with a lot of useful features! WorldEdit, VoxelSniper, goBrush, goPaint, a huge collection of player heads and even furniture to improve your builds!" +: "&a $1$ &ehas从其永生性中获得额外的生命!" diff --git a/LanguageDA.yml b/LanguageDA.yml index efeecbd..5f211a4 100644 --- a/LanguageDA.yml +++ b/LanguageDA.yml @@ -1,811 +1,837 @@ -"/chatpartytotogglepartychat": " /chat party &2- &aFor at slå party-chat til." +" /chat party §2- §aTo toggle party chat": " /chat party &2- &aFor at slå party-chat til." -"/donateviewwaystodonatemoneytoourserver": " /donate &2- &aView ways to donate money to our server." +" /donate §2- §aView ways to donate money to our server": " /donate &2- &aView ways to donate money to our server." -"/groupacceptacceptagroupinvitation": " /group accept &2- &aAccepter en gruppe-invitation." +" /group accept §2- §aAccept a group invitation": " /group accept &2- &aAccepter en gruppe-invitation." -"/groupchunksbrowseclaimedchunksofagroup": " /group chunks &2- &aGennemse gruppens dele." +" /group chunks §2- §aBrowse claimed chunks of a group": " /group chunks &2- &aGennemse gruppens dele." -"/groupclaimclaimachunktoagroup": " /group claim &2- &aKræv en del til en gruppe." +" /group claim §2- §aClaim a chunk to a group": " /group claim &2- &aKræv en del til en gruppe." -"/groupcreatecreateagroup": " /group create &2- &aLav en gruppe." +" /group create §2- §aCreate a group": " /group create &2- &aLav en gruppe." -"/groupdemotedemoteaplayerinagroup": " /group demote &2- &aDegrader en spiller i gruppen." +" /group demote §2- §aDemote a player in a group": " /group demote &2- &aDegrader en spiller i gruppen." -"/groupinfoviewinformationaboutagroup": " /group info &2- &aSe information om en gruppe." +" /group info §2- §aView information about a group": " /group info &2- &aSe information om en gruppe." -"/groupinviteinviteaplayertoagroup": " /group invite &2- &aInviter en spiller til gruppen." +" /group invite §2- §aInvite a player to a group": " /group invite &2- &aInviter en spiller til gruppen." -"/groupkickkickaplayerfromagroup": " /group kick &2- &aSmid en spiller ud af gruppen." +" /group kick §2- §aKick a player from a group": " /group kick &2- &aSmid en spiller ud af gruppen." -"/groupleaveleaveagroup": " /group leave &2- &aForlad en gruppe." +" /group leave §2- §aLeave a group": " /group leave &2- &aForlad en gruppe." -"/grouplistlistthegroupsyouarein": " /group list &2- &aEn liste med grupperne du er i." +" /group list §2- §aList the groups you are in": " /group list &2- &aEn liste med grupperne du er i." -"/grouppromotepromoteaplayerinagroup": " /group promote &2- &aForfrem en spiller i gruppen." +" /group promote §2- §aPromote a player in a group": " /group promote &2- &aForfrem en spiller i gruppen." -"/groupunclaimunclaimachunk": " /group unclaim &2- &aAfkræv et stykke." +" /group unclaim §2- §aUnclaim a chunk": " /group unclaim &2- &aAfkræv et stykke." -"/groupupgradeupgradeagroup": " /group upgrade &2- &aOpgrader en gruppe." +" /group upgrade §2- §aUpgrade a group": " /group upgrade &2- &aOpgrader en gruppe." -"/joinlobbynametojoinapublicgamebyacommandorprivategamebyspecifyinglobbyname": " /join [lobbynavn] &2- &aFor at joine et offentligt spil med en kommando, eller privat spil ved at oplyse lobby-navnet." +" /join [lobbyname] §2- §aTo join a public game by a command or private game by specifying lobby name": " /join [lobbynavn] &2- &aFor at joine et offentligt spil med en kommando, eller privat spil ved at oplyse lobby-navnet." -"/listviewinformationaboutallonlineplayers": " /list &2- &aSe information om alle online Spillere." +" /list §2- §aView information about all online players": " /list &2- &aSe information om alle online Spillere." -"/msgsendaprivatemessagetoaplayer": " /msg &2- &aSend en privat besked til en spiller." +" /msg §2- §aSend a private message to a player": " /msg &2- &aSend en privat besked til en spiller." -"/partyaccepttoacceptanpartyinvite": " /party accept &2- &aFor at acceptere en party-invitation." +" /party accept §2- §aTo accept an party invite": " /party accept &2- &aFor at acceptere en party-invitation." -"/partydisbandtodisbandyourparty": " /party disband &2- &aFor at opløse partyet." +" /party disband §2- §aTo disband your party": " /party disband &2- &aFor at opløse partyet." -"/partyinvitetoinviteaplayertoparty": " /party invite &2- &aFor at invitere en spiller til partyet." +" /party invite §2- §aTo invite a player to party": " /party invite &2- &aFor at invitere en spiller til partyet." -"/partyjointojoinpublicpartyofaplayer": " /party join &2- &aFor at tilslutte sig et offentligt party." +" /party join §2- §aTo join public party of a player": " /party join &2- &aFor at tilslutte sig et offentligt party." -"/partykicktokickaplayerfromyourparty": " /party kick &2- &aFor at smide en spiller ud af dit party." +" /party kick §2- §aTo kick a player from your party": " /party kick &2- &aFor at smide en spiller ud af dit party." -"/partyleavetoleaveaparty": " /party leave &2- &aFor at forlade partyet." +" /party leave §2- §aTo leave a party": " /party leave &2- &aFor at forlade partyet." -"/partylisttoviewmembersofyourpartylist": " /party list &2- &aFor at se alle der er med i dit party." +" /party list §2- §aTo view members of your party list": " /party list &2- &aFor at se alle der er med i dit party." -"/partyopentoopenyourpartyforpublicjoin": " /party open &2- &aFor at tillade alle at tilslutte sig partyet." +" /party open §2- §aTo open your party for public join": " /party open &2- &aFor at tillade alle at tilslutte sig partyet." -"/partytransfertotransferpartyleadertoothermember": " /party transfer &2- &aFor at gøre en anden spiller til partyets leder." +" /party transfer §2- §aTo transfer party leader to other member": " /party transfer &2- &aFor at gøre en anden spiller til partyets leder." -"/partyviewpartyhelp": " /party &2- &aSe party hjælp." +" /party §2- §aView party help": " /party &2- &aSe party hjælp." -"/partywarptowarpyourpartymemberstoyourgamelobby": " /party warp &2- &aFor at teleportere alle partyets medlemmer til lobbyen." +" /party warp §2- §aTo warp your party members to your game lobby": " /party warp &2- &aFor at teleportere alle partyets medlemmer til lobbyen." -"/rulesreadserverrules": " /rules &2- &aLæs serverens regler." +" /rules §2- §aRead server rules": " /rules &2- &aLæs serverens regler." -"/spectateenterspectatemode": " /spectate &2- &aBliv tilskuer." +" /spectate §2- §aEnter spectate mode": " /spectate &2- &aBliv tilskuer." -"/staffviewstafflist": " /staff &2- &aSe staff listen." +" /staff §2- §aView staff list": " /staff &2- &aSe staff listen." -"/statsviewplayersstats": " /stats &2- &aSe en spillers status." +" /stats §2- §aView player's stats": " /stats &2- &aSe en spillers status." -"1arrowonknockout": "1 Pil når du knockouter!" +"1 arrow on knockout!": "1 Pil når du knockouter!" -"1defeated2": "$1$ &cdefeated &6$2$" +"$1$ §cdefeated §6$2$": "$1$ &cdefeated &6$2$" -"1flaghasbeendropped": "$1$ &eflag has been dropped!" +"$1$ §edonated §e§l1 §fSnowball §eto you!": "$1$ &cdefeated &6$2$" -"1gotfirstkillofthegame": "&a$1$ &eFik første drab i spillet!" +"$1$ §eflag has been dropped!": "$1$ &eflag has been dropped!" -"1hascaptured2flag": "$1$ &ehas captured $2$ &eflag!" +"§a$1$ §egot first kill of the game!": "&a$1$ &eFik første drab i spillet!" -"1hasdisbandedtheparty": "$1$ &ehar opløst partyet!" +"$1$ §ehas captured $2$ §eflag!": "$1$ &ehas captured $2$ &eflag!" -"1hasinvitedyouintoaparty": "$1$ &ehar inviteret dig til et party!" +"$1$ §ehas disbanded the party!": "$1$ &ehar opløst partyet!" -"1hasjoinedyourparty": "$1$ &ehar tilsluttet sig dit party!" +"$1$ §ehas invited you into a party!": "$1$ &ehar inviteret dig til et party!" -"1hasjoined": "$1$ &ehar tilsluttet sig!" +"$1$ §ehas joined your party!": "$1$ &ehar tilsluttet sig dit party!" -"1haslefttheparty": "$1$ &eher forladt partyet!" +"$1$ §ehas joined!": "$1$ &ehar tilsluttet sig!" -"1hasleft": "$1$ &cer gået!" +"$1$ §ehas left the party!": "$1$ &eher forladt partyet!" -"1hasnotinvitedyouintoaparty": "$1$ &ehar ikke inviteret dig til et party!" +"$1$ §chas left!": "$1$ &cer gået!" -"1haspickedup2flag": "$1$ &ehas picked up $2$ &eflag!" +"$1$ §ehas not invited you into a party!": "$1$ &ehar ikke inviteret dig til et party!" -"1hasreachedthemaxsticklevel": "$1$ &ehar opnået det højeste pinde niveau!" +"$1$ §ehas picked up $2$ §eflag!": "$1$ &ehas picked up $2$ &eflag!" -"1hasreturned2flag": "$1$ &ehas returned $2$ &eflag!" +"$1$ §ehas reached the max stick level!": "$1$ &ehar opnået det højeste pinde niveau!" -"1hasvotedfor2map": "$1$ &eher stemt på &b&l$2$ &ebanen!" +"$1$ §ehas returned $2$ §eflag!": "$1$ &ehas returned $2$ &eflag!" -"1hasvotedfor2mode": "$1$ &ehas voted for &b&l$2$ &emode!" +"$1$ §ehas voted for §b§l$2$ §emap!": "$1$ &eher stemt på &b&l$2$ &ebanen!" -"1hasvotedforbalancedteamsmodifier": "$1$ &ehar stemt på &b&lBalanceret Hold &emodifier!" +"$1$ §ehas voted for §b§l$2$ §emode!": "$1$ &ehas voted for &b&l$2$ &emode!" -"1hasvotedfordoublejumpmodifier": "$1$ &ehar stemt på &b&lDobbelthop &emodifierer!" +"$1$ §ehas voted for §b§lBalanced Teams §emodifier!": "$1$ &ehar stemt på &b&lBalanceret Hold &emodifier!" -"1hasvotedforfastsnowballsmodifier": "$1$ &ehar stemt på &b&lHurtige Snebolde &emodifier!" +"$1$ §ehas voted for §b§lDouble Jump §emodifier!": "$1$ &ehar stemt på &b&lDobbelthop &emodifierer!" -"1hasvotedforinstakillsnowballsmodifier": "$1$ &ehar stemt på &b&Øjeblikkeligt Dræbende Snebolde &emodifier!" +"$1$ §ehas voted for §b§lFast Snowballs §emodifier!": "$1$ &ehar stemt på &b&lHurtige Snebolde &emodifier!" -"1hasvotedfornocompassmodifier": "$1$ &ehar stemt på &b&lIntet Kompas &emodifier!" +"$1$ §ehas voted for §b§lInstakill Snowballs §emodifier!": "$1$ &ehar stemt på &b&Øjeblikkeligt Dræbende Snebolde &emodifier!" -"1hasvotedforreflectsnowballsmodifier": "$1$ &ehar stemt på &b&lReflektere snebolde &emodifier!" +"$1$ §ehas voted for §b§lNo Compass §emodifier!": "$1$ &ehar stemt på &b&lIntet Kompas &emodifier!" -"1isalreadyinyourparty": "$1$ &cis already in your party!" +"$1$ §ehas voted for §b§lReflect Snowballs §emodifier!": "$1$ &ehar stemt på &b&lReflektere snebolde &emodifier!" -"1isnotyourfriendadd1tofriendswith/fadd2": "$1$&c is not your friend! Add $1$&c to friends with &e/f add $2$" +"$1$ §cis already in your party!": "$1$ &cis already in your party!" -"1ofplayersneedstovotetoenable": "$1$ &7af spillere skal stemme for at slå dette til" +"$1$§c is not your friend! Add $1$§c to friends with §e/f add $2$": "$1$&c is not your friend! Add $1$&c to friends with &e/f add $2$" -"1teamisfull": "$1$ &chold er fuldt!" +"$1$ §7of players needs to vote to enable": "$1$ &7af spillere skal stemme for at slå dette til" -"accept": "[ACCEPTER]" +"$1$ §cteam is full!": "$1$ &chold er fuldt!" -"achancetospawncreeperwhereyoursnowballlands": "En chance for at spawne en creeper, hvor din snebold lander." +"[ACCEPT]": "[ACCEPTER]" -"activatedmodifiers": "Aktiverede Modifiers" +"A chance to spawn creeper where your snowball lands": "En chance for at spawne en creeper, hvor din snebold lander." -"allowstodoublejumpbypressingthesneakbuttoninmidair": "Allows to double jump by pressing the sneak button in mid-air." +"Activated Modifiers": "Aktiverede Modifiers" -"animationiscurrentlydisabled": "Animation er lige nu &c&lSLÅET FRA&e." +"Allows to double jump by pressing the sneak button in mid-air": "Allows to double jump by pressing the sneak button in mid-air." -"animationiscurrentlyenabled": "Animation er lige nu &a&lSLÅET TIL&e." +"Animation is currently §c§lDISABLED§e": "Animation er lige nu &c&lSLÅET FRA&e." -"areyouseriouslygoingintoapartywithyourselfinvitesomeone": "Prøver du seriøst at tilslutte dig dit eget party? Inviter dog nogen!" +"Animation is currently §a§lENABLED§e": "Animation er lige nu &a&lSLÅET TIL&e." -"areyousureyouwanttoleavetype/qtoconfirm": "Er du sikker på at du vil gå? Skriv &e/q &6hvis du er sikker." +"Are you seriously going into a party with yourself? Invite someone!": "Prøver du seriøst at tilslutte dig dit eget party? Inviter dog nogen!" -"armor": "Rustning" +"Are you sure you want to leave? Type §e/q §6to confirm": "Er du sikker på at du vil gå? Skriv &e/q &6hvis du er sikker." -"arrowaccuracy": "Pile Præcision" +"Armor": "Rustning" -"arrowbonusperk": "Pil Bonus Perk" +"Arrow Accuracy": "Pile Præcision" -"arrowsfired": "Affyrede Pile" +"Arrow Bonus Perk": "Pil Bonus Perk" -"arrowsleft": "Venstre pile" +"Arrows Fired": "Affyrede Pile" -"asnowmanwhichshootsenemies": "En snemand som skyder fjender!" +"Arrows left": "Venstre pile" -"averagerating": "Gennemsnitlig vurdering:" +"A snowman which shoots enemies!": "En snemand som skyder fjender!" -"balancedteamsmodifier": "Balancerede Hold Modifier" +"Average Rating:": "Gennemsnitlig vurdering:" -"becauseoftoomuchgamechangingmodifiersactivatedthismatchwillnotaffectyourrating": "&7&lFordi der er for mange aktiverede modifiers, vil dette spil ikke påvirke din status." +"Balanced Teams Modifier": "Balancerede Hold Modifier" -"bethecommanderofagiantarmyanddefeatalltheenemykingswithyourarmytowin": "&e&lLed en kæmpe hær og overvind alle de fjendtlige konger med din hær for at vinde!" +"§7§lBecause of too much game changing modifiers activated this match will not affect your rating": "&7&lFordi der er for mange aktiverede modifiers, vil dette spil ikke påvirke din status." -"bewareofgravityalwaysbuildsupportstoyourminesandbuildingswithatleast8blocksofdistancebetweensupports": "Beware of gravity! Always build supports to your mines and buildings with at least 8 blocks of distance between supports." +"§e§lBe the commander of a giant army and defeat all the enemy kings with your army to win!": "&e&lLed en kæmpe hær og overvind alle de fjendtlige konger med din hær for at vinde!" -"blindnessperk": "Blindheds Perk" +"Beware of gravity! Always build supports to your mines and buildings with at least 8 blocks of distance between supports": "Beware of gravity! Always build supports to your mines and buildings with at least 8 blocks of distance between supports." -"blockssnowballs50chancetobreakonfirsthit100onsecondhit": "Blokkerer snebolde. &e&l50% &7chance for at god i stykker på første slag, &e&l100% &på andet slag." +"Blindness Perk": "Blindheds Perk" + +"Blocks snowballs": + " §e§l50% §7chance to break on first hit, §e§l100% §7on second hit": "Blokkerer snebolde. &e&l50% &7chance for at god i stykker på første slag, &e&l100% &på andet slag." "blocks": "blokke" -"bombsfired": "Affyrede bomber" +"Bombs fired": "Affyrede bomber" -"bombsplaced": "Bomber placeret" +"Bombs placed": "Bomber placeret" -"bonussnowballsonknockout": "Bonus snebolde når du knockouter" +"Bonus snowballs on knockout": "Bonus snebolde når du knockouter" -"burningstickperk": "Brændende pind Perk" +"Burning Stick Perk": "Brændende pind Perk" -"burns1oftargetssnowballs": "Brænder &e&l$1$ &7af målets snebolde." +"Burns §e§l$1$ §7of target's snowballs": "Brænder &e&l$1$ &7af målets snebolde." -"burnstargetonhit": "Brænder målet når du rammer." +"Burns target on hit": "Brænder målet når du rammer." -"cantfindaplayerbythenameof1": "Kan ikke finde en spiller med navnet '$1$'." +"Can't find a player by the name of '$1$'": "Kan ikke finde en spiller med navnet '$1$'." -"cantshootfarbecausesnowballsmeltintheair": "Kan ikke skyde langt fordi sneboldene smelter i luften." +"Can't shoot far because snowballs melt in the air": "Kan ikke skyde langt fordi sneboldene smelter i luften." -"chanceofcreeperspawn": "Chance of creeper spawn" +"chance of creeper spawn": "Chance of creeper spawn" -"chanceofdoubleexperience": "chance for dobbelt erfaring" +"chance of double experience": "chance for dobbelt erfaring" -"chanceofdoublemelons": "chance for dobbelt meloner." +"chance of double melons": "chance for dobbelt meloner." -"chanceofenchantedsnowballgainafterkill": "chance for at få en &bEnchanted Snowball &7efter drab." +"chance of §bEnchanted Snowball §7gain after kill": "chance for at få en &bEnchanted Snowball &7efter drab." -"chanceofreflection": "chance for at reflektere." +"chance of reflection": "chance for at reflektere." -"chancetoblindopponentonhit": "Chance for at blinde modstander når du rammer" +"Chance to blind opponent on hit": "Chance for at blinde modstander når du rammer" -"chancetoburnopponentonhit": "Chance for at brænde modstander når du rammer" +"Chance to burn opponent on hit": "Chance for at brænde modstander når du rammer" -"chancetonotlosealife": "Chance for ikke at miste et liv" +"Chance to not lose a life": "Chance for ikke at miste et liv" -"chancetoslowslowness1opponentonhit": "chance for at gøre din modstander langsom(Slowness $1$) når du rammer ham." +"chance to slow(Slowness $1$) opponent on hit": "chance for at gøre din modstander langsom(Slowness $1$) når du rammer ham." -"chancetoslowslownessiiopponentonhit": "Chance for at gøre din modstander langsom, når du rammer(Slowness II)" +"Chance to slow(Slowness II) opponent on hit": "Chance for at gøre din modstander langsom, når du rammer(Slowness II)" -"checkersinminecraftlikethepopularboardgame": "Dam i Minecraft! ligesom det populære brætspil." +"Checkers in Minecraft! Like the popular board game": "Dam i Minecraft! ligesom det populære brætspil." -"checkers": "Brikker" +"Checkers": "Brikker" -"checkpoint": "Checkpoint" +"Checkpoint": "Checkpoint" -"chestslooted": "Lootede kister" +"Chests looted": "Lootede kister" "classes": "Klasser" -"clickheretojoin1": "Klik her for at tilslutte $1$!" +"Click here to join $1$!": "Klik her for at tilslutte $1$!" -"clicktoacceptthepartyinvite": "Klik for at acceptere party invitationen!" +"Click to accept the party invite!": "Klik for at acceptere party invitationen!" -"clicktobuy": "Klik for at købe!" +"Click to buy!": "Klik for at købe!" -"clicktojoin": "[KLIK FOR AT TILSLUTTE]" +"[CLICK TO JOIN]": "[KLIK FOR AT TILSLUTTE]" -"clicktoopenmenu": "KLIK FOR AT ÅBNE MENUEN" +"CLICK TO OPEN MENU": "KLIK FOR AT ÅBNE MENUEN" -"clicktoplay": "KLIK FOR AT SPILLE" +"CLICK TO PLAY": "KLIK FOR AT SPILLE" -"clicktoratethismap": "Click to rate this map" +"Click to rate this map": "Click to rate this map" -"clicktoundothisrating": "Klik for at fortryde din stemme!" +"Click to undo this rating!": "Klik for at fortryde din stemme!" -"clicktovotefor1mode": "Klik for at stemme på $1$ &amode!" +"Click to vote for $1$ §amode!": "Klik for at stemme på $1$ &amode!" -"clicktovoteforthismap": "Klik for at stemme på denne bane!" +"Click to vote for this map!": "Klik for at stemme på denne bane!" -"clicktovoteforthismode": "Klik for at stemme på dette mode!" +"Click to vote for this mode!": "Klik for at stemme på dette mode!" -"clicktovoteforthismodifier": "Klik for at stemme på denne modifier!" +"Click to vote for this modifier!": "Klik for at stemme på denne modifier!" -"completeparkourracesearnprizesandcompeteinleaderboards": "Færdiggør parkour løb, vind priser og konkurer i leaderboardet!" +"Complete parkour races, earn prizes and compete in leaderboards!": "Færdiggør parkour løb, vind priser og konkurer i leaderboardet!" -"cooldown": "Nedkølning" +"Cooldown": "Nedkølning" -"crackedplayerscanjoinourservertheycanapplyat1tojoin": "Cracked players can join our server! They can apply at $1$ &rto join." +"Cracked players can join our server! They can apply at $1$ §rto join": "Cracked players can join our server! They can apply at $1$ &rto join." -? "creativeworldwithalotofusefulfeaturesworldeditvoxelsnipergobrushgopaintahugecollectionofplayerheadsandevenacustomprogramminglanguagetocreateyourowncustommaps" +? "Creative world with a lot of useful features! WorldEdit, VoxelSniper, goBrush, goPaint, a huge collection of player heads and even a custom programming language to create your own custom maps!" : "Kreativ verden med en masse brugbare funktioner! WorldEdit, VoxelSniper, goBrush, goPaint, en stor kollektion af spillerhoveder og endda et brugerdefineret programmeringssprog, til at lave dine egne baner!" -"creeperchanceperk": "Creeper Chance Perk" +"Creeper Chance Perk": "Creeper Chance Perk" -"crystal": "Krystaller" +"Crystal": "Krystaller" -"current": "Nuværende" +"Current": "Nuværende" -"damagedealt": "Skade Givet" +"Damage Dealt": "Skade Givet" -"damagetaken": "Skade Taget" +"Damage Taken": "Skade Taget" -"day": "Dag" +"Day": "Dag" -"deaths": "Døde" +"Deaths": "Døde" -"defeat": "DU TABTE" +"DEFEAT": "DU TABTE" -"defendyourcastleattackothercastlescommandyourarmyandbecomethebestcommander": "Beskyt dit slot, angrib andre slotte, led din hær og bliv den bedste kommandør!" +"Defend your castle, attack other castles, command your army and become the best commander!": "Beskyt dit slot, angrib andre slotte, led din hær og bliv den bedste kommandør!" -"destroyingotherplayercreationsorruiningtheminanywayisnotallowed": "Det er på ingen måde tilladt at ødelægge andre folks ting!" +"Destroying other player creations or ruining them in any way is not allowed!": "Det er på ingen måde tilladt at ødelægge andre folks ting!" -"destroyingthegoodlookofterrainbymakingholes1x1towersandanyotherwaywhichmakesitlookbadisnotallowed": "Det er ikke tilladt at ødelægge terrænet, bygge 1x1 tårne eller gøre noget som helst andet, som får det til at se grimt ud." +"Destroying the good look of terrain by making holes, 1x1 towers and any other way which makes it look bad is not allowed": "Det er ikke tilladt at ødelægge terrænet, bygge 1x1 tårne eller gøre noget som helst andet, som får det til at se grimt ud." -"didyouknow": "Did you know?" +"Did you know?": "Did you know?" -? "differentelementalclassescompetewitheachotherinbowfightingabilitiesusefascinitingabilitiesofyourclasstodefeatotherplayersandwin" -: "&e&lForskellige elementalklasser kæmper med hinanden i bueskydnings evner. Brug din klasses fascinerende evner til at besejre andre spillere og vinde!" +"§e§lDifferent elemental classes compete with each other in bow-fighting abilities": + " Use fasciniting abilities of your class to defeat other players and win!": "&e&lForskellige elementalklasser kæmper med hinanden i bueskydnings evner. Brug din klasses fascinerende evner til at besejre andre spillere og vinde!" -"dissappearsafter10soflanding": "Forsvinder &e&l10s &7efter at den lander." +"Dissappears after §e§l10s §7of landing": "Forsvinder &e&l10s &7efter at den lander." -"doubleemeralds": "Dobbelt Smaragd" +"Double Emeralds": "Dobbelt Smaragd" -"doublejumpmodifier": "Dobbelthop Modifier" +"Double Jump Modifier": "Dobbelthop Modifier" -"doublemelonsperk": "Dobbelt Meloner Perk" +"Double Melons Perk": "Dobbelt Meloner Perk" -"emeraldstotalearned": "Alle tjente smaragder" +"Emeralds total earned": "Alle tjente smaragder" -"emeralds": "Smaragder" +"Emeralds": "Smaragder" -"emerald": "Smaragd" +"Emerald": "Smaragd" -"enchanteddiamondcannon": "&bFortryllet &b&lDiamant-Kanon" +"§bEnchanted §b§lDiamond Cannon": "&bFortryllet &b&lDiamant-Kanon" -"enchantedsnowballperk": "Fortryllet Snebold Perk" +"Enchanted Snowball Perk": "Fortryllet Snebold Perk" -"enchantedstonecannon": "&bFortryllet &7Sten-Kanon" +"§bEnchanted §7Stone Cannon": "&bFortryllet &7Sten-Kanon" -"enchantedwoodcannon": "Fortryllet &aTræ-Kanon" +"Enchanted §aWood Cannon": "Fortryllet &aTræ-Kanon" -"enemyteam": "MODSTANDERENS HOLD" +"ENEMY TEAM": "MODSTANDERENS HOLD" -"everyplayergets3liveseliminateenemyteamtowin": "Alle spillere har 3 liv. Udslet modstander-holdene, for at vinde!" +"Every player gets 3 lives, eliminate enemy team to win": "Alle spillere har 3 liv. Udslet modstander-holdene, for at vinde!" -"everyplayergets3liveseliminateotherplayerstowin": "Alle spillere har 3 liv. Udslet modstanderne, for at vinde!" +"Every player gets 3 lives, eliminate other players to win": "Alle spillere har 3 liv. Udslet modstanderne, for at vinde!" -"experiencebonusperk": "Erfarings Bonus Perk" +"Experience Bonus Perk": "Erfarings Bonus Perk" -"explodeyourwaytootherplayersandexplodethem": "Spræng din vej til andre spillere, og spræng dem!" +"Explode your way to other players and explode them!": "Spræng din vej til andre spillere, og spræng dem!" -"exploringthevoidmayrevealmysterioussecrets": "Exploring the void may reveal mysterious secrets!" +"Exploring the void may reveal mysterious secrets!": "Exploring the void may reveal mysterious secrets!" -"explosionradius": "Eksplosions-Radius" +"Explosion Radius": "Eksplosions-Radius" -"fallingblocksanimation": "Faldende Blokke Animation" +"Falling Blocks Animation": "Faldende Blokke Animation" -"fastsnowballsmodifier": "Hurtige Snebolde Modifier" +"Fast Snowballs Modifier": "Hurtige Snebolde Modifier" -"feelfreetoinviteotherplayersbyusingthechat": "Du må gerne invitere andre spillere, ved hjælp af chatten." +"Feel free to invite other players by using the chat": "Du må gerne invitere andre spillere, ved hjælp af chatten." -"finalkills": "Afsluttende Drab" +"Final Kills": "Afsluttende Drab" -"flamethrower": "Flammekaster" +"Flamethrower": "Flammekaster" -"friendcommands": " &2&l--=-= &a&lVenne-Kommandoer &2&l=-=--" +"Free!": "Flammekaster" -"friendlysurvivalwithtechandmagicexploremanydimensionsgrowbeautifultreesandmore": "Venlig overlevelse med teknologi og magi! Udforsk mange dimensioner, gro smukke træer og mere!" +" §2§l--=-= §a§lFriend Commands §2§l=-=--": " &2&l--=-= &a&lVenne-Kommandoer &2&l=-=--" -"gameendedinadraw": "SPILLET BLEV UAFGJORDT" +"Friendly survival with tech and magic! Explore many dimensions, grow beautiful trees and more!": "Venlig overlevelse med teknologi og magi! Udforsk mange dimensioner, gro smukke træer og mere!" -"gameend": "SPILLETS SLUTNING" +"GAME ENDED IN A DRAW": "SPILLET BLEV UAFGJORDT" -"gamehasstarted": "Spillet er startet!" +"GAME END": "SPILLETS SLUTNING" -"gameisstarting": "Spillet starter" +"Game has started!": "Spillet er startet!" -"gamestartsin1seconds": "Spillet starter om &e&l$1$ &esekunder" +"Game is starting": "Spillet starter" -"gamestartsin": "Spillet starter om" +"Game starts in §e§l$1$ §eseconds": "Spillet starter om &e&l$1$ &esekunder" -"gamestatistics": "Spil Statistikker" +"Game starts in": "Spillet starter om" -"gametime": "Spil-tid" +"Game Statistics": "Spil Statistikker" -"gamewillendin1minutes": "Spillet slutter om &e&l$1$ &eminutter." +"Game time": "Spil-tid" -"gamewillendin1minute": "Game will end in &e&l$1$ &eminute." +"Game will end in §e§l$1$ §eminutes": "Spillet slutter om &e&l$1$ &eminutter." -"gamewillstartin1seconds": "&eSpillet starter om &e&l$1$ &esekunder" +"Game will end in §e§l$1$ §eminute": "Game will end in &e&l$1$ &eminute." -"gamewillstartin1second": "&eSpillet starter om &e&l$1$ &esekunder" +"§eGame will start in §e§l$1$ §eseconds": "&eSpillet starter om &e&l$1$ &esekunder" -"gatherresourcesprepareforfightprotectyourcrystaloflifeattackothercrystalsandwinthegame": "Få ressourcer, gør dig klar til kamp, beskyt din Livskrystal, angrib andre krystaller og vind spillet!" +"§eGame will start in §e§l$1$ §esecond": "&eSpillet starter om &e&l$1$ &esekunder" -"gravityhasnoeffectonblocksheresoyoucanbuildinthesky": "Gravity has no effect on blocks here, so you can build in the sky!" +"Gather resources, prepare for fight, protect your Crystal of Life, attack other crystals and win the game!": "Få ressourcer, gør dig klar til kamp, beskyt din Livskrystal, angrib andre krystaller og vind spillet!" -"groupcommands": " &2&l --=-= &a&lGruppe-Kommandoer &2&l=-=--" +"Gravity has no effect on blocks here, so you can build in the sky!": "Gravity has no effect on blocks here, so you can build in the sky!" -"havefun": "Hav det sjovt!" +" §2§l --=-= §a§lGroup Commands §2§l=-=--": " &2&l --=-= &a&lGruppe-Kommandoer &2&l=-=--" -"health": "Helbred" +"Have fun!": "Hav det sjovt!" -"hereyoucanfindgameswhichcanbeplayedbothaloneandwithfriends": "Her kan du finde spil som du både kan spille alene og sammen med dine venner!" +"Health": "Helbred" -"hereyoucanfindgameswhichcanbeplayedonlywithfriends": "Her kan du finde spil der kun kan spilles med venner!" +"Here you can find games which can be played both alone and with friends!": "Her kan du finde spil som du både kan spille alene og sammen med dine venner!" -"hereyoucanfindlittleguiminigamestheseminigamesunlikeothersarentmadebyusitsjustadownloadedpluginbuttheyarestillfun": "Her kan du finde små GUI minigames, disse minigames i modsætnig til andre, er ikke lavet af os. Det er bare et downloadet plugin, men de er stadig sjove!" +"Here you can find games which can be played only with friends!": "Her kan du finde spil der kun kan spilles med venner!" -"hereyoucanusevariousabilitiestoexplodethemapandotherplayers": "Her kan du bruge forskellige evner til at sprænge banen og andre spillere!" +? "Here you can find little GUI minigames, these minigames unlike others, aren't made by us, it's just a downloaded plugin, but they are still fun!" +: "Her kan du finde små GUI minigames, disse minigames i modsætnig til andre, er ikke lavet af os. Det er bare et downloadet plugin, men de er stadig sjove!" -"hitstaken": "Slag Taget" +"Here you can use various abilities to explode the map and other players!": "Her kan du bruge forskellige evner til at sprænge banen og andre spillere!" -"hits": "Slag" +"Hits Taken": "Slag Taget" -"hittolevelupyourstickandknockotherplayersintothevoid": "Ram for at få din pind til at gå et niveau op, og skub andre spillere i the void!" +"Hits": "Slag" + +"Hit to level up your stick and knock other players in to the void!": "Ram for at få din pind til at gå et niveau op, og skub andre spillere i the void!" "hours": "timer" -"howtoplay": "&b&lHvordan Spiller Man?" +"§b§lHow To Play": "&b&lHvordan Spiller Man?" -"ifyouwanttogetoutofthespectatormodetype/q": "Hvis du vil ud af &eTilskuer-Mode &cskriv &e/q" +"If you want to get out of the §eSpectator Mode §ctype §e/q": "Hvis du vil ud af &eTilskuer-Mode &cskriv &e/q" -"ifyouwanttoleavethegametype/q": "Hvis du vil forlade spillet, skriv &e/q&6." +"If you want to leave the game type §e/q§6": "Hvis du vil forlade spillet, skriv &e/q&6." -"ifyouwanttospectateotherplayertype/stp": "Hvis du vil kigge på andre spillere spille, skriv &e/stp " +"If you want to spectate other player type §e/stp ": "Hvis du vil kigge på andre spillere spille, skriv &e/stp " -"immortalityperk": "Udødeligheds Perk" +"Immortality Perk": "Udødeligheds Perk" -"increasesthechancetoreflectasnowballto100": "Forøger chancen for at reflektere en snebold til 100%" +"Increases the chance to reflect a snowball to 100%": "Forøger chancen for at reflektere en snebold til 100%" -"increasesthedamageofsnowballsto10hearts": "Forøg skaden for snebolde med 10 hjerter." +"Increases the damage of snowballs to 10 hearts": "Forøg skaden for snebolde med 10 hjerter." -"increasesyourspeedby1": "Gør dig $1$ gange hurtigere" +"Increases your speed by $1$": "Gør dig $1$ gange hurtigere" -"instakillsnowballsmodifier": "Øjeblikkeligt dræbende Snebolde Modifier" +"Instakill Snowballs Modifier": "Øjeblikkeligt dræbende Snebolde Modifier" -"invalidcode": "Invalid kode." +"Invalid code": "Invalid kode." -"ironcannon": "&7&lJern-Kanon" +"§7§lIron Cannon": "&7&lJern-Kanon" -"itsveryhotinmustafaryougonnaneedtodrinktwiceasmuchwater": "It's very hot in Mustafar, you gonna need to drink twice as much water." +"It's very hot in Mustafar, you gonna need to drink twice as much water": "It's very hot in Mustafar, you gonna need to drink twice as much water." -"jumps": "Hop" +"Jumps": "Hop" -"killer": "Morder" +"Killer": "Morder" -"killsanynormalopponentevenwitharmor": "Dræber alle normale modstandere, selv hvis de har rustning på." +"Kills any normal opponent, even with armor": "Dræber alle normale modstandere, selv hvis de har rustning på." -"killstreak": "Drabsserie" +"Killstreak": "Drabsserie" -"kills": "Drab" +"Kills": "Drab" -"king": "King" +"King": "King" -"knockotherplayersofftheplatformasyouhitplayersyoudealmoreknockback": "&e&lSkub andre spillere ud over platformen. Hver gang du rammer en spiller, skubber du den lidt længere tilbage." +"§e§lKnock other players off the platform": + " As you hit players, you deal more knockback": "&e&lSkub andre spillere ud over platformen. Hver gang du rammer en spiller, skubber du den lidt længere tilbage." -"level": "Niveau" +"Level": "Niveau" -"listofgames": "Liste med spil" +"List of Games": "Liste med spil" -"lives": "Liv" +"Lives": "Liv" -"lootchestsfightotherplayersfindrandomlygeneratedlootwithinterestingabilitiesandthrowmobeggslikepokeballs": "Loot kister, kæmp mod andre spillere, find tilfældigt genereret loot med interessante evnerog kast med mob-æg som pokeballs!" +? "Loot chests, fight other players, find randomly generated loot with interesting abilities and throw mob eggs like pokeballs!" +: "Loot kister, kæmp mod andre spillere, find tilfældigt genereret loot med interessante evnerog kast med mob-æg som pokeballs!" -"lootrandomlygeneratedchestswithuniqueitemsusethemtoeliminateyourenemiesbetheonlysurvivortowin": "&e&lLoot randomly generated chests with unique items. Use them to eliminate your enemies. Be the only survivor to win." +"§e§lLoot randomly generated chests with unique items": + " Use them to eliminate your enemies": + " Be the only survivor to win": "&e&lLoot randomly generated chests with unique items. Use them to eliminate your enemies. Be the only survivor to win." -"losses": "Tab" +"Losses": "Tab" -"makesallofyoursnowballsburn": "Får alle dine snebolde til at brænde." +"Makes all of your snowballs burn": "Får alle dine snebolde til at brænde." -"makesyoursnowballssuperfast": "Gør dine snebolde super hurtige." +"Makes your snowballs super fast": "Gør dine snebolde super hurtige." -"maxlevelreached": "Nået højeste niveau" +"Max level reached": "Nået højeste niveau" -"maxlevel": "HØJESTE NIVEAU:" +"MAX LEVEL:": "HØJESTE NIVEAU:" -"melonsearned": "Optjente meloner" +"Melons earned": "Optjente meloner" -"melonsspent": "Brugte meloner" +"Melons spent": "Brugte meloner" -"melons": "Meloner" +"Melons": "Meloner" -"melon": "Melon" +"Melon": "Melon" -"mineoresupgradepickaxesbuyawesomeupgradesandunlocknewcaves": "Udgrav malm, opgrader hakker, køb seje opgraderinger og opdag nye grotter!" +"Mine ores, upgrade pickaxes, buy awesome upgrades and unlock new caves!": "Udgrav malm, opgrader hakker, køb seje opgraderinger og opdag nye grotter!" "minutes": "minutter" -"mode": "Mode" +"Mode": "Mode" -"movetimeleft": "Bevægelsestid tilbage" +"Move time left": "Bevægelsestid tilbage" -"mustbeatlowerfloor": "Skal være på nederste etage" +"Must be at lower floor": "Skal være på nederste etage" -"mustnothaveanysuperjumps": "Må ikke have nogle Superhop" +"Must not have any Super Jumps": "Må ikke have nogle Superhop" -"newrecord": "NY REKORD!" +"New Rating": "Må ikke have nogle Superhop" -"new": "NEW!" +"NEW RECORD!": "NY REKORD!" -"nextsuperjumpin": "Næste Super Hop Om" +"NEW!": "NEW!" -"next": "Næste" +"Next Super Jump In": "Næste Super Hop Om" -"night": "Nat" +"Next": "Næste" -"nocompassmodifier": "Intet Kompas Modifier" +"Night": "Nat" -"notenoughmelons": "Ikke nok meloner!" +"No Compass Modifier": "Intet Kompas Modifier" -"note": "Note:" +"Not enough melons!": "Ikke nok meloner!" -"nowblockswillstartbreakingwhenyousteponthem": "Nu vil blokke gå i stykker, når du træder på dem!" +"Note:": "Note:" -"oldrecord": "Gamle Rekord" +"Now blocks will start breaking when you step on them!": "Nu vil blokke gå i stykker, når du træder på dem!" -"parkourcourse": "Parkour Bane" +"Old Record": "Gamle Rekord" -"participateinamassivesnowballfightandusepowerupstoeaseyourexistencedelayingsnowballsallowstothrowthemfurther": "&e&lDeltag i en kæmpe sneboldskamp, og brug powerups for at gøre din tilværelse lettere! At forsinke snebolde gør så du kan kaste dem længere." +"Parkour Course": "Parkour Bane" -"partycommands": " &2&l --=-= &a&lParty-Kommandoer &2&l=-=--" +? "§e§lParticipate in a massive snowball fight and use powerups to ease your existence! Delaying snowballs allows to throw them further" +: "&e&lDeltag i en kæmpe sneboldskamp, og brug powerups for at gøre din tilværelse lettere! At forsinke snebolde gør så du kan kaste dem længere." -"partyinvitefrom1hasexpired": "Party-invitation fra $1$ &eer udløbet." +" §2§l --=-= §a§lParty Commands §2§l=-=--": " &2&l --=-= &a&lParty-Kommandoer &2&l=-=--" -"partyleader": "Party Leder" +"Party invite from $1$ §ehas expired": "Party-invitation fra $1$ &eer udløbet." -"partymembers": "Party Medlemmer" +"Party Leader": "Party Leder" -"partyof1isnotopenforpublicjoin": "Partyet ejet af &a$1$ &cer ikke offentligt." +"Party Members": "Party Medlemmer" -"placebombsandexplodeblocksarounditinashapeusepowerupstotakeadvantageoveropponents": "&e&lPlacer bomber og spræng blokke rundt om dem i en + form. Brug powerups som fordele mod dine fjender." +"Party of §a$1$ §cis not open for public join": "Partyet ejet af &a$1$ &cer ikke offentligt." -"playercommands": " &2&l --=-= &a&lSpiller Kommandoer&2&l=-=--" +"§e§lPlace bombs and explode blocks around it in a + shape": + " Use powerups to take advantage over opponents": "&e&lPlacer bomber og spræng blokke rundt om dem i en + form. Brug powerups som fordele mod dine fjender." -"playeriswaiting": "Spiller Venter" +" §2§l --=-= §a§lPlayer Commands §2§l=-=--": " &2&l --=-= &a&lSpiller Kommandoer&2&l=-=--" -"playernotfound": "Player not found." +"Player died $1$ times in a row without kills": " &2&l --=-= &a&lSpiller Kommandoer&2&l=-=--" -"playersarewaiting": "Spillere venter" +"Player is waiting": "Spiller Venter" -"playersin": "Spillere på" +"Player not found": "Player not found." -"playersleft": "Spillere tilbage" +"Players are waiting": "Spillere venter" -"playerswaiting": "Spillere Venter" +"Players in": "Spillere på" -"players": "Spillere" +"Players left": "Spillere tilbage" -"playvariousclasseswithdifferentabilitiesanduseyourbowskillstowininmanydifferentmodes": "Spil forskellige klasser, med forskellige evner og brug dine bue-evner,til at vinde i mange forskellige modes!" +"Players Waiting": "Spillere Venter" -"pleaseratethismapbyclicking": "Please rate this map by clicking:" +"Players": "Spillere" -"pleasespecifygroupname": "Skriv gruppenavnet!" +"Player was on $1$ killstreak": "Spillere" -"pleasespecifyplayername": "Vær sød at skrive spillerens navn!" +"Play various classes with different abilities and use your bow skills to win in many different modes!": "Spil forskellige klasser, med forskellige evner og brug dine bue-evner,til at vinde i mange forskellige modes!" -"plotname": "Plot Navn" +"Please rate this map by clicking:": "Please rate this map by clicking:" -"plotowner": "Plot Ejer" +"Please specify group name!": "Skriv gruppenavnet!" -"points": "Point" +"Please specify player name!": "Vær sød at skrive spillerens navn!" -"powerups": "Powerups" +"Plot Name": "Plot Navn" -"price": "Pris:" +"Plot Owner": "Plot Ejer" -"quicklytestyourskillbyfightingotherplayerswithahugevarietyofmodifiers": "Test dine skills hurtigt, ved at kæmpe mod andre spillere med en masse, forskellige modifiers!" +"Points": "Point" -"radarbreaker": "Radar Ødelægger" +"Powerups": "Powerups" -"rainisabletorefillwatersources": "Rain is able to refill water sources." +"Price:": "Pris:" -"rapidfirepoweruphasspawnedatmiddleofthemap": "&6&lHurtige Skud &bpowerup er spawned I midten af mappet!" +"Quickly test your skill by fighting other players with a huge variety of modifiers!": "Test dine skills hurtigt, ved at kæmpe mod andre spillere med en masse, forskellige modifiers!" -"rating": "Bedømmelse" +"Radar Breaker": "Radar Ødelægger" -"reflectionperk": "Reflektions Perk" +"Rain is able to refill water sources": "Rain is able to refill water sources." -"reflectsasnowballreducingdamagetakenby1": "Reflekterer en snebold, formindsker skaden med $1$." +"§6§lRapid Fire §bpowerup has spawned at middle of the map!": "&6&lHurtige Skud &bpowerup er spawned I midten af mappet!" -"reflectsnowballsmodifier": "Reflekter Snebolde Modifier" +"Rating": "Bedømmelse" -"regeneratesyourhealth1": "Regenererer dit liv $1$" +"Reflection Perk": "Reflektions Perk" -"regeneration": "Regenererer" +"Reflects a snowball, reducing damage taken by $1$": "Reflekterer en snebold, formindsker skaden med $1$." -"removescompassfromthegame": "Fjerner kompasset fra spillet." +"Reflect Snowballs Modifier": "Reflekter Snebolde Modifier" -"resources": "Ressourcer" +"Regenerates your health $1$": "Regenererer dit liv $1$" -"respawningin": "Respawning in" +"Regeneration": "Regenererer" -"serverrulescanbereadin/rulesmakesuretofollowthem": "Serverens regler kan læses på &a/rules&e. Husk at overholde dem!" +"Removes compass from the game": "Fjerner kompasset fra spillet." -"shootchickensandgetthemostkillstowinbewarefilthyzombiesandcreepers": "&e&lSkyd kyllinger og få flest drab, for at vinde! Pas på: Dumme zombier og creepere!" +"Resources": "Ressourcer" -"shootchickensasfastasyoucan": "Skyd kyllinger så hurtigt du kan!" +"Respawning in": "Respawning in" -"shoototherplayerswithsnowballsbuypowerupswithmelonsandplayinmanydifferentmodes": "Skyd andre spillere med snebolde, køb powerups med meloner og spil i mange forskellige modes!" +"Server rules can be read in §a/rules§e, make sure to follow them!": "Serverens regler kan læses på &a/rules&e. Husk at overholde dem!" -"shoottntwithyourcannonandknockopponentstothevoidorexplodethemsaveyourselffromhazardsusingsuperjumpssneak": "&e&lSkyd TNT med din kanon og skub modstandere i void, eller spræng dem. Red dig selv fra farer ved hjælp af superhop. [Snig]" +"§e§lShoot chickens and get the most kills to win! Beware: filthy zombies and creepers!": "&e&lSkyd kyllinger og få flest drab, for at vinde! Pas på: Dumme zombier og creepere!" -"slowballs": "Langsomme Snebolde" +"Shoot chickens as fast as you can!": "Skyd kyllinger så hurtigt du kan!" -"slownessionhit": "Slowness I på slag" +"Shoot other players with snowballs, buy powerups with melons and play in many different modes!": "Skyd andre spillere med snebolde, køb powerups med meloner og spil i mange forskellige modes!" -"slownessperk": "Langsomheds Perk" +"§e§lShoot TNT with your cannon and knock opponents to the void, or explode them": + " Save yourself from hazards using Super Jumps": + " [Sneak]": "&e&lSkyd TNT med din kanon og skub modstandere i void, eller spræng dem. Red dig selv fra farer ved hjælp af superhop. [Snig]" -"sneaktouse": "Snig for at bruge" +"Slowballs": "Langsomme Snebolde" -"snowballaccuracy": "Sneboldspræcision" +"Slowness I on hit": "Slowness I på slag" -"snowballsfired": "Kastede snebolde" +"Slowness Perk": "Langsomheds Perk" -"snowmanperk": "Snemands Perk" +"Sneak to use": "Snig for at bruge" -"snowman": "Snemand" +"Snowball Accuracy": "Sneboldspræcision" -"sortsteamsbasedonkillscountforfairness": "Sorter hold baseret på drabsoptælling på grund af retfærdighed." +"Snowballs fired": "Kastede snebolde" -"spawnpointswitch": "Spawnpoint Switch" +"Snowman Perk": "Snemands Perk" -"speed": "Fart" +"Snowman": "Snemand" -"spleeftntspleentexplodeotherplayersintothevoid": "Spleef + TNT = Spleent! Spræng andre spillere i void!" +"Sorts teams based on kills count for fairness": "Sorter hold baseret på drabsoptælling på grund af retfærdighed." -"statistics": "Statistikker" +"Spawnpoint Switch": "Spawnpoint Switch" -"stonecannon": "&7Sten-Kanon" +"Speed": "Fart" -"succesfullysentpartyinviteto1": "Har succesfuldt sendt en party invitation til $1$!" +"Spleef + TNT = Spleent! Explode other players into the void!": "Spleef + TNT = Spleent! Spræng andre spillere i void!" -"superjumps": "Super Hop" +"Statistics": "Statistikker" -"superjump": "Superhop" +"§7Stone Cannon": "&7Sten-Kanon" -"survivalbasedonoldminecraftversionsbetweenalpha12andbeta173warningnostalgiaisacertainty": "Overlevelse baseret på Gammle Minecraft versioner mellem alpha 1.2 og beta 1.7.3.||&cAdvarsel: &7NOSTALGI GARANTERET." +"Succesfully sent party invite to $1$!": "Har succesfuldt sendt en party invitation til $1$!" -"survivalrules": "Overlevelses Regler" +"Super Jumps": "Super Hop" -"team": "Hold" +"Super Jump": "Superhop" -"thankyouforratingthismap": "Tak for at stemme på denne bane" +"Survival based on old Minecraft versions between alpha 1": + "2 and beta 1": + "7": + "3": + "||§cWARNING: §7NOSTALGIA IS A CERTAINTY": "Overlevelse baseret på Gammle Minecraft versioner mellem alpha 1.2 og beta 1.7.3.||&cAdvarsel: &7NOSTALGI GARANTERET." -"theknockbackstick": "Knockback Pind" +"Survival Rules": "Overlevelses Regler" -"therearemanyspecialrecipescheckthemoutin/recipes": "There are many special recipes! Check them out in: &e/recipes&r" +"Team": "Hold" -"thereisacustomprogramminglanguagemadeforcreativeworldwithityoucancreatesimplefeaturesforyourplot1": "There is a custom programming language made for Creative World, with it you can create simple features for your plot! $1$" +"Thank you for rating this map": "Tak for at stemme på denne bane" -"thisgamecanbeplayedalone": "&aDette spil kan spilles &e&lalene&a." +"The Knockback Stick": "Knockback Pind" -"thisgamecanbeplayedwith2players": "Dette spil kan blive spillet med &e&l2&a&l+ &aspillere." +"There are many special recipes! Check them out in: §e/recipes§r": "There are many special recipes! Check them out in: &e/recipes&r" -"thisgamecanbeplayedwithonly2players": "Dette spil kan kun spilles med &e&l2 &aspillere." +"There is a custom programming language made for Creative World, with it you can create simple features for your plot! $1$": "There is a custom programming language made for Creative World, with it you can create simple features for your plot! $1$" -"thisgameisstartingearlyyouwillnotearnemeraldsandyourstatsachievementswontcountifitstartswithlessthan1players": "Dette spil starter tidligt. Du får ikke smaragder og din status, resultater tæller ikke, hvis spillet starter med mindre end &e&l$1$ &6spillere." +"§aThis game can be played §e§lalone§a": "&aDette spil kan spilles &e&lalene&a." -"thispowerupisalreadyactive": "This power-up is already active!" +"This game can be played with §e§l2§a§l+ §aplayers": "Dette spil kan blive spillet med &e&l2&a&l+ &aspillere." -"thisroundof1v1didnotmeettherequirementsforwinrewardsandratingchanges": "Denne runde 1v1, nåede ikke betingelserne for at vinde belønninger, og bedømmelses ændringer." +"This game can be played with only §e§l2 §aplayers": "Dette spil kan kun spilles med &e&l2 &aspillere." -"throwablecobweb": "Kasteligt Edderkoppespind" +? "This game is starting early, You will not earn Emeralds and your stats, achievements won't count if it starts with less than §e§l$1$ §6players" +: "Dette spil starter tidligt. Du får ikke smaragder og din status, resultater tæller ikke, hvis spillet starter med mindre end &e&l$1$ &6spillere." -"timeelapsed": "Tid gået" +"This power-up is already active!": "This power-up is already active!" -"timesincelastupdate": "Tid siden sidste opdatering" +"This round of 1v1 did not meet the requirements for win rewards and rating changes": "Denne runde 1v1, nåede ikke betingelserne for at vinde belønninger, og bedømmelses ændringer." -"totalplaytime": "Samlet spilletid" +"Throwable Cobweb": "Kasteligt Edderkoppespind" -"troopsalive": "Levende tropper" +"Time elapsed": "Tid gået" -"troopskilled": "Tropper dræbt" +"Time since last update": "Tid siden sidste opdatering" -"troopslost": "Tabte tropper" +"Total play time": "Samlet spilletid" -"troops": "Tropper" +"Troops alive": "Levende tropper" -"turnsyoursnowballsintoslowballs": "Gør dine snebolde langsomme" +"Troops killed": "Tropper dræbt" -"turn": "Tur" +"Troops lost": "Tabte tropper" -"unlocked": "Unlocked" +"Troops": "Tropper" -"use/agree1toagreewithsurvivalrules": "Skriv /agree $1$ for at acceptere overlevelses reglerne." +"Turns your snowballs into slowballs": "Gør dine snebolde langsomme" -"usef5highfovtogetabetterviewofthegamefield": "Brug F5 + høj FOV for at få et bedre udsyn over spillebanen!" +"Turn": "Tur" -"utilisepreparationtimegiventogatherasmuchresourcesaspossibledefendyourcrystaloflifeandfightyourwaytovictory": "&e&lUdnyt forberedelses tiden, til at samle så mange ressourcer som muligt, forsvar din Livkrydstal og kæmp din vej til sejr." +"UNLOCKED": "Unlocked" -"victory": "DU VANDT" +"Use /agree $1$ to agree with survival rules": "Skriv /agree $1$ for at acceptere overlevelses reglerne." -"votes": "Stemmer:" +"Use F5 + high FOV to get a better view of the game field!": "Brug F5 + høj FOV for at få et bedre udsyn over spillebanen!" -"vote": "[STEM]" +? "§e§lUtilise preparation time given to gather as much resources as possible, defend your Crystal of Life and fight your way to victory" +: "&e&lUdnyt forberedelses tiden, til at samle så mange ressourcer som muligt, forsvar din Livkrydstal og kæmp din vej til sejr." -"waitingplayers": "Ventende Spillere" +"VICTORY": "DU VANDT" -"waitingqueuestatus": "Afventer Kø Status" +"Votes:": "Stemmer:" -"warped1partymemberstoyourlocation": "Teleporterede &e&l$1$ &epartymedlemmer til din lokation!" +"[VOTE]": "[STEM]" -"waterisfiniteheresoyouaregoingtoneedtobuildfarmsclosetobigsourcesofwater": "Water is finite here, so you are going to need to build farms close to big sources of water." +"Waiting Players": "Ventende Spillere" -"winspercentage": "Sejr Procent" +"Waiting Queue Status": "Afventer Kø Status" -"wins": "Sejre" +"Warped §e§l$1$ §eparty members to your location!": "Teleporterede &e&l$1$ &epartymedlemmer til din lokation!" -"woodcannon": "Træ-Kanon" +"Water is finite here, so you are going to need to build farms close to big sources of water": "Water is finite here, so you are going to need to build farms close to big sources of water." -"youarealreadyinapartyof1": "Du er allerede i &a$1$&cs party!" +"Wins Percentage": "Sejr Procent" -"youarealreadyon1team": "Du er allerede på $1$ &chold!" +"Wins": "Sejre" -"youareleaderofapartyuse/partydisbandtobeabletodothis": "You are leader of a party, use &e/party disband &cto be able to do this." +"Wood Cannon": "Træ-Kanon" -"youarenowamemberof1team": "Du er nu medlem af $1$ &ehold!" +"You already have voted for a map!": "Træ-Kanon" -"youarenowjuggernaut": "Du er nu kæmpen!" +"You are already in a party of §a$1$§c!": "Du er allerede i &a$1$&cs party!" -"youarentinaparty": "Du er ikke en del af et party!" +"You are already on $1$ §cteam!": "Du er allerede på $1$ &chold!" -"youarenttheleaderoftheparty": "Du er ikke leder af partyet!" +"You are leader of a party, use §e/party disband §cto be able to do this": "You are leader of a party, use &e/party disband &cto be able to do this." -"youcanchatonlyonceevery15second": "You can chat only once every 1.5 second!" +"You are now a member of $1$ §eteam!": "Du er nu medlem af $1$ &ehold!" -"youcandiefromcoldduringnightinhothifyoudonothaveleatherarmor": "You can die from cold during night in &bHoth&r if you do not have leather armor." +"You are now Juggernaut!": "Du er nu kæmpen!" -"youcanfindfriendlysurvivalwikiin1": "You can find Friendly Survival wiki in: $1$" +"You aren't in a party!": "Du er ikke en del af et party!" -"youcanlockyourcontainersanddoorswithsignsifyouwanttoprotectlandyoucanjoinagrouporcreateone": "You can lock your containers and doors with signs, if you want to protect land you can join a group or create one." +"You aren't the leader of the party!": "Du er ikke leder af partyet!" -"youcannothavemorethanonesnowmanininventoryatthesametime": "You cannot have more than one &fSnowman &cin inventory at the same time." +"You can chat only once every 1": + "5 second!": "You can chat only once every 1.5 second!" -"youcannotpartywarpintothisgame": "You cannot party warp into this game!" +"You can die from cold during night in §bHoth§r if you do not have leather armor": "You can die from cold during night in &bHoth&r if you do not have leather armor." -"youcanonlybuythisingame": "Du kan kun købe det her i spillet!" +"You can find Friendly Survival wiki in: $1$": "You can find Friendly Survival wiki in: $1$" -"youcanonlyvotewhentheresenoughplayerstostartthegame": "Du kan først stemme når der er nok spillere til at starte spillet." +"You can lock your containers and doors with signs, if you want to protect land you can join a group or create one": "You can lock your containers and doors with signs, if you want to protect land you can join a group or create one." -"youcansendcarepackagestosupportaliveplayerswith/carepackage": "Du kan sende hjælpepakker for at hjælpe spillere der er i live med &e&l/carepackage " +"You cannot have more than one §fSnowman §cin inventory at the same time": "You cannot have more than one &fSnowman &cin inventory at the same time." -"youcantoggledisplayoftheanimationofftoreduceyourfpslag": "Du kan slå animations-display fra, for at formindske FPS lag!" +"You cannot party warp into this game!": "You cannot party warp into this game!" -"youcanusedimensionalwarptowarptomanybeautifulandinterestingdimensions": "You can use &5Dimensional Warp&r to warp to many beautiful and interesting dimensions." +"You can only buy this in-game!": "Du kan kun købe det her i spillet!" -"youcouldnotbewarpedtoyourpartyleaderslocationbecauseyouareinagameuse/qtoleave": "Du kunne ikke blive teleporteret til din partyleders lokation, fordi du er i gang med et spil. Skriv &e/q &cfor at afslutte." +"You can only vote when there's enough players to start the game": "Du kan først stemme når der er nok spillere til at starte spillet." -"youdonothaveenoughemeralds": "Du har ikke nok &aSmaragder&c!" +"You can send care packages to support alive players with §e§l/carepackage ": "Du kan sende hjælpepakker for at hjælpe spillere der er i live med &e&l/carepackage " -"youdonothaveenoughmelons": "You do not have enough melons!" +"You can toggle display of the animation off to reduce your FPS lag!": "Du kan slå animations-display fra, for at formindske FPS lag!" -"yougetpointsforflagcapturesyourteamneedstoreachtheneededamountofpointstowin": "Du får point for at \"\"fange flag\"\". Dit hold skal nå det nødvendige antal point for at vinde." +"You can use §5Dimensional Warp§r to warp to many beautiful and interesting dimensions": "You can use &5Dimensional Warp&r to warp to many beautiful and interesting dimensions." -? "yougetpointsforkillsoneplayerischosentobejuggernautandthenalltheplayersareagainstthemifyoukillthejuggernautyouwillbecomethejuggernautyouneedtoreachtheneededamountofpointstowin" -: "Du får point for at dræbe. En spiller bliver valgt til at være kæmpen, og alle spiller er imod den. Hvis du dræber kæmpen bliver du selv til en kæmpe. Du skal nå det nødvendige antal point for at vinde." +"You could not be warped to your party leader's location, because you are in a game": + " Use §e/q §cto leave": "Du kunne ikke blive teleporteret til din partyleders lokation, fordi du er i gang med et spil. Skriv &e/q &cfor at afslutte." -"yougetpointsforkillsyouneedtoreachtheneededamountofpointstowin": "Du får point for at dræbe. Du skal have nok point for at vinde!" +"You donated §e§l1 §fSnowball §eto §a$1$§e!": "Du kunne ikke blive teleporteret til din partyleders lokation, fordi du er i gang med et spil. Skriv &e/q &cfor at afslutte." -"yougetpointsforkillsyourteamneedstoreachtheneededamountofpointstowin": "Du får point for at dræbe. Dit hold skal have nok point for at vinde!" +"You do not have enough §aEmeralds§c!": "Du har ikke nok &aSmaragder&c!" -"youhaveagreedwiththesurvivalrulesfollowthemandeverythingwillbeokay": "Du har accepteret overlevelsesreglerne. Følg dem, så skal alt nok gå!" +"You do not have enough melons!": "You do not have enough melons!" -"youhavealreadyinvited1intoyourparty": "Du har allerede inviteret $1$ &ctil dit party!" +"You get points for flag captures, your team needs to reach the needed amount of points to win": "Du får point for at \"\"fange flag\"\". Dit hold skal nå det nødvendige antal point for at vinde." -"youhavealreadyvotedforamapinthisgametodaysupporttheserverbybuyingvipifyouwanttovoteunlimitedamountoftimesperday": "Du har allerade stemt på et map, i dette spil idag. Hjælp serveren ved at købe &a&lVIP &chvis du vil kunne stemme uendelig gange, hver dag." +? "You get points for kills, one player is chosen to be juggernaut and then all the players are against them, if you kill the juggernaut - you will become the juggernaut" +: " You need to reach the needed amount of points to win": "Du får point for at dræbe. En spiller bliver valgt til at være kæmpen, og alle spiller er imod den. Hvis du dræber kæmpen bliver du selv til en kæmpe. Du skal nå det nødvendige antal point for at vinde." -"youhavealreadyvotedforamode": "Du har allerede stemt på en mode!" +"You get points for kills, you need to reach the needed amount of points to win": "Du får point for at dræbe. Du skal have nok point for at vinde!" -"youhavealreadyvotedforthismodifier": "Du har allerade stemt på denne modifier!" +"You get points for kills, your team needs to reach the needed amount of points to win": "Du får point for at dræbe. Dit hold skal have nok point for at vinde!" -"youhavefastasyncworldeditfastasyncvoxelsnipergobrushandgopaintbuildingtools": "You have FastAsyncWorldEdit, FastAsyncVoxelSniper, goBrush and goPaint building tools!" +"You got a §lEnchanted Snowball §bfrom your kill!": "Du får point for at dræbe. Dit hold skal have nok point for at vinde!" -"youhavejoinedpartyof1": "Du har tilsluttet dig &a$1$&es party!" +"You have agreed with the survival rules, follow them and everything will be okay!": "Du har accepteret overlevelsesreglerne. Følg dem, så skal alt nok gå!" -"youhaveleftpartyof1": "Du har forladt &a$1$&es party!" +"You have already invited $1$ §cinto your party!": "Du har allerede inviteret $1$ &ctil dit party!" -"youhavereachedthelimitof1powerupspermatch": "You have reached the limit of &e&l$1$ &cpowerups per match!" +? "You have already voted for a map in this game today, support the server by buying §a§lVIP §cif you want to vote unlimited amount of times per day" +: "Du har allerade stemt på et map, i dette spil idag. Hjælp serveren ved at købe &a&lVIP &chvis du vil kunne stemme uendelig gange, hver dag." -"youhavereachedthelimitofsnowballs": "You have reached the limit of snowballs!" +"You have already voted for a mode!": "Du har allerede stemt på en mode!" -"youhaveremovedyourlastratingofthismap": "Du har fjernet din bedømmelse af dette map." +"You have already voted for this modifier!": "Du har allerade stemt på denne modifier!" -"youhavetoreadandagreewiththerulesofsurvivaltobeabletobreak/placeblocksuse/survivalrules": "Du skal læse og acceptere overlevelsereglerne for at kunne ødelægge/sætte blokke. Skriv &e/survivalrules" +"You have FastAsyncWorldEdit, FastAsyncVoxelSniper, goBrush and goPaint building tools!": "You have FastAsyncWorldEdit, FastAsyncVoxelSniper, goBrush and goPaint building tools!" -"youhaveupgraded1to2": "Du har opgraderet &a$1$ &6til &a$2$&6!" +"You have joined party of §a$1$§e!": "Du har tilsluttet dig &a$1$&es party!" -"youhaveupgraded1": "Du har opgraderet &a$1$&6!" +"You have left party of §a$1$§e!": "Du har forladt &a$1$&es party!" -"youmustbeleaderofapartytousethis": "Du skal være partyets leder for at bruge dette!" +"You have purchased $1$§6!": "Du har forladt &a$1$&es party!" -"yourarmyisunderattack": "Din hær er under angreb!" +"You have reached the limit of §e§l$1$ §cpowerups per match!": "You have reached the limit of &e&l$1$ &cpowerups per match!" -"youropponentisblindedbyyourperk": "Din modstander er blind, på grund af din perk!" +"You have reached the limit of snowballs!": "You have reached the limit of snowballs!" -"youropponentisignitedbyyourperk": "Din modstander er antændt, af din perk!" +"You have received §fSnowman §efor reaching killstreak of §e§l5§e!": "You have reached the limit of snowballs!" -"youropponentisslowedbyyourperk": "Din modstander er blevet langsom, på grund af din perk!" +"You have reflected snowball of $1$§f!": "You have reached the limit of snowballs!" -"yourpartyinviteto1hasexpired": "Din party-invitation til $1$ &eer udløbet." +"You have removed your last rating of this map": "Du har fjernet din bedømmelse af dette map." -"yourpartyleaderhaswarpedyoutotheirlocation": "Din party leder har teleporteret dig til sin lokation!" +"You have to read and agree with the rules of survival to be able to break/place blocks, use §e/survivalrules": "Du skal læse og acceptere overlevelsereglerne for at kunne ødelægge/sætte blokke. Skriv &e/survivalrules" -"yourradarbreakereffectisover": "Your Radar Breaker effect is over!" +"You have upgraded $1$ to $2$!": "Du har opgraderet &a$1$ &6til &a$2$&6!" -"yoursnowballhitboatof1": "Your snowball hit boat of $1$&f!" +"You have upgraded §a$1$§6!": "Du har opgraderet &a$1$&6!" -"yourteam": "DIT HOLD" +"You must be leader of a party to use this!": "Du skal være partyets leder for at bruge dette!" -"1kicked2fromtheparty": "$1$ &ekicked $2$ &efrom the party!" +"Your army is under attack!": "Din hær er under angreb!" -"youhavealreadyusedthispowerupinthislife": "You have already used this power-up in this life!" +"Your opponent is blinded by your perk!": "Din modstander er blind, på grund af din perk!" -"swearingiscompletelyforbiddeninourserveryouwillgetanautomaticallyissuedpunishmentifyoudo": "Swearing is completely forbidden in our server, you will get an automatically issued punishment if you do." +"Your opponent is ignited by your perk!": "Din modstander er antændt, af din perk!" -"1hastransferredpartyleaderto2": "$1$ &ehas transferred party leader to $2$&e!" +"Your opponent is slowed by your perk!": "Din modstander er blevet langsom, på grund af din perk!" -"1isnotinyourparty": "$1$ &cis not in your party!" +"Your party invite to $1$ §ehas expired": "Din party-invitation til $1$ &eer udløbet." -"youcanbuythisitemonlyonceperlife": "You can buy this item only once per life." +"Your party leader has warped you to their location!": "Din party leder har teleporteret dig til sin lokation!" -"youhavegainedextralifefromyourimmortalityperk": "You have gained extra life from your &aImmortality Perk&e!" +"Your Radar Breaker effect is over!": "Your Radar Breaker effect is over!" -"rightclicktoactivategamemodifiers": "Right click to activate game modifiers!" +"Your snowball hit $1$§f!": "Your Radar Breaker effect is over!" -"youhaveloggedin1daysinarowyouwillgethigherrewardsforeverydayloggedinarow": "You have logged in &e&l$1$ &adays in a row! You will get higher rewards for every day logged in a row." +"Your snowball hit boat of $1$§f!": "Your snowball hit boat of $1$&f!" -"locked": "LOCKED" +"Your snowman's snowball hit $1$§f!": "Your snowball hit boat of $1$&f!" -"1hasgainedanextralifefromtheirimmortalityperk": "&a$1$ &ehas gained an extra life from their &aImmortality Perk&e!" +"YOUR TEAM": "DIT HOLD" -"/msgplayersendaprivatemessagetoaplayer": " /msg &2- &aSend a private message to a player." +"$1$ §ekicked $2$ §efrom the party!": "$1$ &ekicked $2$ &efrom the party!" -"/statsplayerviewplayersstats": " /stats &2- &aView player's stats." +"You have already used this power-up in this life!": "You have already used this power-up in this life!" -"/joingamelobbynametojoinapublicgamebyacommandorprivategamebyspecifyinglobbyname": " /join [lobbyname] &2- &aTo join a public game by a command or private game by specifying lobby name." +"Swearing is completely forbidden in our server, you will get an automatically issued punishment if you do": "Swearing is completely forbidden in our server, you will get an automatically issued punishment if you do." -"/partyinviteplayertoinviteaplayertoparty": " /party invite &2- &aTo invite a player to party." +"$1$ §ehas transferred party leader to $2$§e!": "$1$ &ehas transferred party leader to $2$&e!" -"/partyacceptplayertoacceptanpartyinvite": " /party accept &2- &aTo accept an party invite." +"$1$ §cis not in your party!": "$1$ &cis not in your party!" -"/partykickplayertokickaplayerfromyourparty": " /party kick &2- &aTo kick a player from your party." +"You can buy this item only once per life": "You can buy this item only once per life." -"/partytransferplayertotransferpartyleadertoothermember": " /party transfer &2- &aTo transfer party leader to other member." +"You have gained extra life from your §aImmortality Perk§e!": "You have gained extra life from your &aImmortality Perk&e!" -"/partyjoinplayertojoinpublicpartyofaplayer": " /party join &2- &aTo join public party of a player." +"Right click to activate game modifiers!": "Right click to activate game modifiers!" -"ifyouwanttospectateotherplayertype/stpplayer": "If you want to spectate other player type &e/stp " +"You have logged in §e§l$1$ §adays in a row! You will get higher rewards for every day logged in a row": "You have logged in &e&l$1$ &adays in a row! You will get higher rewards for every day logged in a row." -"yourpartyisnowopenforpublicjoinotherplayerscando/pjoin1tojoinit": "Your party is now open for public join! Other players can do &a/p join $1$ &eto join it!" +"LOCKED": "LOCKED" -"youcansendcarepackagestosupportaliveplayerswith/carepackageplayer": "You can send care packages to support alive players with &e&l/carepackage " +"§a$1$ §ehas gained an extra life from their §aImmortality Perk§e!": "&a$1$ &ehas gained an extra life from their &aImmortality Perk&e!" -"enchantedironcannon": "&bEnchanted &7&lIron Cannon" +"Your party is now open for public join! Other players can do §a/p join $1$ §eto join it!": "Your party is now open for public join! Other players can do &a/p join $1$ &eto join it!" -"castlewars1v1govindassurvivalgamesminiskywallsspleentknockoutsnowballcheckersbombermanelementalarchers": "Castle Wars, 1v1, Govindas Survival Games, Mini Sky Walls, Spleent, Knockout, Snowball, Checkers, Bomberman, Elemental Archers" +"§bEnchanted §7§lIron Cannon": "&bEnchanted &7&lIron Cannon" -? "creativeworldwithalotofusefulfeaturesworldeditvoxelsnipergobrushgopaintahugecollectionofplayerheadsandevenfurnituretoimproveyourbuilds" +? "Castle Wars, 1v1, Govindas Survival Games, Mini Sky Walls, Spleent, Knockout, Snowball, Checkers, Bomberman, Elemental Archers" +: "Castle Wars, 1v1, Govindas Survival Games, Mini Sky Walls, Spleent, Knockout, Snowball, Checkers, Bomberman, Elemental Archers" + +? "Creative world with a lot of useful features! WorldEdit, VoxelSniper, goBrush, goPaint, a huge collection of player heads and even furniture to improve your builds!" : "Creative world with a lot of useful features! WorldEdit, VoxelSniper, goBrush, goPaint, a huge collection of player heads and even furniture to improve your builds!" diff --git a/LanguageEN.yml b/LanguageEN.yml index 8540014..8adc0cd 100644 --- a/LanguageEN.yml +++ b/LanguageEN.yml @@ -1,984 +1,837 @@ -/chatpartytotogglepartychat: ' /chat party &2- &aTo toggle party chat.' +" /chat party §2- §aTo toggle party chat": " /chat party &2- &aTo toggle party chat." -/donateviewwaystodonatemoneytoourserver: ' /donate &2- &aView ways to donate money - to our server.' +" /donate §2- §aView ways to donate money to our server": " /donate &2- &aView ways to donate money to our server." -/groupacceptacceptagroupinvitation: ' /group accept &2- &aAccept - a group invitation.' +" /group accept §2- §aAccept a group invitation": " /group accept &2- &aAccept a group invitation." -/groupchunksbrowseclaimedchunksofagroup: ' /group chunks &2- &aBrowse - claimed chunks of a group.' +" /group chunks §2- §aBrowse claimed chunks of a group": " /group chunks &2- &aBrowse claimed chunks of a group." -/groupclaimclaimachunktoagroup: ' /group claim &2- &aClaim a chunk - to a group.' +" /group claim §2- §aClaim a chunk to a group": " /group claim &2- &aClaim a chunk to a group." -/groupcreatecreateagroup: ' /group create &2- &aCreate a group.' +" /group create §2- §aCreate a group": " /group create &2- &aCreate a group." -/groupdemotedemoteaplayerinagroup: ' /group demote - &2- &aDemote a player in a group.' +" /group demote §2- §aDemote a player in a group": " /group demote &2- &aDemote a player in a group." -/groupinfoviewinformationaboutagroup: ' /group info &2- &aView information - about a group.' +" /group info §2- §aView information about a group": " /group info &2- &aView information about a group." -/groupinviteinviteaplayertoagroup: ' /group invite - &2- &aInvite a player to a group.' +" /group invite §2- §aInvite a player to a group": " /group invite &2- &aInvite a player to a group." -/groupkickkickaplayerfromagroup: ' /group kick &2- - &aKick a player from a group.' +" /group kick §2- §aKick a player from a group": " /group kick &2- &aKick a player from a group." -/groupleaveleaveagroup: ' /group leave &2- &aLeave a group.' +" /group leave §2- §aLeave a group": " /group leave &2- &aLeave a group." -/grouplistlistthegroupsyouarein: ' /group list &2- &aList the groups you are in.' +" /group list §2- §aList the groups you are in": " /group list &2- &aList the groups you are in." -/grouppromotepromoteaplayerinagroup: ' /group promote - &2- &aPromote a player in a group.' +" /group promote §2- §aPromote a player in a group": " /group promote &2- &aPromote a player in a group." -/groupunclaimunclaimachunk: ' /group unclaim &2- &aUnclaim a chunk.' +" /group unclaim §2- §aUnclaim a chunk": " /group unclaim &2- &aUnclaim a chunk." -/groupupgradeupgradeagroup: ' /group upgrade &2- &aUpgrade a group.' +" /group upgrade §2- §aUpgrade a group": " /group upgrade &2- &aUpgrade a group." -/joinlobbynametojoinapublicgamebyacommandorprivategamebyspecifyinglobbyname: ' /join - [lobbyname] &2- &aTo join a public game by a command or private game by - specifying lobby name.' +" /join [lobbyname] §2- §aTo join a public game by a command or private game by specifying lobby name": " /join [lobbyname] &2- &aTo join a public game by a command or private game by specifying lobby name." -/listviewinformationaboutallonlineplayers: ' /list &2- &aView information about - all online players.' +" /list §2- §aView information about all online players": " /list &2- &aView information about all online players." -/msgsendaprivatemessagetoaplayer: ' /msg &2- &aSend a private message - to a player.' +" /msg §2- §aSend a private message to a player": " /msg &2- &aSend a private message to a player." -/partyaccepttoacceptanpartyinvite: ' /party accept &2- &aTo accept - an party invite.' +" /party accept §2- §aTo accept an party invite": " /party accept &2- &aTo accept an party invite." -/partydisbandtodisbandyourparty: ' /party disband &2- &aTo disband your party.' +" /party disband §2- §aTo disband your party": " /party disband &2- &aTo disband your party." -/partyinvitetoinviteaplayertoparty: ' /party invite &2- &aTo invite - a player to party.' +" /party invite §2- §aTo invite a player to party": " /party invite &2- &aTo invite a player to party." -/partyjointojoinpublicpartyofaplayer: ' /party join &2- &aTo join - public party of a player.' +" /party join §2- §aTo join public party of a player": " /party join &2- &aTo join public party of a player." -/partykicktokickaplayerfromyourparty: ' /party kick &2- &aTo kick - a player from your party.' +" /party kick §2- §aTo kick a player from your party": " /party kick &2- &aTo kick a player from your party." -/partyleavetoleaveaparty: ' /party leave &2- &aTo leave a party.' +" /party leave §2- §aTo leave a party": " /party leave &2- &aTo leave a party." -/partylisttoviewmembersofyourpartylist: ' /party list &2- &aTo view members of your - party list.' +" /party list §2- §aTo view members of your party list": " /party list &2- &aTo view members of your party list." -/partyopentoopenyourpartyforpublicjoin: ' /party open &2- &aTo open your party for - public join.' +" /party open §2- §aTo open your party for public join": " /party open &2- &aTo open your party for public join." -/partytransfertotransferpartyleadertoothermember: ' /party transfer - &2- &aTo transfer party leader to other member.' +" /party transfer §2- §aTo transfer party leader to other member": " /party transfer &2- &aTo transfer party leader to other member." -/partyviewpartyhelp: ' /party &2- &aView party help.' +" /party §2- §aView party help": " /party &2- &aView party help." -/partywarptowarpyourpartymemberstoyourgamelobby: ' /party warp &2- &aTo warp your - party members to your game lobby.' +" /party warp §2- §aTo warp your party members to your game lobby": " /party warp &2- &aTo warp your party members to your game lobby." -/rulesreadserverrules: ' /rules &2- &aRead server rules.' +" /rules §2- §aRead server rules": " /rules &2- &aRead server rules." -/spectateenterspectatemode: ' /spectate &2- &aEnter spectate mode.' +" /spectate §2- §aEnter spectate mode": " /spectate &2- &aEnter spectate mode." -/staffviewstafflist: ' /staff &2- &aView staff list.' +" /staff §2- §aView staff list": " /staff &2- &aView staff list." -/statsviewplayersstats: ' /stats &2- &aView player''s stats.' +" /stats §2- §aView player's stats": " /stats &2- &aView player's stats." -1arrowonknockout: 1 arrow on knockout! +"1 arrow on knockout!": "1 arrow on knockout!" -1defeated2: $1$ &cdefeated &6$2$ +"$1$ §cdefeated §6$2$": "$1$ &cdefeated &6$2$" -1donated1snowballtoyou: $1$ &edonated &e&l1 &fSnowball &eto you! +"$1$ §edonated §e§l1 §fSnowball §eto you!": "$1$ &edonated &e&l1 &fSnowball &eto you!" -1flaghasbeendropped: $1$ &eflag has been dropped! +"$1$ §eflag has been dropped!": "$1$ &eflag has been dropped!" -1gotfirstkillofthegame: '&a$1$ &egot first kill of the game!' +"§a$1$ §egot first kill of the game!": "&a$1$ &egot first kill of the game!" -1hascaptured2flag: $1$ &ehas captured $2$ &eflag! +"$1$ §ehas captured $2$ §eflag!": "$1$ &ehas captured $2$ &eflag!" -1hasdisbandedtheparty: $1$ &ehas disbanded the party! +"$1$ §ehas disbanded the party!": "$1$ &ehas disbanded the party!" -1hasinvitedyouintoaparty: $1$ &ehas invited you into a party! +"$1$ §ehas invited you into a party!": "$1$ &ehas invited you into a party!" -1hasjoinedyourparty: $1$ &ehas joined your party! +"$1$ §ehas joined your party!": "$1$ &ehas joined your party!" -1hasjoined: $1$ &ehas joined! +"$1$ §ehas joined!": "$1$ &ehas joined!" -1haslefttheparty: $1$ &ehas left the party! +"$1$ §ehas left the party!": "$1$ &ehas left the party!" -1hasleft: $1$ &chas left! +"$1$ §chas left!": "$1$ &chas left!" -1hasnotinvitedyouintoaparty: $1$ &ehas not invited you into a party! +"$1$ §ehas not invited you into a party!": "$1$ &ehas not invited you into a party!" -1haspickedup2flag: $1$ &ehas picked up $2$ &eflag! +"$1$ §ehas picked up $2$ §eflag!": "$1$ &ehas picked up $2$ &eflag!" -1hasreachedthemaxsticklevel: $1$ &ehas reached the max stick level! +"$1$ §ehas reached the max stick level!": "$1$ &ehas reached the max stick level!" -1hasreturned2flag: $1$ &ehas returned $2$ &eflag! +"$1$ §ehas returned $2$ §eflag!": "$1$ &ehas returned $2$ &eflag!" -1hasvotedfor2map: $1$ &ehas voted for &b&l$2$ &emap! +"$1$ §ehas voted for §b§l$2$ §emap!": "$1$ &ehas voted for &b&l$2$ &emap!" -1hasvotedfor2mode: $1$ &ehas voted for &b&l$2$ &emode! +"$1$ §ehas voted for §b§l$2$ §emode!": "$1$ &ehas voted for &b&l$2$ &emode!" -1hasvotedforbalancedteamsmodifier: $1$ &ehas voted for &b&lBalanced Teams &emodifier! +"$1$ §ehas voted for §b§lBalanced Teams §emodifier!": "$1$ &ehas voted for &b&lBalanced Teams &emodifier!" -1hasvotedfordoublejumpmodifier: $1$ &ehas voted for &b&lDouble Jump &emodifier! +"$1$ §ehas voted for §b§lDouble Jump §emodifier!": "$1$ &ehas voted for &b&lDouble Jump &emodifier!" -1hasvotedforfastsnowballsmodifier: $1$ &ehas voted for &b&lFast Snowballs &emodifier! +"$1$ §ehas voted for §b§lFast Snowballs §emodifier!": "$1$ &ehas voted for &b&lFast Snowballs &emodifier!" -1hasvotedforinstakillsnowballsmodifier: $1$ &ehas voted for &b&lInstakill Snowballs - &emodifier! +"$1$ §ehas voted for §b§lInstakill Snowballs §emodifier!": "$1$ &ehas voted for &b&lInstakill Snowballs &emodifier!" -1hasvotedfornocompassmodifier: $1$ &ehas voted for &b&lNo Compass &emodifier! +"$1$ §ehas voted for §b§lNo Compass §emodifier!": "$1$ &ehas voted for &b&lNo Compass &emodifier!" -1hasvotedforreflectsnowballsmodifier: $1$ &ehas voted for &b&lReflect Snowballs &emodifier! +"$1$ §ehas voted for §b§lReflect Snowballs §emodifier!": "$1$ &ehas voted for &b&lReflect Snowballs &emodifier!" -1isalreadyinyourparty: $1$ &cis already in your party! +"$1$ §cis already in your party!": "$1$ &cis already in your party!" -1isnotyourfriendadd1tofriendswith/fadd2: $1$&c is not your friend! Add $1$&c to friends - with &e/f add $2$ +"$1$§c is not your friend! Add $1$§c to friends with §e/f add $2$": "$1$&c is not your friend! Add $1$&c to friends with &e/f add $2$" -1ofplayersneedstovotetoenable: $1$ &7of players needs to vote to enable +"$1$ §7of players needs to vote to enable": "$1$ &7of players needs to vote to enable" -1teamisfull: $1$ &cteam is full! +"$1$ §cteam is full!": "$1$ &cteam is full!" -accept: '[ACCEPT]' +"[ACCEPT]": "[ACCEPT]" -achancetospawncreeperwhereyoursnowballlands: A chance to spawn creeper where your - snowball lands. +"A chance to spawn creeper where your snowball lands": "A chance to spawn creeper where your snowball lands." -activatedmodifiers: Activated Modifiers +"Activated Modifiers": "Activated Modifiers" -allowstodoublejumpbypressingthesneakbuttoninmidair: Allows to double jump by pressing - the sneak button in mid-air. +"Allows to double jump by pressing the sneak button in mid-air": "Allows to double jump by pressing the sneak button in mid-air." -animationiscurrentlydisabled: Animation is currently &c&lDISABLED&e. +"Animation is currently §c§lDISABLED§e": "Animation is currently &c&lDISABLED&e." -animationiscurrentlyenabled: Animation is currently &a&lENABLED&e. +"Animation is currently §a§lENABLED§e": "Animation is currently &a&lENABLED&e." -areyouseriouslygoingintoapartywithyourselfinvitesomeone: Are you seriously going into - a party with yourself? Invite someone! +"Are you seriously going into a party with yourself? Invite someone!": "Are you seriously going into a party with yourself? Invite someone!" -areyousureyouwanttoleavetype/qtoconfirm: Are you sure you want to leave? Type &e/q - &6to confirm. +"Are you sure you want to leave? Type §e/q §6to confirm": "Are you sure you want to leave? Type &e/q &6to confirm." -armor: Armor +"Armor": "Armor" -arrowaccuracy: Arrow Accuracy +"Arrow Accuracy": "Arrow Accuracy" -arrowbonusperk: Arrow Bonus Perk +"Arrow Bonus Perk": "Arrow Bonus Perk" -arrowsfired: Arrows Fired +"Arrows Fired": "Arrows Fired" -arrowsleft: Arrows left +"Arrows left": "Arrows left" -asnowmanwhichshootsenemies: A snowman which shoots enemies! +"A snowman which shoots enemies!": "A snowman which shoots enemies!" -averagerating: 'Average Rating:' +"Average Rating:": "Average Rating:" -balancedteamsmodifier: Balanced Teams Modifier +"Balanced Teams Modifier": "Balanced Teams Modifier" -becauseoftoomuchgamechangingmodifiersactivatedthismatchwillnotaffectyourrating: '&7&lBecause - of too much game changing modifiers activated this match will not affect your - rating.' +"§7§lBecause of too much game changing modifiers activated this match will not affect your rating": "&7&lBecause of too much game changing modifiers activated this match will not affect your rating." -bethecommanderofagiantarmyanddefeatalltheenemykingswithyourarmytowin: '&e&lBe the - commander of a giant army and defeat all the enemy kings with your army to win!' +"§e§lBe the commander of a giant army and defeat all the enemy kings with your army to win!": "&e&lBe the commander of a giant army and defeat all the enemy kings with your army to win!" -bewareofgravityalwaysbuildsupportstoyourminesandbuildingswithatleast8blocksofdistancebetweensupports: Beware - of gravity! Always build supports to your mines and buildings with at least 8 - blocks of distance between supports. +"Beware of gravity! Always build supports to your mines and buildings with at least 8 blocks of distance between supports": "Beware of gravity! Always build supports to your mines and buildings with at least 8 blocks of distance between supports." -blindnessperk: Blindness Perk +"Blindness Perk": "Blindness Perk" -blockssnowballs50chancetobreakonfirsthit100onsecondhit: Blocks snowballs. &e&l50% - &7chance to break on first hit, &e&l100% &7on second hit. +"Blocks snowballs": + " §e§l50% §7chance to break on first hit, §e§l100% §7on second hit": "Blocks snowballs. &e&l50% &7chance to break on first hit, &e&l100% &7on second hit." -blocks: blocks +"blocks": "blocks" -bombsfired: Bombs fired +"Bombs fired": "Bombs fired" -bombsplaced: Bombs placed +"Bombs placed": "Bombs placed" -bonussnowballsonknockout: Bonus snowballs on knockout +"Bonus snowballs on knockout": "Bonus snowballs on knockout" -burningstickperk: Burning Stick Perk +"Burning Stick Perk": "Burning Stick Perk" -burns1oftargetssnowballs: Burns &e&l$1$ &7of target's snowballs. +"Burns §e§l$1$ §7of target's snowballs": "Burns &e&l$1$ &7of target's snowballs." -burnstargetonhit: Burns target on hit. +"Burns target on hit": "Burns target on hit." -cantfindaplayerbythenameof1: Can't find a player by the name of '$1$'. +"Can't find a player by the name of '$1$'": "Can't find a player by the name of '$1$'." -cantshootfarbecausesnowballsmeltintheair: Can't shoot far because snowballs melt in - the air. +"Can't shoot far because snowballs melt in the air": "Can't shoot far because snowballs melt in the air." -chanceofcreeperspawn: chance of creeper spawn +"chance of creeper spawn": "chance of creeper spawn" -chanceofdoubleexperience: chance of double experience +"chance of double experience": "chance of double experience" -chanceofdoublemelons: chance of double melons. +"chance of double melons": "chance of double melons." -chanceofenchantedsnowballgainafterkill: chance of &bEnchanted Snowball &7gain after - kill. +"chance of §bEnchanted Snowball §7gain after kill": "chance of &bEnchanted Snowball &7gain after kill." -chanceofreflection: chance of reflection. +"chance of reflection": "chance of reflection." -chancetoblindopponentonhit: Chance to blind opponent on hit +"Chance to blind opponent on hit": "Chance to blind opponent on hit" -chancetoburnopponentonhit: Chance to burn opponent on hit +"Chance to burn opponent on hit": "Chance to burn opponent on hit" -chancetonotlosealife: Chance to not lose a life +"Chance to not lose a life": "Chance to not lose a life" -chancetoslowslowness1opponentonhit: chance to slow(Slowness $1$) opponent on hit +"chance to slow(Slowness $1$) opponent on hit": "chance to slow(Slowness $1$) opponent on hit" -chancetoslowslownessiiopponentonhit: Chance to slow(Slowness II) opponent on hit +"Chance to slow(Slowness II) opponent on hit": "Chance to slow(Slowness II) opponent on hit" -checkersinminecraftlikethepopularboardgame: Checkers in Minecraft! Like the popular - board game. +"Checkers in Minecraft! Like the popular board game": "Checkers in Minecraft! Like the popular board game." -checkers: Checkers +"Checkers": "Checkers" -checkpoint: Checkpoint +"Checkpoint": "Checkpoint" -chestslooted: Chests looted +"Chests looted": "Chests looted" -classes: classes +"classes": "classes" -clickheretojoin1: Click here to join $1$! +"Click here to join $1$!": "Click here to join $1$!" -clicktoacceptthepartyinvite: Click to accept the party invite! +"Click to accept the party invite!": "Click to accept the party invite!" -clicktobuy: Click to buy! +"Click to buy!": "Click to buy!" -clicktojoin: '[CLICK TO JOIN]' +"[CLICK TO JOIN]": "[CLICK TO JOIN]" -clicktoopenmenu: CLICK TO OPEN MENU +"CLICK TO OPEN MENU": "CLICK TO OPEN MENU" -clicktoplay: CLICK TO PLAY +"CLICK TO PLAY": "CLICK TO PLAY" -clicktoratethismap: Click to rate this map +"Click to rate this map": "Click to rate this map" -clicktoundothisrating: Click to undo this rating! +"Click to undo this rating!": "Click to undo this rating!" -clicktovotefor1mode: Click to vote for $1$ &amode! +"Click to vote for $1$ §amode!": "Click to vote for $1$ &amode!" -clicktovoteforthismap: Click to vote for this map! +"Click to vote for this map!": "Click to vote for this map!" -clicktovoteforthismode: Click to vote for this mode! +"Click to vote for this mode!": "Click to vote for this mode!" -clicktovoteforthismodifier: Click to vote for this modifier! +"Click to vote for this modifier!": "Click to vote for this modifier!" -completeparkourracesearnprizesandcompeteinleaderboards: Complete parkour races, earn - prizes and compete in leaderboards! +"Complete parkour races, earn prizes and compete in leaderboards!": "Complete parkour races, earn prizes and compete in leaderboards!" -cooldown: Cooldown +"Cooldown": "Cooldown" -crackedplayerscanjoinourservertheycanapplyat1tojoin: Cracked players can join our - server! They can apply at $1$ &rto join. +"Cracked players can join our server! They can apply at $1$ §rto join": "Cracked players can join our server! They can apply at $1$ &rto join." -? creativeworldwithalotofusefulfeaturesworldeditvoxelsnipergobrushgopaintahugecollectionofplayerheadsandevenacustomprogramminglanguagetocreateyourowncustommaps -: Creative world with a lot of useful features! WorldEdit, VoxelSniper, goBrush, goPaint, - a huge collection of player heads and even a custom programming language to create - your own custom maps! +? "Creative world with a lot of useful features! WorldEdit, VoxelSniper, goBrush, goPaint, a huge collection of player heads and even a custom programming language to create your own custom maps!" +: "Creative world with a lot of useful features! WorldEdit, VoxelSniper, goBrush, goPaint, a huge collection of player heads and even a custom programming language to create your own custom maps!" -creeperchanceperk: Creeper Chance Perk +"Creeper Chance Perk": "Creeper Chance Perk" -crystal: Crystal +"Crystal": "Crystal" -current: Current +"Current": "Current" -damagedealt: Damage Dealt +"Damage Dealt": "Damage Dealt" -damagetaken: Damage Taken +"Damage Taken": "Damage Taken" -day: Day +"Day": "Day" -deaths: Deaths +"Deaths": "Deaths" -defeat: DEFEAT +"DEFEAT": "DEFEAT" -defendyourcastleattackothercastlescommandyourarmyandbecomethebestcommander: Defend - your castle, attack other castles, command your army and become the best commander! +"Defend your castle, attack other castles, command your army and become the best commander!": "Defend your castle, attack other castles, command your army and become the best commander!" -destroyingotherplayercreationsorruiningtheminanywayisnotallowed: Destroying other - player creations or ruining them in any way is not allowed! +"Destroying other player creations or ruining them in any way is not allowed!": "Destroying other player creations or ruining them in any way is not allowed!" -destroyingthegoodlookofterrainbymakingholes1x1towersandanyotherwaywhichmakesitlookbadisnotallowed: Destroying - the good look of terrain by making holes, 1x1 towers and any other way which makes - it look bad is not allowed. +"Destroying the good look of terrain by making holes, 1x1 towers and any other way which makes it look bad is not allowed": "Destroying the good look of terrain by making holes, 1x1 towers and any other way which makes it look bad is not allowed." -didyouknow: Did you know? +"Did you know?": "Did you know?" -? differentelementalclassescompetewitheachotherinbowfightingabilitiesusefascinitingabilitiesofyourclasstodefeatotherplayersandwin -: '&e&lDifferent elemental classes compete with each other in bow-fighting abilities. - Use fasciniting abilities of your class to defeat other players and win!' +"§e§lDifferent elemental classes compete with each other in bow-fighting abilities": + " Use fasciniting abilities of your class to defeat other players and win!": "&e&lDifferent elemental classes compete with each other in bow-fighting abilities. Use fasciniting abilities of your class to defeat other players and win!" -dissappearsafter10soflanding: Dissappears after &e&l10s &7of landing. +"Dissappears after §e§l10s §7of landing": "Dissappears after &e&l10s &7of landing." -doubleemeralds: Double Emeralds +"Double Emeralds": "Double Emeralds" -doublejumpmodifier: Double Jump Modifier +"Double Jump Modifier": "Double Jump Modifier" -doublemelonsperk: Double Melons Perk +"Double Melons Perk": "Double Melons Perk" -emeraldstotalearned: Emeralds total earned +"Emeralds total earned": "Emeralds total earned" -emeralds: Emeralds +"Emeralds": "Emeralds" -emerald: Emerald +"Emerald": "Emerald" -enchanteddiamondcannon: '&bEnchanted &b&lDiamond Cannon' +"§bEnchanted §b§lDiamond Cannon": "&bEnchanted &b&lDiamond Cannon" -enchantedsnowballperk: Enchanted Snowball Perk +"Enchanted Snowball Perk": "Enchanted Snowball Perk" -enchantedstonecannon: '&bEnchanted &7Stone Cannon' +"§bEnchanted §7Stone Cannon": "&bEnchanted &7Stone Cannon" -enchantedwoodcannon: Enchanted &aWood Cannon +"Enchanted §aWood Cannon": "Enchanted &aWood Cannon" -enemyteam: ENEMY TEAM +"ENEMY TEAM": "ENEMY TEAM" -everyplayergets3liveseliminateenemyteamtowin: Every player gets 3 lives, eliminate - enemy team to win. +"Every player gets 3 lives, eliminate enemy team to win": "Every player gets 3 lives, eliminate enemy team to win." -everyplayergets3liveseliminateotherplayerstowin: Every player gets 3 lives, eliminate - other players to win. +"Every player gets 3 lives, eliminate other players to win": "Every player gets 3 lives, eliminate other players to win." -experiencebonusperk: Experience Bonus Perk +"Experience Bonus Perk": "Experience Bonus Perk" -explodeyourwaytootherplayersandexplodethem: Explode your way to other players and - explode them! +"Explode your way to other players and explode them!": "Explode your way to other players and explode them!" -exploringthevoidmayrevealmysterioussecrets: Exploring the void may reveal mysterious - secrets! +"Exploring the void may reveal mysterious secrets!": "Exploring the void may reveal mysterious secrets!" -explosionradius: Explosion Radius +"Explosion Radius": "Explosion Radius" -fallingblocksanimation: Falling Blocks Animation +"Falling Blocks Animation": "Falling Blocks Animation" -fastsnowballsmodifier: Fast Snowballs Modifier +"Fast Snowballs Modifier": "Fast Snowballs Modifier" -feelfreetoinviteotherplayersbyusingthechat: Feel free to invite other players by using - the chat. +"Feel free to invite other players by using the chat": "Feel free to invite other players by using the chat." -finalkills: Final Kills +"Final Kills": "Final Kills" -flamethrower: Flamethrower +"Flamethrower": "Flamethrower" -free: Free! +"Free!": "Free!" -friendcommands: ' &2&l--=-= &a&lFriend Commands &2&l=-=--' +" §2§l--=-= §a§lFriend Commands §2§l=-=--": " &2&l--=-= &a&lFriend Commands &2&l=-=--" -friendlysurvivalwithtechandmagicexploremanydimensionsgrowbeautifultreesandmore: Friendly - survival with tech and magic! Explore many dimensions, grow beautiful trees and - more! +"Friendly survival with tech and magic! Explore many dimensions, grow beautiful trees and more!": "Friendly survival with tech and magic! Explore many dimensions, grow beautiful trees and more!" -gameendedinadraw: GAME ENDED IN A DRAW +"GAME ENDED IN A DRAW": "GAME ENDED IN A DRAW" -gameend: GAME END +"GAME END": "GAME END" -gamehasstarted: Game has started! +"Game has started!": "Game has started!" -gameisstarting: Game is starting +"Game is starting": "Game is starting" -gamestartsin1seconds: Game starts in &e&l$1$ &eseconds +"Game starts in §e§l$1$ §eseconds": "Game starts in &e&l$1$ &eseconds" -gamestartsin: Game starts in +"Game starts in": "Game starts in" -gamestatistics: Game Statistics +"Game Statistics": "Game Statistics" -gametime: Game time +"Game time": "Game time" -gamewillendin1minutes: Game will end in &e&l$1$ &eminutes. +"Game will end in §e§l$1$ §eminutes": "Game will end in &e&l$1$ &eminutes." -gamewillendin1minute: Game will end in &e&l$1$ &eminute. +"Game will end in §e§l$1$ §eminute": "Game will end in &e&l$1$ &eminute." -gamewillstartin1seconds: '&eGame will start in &e&l$1$ &eseconds' +"§eGame will start in §e§l$1$ §eseconds": "&eGame will start in &e&l$1$ &eseconds" -gamewillstartin1second: '&eGame will start in &e&l$1$ &esecond' +"§eGame will start in §e§l$1$ §esecond": "&eGame will start in &e&l$1$ &esecond" -gatherresourcesprepareforfightprotectyourcrystaloflifeattackothercrystalsandwinthegame: Gather - resources, prepare for fight, protect your Crystal of Life, attack other crystals - and win the game! +"Gather resources, prepare for fight, protect your Crystal of Life, attack other crystals and win the game!": "Gather resources, prepare for fight, protect your Crystal of Life, attack other crystals and win the game!" -gravityhasnoeffectonblocksheresoyoucanbuildinthesky: Gravity has no effect on blocks - here, so you can build in the sky! +"Gravity has no effect on blocks here, so you can build in the sky!": "Gravity has no effect on blocks here, so you can build in the sky!" -groupcommands: ' &2&l --=-= &a&lGroup Commands &2&l=-=--' +" §2§l --=-= §a§lGroup Commands §2§l=-=--": " &2&l --=-= &a&lGroup Commands &2&l=-=--" -havefun: Have fun! +"Have fun!": "Have fun!" -health: Health +"Health": "Health" -hereyoucanfindgameswhichcanbeplayedbothaloneandwithfriends: Here you can find games - which can be played both alone and with friends! +"Here you can find games which can be played both alone and with friends!": "Here you can find games which can be played both alone and with friends!" -hereyoucanfindgameswhichcanbeplayedonlywithfriends: Here you can find games which - can be played only with friends! +"Here you can find games which can be played only with friends!": "Here you can find games which can be played only with friends!" -hereyoucanfindlittleguiminigamestheseminigamesunlikeothersarentmadebyusitsjustadownloadedpluginbuttheyarestillfun: Here - you can find little GUI minigames, these minigames unlike others, aren't made - by us, it's just a downloaded plugin, but they are still fun! +? "Here you can find little GUI minigames, these minigames unlike others, aren't made by us, it's just a downloaded plugin, but they are still fun!" +: "Here you can find little GUI minigames, these minigames unlike others, aren't made by us, it's just a downloaded plugin, but they are still fun!" -hereyoucanusevariousabilitiestoexplodethemapandotherplayers: Here you can use various - abilities to explode the map and other players! +"Here you can use various abilities to explode the map and other players!": "Here you can use various abilities to explode the map and other players!" -hitstaken: Hits Taken +"Hits Taken": "Hits Taken" -hits: Hits +"Hits": "Hits" -hittolevelupyourstickandknockotherplayersintothevoid: Hit to level up your stick and - knock other players in to the void! +"Hit to level up your stick and knock other players in to the void!": "Hit to level up your stick and knock other players in to the void!" -hours: hours +"hours": "hours" -howtoplay: '&b&lHow To Play' +"§b§lHow To Play": "&b&lHow To Play" -ifyouwanttogetoutofthespectatormodetype/q: If you want to get out of the &eSpectator - Mode &ctype &e/q +"If you want to get out of the §eSpectator Mode §ctype §e/q": "If you want to get out of the &eSpectator Mode &ctype &e/q" -ifyouwanttoleavethegametype/q: If you want to leave the game type &e/q&6. +"If you want to leave the game type §e/q§6": "If you want to leave the game type &e/q&6." -ifyouwanttospectateotherplayertype/stp: If you want to spectate other player - type &e/stp +"If you want to spectate other player type §e/stp ": "If you want to spectate other player type &e/stp " -immortalityperk: Immortality Perk +"Immortality Perk": "Immortality Perk" -increasesthechancetoreflectasnowballto100: Increases the chance to reflect a snowball - to 100% +"Increases the chance to reflect a snowball to 100%": "Increases the chance to reflect a snowball to 100%" -increasesthedamageofsnowballsto10hearts: Increases the damage of snowballs to 10 hearts. +"Increases the damage of snowballs to 10 hearts": "Increases the damage of snowballs to 10 hearts." -increasesyourspeedby1: Increases your speed by $1$ +"Increases your speed by $1$": "Increases your speed by $1$" -instakillsnowballsmodifier: Instakill Snowballs Modifier +"Instakill Snowballs Modifier": "Instakill Snowballs Modifier" -invalidcode: Invalid code. +"Invalid code": "Invalid code." -ironcannon: '&7&lIron Cannon' +"§7§lIron Cannon": "&7&lIron Cannon" -itsveryhotinmustafaryougonnaneedtodrinktwiceasmuchwater: It's very hot in Mustafar, - you gonna need to drink twice as much water. +"It's very hot in Mustafar, you gonna need to drink twice as much water": "It's very hot in Mustafar, you gonna need to drink twice as much water." -jumps: Jumps +"Jumps": "Jumps" -killer: Killer +"Killer": "Killer" -killsanynormalopponentevenwitharmor: Kills any normal opponent, even with armor. +"Kills any normal opponent, even with armor": "Kills any normal opponent, even with armor." -killstreak: Killstreak +"Killstreak": "Killstreak" -kills: Kills +"Kills": "Kills" -king: King +"King": "King" -knockotherplayersofftheplatformasyouhitplayersyoudealmoreknockback: '&e&lKnock other - players off the platform. As you hit players, you deal more knockback.' +"§e§lKnock other players off the platform": + " As you hit players, you deal more knockback": "&e&lKnock other players off the platform. As you hit players, you deal more knockback." -level: Level +"Level": "Level" -listofgames: List of Games +"List of Games": "List of Games" -lives: Lives +"Lives": "Lives" -lootchestsfightotherplayersfindrandomlygeneratedlootwithinterestingabilitiesandthrowmobeggslikepokeballs: Loot - chests, fight other players, find randomly generated loot with interesting abilities - and throw mob eggs like pokeballs! +? "Loot chests, fight other players, find randomly generated loot with interesting abilities and throw mob eggs like pokeballs!" +: "Loot chests, fight other players, find randomly generated loot with interesting abilities and throw mob eggs like pokeballs!" -lootrandomlygeneratedchestswithuniqueitemsusethemtoeliminateyourenemiesbetheonlysurvivortowin: '&e&lLoot - randomly generated chests with unique items. Use them to eliminate your enemies. - Be the only survivor to win.' +"§e§lLoot randomly generated chests with unique items": + " Use them to eliminate your enemies": + " Be the only survivor to win": "&e&lLoot randomly generated chests with unique items. Use them to eliminate your enemies. Be the only survivor to win." -losses: Losses +"Losses": "Losses" -makesallofyoursnowballsburn: Makes all of your snowballs burn. +"Makes all of your snowballs burn": "Makes all of your snowballs burn." -makesyoursnowballssuperfast: Makes your snowballs super fast. +"Makes your snowballs super fast": "Makes your snowballs super fast." -maxlevelreached: Max level reached +"Max level reached": "Max level reached" -maxlevel: 'MAX LEVEL:' +"MAX LEVEL:": "MAX LEVEL:" -melonsearned: Melons earned +"Melons earned": "Melons earned" -melonsspent: Melons spent +"Melons spent": "Melons spent" -melons: Melons +"Melons": "Melons" -melon: Melon +"Melon": "Melon" -mineoresupgradepickaxesbuyawesomeupgradesandunlocknewcaves: Mine ores, upgrade pickaxes, - buy awesome upgrades and unlock new caves! +"Mine ores, upgrade pickaxes, buy awesome upgrades and unlock new caves!": "Mine ores, upgrade pickaxes, buy awesome upgrades and unlock new caves!" -minutes: minutes +"minutes": "minutes" -mode: Mode +"Mode": "Mode" -movetimeleft: Move time left +"Move time left": "Move time left" -mustbeatlowerfloor: Must be at lower floor +"Must be at lower floor": "Must be at lower floor" -mustnothaveanysuperjumps: Must not have any Super Jumps +"Must not have any Super Jumps": "Must not have any Super Jumps" -newrating: New Rating +"New Rating": "New Rating" -newrecord: NEW RECORD! +"NEW RECORD!": "NEW RECORD!" -new: NEW! +"NEW!": "NEW!" -nextsuperjumpin: Next Super Jump In +"Next Super Jump In": "Next Super Jump In" -next: Next +"Next": "Next" -night: Night +"Night": "Night" -nocompassmodifier: No Compass Modifier +"No Compass Modifier": "No Compass Modifier" -notenoughmelons: Not enough melons! +"Not enough melons!": "Not enough melons!" -note: 'Note:' +"Note:": "Note:" -nowblockswillstartbreakingwhenyousteponthem: Now blocks will start breaking when you - step on them! +"Now blocks will start breaking when you step on them!": "Now blocks will start breaking when you step on them!" -oldrecord: Old Record +"Old Record": "Old Record" -parkourcourse: Parkour Course +"Parkour Course": "Parkour Course" -participateinamassivesnowballfightandusepowerupstoeaseyourexistencedelayingsnowballsallowstothrowthemfurther: '&e&lParticipate - in a massive snowball fight and use powerups to ease your existence! Delaying - snowballs allows to throw them further.' +? "§e§lParticipate in a massive snowball fight and use powerups to ease your existence! Delaying snowballs allows to throw them further" +: "&e&lParticipate in a massive snowball fight and use powerups to ease your existence! Delaying snowballs allows to throw them further." -partycommands: ' &2&l --=-= &a&lParty Commands &2&l=-=--' +" §2§l --=-= §a§lParty Commands §2§l=-=--": " &2&l --=-= &a&lParty Commands &2&l=-=--" -partyinvitefrom1hasexpired: Party invite from $1$ &ehas expired. +"Party invite from $1$ §ehas expired": "Party invite from $1$ &ehas expired." -partyleader: Party Leader +"Party Leader": "Party Leader" -partymembers: Party Members +"Party Members": "Party Members" -partyof1isnotopenforpublicjoin: Party of &a$1$ &cis not open for public join. +"Party of §a$1$ §cis not open for public join": "Party of &a$1$ &cis not open for public join." -placebombsandexplodeblocksarounditinashapeusepowerupstotakeadvantageoveropponents: '&e&lPlace - bombs and explode blocks around it in a + shape. Use powerups to take advantage - over opponents.' +"§e§lPlace bombs and explode blocks around it in a + shape": + " Use powerups to take advantage over opponents": "&e&lPlace bombs and explode blocks around it in a + shape. Use powerups to take advantage over opponents." -playercommands: ' &2&l --=-= &a&lPlayer Commands &2&l=-=--' +" §2§l --=-= §a§lPlayer Commands §2§l=-=--": " &2&l --=-= &a&lPlayer Commands &2&l=-=--" -playerdied1timesinarowwithoutkills: Player died $1$ times in a row without kills +"Player died $1$ times in a row without kills": "Player died $1$ times in a row without kills" -playeriswaiting: Player is waiting +"Player is waiting": "Player is waiting" -playernotfound: Player not found. +"Player not found": "Player not found." -playersarewaiting: Players are waiting +"Players are waiting": "Players are waiting" -playersin: Players in +"Players in": "Players in" -playersleft: Players left +"Players left": "Players left" -playerswaiting: Players Waiting +"Players Waiting": "Players Waiting" -players: Players +"Players": "Players" -playerwason1killstreak: Player was on $1$ killstreak +"Player was on $1$ killstreak": "Player was on $1$ killstreak" -playvariousclasseswithdifferentabilitiesanduseyourbowskillstowininmanydifferentmodes: Play - various classes with different abilities and use your bow skills to win in many - different modes! +"Play various classes with different abilities and use your bow skills to win in many different modes!": "Play various classes with different abilities and use your bow skills to win in many different modes!" -pleaseratethismapbyclicking: 'Please rate this map by clicking:' +"Please rate this map by clicking:": "Please rate this map by clicking:" -pleasespecifygroupname: Please specify group name! +"Please specify group name!": "Please specify group name!" -pleasespecifyplayername: Please specify player name! +"Please specify player name!": "Please specify player name!" -plotname: Plot Name +"Plot Name": "Plot Name" -plotowner: Plot Owner +"Plot Owner": "Plot Owner" -points: Points +"Points": "Points" -powerups: Powerups +"Powerups": "Powerups" -price: 'Price:' +"Price:": "Price:" -quicklytestyourskillbyfightingotherplayerswithahugevarietyofmodifiers: Quickly test - your skill by fighting other players with a huge variety of modifiers! +"Quickly test your skill by fighting other players with a huge variety of modifiers!": "Quickly test your skill by fighting other players with a huge variety of modifiers!" -radarbreaker: Radar Breaker +"Radar Breaker": "Radar Breaker" -rainisabletorefillwatersources: Rain is able to refill water sources. +"Rain is able to refill water sources": "Rain is able to refill water sources." -rapidfirepoweruphasspawnedatmiddleofthemap: '&6&lRapid Fire &bpowerup has spawned - at middle of the map!' +"§6§lRapid Fire §bpowerup has spawned at middle of the map!": "&6&lRapid Fire &bpowerup has spawned at middle of the map!" -rating: Rating +"Rating": "Rating" -reflectionperk: Reflection Perk +"Reflection Perk": "Reflection Perk" -reflectsasnowballreducingdamagetakenby1: Reflects a snowball, reducing damage taken - by $1$. +"Reflects a snowball, reducing damage taken by $1$": "Reflects a snowball, reducing damage taken by $1$." -reflectsnowballsmodifier: Reflect Snowballs Modifier +"Reflect Snowballs Modifier": "Reflect Snowballs Modifier" -regeneratesyourhealth1: Regenerates your health $1$ +"Regenerates your health $1$": "Regenerates your health $1$" -regeneration: Regeneration +"Regeneration": "Regeneration" -removescompassfromthegame: Removes compass from the game. +"Removes compass from the game": "Removes compass from the game." -resources: Resources +"Resources": "Resources" -respawningin: Respawning in +"Respawning in": "Respawning in" -serverrulescanbereadin/rulesmakesuretofollowthem: Server rules can be read in &a/rules&e, - make sure to follow them! +"Server rules can be read in §a/rules§e, make sure to follow them!": "Server rules can be read in &a/rules&e, make sure to follow them!" -shootchickensandgetthemostkillstowinbewarefilthyzombiesandcreepers: '&e&lShoot chickens - and get the most kills to win! Beware: filthy zombies and creepers!' +"§e§lShoot chickens and get the most kills to win! Beware: filthy zombies and creepers!": "&e&lShoot chickens and get the most kills to win! Beware: filthy zombies and creepers!" -shootchickensasfastasyoucan: Shoot chickens as fast as you can! +"Shoot chickens as fast as you can!": "Shoot chickens as fast as you can!" -shoototherplayerswithsnowballsbuypowerupswithmelonsandplayinmanydifferentmodes: Shoot - other players with snowballs, buy powerups with melons and play in many different - modes! +"Shoot other players with snowballs, buy powerups with melons and play in many different modes!": "Shoot other players with snowballs, buy powerups with melons and play in many different modes!" -shoottntwithyourcannonandknockopponentstothevoidorexplodethemsaveyourselffromhazardsusingsuperjumpssneak: '&e&lShoot - TNT with your cannon and knock opponents to the void, or explode them. Save yourself - from hazards using Super Jumps. [Sneak]' +"§e§lShoot TNT with your cannon and knock opponents to the void, or explode them": + " Save yourself from hazards using Super Jumps": + " [Sneak]": "&e&lShoot TNT with your cannon and knock opponents to the void, or explode them. Save yourself from hazards using Super Jumps. [Sneak]" -slowballs: Slowballs +"Slowballs": "Slowballs" -slownessionhit: Slowness I on hit +"Slowness I on hit": "Slowness I on hit" -slownessperk: Slowness Perk +"Slowness Perk": "Slowness Perk" -sneaktouse: Sneak to use +"Sneak to use": "Sneak to use" -snowballaccuracy: Snowball Accuracy +"Snowball Accuracy": "Snowball Accuracy" -snowballsfired: Snowballs fired +"Snowballs fired": "Snowballs fired" -snowmanperk: Snowman Perk +"Snowman Perk": "Snowman Perk" -snowman: Snowman +"Snowman": "Snowman" -sortsteamsbasedonkillscountforfairness: Sorts teams based on kills count for fairness. +"Sorts teams based on kills count for fairness": "Sorts teams based on kills count for fairness." -spawnpointswitch: Spawnpoint Switch +"Spawnpoint Switch": "Spawnpoint Switch" -speed: Speed +"Speed": "Speed" -spleeftntspleentexplodeotherplayersintothevoid: Spleef + TNT = Spleent! Explode other - players into the void! +"Spleef + TNT = Spleent! Explode other players into the void!": "Spleef + TNT = Spleent! Explode other players into the void!" -statistics: Statistics +"Statistics": "Statistics" -stonecannon: '&7Stone Cannon' +"§7Stone Cannon": "&7Stone Cannon" -succesfullysentpartyinviteto1: Succesfully sent party invite to $1$! +"Succesfully sent party invite to $1$!": "Succesfully sent party invite to $1$!" -superjumps: Super Jumps +"Super Jumps": "Super Jumps" -superjump: Super Jump +"Super Jump": "Super Jump" -survivalbasedonoldminecraftversionsbetweenalpha12andbeta173warningnostalgiaisacertainty: 'Survival - based on old Minecraft versions between alpha 1.2 and beta 1.7.3.||&cWARNING: - &7NOSTALGIA IS A CERTAINTY.' +"Survival based on old Minecraft versions between alpha 1": + "2 and beta 1": + "7": + "3": + "||§cWARNING: §7NOSTALGIA IS A CERTAINTY": "Survival based on old Minecraft versions between alpha 1.2 and beta 1.7.3.||&cWARNING: &7NOSTALGIA IS A CERTAINTY." -survivalrules: Survival Rules +"Survival Rules": "Survival Rules" -team: Team +"Team": "Team" -thankyouforratingthismap: Thank you for rating this map +"Thank you for rating this map": "Thank you for rating this map" -theknockbackstick: The Knockback Stick +"The Knockback Stick": "The Knockback Stick" -therearemanyspecialrecipescheckthemoutin/recipes: 'There are many special recipes! - Check them out in: &e/recipes&r' +"There are many special recipes! Check them out in: §e/recipes§r": "There are many special recipes! Check them out in: &e/recipes&r" -thereisacustomprogramminglanguagemadeforcreativeworldwithityoucancreatesimplefeaturesforyourplot1: There - is a custom programming language made for Creative World, with it you can create - simple features for your plot! $1$ +"There is a custom programming language made for Creative World, with it you can create simple features for your plot! $1$": "There is a custom programming language made for Creative World, with it you can create simple features for your plot! $1$" -thisgamecanbeplayedalone: '&aThis game can be played &e&lalone&a.' +"§aThis game can be played §e§lalone§a": "&aThis game can be played &e&lalone&a." -thisgamecanbeplayedwith2players: This game can be played with &e&l2&a&l+ &aplayers. +"This game can be played with §e§l2§a§l+ §aplayers": "This game can be played with &e&l2&a&l+ &aplayers." -thisgamecanbeplayedwithonly2players: This game can be played with only &e&l2 &aplayers. +"This game can be played with only §e§l2 §aplayers": "This game can be played with only &e&l2 &aplayers." -thisgameisstartingearlyyouwillnotearnemeraldsandyourstatsachievementswontcountifitstartswithlessthan1players: This - game is starting early, You will not earn Emeralds and your stats, achievements - won't count if it starts with less than &e&l$1$ &6players. +? "This game is starting early, You will not earn Emeralds and your stats, achievements won't count if it starts with less than §e§l$1$ §6players" +: "This game is starting early, You will not earn Emeralds and your stats, achievements won't count if it starts with less than &e&l$1$ &6players." -thispowerupisalreadyactive: This power-up is already active! +"This power-up is already active!": "This power-up is already active!" -thisroundof1v1didnotmeettherequirementsforwinrewardsandratingchanges: This round of - 1v1 did not meet the requirements for win rewards and rating changes. +"This round of 1v1 did not meet the requirements for win rewards and rating changes": "This round of 1v1 did not meet the requirements for win rewards and rating changes." -throwablecobweb: Throwable Cobweb +"Throwable Cobweb": "Throwable Cobweb" -timeelapsed: Time elapsed +"Time elapsed": "Time elapsed" -timesincelastupdate: Time since last update +"Time since last update": "Time since last update" -totalplaytime: Total play time +"Total play time": "Total play time" -troopsalive: Troops alive +"Troops alive": "Troops alive" -troopskilled: Troops killed +"Troops killed": "Troops killed" -troopslost: Troops lost +"Troops lost": "Troops lost" -troops: Troops +"Troops": "Troops" -turnsyoursnowballsintoslowballs: Turns your snowballs into slowballs. +"Turns your snowballs into slowballs": "Turns your snowballs into slowballs." -turn: Turn +"Turn": "Turn" -unlocked: UNLOCKED +"UNLOCKED": "UNLOCKED" -use/agree1toagreewithsurvivalrules: Use /agree $1$ to agree with survival rules. +"Use /agree $1$ to agree with survival rules": "Use /agree $1$ to agree with survival rules." -usef5highfovtogetabetterviewofthegamefield: Use F5 + high FOV to get a better view - of the game field! +"Use F5 + high FOV to get a better view of the game field!": "Use F5 + high FOV to get a better view of the game field!" -utilisepreparationtimegiventogatherasmuchresourcesaspossibledefendyourcrystaloflifeandfightyourwaytovictory: '&e&lUtilise - preparation time given to gather as much resources as possible, defend your Crystal - of Life and fight your way to victory.' +? "§e§lUtilise preparation time given to gather as much resources as possible, defend your Crystal of Life and fight your way to victory" +: "&e&lUtilise preparation time given to gather as much resources as possible, defend your Crystal of Life and fight your way to victory." -victory: VICTORY +"VICTORY": "VICTORY" -votes: 'Votes:' +"Votes:": "Votes:" -vote: '[VOTE]' +"[VOTE]": "[VOTE]" -waitingplayers: Waiting Players +"Waiting Players": "Waiting Players" -waitingqueuestatus: Waiting Queue Status +"Waiting Queue Status": "Waiting Queue Status" -warped1partymemberstoyourlocation: Warped &e&l$1$ &eparty members to your location! +"Warped §e§l$1$ §eparty members to your location!": "Warped &e&l$1$ &eparty members to your location!" -waterisfiniteheresoyouaregoingtoneedtobuildfarmsclosetobigsourcesofwater: Water is - finite here, so you are going to need to build farms close to big sources of water. +"Water is finite here, so you are going to need to build farms close to big sources of water": "Water is finite here, so you are going to need to build farms close to big sources of water." -winspercentage: Wins Percentage +"Wins Percentage": "Wins Percentage" -wins: Wins +"Wins": "Wins" -woodcannon: Wood Cannon +"Wood Cannon": "Wood Cannon" -youalreadyhavevotedforamap: You already have voted for a map! +"You already have voted for a map!": "You already have voted for a map!" -youarealreadyinapartyof1: You are already in a party of &a$1$&c! +"You are already in a party of §a$1$§c!": "You are already in a party of &a$1$&c!" -youarealreadyon1team: You are already on $1$ &cteam! +"You are already on $1$ §cteam!": "You are already on $1$ &cteam!" -youareleaderofapartyuse/partydisbandtobeabletodothis: You are leader of a party, use - &e/party disband &cto be able to do this. +"You are leader of a party, use §e/party disband §cto be able to do this": "You are leader of a party, use &e/party disband &cto be able to do this." -youarenowamemberof1team: You are now a member of $1$ &eteam! +"You are now a member of $1$ §eteam!": "You are now a member of $1$ &eteam!" -youarenowjuggernaut: You are now Juggernaut! +"You are now Juggernaut!": "You are now Juggernaut!" -youarentinaparty: You aren't in a party! +"You aren't in a party!": "You aren't in a party!" -youarenttheleaderoftheparty: You aren't the leader of the party! +"You aren't the leader of the party!": "You aren't the leader of the party!" -youcanchatonlyonceevery15second: You can chat only once every 1.5 second! +"You can chat only once every 1": + "5 second!": "You can chat only once every 1.5 second!" -youcandiefromcoldduringnightinhothifyoudonothaveleatherarmor: You can die from cold - during night in &bHoth&r if you do not have leather armor. +"You can die from cold during night in §bHoth§r if you do not have leather armor": "You can die from cold during night in &bHoth&r if you do not have leather armor." -youcanfindfriendlysurvivalwikiin1: 'You can find Friendly Survival wiki in: $1$' +"You can find Friendly Survival wiki in: $1$": "You can find Friendly Survival wiki in: $1$" -youcanlockyourcontainersanddoorswithsignsifyouwanttoprotectlandyoucanjoinagrouporcreateone: You - can lock your containers and doors with signs, if you want to protect land you - can join a group or create one. +"You can lock your containers and doors with signs, if you want to protect land you can join a group or create one": "You can lock your containers and doors with signs, if you want to protect land you can join a group or create one." -youcannothavemorethanonesnowmanininventoryatthesametime: You cannot have more than - one &fSnowman &cin inventory at the same time. +"You cannot have more than one §fSnowman §cin inventory at the same time": "You cannot have more than one &fSnowman &cin inventory at the same time." -youcannotpartywarpintothisgame: You cannot party warp into this game! +"You cannot party warp into this game!": "You cannot party warp into this game!" -youcanonlybuythisingame: You can only buy this in-game! +"You can only buy this in-game!": "You can only buy this in-game!" -youcanonlyvotewhentheresenoughplayerstostartthegame: You can only vote when there's - enough players to start the game. +"You can only vote when there's enough players to start the game": "You can only vote when there's enough players to start the game." -youcansendcarepackagestosupportaliveplayerswith/carepackage: You can send - care packages to support alive players with &e&l/carepackage +"You can send care packages to support alive players with §e§l/carepackage ": "You can send care packages to support alive players with &e&l/carepackage " -youcantoggledisplayoftheanimationofftoreduceyourfpslag: You can toggle display of - the animation off to reduce your FPS lag! +"You can toggle display of the animation off to reduce your FPS lag!": "You can toggle display of the animation off to reduce your FPS lag!" -youcanusedimensionalwarptowarptomanybeautifulandinterestingdimensions: You can use - &5Dimensional Warp&r to warp to many beautiful and interesting dimensions. +"You can use §5Dimensional Warp§r to warp to many beautiful and interesting dimensions": "You can use &5Dimensional Warp&r to warp to many beautiful and interesting dimensions." -youcouldnotbewarpedtoyourpartyleaderslocationbecauseyouareinagameuse/qtoleave: You - could not be warped to your party leader's location, because you are in a game. - Use &e/q &cto leave. +"You could not be warped to your party leader's location, because you are in a game": + " Use §e/q §cto leave": "You could not be warped to your party leader's location, because you are in a game. Use &e/q &cto leave." -youdonated1snowballto1: You donated &e&l1 &fSnowball &eto &a$1$&e! +"You donated §e§l1 §fSnowball §eto §a$1$§e!": "You donated &e&l1 &fSnowball &eto &a$1$&e!" -youdonothaveenoughemeralds: You do not have enough &aEmeralds&c! +"You do not have enough §aEmeralds§c!": "You do not have enough &aEmeralds&c!" -youdonothaveenoughmelons: You do not have enough melons! +"You do not have enough melons!": "You do not have enough melons!" -yougetpointsforflagcapturesyourteamneedstoreachtheneededamountofpointstowin: You get - points for flag captures, your team needs to reach the needed amount of points - to win. +"You get points for flag captures, your team needs to reach the needed amount of points to win": "You get points for flag captures, your team needs to reach the needed amount of points to win." -? yougetpointsforkillsoneplayerischosentobejuggernautandthenalltheplayersareagainstthemifyoukillthejuggernautyouwillbecomethejuggernautyouneedtoreachtheneededamountofpointstowin -: You get points for kills, one player is chosen to be juggernaut and then all the - players are against them, if you kill the juggernaut - you will become the juggernaut. - You need to reach the needed amount of points to win. +? "You get points for kills, one player is chosen to be juggernaut and then all the players are against them, if you kill the juggernaut - you will become the juggernaut" +: " You need to reach the needed amount of points to win": "You get points for kills, one player is chosen to be juggernaut and then all the players are against them, if you kill the juggernaut - you will become the juggernaut. You need to reach the needed amount of points to win." -yougetpointsforkillsyouneedtoreachtheneededamountofpointstowin: You get points for - kills, you need to reach the needed amount of points to win. +"You get points for kills, you need to reach the needed amount of points to win": "You get points for kills, you need to reach the needed amount of points to win." -yougetpointsforkillsyourteamneedstoreachtheneededamountofpointstowin: You get points - for kills, your team needs to reach the needed amount of points to win. +"You get points for kills, your team needs to reach the needed amount of points to win": "You get points for kills, your team needs to reach the needed amount of points to win." -yougotaenchantedsnowballfromyourkill: You got a &lEnchanted Snowball &bfrom your kill! +"You got a §lEnchanted Snowball §bfrom your kill!": "You got a &lEnchanted Snowball &bfrom your kill!" -youhaveagreedwiththesurvivalrulesfollowthemandeverythingwillbeokay: You have agreed - with the survival rules, follow them and everything will be okay! +"You have agreed with the survival rules, follow them and everything will be okay!": "You have agreed with the survival rules, follow them and everything will be okay!" -youhavealreadyinvited1intoyourparty: You have already invited $1$ &cinto your party! +"You have already invited $1$ §cinto your party!": "You have already invited $1$ &cinto your party!" -youhavealreadyvotedforamapinthisgametodaysupporttheserverbybuyingvipifyouwanttovoteunlimitedamountoftimesperday: You - have already voted for a map in this game today, support the server by buying - &a&lVIP &cif you want to vote unlimited amount of times per day. +? "You have already voted for a map in this game today, support the server by buying §a§lVIP §cif you want to vote unlimited amount of times per day" +: "You have already voted for a map in this game today, support the server by buying &a&lVIP &cif you want to vote unlimited amount of times per day." -youhavealreadyvotedforamode: You have already voted for a mode! +"You have already voted for a mode!": "You have already voted for a mode!" -youhavealreadyvotedforthismodifier: You have already voted for this modifier! +"You have already voted for this modifier!": "You have already voted for this modifier!" -youhavefastasyncworldeditfastasyncvoxelsnipergobrushandgopaintbuildingtools: You have - FastAsyncWorldEdit, FastAsyncVoxelSniper, goBrush and goPaint building tools! +"You have FastAsyncWorldEdit, FastAsyncVoxelSniper, goBrush and goPaint building tools!": "You have FastAsyncWorldEdit, FastAsyncVoxelSniper, goBrush and goPaint building tools!" -youhavejoinedpartyof1: You have joined party of &a$1$&e! +"You have joined party of §a$1$§e!": "You have joined party of &a$1$&e!" -youhaveleftpartyof1: You have left party of &a$1$&e! +"You have left party of §a$1$§e!": "You have left party of &a$1$&e!" -youhavepurchased1: You have purchased $1$&6! +"You have purchased $1$§6!": "You have purchased $1$&6!" -youhavereachedthelimitof1powerupspermatch: You have reached the limit of &e&l$1$ &cpowerups - per match! +"You have reached the limit of §e§l$1$ §cpowerups per match!": "You have reached the limit of &e&l$1$ &cpowerups per match!" -youhavereachedthelimitofsnowballs: You have reached the limit of snowballs! +"You have reached the limit of snowballs!": "You have reached the limit of snowballs!" -youhavereceivedsnowmanforreachingkillstreakof5: You have received &fSnowman &efor - reaching killstreak of &e&l5&e! +"You have received §fSnowman §efor reaching killstreak of §e§l5§e!": "You have received &fSnowman &efor reaching killstreak of &e&l5&e!" -youhavereflectedsnowballof1: You have reflected snowball of $1$&f! +"You have reflected snowball of $1$§f!": "You have reflected snowball of $1$&f!" -youhaveremovedyourlastratingofthismap: You have removed your last rating of this map. +"You have removed your last rating of this map": "You have removed your last rating of this map." -youhavetoreadandagreewiththerulesofsurvivaltobeabletobreak/placeblocksuse/survivalrules: You - have to read and agree with the rules of survival to be able to break/place blocks, - use &e/survivalrules +"You have to read and agree with the rules of survival to be able to break/place blocks, use §e/survivalrules": "You have to read and agree with the rules of survival to be able to break/place blocks, use &e/survivalrules" -youhaveupgraded1to2: You have upgraded $1$ to $2$! +"You have upgraded $1$ to $2$!": "You have upgraded $1$ to $2$!" -youhaveupgraded1: You have upgraded &a$1$&6! +"You have upgraded §a$1$§6!": "You have upgraded &a$1$&6!" -youmustbeleaderofapartytousethis: You must be leader of a party to use this! +"You must be leader of a party to use this!": "You must be leader of a party to use this!" -yourarmyisunderattack: Your army is under attack! +"Your army is under attack!": "Your army is under attack!" -youropponentisblindedbyyourperk: Your opponent is blinded by your perk! +"Your opponent is blinded by your perk!": "Your opponent is blinded by your perk!" -youropponentisignitedbyyourperk: Your opponent is ignited by your perk! +"Your opponent is ignited by your perk!": "Your opponent is ignited by your perk!" -youropponentisslowedbyyourperk: Your opponent is slowed by your perk! +"Your opponent is slowed by your perk!": "Your opponent is slowed by your perk!" -yourpartyinviteto1hasexpired: Your party invite to $1$ &ehas expired. +"Your party invite to $1$ §ehas expired": "Your party invite to $1$ &ehas expired." -yourpartyleaderhaswarpedyoutotheirlocation: Your party leader has warped you to their - location! +"Your party leader has warped you to their location!": "Your party leader has warped you to their location!" -yourradarbreakereffectisover: Your Radar Breaker effect is over! +"Your Radar Breaker effect is over!": "Your Radar Breaker effect is over!" -yoursnowballhit1: Your snowball hit $1$&f! +"Your snowball hit $1$§f!": "Your snowball hit $1$&f!" -yoursnowballhitboatof1: Your snowball hit boat of $1$&f! +"Your snowball hit boat of $1$§f!": "Your snowball hit boat of $1$&f!" -yoursnowmanssnowballhit1: Your snowman's snowball hit $1$&f! +"Your snowman's snowball hit $1$§f!": "Your snowman's snowball hit $1$&f!" -yourteam: YOUR TEAM +"YOUR TEAM": "YOUR TEAM" -1kicked2fromtheparty: $1$ &ekicked $2$ &efrom the party! +"$1$ §ekicked $2$ §efrom the party!": "$1$ &ekicked $2$ &efrom the party!" -youhavealreadyusedthispowerupinthislife: You have already used this power-up in this - life! +"You have already used this power-up in this life!": "You have already used this power-up in this life!" -swearingiscompletelyforbiddeninourserveryouwillgetanautomaticallyissuedpunishmentifyoudo: Swearing - is completely forbidden in our server, you will get an automatically issued punishment - if you do. +"Swearing is completely forbidden in our server, you will get an automatically issued punishment if you do": "Swearing is completely forbidden in our server, you will get an automatically issued punishment if you do." -1hastransferredpartyleaderto2: $1$ &ehas transferred party leader to $2$&e! +"$1$ §ehas transferred party leader to $2$§e!": "$1$ &ehas transferred party leader to $2$&e!" -1isnotinyourparty: $1$ &cis not in your party! +"$1$ §cis not in your party!": "$1$ &cis not in your party!" -youcanbuythisitemonlyonceperlife: You can buy this item only once per life. +"You can buy this item only once per life": "You can buy this item only once per life." -youhavegainedextralifefromyourimmortalityperk: You have gained extra life from your - &aImmortality Perk&e! +"You have gained extra life from your §aImmortality Perk§e!": "You have gained extra life from your &aImmortality Perk&e!" -rightclicktoactivategamemodifiers: Right click to activate game modifiers! +"Right click to activate game modifiers!": "Right click to activate game modifiers!" -youhaveloggedin1daysinarowyouwillgethigherrewardsforeverydayloggedinarow: You have - logged in &e&l$1$ &adays in a row! You will get higher rewards for every day logged - in a row. +"You have logged in §e§l$1$ §adays in a row! You will get higher rewards for every day logged in a row": "You have logged in &e&l$1$ &adays in a row! You will get higher rewards for every day logged in a row." -locked: LOCKED +"LOCKED": "LOCKED" -1hasgainedanextralifefromtheirimmortalityperk: '&a$1$ &ehas gained an extra life from - their &aImmortality Perk&e!' +"§a$1$ §ehas gained an extra life from their §aImmortality Perk§e!": "&a$1$ &ehas gained an extra life from their &aImmortality Perk&e!" -/msgplayersendaprivatemessagetoaplayer: ' /msg &2- &aSend a private message - to a player.' +"Your party is now open for public join! Other players can do §a/p join $1$ §eto join it!": "Your party is now open for public join! Other players can do &a/p join $1$ &eto join it!" -/statsplayerviewplayersstats: ' /stats &2- &aView player''s stats.' +"§bEnchanted §7§lIron Cannon": "&bEnchanted &7&lIron Cannon" -/joingamelobbynametojoinapublicgamebyacommandorprivategamebyspecifyinglobbyname: ' /join - [lobbyname] &2- &aTo join a public game by a command or private game by - specifying lobby name.' +? "Castle Wars, 1v1, Govindas Survival Games, Mini Sky Walls, Spleent, Knockout, Snowball, Checkers, Bomberman, Elemental Archers" +: "Castle Wars, 1v1, Govindas Survival Games, Mini Sky Walls, Spleent, Knockout, Snowball, Checkers, Bomberman, Elemental Archers" -/partyinviteplayertoinviteaplayertoparty: ' /party invite &2- &aTo invite - a player to party.' - -/partyacceptplayertoacceptanpartyinvite: ' /party accept &2- &aTo accept - an party invite.' - -/partykickplayertokickaplayerfromyourparty: ' /party kick &2- &aTo kick - a player from your party.' - -/partytransferplayertotransferpartyleadertoothermember: ' /party transfer - &2- &aTo transfer party leader to other member.' - -/partyjoinplayertojoinpublicpartyofaplayer: ' /party join &2- &aTo join - public party of a player.' - -ifyouwanttospectateotherplayertype/stpplayer: If you want to spectate other player - type &e/stp - -yourpartyisnowopenforpublicjoinotherplayerscando/pjoin1tojoinit: Your party is now - open for public join! Other players can do &a/p join $1$ &eto join it! - -youcansendcarepackagestosupportaliveplayerswith/carepackageplayer: You can send care - packages to support alive players with &e&l/carepackage - -enchantedironcannon: '&bEnchanted &7&lIron Cannon' - -castlewars1v1govindassurvivalgamesminiskywallsspleentknockoutsnowballcheckersbombermanelementalarchers: Castle - Wars, 1v1, Govindas Survival Games, Mini Sky Walls, Spleent, Knockout, Snowball, - Checkers, Bomberman, Elemental Archers - -? creativeworldwithalotofusefulfeaturesworldeditvoxelsnipergobrushgopaintahugecollectionofplayerheadsandevenfurnituretoimproveyourbuilds -: Creative world with a lot of useful features! WorldEdit, VoxelSniper, goBrush, goPaint, - a huge collection of player heads and even furniture to improve your builds! +? "Creative world with a lot of useful features! WorldEdit, VoxelSniper, goBrush, goPaint, a huge collection of player heads and even furniture to improve your builds!" +: "Creative world with a lot of useful features! WorldEdit, VoxelSniper, goBrush, goPaint, a huge collection of player heads and even furniture to improve your builds!" diff --git a/LanguageES.yml b/LanguageES.yml index c81e583..1f4e88f 100644 --- a/LanguageES.yml +++ b/LanguageES.yml @@ -1,837 +1,837 @@ -"/chatpartytotogglepartychat": " /chat party &2- &aTo toggle party chat." +" /chat party §2- §aTo toggle party chat": " /chat party &2- &aTo toggle party chat." -"/donateviewwaystodonatemoneytoourserver": " /donate &2- &aView ways to donate money to our server." +" /donate §2- §aView ways to donate money to our server": " /donate &2- &aView ways to donate money to our server." -"/groupacceptacceptagroupinvitation": " /group accept &2- &aAccept a group invitation." +" /group accept §2- §aAccept a group invitation": " /group accept &2- &aAccept a group invitation." -"/groupchunksbrowseclaimedchunksofagroup": " /group chunks &2- &aBrowse claimed chunks of a group." +" /group chunks §2- §aBrowse claimed chunks of a group": " /group chunks &2- &aBrowse claimed chunks of a group." -"/groupclaimclaimachunktoagroup": " /group claim &2- &aClaim a chunk to a group." +" /group claim §2- §aClaim a chunk to a group": " /group claim &2- &aClaim a chunk to a group." -"/groupcreatecreateagroup": " /group create &2- &aCreate a group." +" /group create §2- §aCreate a group": " /group create &2- &aCreate a group." -"/groupdemotedemoteaplayerinagroup": " /group demote &2- &aDemote a player in a group." +" /group demote §2- §aDemote a player in a group": " /group demote &2- &aDemote a player in a group." -"/groupinfoviewinformationaboutagroup": " /group info &2- &aView information about a group." +" /group info §2- §aView information about a group": " /group info &2- &aView information about a group." -"/groupinviteinviteaplayertoagroup": " /group invite &2- &aInvite a player to a group." +" /group invite §2- §aInvite a player to a group": " /group invite &2- &aInvite a player to a group." -"/groupkickkickaplayerfromagroup": " /group kick &2- &aKick a player from a group." +" /group kick §2- §aKick a player from a group": " /group kick &2- &aKick a player from a group." -"/groupleaveleaveagroup": " /group leave &2- &aLeave a group." +" /group leave §2- §aLeave a group": " /group leave &2- &aLeave a group." -"/grouplistlistthegroupsyouarein": " /group list &2- &aList the groups you are in." +" /group list §2- §aList the groups you are in": " /group list &2- &aList the groups you are in." -"/grouppromotepromoteaplayerinagroup": " /group promote &2- &aPromote a player in a group." +" /group promote §2- §aPromote a player in a group": " /group promote &2- &aPromote a player in a group." -"/groupunclaimunclaimachunk": " /group unclaim &2- &aUnclaim a chunk." +" /group unclaim §2- §aUnclaim a chunk": " /group unclaim &2- &aUnclaim a chunk." -"/groupupgradeupgradeagroup": " /group upgrade &2- &aUpgrade a group." +" /group upgrade §2- §aUpgrade a group": " /group upgrade &2- &aUpgrade a group." -"/joinlobbynametojoinapublicgamebyacommandorprivategamebyspecifyinglobbyname": " /join [lobbyname] &2- &aTo join a public game by a command or private game by specifying lobby name." +" /join [lobbyname] §2- §aTo join a public game by a command or private game by specifying lobby name": " /join [lobbyname] &2- &aTo join a public game by a command or private game by specifying lobby name." -"/listviewinformationaboutallonlineplayers": " /list &2- &aView information about all online players." +" /list §2- §aView information about all online players": " /list &2- &aView information about all online players." -"/msgsendaprivatemessagetoaplayer": " /msg &2- &aSend a private message to a player." +" /msg §2- §aSend a private message to a player": " /msg &2- &aSend a private message to a player." -"/partyaccepttoacceptanpartyinvite": " /party accept &2- &aTo accept an party invite." +" /party accept §2- §aTo accept an party invite": " /party accept &2- &aTo accept an party invite." -"/partydisbandtodisbandyourparty": " /party disband &2- &aTo disband your party." +" /party disband §2- §aTo disband your party": " /party disband &2- &aTo disband your party." -"/partyinvitetoinviteaplayertoparty": " /party invite &2- &aTo invite a player to party." +" /party invite §2- §aTo invite a player to party": " /party invite &2- &aTo invite a player to party." -"/partyjointojoinpublicpartyofaplayer": " /party join &2- &aTo join public party of a player." +" /party join §2- §aTo join public party of a player": " /party join &2- &aTo join public party of a player." -"/partykicktokickaplayerfromyourparty": " /party kick &2- &aTo kick a player from your party." +" /party kick §2- §aTo kick a player from your party": " /party kick &2- &aTo kick a player from your party." -"/partyleavetoleaveaparty": " /party leave &2- &aTo leave a party." +" /party leave §2- §aTo leave a party": " /party leave &2- &aTo leave a party." -"/partylisttoviewmembersofyourpartylist": " /party list &2- &aTo view members of your party list." +" /party list §2- §aTo view members of your party list": " /party list &2- &aTo view members of your party list." -"/partyopentoopenyourpartyforpublicjoin": " /party open &2- &aTo open your party for public join." +" /party open §2- §aTo open your party for public join": " /party open &2- &aTo open your party for public join." -"/partytransfertotransferpartyleadertoothermember": " /party transfer &2- &aTo transfer party leader to other member." +" /party transfer §2- §aTo transfer party leader to other member": " /party transfer &2- &aTo transfer party leader to other member." -"/partyviewpartyhelp": " /party &2- &aView party help." +" /party §2- §aView party help": " /party &2- &aView party help." -"/partywarptowarpyourpartymemberstoyourgamelobby": " /party warp &2- &aTo warp your party members to your game lobby." +" /party warp §2- §aTo warp your party members to your game lobby": " /party warp &2- &aTo warp your party members to your game lobby." -"/rulesreadserverrules": " /rules &2- &aRead server rules." +" /rules §2- §aRead server rules": " /rules &2- &aRead server rules." -"/spectateenterspectatemode": " /spectate &2- &aEnter spectate mode." +" /spectate §2- §aEnter spectate mode": " /spectate &2- &aEnter spectate mode." -"/staffviewstafflist": " /staff &2- &aView staff list." +" /staff §2- §aView staff list": " /staff &2- &aView staff list." -"/statsviewplayersstats": " /stats &2- &aView player's stats." +" /stats §2- §aView player's stats": " /stats &2- &aView player's stats." -"1arrowonknockout": "1 arrow on knockout!" +"1 arrow on knockout!": "1 arrow on knockout!" -"1defeated2": "$1$ &cdefeated &6$2$" +"$1$ §cdefeated §6$2$": "$1$ &cdefeated &6$2$" -"1donated1snowballtoyou": "$1$ &edonated &e&l1 &fSnowball &eto you!" +"$1$ §edonated §e§l1 §fSnowball §eto you!": "$1$ &edonated &e&l1 &fSnowball &eto you!" -"1flaghasbeendropped": "$1$ &eflag has been dropped!" +"$1$ §eflag has been dropped!": "$1$ &eflag has been dropped!" -"1gotfirstkillofthegame": "&a$1$ &egot first kill of the game!" +"§a$1$ §egot first kill of the game!": "&a$1$ &egot first kill of the game!" -"1hascaptured2flag": "$1$ &ehas captured $2$ &eflag!" +"$1$ §ehas captured $2$ §eflag!": "$1$ &ehas captured $2$ &eflag!" -"1hasdisbandedtheparty": "$1$ &ehas disbanded the party!" +"$1$ §ehas disbanded the party!": "$1$ &ehas disbanded the party!" -"1hasinvitedyouintoaparty": "$1$ &ehas invited you into a party!" +"$1$ §ehas invited you into a party!": "$1$ &ehas invited you into a party!" -"1hasjoinedyourparty": "$1$ &ehas joined your party!" +"$1$ §ehas joined your party!": "$1$ &ehas joined your party!" -"1hasjoined": "$1$ &ehas joined!" +"$1$ §ehas joined!": "$1$ &ehas joined!" -"1haslefttheparty": "$1$ &ehas left the party!" +"$1$ §ehas left the party!": "$1$ &ehas left the party!" -"1hasleft": "$1$ &chas left!" +"$1$ §chas left!": "$1$ &chas left!" -"1hasnotinvitedyouintoaparty": "$1$ &ehas not invited you into a party!" +"$1$ §ehas not invited you into a party!": "$1$ &ehas not invited you into a party!" -"1haspickedup2flag": "$1$ &ehas picked up $2$ &eflag!" +"$1$ §ehas picked up $2$ §eflag!": "$1$ &ehas picked up $2$ &eflag!" -"1hasreachedthemaxsticklevel": "$1$ &ehas reached the max stick level!" +"$1$ §ehas reached the max stick level!": "$1$ &ehas reached the max stick level!" -"1hasreturned2flag": "$1$ &ehas returned $2$ &eflag!" +"$1$ §ehas returned $2$ §eflag!": "$1$ &ehas returned $2$ &eflag!" -"1hasvotedfor2map": "$1$ &ehas voted for &b&l$2$ &emap!" +"$1$ §ehas voted for §b§l$2$ §emap!": "$1$ &ehas voted for &b&l$2$ &emap!" -"1hasvotedfor2mode": "$1$ &ehas voted for &b&l$2$ &emode!" +"$1$ §ehas voted for §b§l$2$ §emode!": "$1$ &ehas voted for &b&l$2$ &emode!" -"1hasvotedforbalancedteamsmodifier": "$1$ &ehas voted for &b&lBalanced Teams &emodifier!" +"$1$ §ehas voted for §b§lBalanced Teams §emodifier!": "$1$ &ehas voted for &b&lBalanced Teams &emodifier!" -"1hasvotedfordoublejumpmodifier": "$1$ &ehas voted for &b&lDouble Jump &emodifier!" +"$1$ §ehas voted for §b§lDouble Jump §emodifier!": "$1$ &ehas voted for &b&lDouble Jump &emodifier!" -"1hasvotedforfastsnowballsmodifier": "$1$ &ehas voted for &b&lFast Snowballs &emodifier!" +"$1$ §ehas voted for §b§lFast Snowballs §emodifier!": "$1$ &ehas voted for &b&lFast Snowballs &emodifier!" -"1hasvotedforinstakillsnowballsmodifier": "$1$ &ehas voted for &b&lInstakill Snowballs &emodifier!" +"$1$ §ehas voted for §b§lInstakill Snowballs §emodifier!": "$1$ &ehas voted for &b&lInstakill Snowballs &emodifier!" -"1hasvotedfornocompassmodifier": "$1$ &ehas voted for &b&lNo Compass &emodifier!" +"$1$ §ehas voted for §b§lNo Compass §emodifier!": "$1$ &ehas voted for &b&lNo Compass &emodifier!" -"1hasvotedforreflectsnowballsmodifier": "$1$ &ehas voted for &b&lReflect Snowballs &emodifier!" +"$1$ §ehas voted for §b§lReflect Snowballs §emodifier!": "$1$ &ehas voted for &b&lReflect Snowballs &emodifier!" -"1isalreadyinyourparty": "$1$ &cis already in your party!" +"$1$ §cis already in your party!": "$1$ &cis already in your party!" -"1isnotyourfriendadd1tofriendswith/fadd2": "$1$&c is not your friend! Add $1$&c to friends with &e/f add $2$" +"$1$§c is not your friend! Add $1$§c to friends with §e/f add $2$": "$1$&c is not your friend! Add $1$&c to friends with &e/f add $2$" -"1ofplayersneedstovotetoenable": "$1$ &7of players needs to vote to enable" +"$1$ §7of players needs to vote to enable": "$1$ &7of players needs to vote to enable" -"1teamisfull": "$1$ &cteam is full!" +"$1$ §cteam is full!": "$1$ &cteam is full!" -"accept": "[ACCEPT]" +"[ACCEPT]": "[ACCEPT]" -"achancetospawncreeperwhereyoursnowballlands": "A chance to spawn creeper where your snowball lands." +"A chance to spawn creeper where your snowball lands": "A chance to spawn creeper where your snowball lands." -"activatedmodifiers": "Activated Modifiers" +"Activated Modifiers": "Activated Modifiers" -"allowstodoublejumpbypressingthesneakbuttoninmidair": "Allows to double jump by pressing the sneak button in mid-air." +"Allows to double jump by pressing the sneak button in mid-air": "Allows to double jump by pressing the sneak button in mid-air." -"animationiscurrentlydisabled": "Animation is currently &c&lDISABLED&e." +"Animation is currently §c§lDISABLED§e": "Animation is currently &c&lDISABLED&e." -"areyouseriouslygoingintoapartywithyourselfinvitesomeone": "Are you seriously going into a party with yourself? Invite someone!" +"Animation is currently §a§lENABLED§e": "Animation is currently &a&lENABLED&e." -"areyousureyouwanttoleavetype/qtoconfirm": "Are you sure you want to leave? Type &e/q &6to confirm." +"Are you seriously going into a party with yourself? Invite someone!": "Are you seriously going into a party with yourself? Invite someone!" -"armor": "Armor" +"Are you sure you want to leave? Type §e/q §6to confirm": "Are you sure you want to leave? Type &e/q &6to confirm." -"arrowaccuracy": "Arrow Accuracy" +"Armor": "Armor" -"arrowbonusperk": "Arrow Bonus Perk" +"Arrow Accuracy": "Arrow Accuracy" -"arrowsfired": "Arrows Fired" +"Arrow Bonus Perk": "Arrow Bonus Perk" -"arrowsleft": "Arrows left" +"Arrows Fired": "Arrows Fired" -"asnowmanwhichshootsenemies": "A snowman which shoots enemies!" +"Arrows left": "Arrows left" -"averagerating": "Average Rating:" +"A snowman which shoots enemies!": "A snowman which shoots enemies!" -"balancedteamsmodifier": "Balanced Teams Modifier" +"Average Rating:": "Average Rating:" -"becauseoftoomuchgamechangingmodifiersactivatedthismatchwillnotaffectyourrating": "&7&lBecause of too much game changing modifiers activated this match will not affect your rating." +"Balanced Teams Modifier": "Balanced Teams Modifier" -"bethecommanderofagiantarmyanddefeatalltheenemykingswithyourarmytowin": "&e&lBe the commander of a giant army and defeat all the enemy kings with your army to win!" +"§7§lBecause of too much game changing modifiers activated this match will not affect your rating": "&7&lBecause of too much game changing modifiers activated this match will not affect your rating." -"bewareofgravityalwaysbuildsupportstoyourminesandbuildingswithatleast8blocksofdistancebetweensupports": "Beware of gravity! Always build supports to your mines and buildings with at least 8 blocks of distance between supports." +"§e§lBe the commander of a giant army and defeat all the enemy kings with your army to win!": "&e&lBe the commander of a giant army and defeat all the enemy kings with your army to win!" -"blindnessperk": "Blindness Perk" +"Beware of gravity! Always build supports to your mines and buildings with at least 8 blocks of distance between supports": "Beware of gravity! Always build supports to your mines and buildings with at least 8 blocks of distance between supports." -"blockssnowballs50chancetobreakonfirsthit100onsecondhit": "Blocks snowballs. &e&l50% &7chance to break on first hit, &e&l100% &7on second hit." +"Blindness Perk": "Blindness Perk" + +"Blocks snowballs": + " §e§l50% §7chance to break on first hit, §e§l100% §7on second hit": "Blocks snowballs. &e&l50% &7chance to break on first hit, &e&l100% &7on second hit." "blocks": "blocks" -"bombsfired": "Bombs fired" +"Bombs fired": "Bombs fired" -"bombsplaced": "Bombs placed" +"Bombs placed": "Bombs placed" -"bonussnowballsonknockout": "Bonus snowballs on knockout" +"Bonus snowballs on knockout": "Bonus snowballs on knockout" -"burningstickperk": "Burning Stick Perk" +"Burning Stick Perk": "Burning Stick Perk" -"burns1oftargetssnowballs": "Burns &e&l$1$ &7of target's snowballs." +"Burns §e§l$1$ §7of target's snowballs": "Burns &e&l$1$ &7of target's snowballs." -"burnstargetonhit": "Burns target on hit." +"Burns target on hit": "Burns target on hit." -"cantfindaplayerbythenameof1": "Can't find a player by the name of '$1$'." +"Can't find a player by the name of '$1$'": "Can't find a player by the name of '$1$'." -"cantshootfarbecausesnowballsmeltintheair": "Can't shoot far because snowballs melt in the air." +"Can't shoot far because snowballs melt in the air": "Can't shoot far because snowballs melt in the air." -"chanceofcreeperspawn": "chance of creeper spawn" +"chance of creeper spawn": "chance of creeper spawn" -"chanceofdoubleexperience": "chance of double experience" +"chance of double experience": "chance of double experience" -"chanceofdoublemelons": "chance of double melons." +"chance of double melons": "chance of double melons." -"chanceofenchantedsnowballgainafterkill": "chance of &bEnchanted Snowball &7gain after kill." +"chance of §bEnchanted Snowball §7gain after kill": "chance of &bEnchanted Snowball &7gain after kill." -"chanceofreflection": "chance of reflection." +"chance of reflection": "chance of reflection." -"chancetoblindopponentonhit": "Chance to blind opponent on hit" +"Chance to blind opponent on hit": "Chance to blind opponent on hit" -"chancetoburnopponentonhit": "Chance to burn opponent on hit" +"Chance to burn opponent on hit": "Chance to burn opponent on hit" -"chancetonotlosealife": "Chance to not lose a life" +"Chance to not lose a life": "Chance to not lose a life" -"chancetoslowslowness1opponentonhit": "chance to slow(Slowness $1$) opponent on hit" +"chance to slow(Slowness $1$) opponent on hit": "chance to slow(Slowness $1$) opponent on hit" -"chancetoslowslownessiiopponentonhit": "Chance to slow(Slowness II) opponent on hit" +"Chance to slow(Slowness II) opponent on hit": "Chance to slow(Slowness II) opponent on hit" -"checkersinminecraftlikethepopularboardgame": "Checkers in Minecraft! Like the popular board game." +"Checkers in Minecraft! Like the popular board game": "Checkers in Minecraft! Like the popular board game." -"checkers": "Checkers" +"Checkers": "Checkers" -"checkpoint": "Checkpoint" +"Checkpoint": "Checkpoint" -"chestslooted": "Chests looted" +"Chests looted": "Chests looted" "classes": "classes" -"clickheretojoin1": "Click here to join $1$!" +"Click here to join $1$!": "Click here to join $1$!" -"clicktoacceptthepartyinvite": "Click to accept the party invite!" +"Click to accept the party invite!": "Click to accept the party invite!" -"clicktobuy": "Click to buy!" +"Click to buy!": "Click to buy!" -"clicktojoin": "[CLICK TO JOIN]" +"[CLICK TO JOIN]": "[CLICK TO JOIN]" -"clicktoopenmenu": "CLICK TO OPEN MENU" +"CLICK TO OPEN MENU": "CLICK TO OPEN MENU" -"clicktoplay": "CLICK TO PLAY" +"CLICK TO PLAY": "CLICK TO PLAY" -"clicktoratethismap": "Click to rate this map" +"Click to rate this map": "Click to rate this map" -"clicktoundothisrating": "Click to undo this rating!" +"Click to undo this rating!": "Click to undo this rating!" -"clicktovotefor1mode": "Click to vote for $1$ &amode!" +"Click to vote for $1$ §amode!": "Click to vote for $1$ &amode!" -"clicktovoteforthismap": "Click to vote for this map!" +"Click to vote for this map!": "Click to vote for this map!" -"clicktovoteforthismode": "Click to vote for this mode!" +"Click to vote for this mode!": "Click to vote for this mode!" -"clicktovoteforthismodifier": "Click to vote for this modifier!" +"Click to vote for this modifier!": "Click to vote for this modifier!" -"completeparkourracesearnprizesandcompeteinleaderboards": "Complete parkour races, earn prizes and compete in leaderboards!" +"Complete parkour races, earn prizes and compete in leaderboards!": "Complete parkour races, earn prizes and compete in leaderboards!" -"cooldown": "Cooldown" +"Cooldown": "Cooldown" -"crackedplayerscanjoinourservertheycanapplyat1tojoin": "Cracked players can join our server! They can apply at $1$ &rto join." +"Cracked players can join our server! They can apply at $1$ §rto join": "Cracked players can join our server! They can apply at $1$ &rto join." -? "creativeworldwithalotofusefulfeaturesworldeditvoxelsnipergobrushgopaintahugecollectionofplayerheadsandevenacustomprogramminglanguagetocreateyourowncustommaps" +? "Creative world with a lot of useful features! WorldEdit, VoxelSniper, goBrush, goPaint, a huge collection of player heads and even a custom programming language to create your own custom maps!" : "Creative world with a lot of useful features! WorldEdit, VoxelSniper, goBrush, goPaint, a huge collection of player heads and even a custom programming language to create your own custom maps!" -"creeperchanceperk": "Creeper Chance Perk" +"Creeper Chance Perk": "Creeper Chance Perk" -"crystal": "Crystal" +"Crystal": "Crystal" -"damagedealt": "Damage Dealt" +"Current": "Current" -"damagetaken": "Damage Taken" +"Damage Dealt": "Damage Dealt" -"day": "Day" +"Damage Taken": "Damage Taken" -"deaths": "Deaths" +"Day": "Day" -"defeat": "DEFEAT" +"Deaths": "Deaths" -"defendyourcastleattackothercastlescommandyourarmyandbecomethebestcommander": "Defend your castle, attack other castles, command your army and become the best commander!" +"DEFEAT": "DEFEAT" -"destroyingotherplayercreationsorruiningtheminanywayisnotallowed": "Destroying other player creations or ruining them in any way is not allowed!" +"Defend your castle, attack other castles, command your army and become the best commander!": "Defend your castle, attack other castles, command your army and become the best commander!" -"destroyingthegoodlookofterrainbymakingholes1x1towersandanyotherwaywhichmakesitlookbadisnotallowed": "Destroying the good look of terrain by making holes, 1x1 towers and any other way which makes it look bad is not allowed." +"Destroying other player creations or ruining them in any way is not allowed!": "Destroying other player creations or ruining them in any way is not allowed!" -"didyouknow": "Did you know?" +"Destroying the good look of terrain by making holes, 1x1 towers and any other way which makes it look bad is not allowed": "Destroying the good look of terrain by making holes, 1x1 towers and any other way which makes it look bad is not allowed." -? "differentelementalclassescompetewitheachotherinbowfightingabilitiesusefascinitingabilitiesofyourclasstodefeatotherplayersandwin" -: "&e&lDifferent elemental classes compete with each other in bow-fighting abilities. Use fasciniting abilities of your class to defeat other players and win!" +"Did you know?": "Did you know?" -"dissappearsafter10soflanding": "Dissappears after &e&l10s &7of landing." +"§e§lDifferent elemental classes compete with each other in bow-fighting abilities": + " Use fasciniting abilities of your class to defeat other players and win!": "&e&lDifferent elemental classes compete with each other in bow-fighting abilities. Use fasciniting abilities of your class to defeat other players and win!" -"doubleemeralds": "Double Emeralds" +"Dissappears after §e§l10s §7of landing": "Dissappears after &e&l10s &7of landing." -"doublejumpmodifier": "Double Jump Modifier" +"Double Emeralds": "Double Emeralds" -"doublemelonsperk": "Double Melons Perk" +"Double Jump Modifier": "Double Jump Modifier" -"emeraldstotalearned": "Emeralds total earned" +"Double Melons Perk": "Double Melons Perk" -"emeralds": "Emeralds" +"Emeralds total earned": "Emeralds total earned" -"emerald": "Emerald" +"Emeralds": "Emeralds" -"enchanteddiamondcannon": "&bEnchanted &b&lDiamond Cannon" +"Emerald": "Emerald" -"enchantedsnowballperk": "Enchanted Snowball Perk" +"§bEnchanted §b§lDiamond Cannon": "&bEnchanted &b&lDiamond Cannon" -"enchantedstonecannon": "&bEnchanted &7Stone Cannon" +"Enchanted Snowball Perk": "Enchanted Snowball Perk" -"enchantedwoodcannon": "Enchanted &aWood Cannon" +"§bEnchanted §7Stone Cannon": "&bEnchanted &7Stone Cannon" -"enemyteam": "ENEMY TEAM" +"Enchanted §aWood Cannon": "Enchanted &aWood Cannon" -"everyplayergets3liveseliminateenemyteamtowin": "Every player gets 3 lives, eliminate enemy team to win." +"ENEMY TEAM": "ENEMY TEAM" -"everyplayergets3liveseliminateotherplayerstowin": "Every player gets 3 lives, eliminate other players to win." +"Every player gets 3 lives, eliminate enemy team to win": "Every player gets 3 lives, eliminate enemy team to win." -"experiencebonusperk": "Experience Bonus Perk" +"Every player gets 3 lives, eliminate other players to win": "Every player gets 3 lives, eliminate other players to win." -"explodeyourwaytootherplayersandexplodethem": "Explode your way to other players and explode them!" +"Experience Bonus Perk": "Experience Bonus Perk" -"exploringthevoidmayrevealmysterioussecrets": "Exploring the void may reveal mysterious secrets!" +"Explode your way to other players and explode them!": "Explode your way to other players and explode them!" -"explosionradius": "Explosion Radius" +"Exploring the void may reveal mysterious secrets!": "Exploring the void may reveal mysterious secrets!" -"fastsnowballsmodifier": "Fast Snowballs Modifier" +"Explosion Radius": "Explosion Radius" -"feelfreetoinviteotherplayersbyusingthechat": "Feel free to invite other players by using the chat." +"Falling Blocks Animation": "Falling Blocks Animation" -"finalkills": "Final Kills" +"Fast Snowballs Modifier": "Fast Snowballs Modifier" -"flamethrower": "Flamethrower" +"Feel free to invite other players by using the chat": "Feel free to invite other players by using the chat." -"free": "Free!" +"Final Kills": "Final Kills" -"friendcommands": " &2&l--=-= &a&lFriend Commands &2&l=-=--" +"Flamethrower": "Flamethrower" -"friendlysurvivalwithtechandmagicexploremanydimensionsgrowbeautifultreesandmore": "Friendly survival with tech and magic! Explore many dimensions, grow beautiful trees and more!" +"Free!": "Free!" -"gameendedinadraw": "GAME ENDED IN A DRAW" +" §2§l--=-= §a§lFriend Commands §2§l=-=--": " &2&l--=-= &a&lFriend Commands &2&l=-=--" -"gameend": "GAME END" +"Friendly survival with tech and magic! Explore many dimensions, grow beautiful trees and more!": "Friendly survival with tech and magic! Explore many dimensions, grow beautiful trees and more!" -"gamehasstarted": "Game has started!" +"GAME ENDED IN A DRAW": "GAME ENDED IN A DRAW" -"gameisstarting": "Game is starting" +"GAME END": "GAME END" -"gamestartsin1seconds": "Game starts in &e&l$1$ &eseconds" +"Game has started!": "Game has started!" -"gamestartsin": "Game starts in" +"Game is starting": "Game is starting" -"gamestatistics": "Game Statistics" +"Game starts in §e§l$1$ §eseconds": "Game starts in &e&l$1$ &eseconds" -"gametime": "Game time" +"Game starts in": "Game starts in" -"gamewillendin1minutes": "Game will end in &e&l$1$ &eminutes." +"Game Statistics": "Game Statistics" -"gamewillendin1minute": "Game will end in &e&l$1$ &eminute." +"Game time": "Game time" -"gamewillstartin1seconds": "&eGame will start in &e&l$1$ &eseconds" +"Game will end in §e§l$1$ §eminutes": "Game will end in &e&l$1$ &eminutes." -"gamewillstartin1second": "&eGame will start in &e&l$1$ &esecond" +"Game will end in §e§l$1$ §eminute": "Game will end in &e&l$1$ &eminute." -"gatherresourcesprepareforfightprotectyourcrystaloflifeattackothercrystalsandwinthegame": "Gather resources, prepare for fight, protect your Crystal of Life, attack other crystals and win the game!" +"§eGame will start in §e§l$1$ §eseconds": "&eGame will start in &e&l$1$ &eseconds" -"gravityhasnoeffectonblocksheresoyoucanbuildinthesky": "Gravity has no effect on blocks here, so you can build in the sky!" +"§eGame will start in §e§l$1$ §esecond": "&eGame will start in &e&l$1$ &esecond" -"groupcommands": " &2&l --=-= &a&lGroup Commands &2&l=-=--" +"Gather resources, prepare for fight, protect your Crystal of Life, attack other crystals and win the game!": "Gather resources, prepare for fight, protect your Crystal of Life, attack other crystals and win the game!" -"havefun": "Have fun!" +"Gravity has no effect on blocks here, so you can build in the sky!": "Gravity has no effect on blocks here, so you can build in the sky!" -"health": "Health" +" §2§l --=-= §a§lGroup Commands §2§l=-=--": " &2&l --=-= &a&lGroup Commands &2&l=-=--" -"hereyoucanfindgameswhichcanbeplayedbothaloneandwithfriends": "Here you can find games which can be played both alone and with friends!" +"Have fun!": "Have fun!" -"hereyoucanfindgameswhichcanbeplayedonlywithfriends": "Here you can find games which can be played only with friends!" +"Health": "Health" -"hereyoucanfindlittleguiminigamestheseminigamesunlikeothersarentmadebyusitsjustadownloadedpluginbuttheyarestillfun": "Here you can find little GUI minigames, these minigames unlike others, aren't made by us, it's just a downloaded plugin, but they are still fun!" +"Here you can find games which can be played both alone and with friends!": "Here you can find games which can be played both alone and with friends!" -"hereyoucanusevariousabilitiestoexplodethemapandotherplayers": "Here you can use various abilities to explode the map and other players!" +"Here you can find games which can be played only with friends!": "Here you can find games which can be played only with friends!" -"hitstaken": "Hits Taken" +? "Here you can find little GUI minigames, these minigames unlike others, aren't made by us, it's just a downloaded plugin, but they are still fun!" +: "Here you can find little GUI minigames, these minigames unlike others, aren't made by us, it's just a downloaded plugin, but they are still fun!" -"hits": "Hits" +"Here you can use various abilities to explode the map and other players!": "Here you can use various abilities to explode the map and other players!" -"hittolevelupyourstickandknockotherplayersintothevoid": "Hit to level up your stick and knock other players in to the void!" +"Hits Taken": "Hits Taken" + +"Hits": "Hits" + +"Hit to level up your stick and knock other players in to the void!": "Hit to level up your stick and knock other players in to the void!" "hours": "hours" -"howtoplay": "&b&lHow To Play" +"§b§lHow To Play": "&b&lHow To Play" -"ifyouwanttogetoutofthespectatormodetype/q": "If you want to get out of the &eSpectator Mode &ctype &e/q" +"If you want to get out of the §eSpectator Mode §ctype §e/q": "If you want to get out of the &eSpectator Mode &ctype &e/q" -"ifyouwanttoleavethegametype/q": "If you want to leave the game type &e/q&6." +"If you want to leave the game type §e/q§6": "If you want to leave the game type &e/q&6." -"ifyouwanttospectateotherplayertype/stp": "If you want to spectate other player type &e/stp " +"If you want to spectate other player type §e/stp ": "If you want to spectate other player type &e/stp " -"immortalityperk": "Immortality Perk" +"Immortality Perk": "Immortality Perk" -"increasesthechancetoreflectasnowballto100": "Increases the chance to reflect a snowball to 100%" +"Increases the chance to reflect a snowball to 100%": "Increases the chance to reflect a snowball to 100%" -"increasesthedamageofsnowballsto10hearts": "Increases the damage of snowballs to 10 hearts." +"Increases the damage of snowballs to 10 hearts": "Increases the damage of snowballs to 10 hearts." -"increasesyourspeedby1": "Increases your speed by $1$" +"Increases your speed by $1$": "Increases your speed by $1$" -"instakillsnowballsmodifier": "Instakill Snowballs Modifier" +"Instakill Snowballs Modifier": "Instakill Snowballs Modifier" -"invalidcode": "Invalid code." +"Invalid code": "Invalid code." -"ironcannon": "&7&lIron Cannon" +"§7§lIron Cannon": "&7&lIron Cannon" -"itsveryhotinmustafaryougonnaneedtodrinktwiceasmuchwater": "It's very hot in Mustafar, you gonna need to drink twice as much water." +"It's very hot in Mustafar, you gonna need to drink twice as much water": "It's very hot in Mustafar, you gonna need to drink twice as much water." -"jumps": "Jumps" +"Jumps": "Jumps" -"killer": "Killer" +"Killer": "Killer" -"killsanynormalopponentevenwitharmor": "Kills any normal opponent, even with armor." +"Kills any normal opponent, even with armor": "Kills any normal opponent, even with armor." -"killstreak": "Killstreak" +"Killstreak": "Killstreak" -"kills": "Kills" +"Kills": "Kills" -"king": "King" +"King": "King" -"knockotherplayersofftheplatformasyouhitplayersyoudealmoreknockback": "&e&lKnock other players off the platform. As you hit players, you deal more knockback." +"§e§lKnock other players off the platform": + " As you hit players, you deal more knockback": "&e&lKnock other players off the platform. As you hit players, you deal more knockback." -"level": "Level" +"Level": "Level" -"listofgames": "List of Games" +"List of Games": "List of Games" -"lives": "Lives" +"Lives": "Lives" -"lootchestsfightotherplayersfindrandomlygeneratedlootwithinterestingabilitiesandthrowmobeggslikepokeballs": "Loot chests, fight other players, find randomly generated loot with interesting abilities and throw mob eggs like pokeballs!" +? "Loot chests, fight other players, find randomly generated loot with interesting abilities and throw mob eggs like pokeballs!" +: "Loot chests, fight other players, find randomly generated loot with interesting abilities and throw mob eggs like pokeballs!" -"lootrandomlygeneratedchestswithuniqueitemsusethemtoeliminateyourenemiesbetheonlysurvivortowin": "&e&lLoot randomly generated chests with unique items. Use them to eliminate your enemies. Be the only survivor to win." +"§e§lLoot randomly generated chests with unique items": + " Use them to eliminate your enemies": + " Be the only survivor to win": "&e&lLoot randomly generated chests with unique items. Use them to eliminate your enemies. Be the only survivor to win." -"losses": "Losses" +"Losses": "Losses" -"makesallofyoursnowballsburn": "Makes all of your snowballs burn." +"Makes all of your snowballs burn": "Makes all of your snowballs burn." -"makesyoursnowballssuperfast": "Makes your snowballs super fast." +"Makes your snowballs super fast": "Makes your snowballs super fast." -"melonsearned": "Melons earned" +"Max level reached": "Max level reached" -"melonsspent": "Melons spent" +"MAX LEVEL:": "MAX LEVEL:" -"melons": "Melons" +"Melons earned": "Melons earned" -"melon": "Melon" +"Melons spent": "Melons spent" -"mineoresupgradepickaxesbuyawesomeupgradesandunlocknewcaves": "Mine ores, upgrade pickaxes, buy awesome upgrades and unlock new caves!" +"Melons": "Melons" + +"Melon": "Melon" + +"Mine ores, upgrade pickaxes, buy awesome upgrades and unlock new caves!": "Mine ores, upgrade pickaxes, buy awesome upgrades and unlock new caves!" "minutes": "minutes" -"mode": "Mode" +"Mode": "Mode" -"movetimeleft": "Move time left" +"Move time left": "Move time left" -"mustbeatlowerfloor": "Must be at lower floor" +"Must be at lower floor": "Must be at lower floor" -"mustnothaveanysuperjumps": "Must not have any Super Jumps" +"Must not have any Super Jumps": "Must not have any Super Jumps" -"newrating": "New Rating" +"New Rating": "New Rating" -"newrecord": "NEW RECORD!" +"NEW RECORD!": "NEW RECORD!" -"new": "NEW!" +"NEW!": "NEW!" -"nextsuperjumpin": "Next Super Jump In" +"Next Super Jump In": "Next Super Jump In" -"night": "Night" +"Next": "Next" -"nocompassmodifier": "No Compass Modifier" +"Night": "Night" -"notenoughmelons": "Not enough melons!" +"No Compass Modifier": "No Compass Modifier" -"note": "Note:" +"Not enough melons!": "Not enough melons!" -"nowblockswillstartbreakingwhenyousteponthem": "Now blocks will start breaking when you step on them!" +"Note:": "Note:" -"oldrecord": "Old Record" +"Now blocks will start breaking when you step on them!": "Now blocks will start breaking when you step on them!" -"parkourcourse": "Parkour Course" +"Old Record": "Old Record" -"participateinamassivesnowballfightandusepowerupstoeaseyourexistencedelayingsnowballsallowstothrowthemfurther": "&e&lParticipate in a massive snowball fight and use powerups to ease your existence! Delaying snowballs allows to throw them further." +"Parkour Course": "Parkour Course" -"partycommands": " &2&l --=-= &a&lParty Commands &2&l=-=--" +? "§e§lParticipate in a massive snowball fight and use powerups to ease your existence! Delaying snowballs allows to throw them further" +: "&e&lParticipate in a massive snowball fight and use powerups to ease your existence! Delaying snowballs allows to throw them further." -"partyinvitefrom1hasexpired": "Party invite from $1$ &ehas expired." +" §2§l --=-= §a§lParty Commands §2§l=-=--": " &2&l --=-= &a&lParty Commands &2&l=-=--" -"partyleader": "Party Leader" +"Party invite from $1$ §ehas expired": "Party invite from $1$ &ehas expired." -"partymembers": "Party Members" +"Party Leader": "Party Leader" -"partyof1isnotopenforpublicjoin": "Party of &a$1$ &cis not open for public join." +"Party Members": "Party Members" -"placebombsandexplodeblocksarounditinashapeusepowerupstotakeadvantageoveropponents": "&e&lPlace bombs and explode blocks around it in a + shape. Use powerups to take advantage over opponents." +"Party of §a$1$ §cis not open for public join": "Party of &a$1$ &cis not open for public join." -"playercommands": " &2&l --=-= &a&lPlayer Commands &2&l=-=--" +"§e§lPlace bombs and explode blocks around it in a + shape": + " Use powerups to take advantage over opponents": "&e&lPlace bombs and explode blocks around it in a + shape. Use powerups to take advantage over opponents." -"playerdied1timesinarowwithoutkills": "Player died $1$ times in a row without kills" +" §2§l --=-= §a§lPlayer Commands §2§l=-=--": " &2&l --=-= &a&lPlayer Commands &2&l=-=--" -"playeriswaiting": "Player is waiting" +"Player died $1$ times in a row without kills": "Player died $1$ times in a row without kills" -"playernotfound": "Player not found." +"Player is waiting": "Player is waiting" -"playersarewaiting": "Players are waiting" +"Player not found": "Player not found." -"playersin": "Players in" +"Players are waiting": "Players are waiting" -"playersleft": "Players left" +"Players in": "Players in" -"playerswaiting": "Players Waiting" +"Players left": "Players left" -"players": "Players" +"Players Waiting": "Players Waiting" -"playerwason1killstreak": "Player was on $1$ killstreak" +"Players": "Players" -"playvariousclasseswithdifferentabilitiesanduseyourbowskillstowininmanydifferentmodes": "Play various classes with different abilities and use your bow skills to win in many different modes!" +"Player was on $1$ killstreak": "Player was on $1$ killstreak" -"pleaseratethismapbyclicking": "Please rate this map by clicking:" +"Play various classes with different abilities and use your bow skills to win in many different modes!": "Play various classes with different abilities and use your bow skills to win in many different modes!" -"pleasespecifygroupname": "Please specify group name!" +"Please rate this map by clicking:": "Please rate this map by clicking:" -"pleasespecifyplayername": "Please specify player name!" +"Please specify group name!": "Please specify group name!" -"plotname": "Plot Name" +"Please specify player name!": "Please specify player name!" -"plotowner": "Plot Owner" +"Plot Name": "Plot Name" -"points": "Points" +"Plot Owner": "Plot Owner" -"powerups": "Powerups" +"Points": "Points" -"quicklytestyourskillbyfightingotherplayerswithahugevarietyofmodifiers": "Quickly test your skill by fighting other players with a huge variety of modifiers!" +"Powerups": "Powerups" -"radarbreaker": "Radar Breaker" +"Price:": "Price:" -"rainisabletorefillwatersources": "Rain is able to refill water sources." +"Quickly test your skill by fighting other players with a huge variety of modifiers!": "Quickly test your skill by fighting other players with a huge variety of modifiers!" -"rapidfirepoweruphasspawnedatmiddleofthemap": "&6&lRapid Fire &bpowerup has spawned at middle of the map!" +"Radar Breaker": "Radar Breaker" -"rating": "Rating" +"Rain is able to refill water sources": "Rain is able to refill water sources." -"reflectionperk": "Reflection Perk" +"§6§lRapid Fire §bpowerup has spawned at middle of the map!": "&6&lRapid Fire &bpowerup has spawned at middle of the map!" -"reflectsasnowballreducingdamagetakenby1": "Reflects a snowball, reducing damage taken by $1$." +"Rating": "Rating" -"reflectsnowballsmodifier": "Reflect Snowballs Modifier" +"Reflection Perk": "Reflection Perk" -"regeneratesyourhealth1": "Regenerates your health $1$" +"Reflects a snowball, reducing damage taken by $1$": "Reflects a snowball, reducing damage taken by $1$." -"regeneration": "Regeneration" +"Reflect Snowballs Modifier": "Reflect Snowballs Modifier" -"removescompassfromthegame": "Removes compass from the game." +"Regenerates your health $1$": "Regenerates your health $1$" -"resources": "Resources" +"Regeneration": "Regeneration" -"respawningin": "Respawning in" +"Removes compass from the game": "Removes compass from the game." -"serverrulescanbereadin/rulesmakesuretofollowthem": "Server rules can be read in &a/rules&e, make sure to follow them!" +"Resources": "Resources" -"shootchickensandgetthemostkillstowinbewarefilthyzombiesandcreepers": "&e&lShoot chickens and get the most kills to win! Beware: filthy zombies and creepers!" +"Respawning in": "Respawning in" -"shootchickensasfastasyoucan": "Shoot chickens as fast as you can!" +"Server rules can be read in §a/rules§e, make sure to follow them!": "Server rules can be read in &a/rules&e, make sure to follow them!" -"shoototherplayerswithsnowballsbuypowerupswithmelonsandplayinmanydifferentmodes": "Shoot other players with snowballs, buy powerups with melons and play in many different modes!" +"§e§lShoot chickens and get the most kills to win! Beware: filthy zombies and creepers!": "&e&lShoot chickens and get the most kills to win! Beware: filthy zombies and creepers!" -"shoottntwithyourcannonandknockopponentstothevoidorexplodethemsaveyourselffromhazardsusingsuperjumpssneak": "&e&lShoot TNT with your cannon and knock opponents to the void, or explode them. Save yourself from hazards using Super Jumps. [Sneak]" +"Shoot chickens as fast as you can!": "Shoot chickens as fast as you can!" -"slowballs": "Slowballs" +"Shoot other players with snowballs, buy powerups with melons and play in many different modes!": "Shoot other players with snowballs, buy powerups with melons and play in many different modes!" -"slownessionhit": "Slowness I on hit" +"§e§lShoot TNT with your cannon and knock opponents to the void, or explode them": + " Save yourself from hazards using Super Jumps": + " [Sneak]": "&e&lShoot TNT with your cannon and knock opponents to the void, or explode them. Save yourself from hazards using Super Jumps. [Sneak]" -"slownessperk": "Slowness Perk" +"Slowballs": "Slowballs" -"sneaktouse": "Sneak to use" +"Slowness I on hit": "Slowness I on hit" -"snowballaccuracy": "Snowball Accuracy" +"Slowness Perk": "Slowness Perk" -"snowballsfired": "Snowballs fired" +"Sneak to use": "Sneak to use" -"snowmanperk": "Snowman Perk" +"Snowball Accuracy": "Snowball Accuracy" -"snowman": "Snowman" +"Snowballs fired": "Snowballs fired" -"sortsteamsbasedonkillscountforfairness": "Sorts teams based on kills count for fairness." +"Snowman Perk": "Snowman Perk" -"spawnpointswitch": "Spawnpoint Switch" +"Snowman": "Snowman" -"speed": "Speed" +"Sorts teams based on kills count for fairness": "Sorts teams based on kills count for fairness." -"spleeftntspleentexplodeotherplayersintothevoid": "Spleef + TNT = Spleent! Explode other players into the void!" +"Spawnpoint Switch": "Spawnpoint Switch" -"statistics": "Statistics" +"Speed": "Speed" -"stonecannon": "&7Stone Cannon" +"Spleef + TNT = Spleent! Explode other players into the void!": "Spleef + TNT = Spleent! Explode other players into the void!" -"succesfullysentpartyinviteto1": "Succesfully sent party invite to $1$!" +"Statistics": "Statistics" -"superjumps": "Super Jumps" +"§7Stone Cannon": "&7Stone Cannon" -"survivalbasedonoldminecraftversionsbetweenalpha12andbeta173warningnostalgiaisacertainty": "Survival based on old Minecraft versions between alpha 1.2 and beta 1.7.3.||&cWARNING: &7NOSTALGIA IS A CERTAINTY." +"Succesfully sent party invite to $1$!": "Succesfully sent party invite to $1$!" -"survivalrules": "Survival Rules" +"Super Jumps": "Super Jumps" -"team": "Team" +"Super Jump": "Super Jump" -"thankyouforratingthismap": "Thank you for rating this map" +"Survival based on old Minecraft versions between alpha 1": + "2 and beta 1": + "7": + "3": + "||§cWARNING: §7NOSTALGIA IS A CERTAINTY": "Survival based on old Minecraft versions between alpha 1.2 and beta 1.7.3.||&cWARNING: &7NOSTALGIA IS A CERTAINTY." -"theknockbackstick": "The Knockback Stick" +"Survival Rules": "Survival Rules" -"therearemanyspecialrecipescheckthemoutin/recipes": "There are many special recipes! Check them out in: &e/recipes&r" +"Team": "Team" -"thereisacustomprogramminglanguagemadeforcreativeworldwithityoucancreatesimplefeaturesforyourplot1": "There is a custom programming language made for Creative World, with it you can create simple features for your plot! $1$" +"Thank you for rating this map": "Thank you for rating this map" -"thisgamecanbeplayedalone": "&aThis game can be played &e&lalone&a." +"The Knockback Stick": "The Knockback Stick" -"thisgamecanbeplayedwith2players": "This game can be played with &e&l2&a&l+ &aplayers." +"There are many special recipes! Check them out in: §e/recipes§r": "There are many special recipes! Check them out in: &e/recipes&r" -"thisgamecanbeplayedwithonly2players": "This game can be played with only &e&l2 &aplayers." +"There is a custom programming language made for Creative World, with it you can create simple features for your plot! $1$": "There is a custom programming language made for Creative World, with it you can create simple features for your plot! $1$" -"thisgameisstartingearlyyouwillnotearnemeraldsandyourstatsachievementswontcountifitstartswithlessthan1players": "This game is starting early, You will not earn Emeralds and your stats, achievements won't count if it starts with less than &e&l$1$ &6players." +"§aThis game can be played §e§lalone§a": "&aThis game can be played &e&lalone&a." -"thispowerupisalreadyactive": "This power-up is already active!" +"This game can be played with §e§l2§a§l+ §aplayers": "This game can be played with &e&l2&a&l+ &aplayers." -"thisroundof1v1didnotmeettherequirementsforwinrewardsandratingchanges": "This round of 1v1 did not meet the requirements for win rewards and rating changes." +"This game can be played with only §e§l2 §aplayers": "This game can be played with only &e&l2 &aplayers." -"throwablecobweb": "Throwable Cobweb" +? "This game is starting early, You will not earn Emeralds and your stats, achievements won't count if it starts with less than §e§l$1$ §6players" +: "This game is starting early, You will not earn Emeralds and your stats, achievements won't count if it starts with less than &e&l$1$ &6players." -"timeelapsed": "Time elapsed" +"This power-up is already active!": "This power-up is already active!" -"timesincelastupdate": "Time since last update" +"This round of 1v1 did not meet the requirements for win rewards and rating changes": "This round of 1v1 did not meet the requirements for win rewards and rating changes." -"totalplaytime": "Total play time" +"Throwable Cobweb": "Throwable Cobweb" -"troopsalive": "Troops alive" +"Time elapsed": "Time elapsed" -"troopskilled": "Troops killed" +"Time since last update": "Time since last update" -"troopslost": "Troops lost" +"Total play time": "Total play time" -"troops": "Troops" +"Troops alive": "Troops alive" -"turnsyoursnowballsintoslowballs": "Turns your snowballs into slowballs." +"Troops killed": "Troops killed" -"turn": "Turn" +"Troops lost": "Troops lost" -"unlocked": "UNLOCKED" +"Troops": "Troops" -"use/agree1toagreewithsurvivalrules": "Use /agree $1$ to agree with survival rules." +"Turns your snowballs into slowballs": "Turns your snowballs into slowballs." -"usef5highfovtogetabetterviewofthegamefield": "Use F5 + high FOV to get a better view of the game field!" +"Turn": "Turn" -"utilisepreparationtimegiventogatherasmuchresourcesaspossibledefendyourcrystaloflifeandfightyourwaytovictory": "&e&lUtilise preparation time given to gather as much resources as possible, defend your Crystal of Life and fight your way to victory." +"UNLOCKED": "UNLOCKED" -"victory": "VICTORY" +"Use /agree $1$ to agree with survival rules": "Use /agree $1$ to agree with survival rules." -"votes": "Votes:" +"Use F5 + high FOV to get a better view of the game field!": "Use F5 + high FOV to get a better view of the game field!" -"vote": "[VOTE]" +? "§e§lUtilise preparation time given to gather as much resources as possible, defend your Crystal of Life and fight your way to victory" +: "&e&lUtilise preparation time given to gather as much resources as possible, defend your Crystal of Life and fight your way to victory." -"waitingplayers": "Waiting Players" +"VICTORY": "VICTORY" -"waitingqueuestatus": "Waiting Queue Status" +"Votes:": "Votes:" -"warped1partymemberstoyourlocation": "Warped &e&l$1$ &eparty members to your location!" +"[VOTE]": "[VOTE]" -"waterisfiniteheresoyouaregoingtoneedtobuildfarmsclosetobigsourcesofwater": "Water is finite here, so you are going to need to build farms close to big sources of water." +"Waiting Players": "Waiting Players" -"winspercentage": "Wins Percentage" +"Waiting Queue Status": "Waiting Queue Status" -"wins": "Wins" +"Warped §e§l$1$ §eparty members to your location!": "Warped &e&l$1$ &eparty members to your location!" -"woodcannon": "Wood Cannon" +"Water is finite here, so you are going to need to build farms close to big sources of water": "Water is finite here, so you are going to need to build farms close to big sources of water." -"youalreadyhavevotedforamap": "You already have voted for a map!" +"Wins Percentage": "Wins Percentage" -"youarealreadyinapartyof1": "You are already in a party of &a$1$&c!" +"Wins": "Wins" -"youarealreadyon1team": "You are already on $1$ &cteam!" +"Wood Cannon": "Wood Cannon" -"youareleaderofapartyuse/partydisbandtobeabletodothis": "You are leader of a party, use &e/party disband &cto be able to do this." +"You already have voted for a map!": "You already have voted for a map!" -"youarenowamemberof1team": "You are now a member of $1$ &eteam!" +"You are already in a party of §a$1$§c!": "You are already in a party of &a$1$&c!" -"youarenowjuggernaut": "You are now Juggernaut!" +"You are already on $1$ §cteam!": "You are already on $1$ &cteam!" -"youarentinaparty": "You aren't in a party!" +"You are leader of a party, use §e/party disband §cto be able to do this": "You are leader of a party, use &e/party disband &cto be able to do this." -"youarenttheleaderoftheparty": "You aren't the leader of the party!" +"You are now a member of $1$ §eteam!": "You are now a member of $1$ &eteam!" -"youcanchatonlyonceevery15second": "You can chat only once every 1.5 second!" +"You are now Juggernaut!": "You are now Juggernaut!" -"youcandiefromcoldduringnightinhothifyoudonothaveleatherarmor": "You can die from cold during night in &bHoth&r if you do not have leather armor." +"You aren't in a party!": "You aren't in a party!" -"youcanfindfriendlysurvivalwikiin1": "You can find Friendly Survival wiki in: $1$" +"You aren't the leader of the party!": "You aren't the leader of the party!" -"youcanlockyourcontainersanddoorswithsignsifyouwanttoprotectlandyoucanjoinagrouporcreateone": "You can lock your containers and doors with signs, if you want to protect land you can join a group or create one." +"You can chat only once every 1": + "5 second!": "You can chat only once every 1.5 second!" -"youcannothavemorethanonesnowmanininventoryatthesametime": "You cannot have more than one &fSnowman &cin inventory at the same time." +"You can die from cold during night in §bHoth§r if you do not have leather armor": "You can die from cold during night in &bHoth&r if you do not have leather armor." -"youcannotpartywarpintothisgame": "You cannot party warp into this game!" +"You can find Friendly Survival wiki in: $1$": "You can find Friendly Survival wiki in: $1$" -"youcanonlybuythisingame": "You can only buy this in-game!" +"You can lock your containers and doors with signs, if you want to protect land you can join a group or create one": "You can lock your containers and doors with signs, if you want to protect land you can join a group or create one." -"youcanonlyvotewhentheresenoughplayerstostartthegame": "You can only vote when there's enough players to start the game." +"You cannot have more than one §fSnowman §cin inventory at the same time": "You cannot have more than one &fSnowman &cin inventory at the same time." -"youcansendcarepackagestosupportaliveplayerswith/carepackage": "You can send care packages to support alive players with &e&l/carepackage " +"You cannot party warp into this game!": "You cannot party warp into this game!" -"youcanusedimensionalwarptowarptomanybeautifulandinterestingdimensions": "You can use &5Dimensional Warp&r to warp to many beautiful and interesting dimensions." +"You can only buy this in-game!": "You can only buy this in-game!" -"youcouldnotbewarpedtoyourpartyleaderslocationbecauseyouareinagameuse/qtoleave": "You could not be warped to your party leader's location, because you are in a game. Use &e/q &cto leave." +"You can only vote when there's enough players to start the game": "You can only vote when there's enough players to start the game." -"youdonated1snowballto1": "You donated &e&l1 &fSnowball &eto &a$1$&e!" +"You can send care packages to support alive players with §e§l/carepackage ": "You can send care packages to support alive players with &e&l/carepackage " -"youdonothaveenoughemeralds": "You do not have enough &aEmeralds&c!" +"You can toggle display of the animation off to reduce your FPS lag!": "You can toggle display of the animation off to reduce your FPS lag!" -"youdonothaveenoughmelons": "You do not have enough melons!" +"You can use §5Dimensional Warp§r to warp to many beautiful and interesting dimensions": "You can use &5Dimensional Warp&r to warp to many beautiful and interesting dimensions." -"yougetpointsforflagcapturesyourteamneedstoreachtheneededamountofpointstowin": "You get points for flag captures, your team needs to reach the needed amount of points to win." +"You could not be warped to your party leader's location, because you are in a game": + " Use §e/q §cto leave": "You could not be warped to your party leader's location, because you are in a game. Use &e/q &cto leave." -? "yougetpointsforkillsoneplayerischosentobejuggernautandthenalltheplayersareagainstthemifyoukillthejuggernautyouwillbecomethejuggernautyouneedtoreachtheneededamountofpointstowin" -: "You get points for kills, one player is chosen to be juggernaut and then all the players are against them, if you kill the juggernaut - you will become the juggernaut. You need to reach the needed amount of points to win." +"You donated §e§l1 §fSnowball §eto §a$1$§e!": "You donated &e&l1 &fSnowball &eto &a$1$&e!" -"yougetpointsforkillsyouneedtoreachtheneededamountofpointstowin": "You get points for kills, you need to reach the needed amount of points to win." +"You do not have enough §aEmeralds§c!": "You do not have enough &aEmeralds&c!" -"yougetpointsforkillsyourteamneedstoreachtheneededamountofpointstowin": "You get points for kills, your team needs to reach the needed amount of points to win." +"You do not have enough melons!": "You do not have enough melons!" -"yougotaenchantedsnowballfromyourkill": "You got a &lEnchanted Snowball &bfrom your kill!" +"You get points for flag captures, your team needs to reach the needed amount of points to win": "You get points for flag captures, your team needs to reach the needed amount of points to win." -"youhaveagreedwiththesurvivalrulesfollowthemandeverythingwillbeokay": "You have agreed with the survival rules, follow them and everything will be okay!" +? "You get points for kills, one player is chosen to be juggernaut and then all the players are against them, if you kill the juggernaut - you will become the juggernaut" +: " You need to reach the needed amount of points to win": "You get points for kills, one player is chosen to be juggernaut and then all the players are against them, if you kill the juggernaut - you will become the juggernaut. You need to reach the needed amount of points to win." -"youhavealreadyinvited1intoyourparty": "You have already invited $1$ &cinto your party!" +"You get points for kills, you need to reach the needed amount of points to win": "You get points for kills, you need to reach the needed amount of points to win." -"youhavealreadyvotedforamapinthisgametodaysupporttheserverbybuyingvipifyouwanttovoteunlimitedamountoftimesperday": "You have already voted for a map in this game today, support the server by buying &a&lVIP &cif you want to vote unlimited amount of times per day." +"You get points for kills, your team needs to reach the needed amount of points to win": "You get points for kills, your team needs to reach the needed amount of points to win." -"youhavealreadyvotedforamode": "You have already voted for a mode!" +"You got a §lEnchanted Snowball §bfrom your kill!": "You got a &lEnchanted Snowball &bfrom your kill!" -"youhavealreadyvotedforthismodifier": "You have already voted for this modifier!" +"You have agreed with the survival rules, follow them and everything will be okay!": "You have agreed with the survival rules, follow them and everything will be okay!" -"youhavefastasyncworldeditfastasyncvoxelsnipergobrushandgopaintbuildingtools": "You have FastAsyncWorldEdit, FastAsyncVoxelSniper, goBrush and goPaint building tools!" +"You have already invited $1$ §cinto your party!": "You have already invited $1$ &cinto your party!" -"youhavejoinedpartyof1": "You have joined party of &a$1$&e!" +? "You have already voted for a map in this game today, support the server by buying §a§lVIP §cif you want to vote unlimited amount of times per day" +: "You have already voted for a map in this game today, support the server by buying &a&lVIP &cif you want to vote unlimited amount of times per day." -"youhaveleftpartyof1": "You have left party of &a$1$&e!" +"You have already voted for a mode!": "You have already voted for a mode!" -"youhavepurchased1": "You have purchased $1$&6!" +"You have already voted for this modifier!": "You have already voted for this modifier!" -"youhavereachedthelimitof1powerupspermatch": "You have reached the limit of &e&l$1$ &cpowerups per match!" +"You have FastAsyncWorldEdit, FastAsyncVoxelSniper, goBrush and goPaint building tools!": "You have FastAsyncWorldEdit, FastAsyncVoxelSniper, goBrush and goPaint building tools!" -"youhavereachedthelimitofsnowballs": "You have reached the limit of snowballs!" +"You have joined party of §a$1$§e!": "You have joined party of &a$1$&e!" -"youhavereceivedsnowmanforreachingkillstreakof5": "You have received &fSnowman &efor reaching killstreak of &e&l5&e!" +"You have left party of §a$1$§e!": "You have left party of &a$1$&e!" -"youhavereflectedsnowballof1": "You have reflected snowball of $1$&f!" +"You have purchased $1$§6!": "You have purchased $1$&6!" -"youhaveremovedyourlastratingofthismap": "You have removed your last rating of this map." +"You have reached the limit of §e§l$1$ §cpowerups per match!": "You have reached the limit of &e&l$1$ &cpowerups per match!" -"youhavetoreadandagreewiththerulesofsurvivaltobeabletobreak/placeblocksuse/survivalrules": "You have to read and agree with the rules of survival to be able to break/place blocks, use &e/survivalrules" +"You have reached the limit of snowballs!": "You have reached the limit of snowballs!" -"youhaveupgraded1to2": "You have upgraded &a$1$ &6to &a$2$&6!" +"You have received §fSnowman §efor reaching killstreak of §e§l5§e!": "You have received &fSnowman &efor reaching killstreak of &e&l5&e!" -"youhaveupgraded1": "You have upgraded &a$1$&6!" +"You have reflected snowball of $1$§f!": "You have reflected snowball of $1$&f!" -"youmustbeleaderofapartytousethis": "You must be leader of a party to use this!" +"You have removed your last rating of this map": "You have removed your last rating of this map." -"yourarmyisunderattack": "Your army is under attack!" +"You have to read and agree with the rules of survival to be able to break/place blocks, use §e/survivalrules": "You have to read and agree with the rules of survival to be able to break/place blocks, use &e/survivalrules" -"youropponentisblindedbyyourperk": "Your opponent is blinded by your perk!" +"You have upgraded $1$ to $2$!": "You have upgraded &a$1$ &6to &a$2$&6!" -"youropponentisignitedbyyourperk": "Your opponent is ignited by your perk!" +"You have upgraded §a$1$§6!": "You have upgraded &a$1$&6!" -"youropponentisslowedbyyourperk": "Your opponent is slowed by your perk!" +"You must be leader of a party to use this!": "You must be leader of a party to use this!" -"yourpartyinviteto1hasexpired": "Your party invite to $1$ &ehas expired." +"Your army is under attack!": "Your army is under attack!" -"yourpartyleaderhaswarpedyoutotheirlocation": "Your party leader has warped you to their location!" +"Your opponent is blinded by your perk!": "Your opponent is blinded by your perk!" -"yourradarbreakereffectisover": "Your Radar Breaker effect is over!" +"Your opponent is ignited by your perk!": "Your opponent is ignited by your perk!" -"yoursnowballhit1": "Your snowball hit $1$&f!" +"Your opponent is slowed by your perk!": "Your opponent is slowed by your perk!" -"yoursnowballhitboatof1": "Your snowball hit boat of $1$&f!" +"Your party invite to $1$ §ehas expired": "Your party invite to $1$ &ehas expired." -"yoursnowmanssnowballhit1": "Your snowman's snowball hit $1$&f!" +"Your party leader has warped you to their location!": "Your party leader has warped you to their location!" -"yourteam": "YOUR TEAM" +"Your Radar Breaker effect is over!": "Your Radar Breaker effect is over!" -"1kicked2fromtheparty": "$1$ &ekicked $2$ &efrom the party!" +"Your snowball hit $1$§f!": "Your snowball hit $1$&f!" -"youhavealreadyusedthispowerupinthislife": "You have already used this power-up in this life!" +"Your snowball hit boat of $1$§f!": "Your snowball hit boat of $1$&f!" -"swearingiscompletelyforbiddeninourserveryouwillgetanautomaticallyissuedpunishmentifyoudo": "Swearing is completely forbidden in our server, you will get an automatically issued punishment if you do." +"Your snowman's snowball hit $1$§f!": "Your snowman's snowball hit $1$&f!" -"1hastransferredpartyleaderto2": "$1$ &ehas transferred party leader to $2$&e!" +"YOUR TEAM": "YOUR TEAM" -"1isnotinyourparty": "$1$ &cis not in your party!" +"$1$ §ekicked $2$ §efrom the party!": "$1$ &ekicked $2$ &efrom the party!" -"price": "Price:" +"You have already used this power-up in this life!": "You have already used this power-up in this life!" -"maxlevel": "MAX LEVEL:" +"Swearing is completely forbidden in our server, you will get an automatically issued punishment if you do": "Swearing is completely forbidden in our server, you will get an automatically issued punishment if you do." -"current": "Current" +"$1$ §ehas transferred party leader to $2$§e!": "$1$ &ehas transferred party leader to $2$&e!" -"next": "Next" +"$1$ §cis not in your party!": "$1$ &cis not in your party!" -"maxlevelreached": "Max level reached" +"You can buy this item only once per life": "You can buy this item only once per life." -"superjump": "Super Jump" +"You have gained extra life from your §aImmortality Perk§e!": "You have gained extra life from your &aImmortality Perk&e!" -"youcantoggledisplayoftheanimationofftoreduceyourfpslag": "You can toggle display of the animation off to reduce your FPS lag!" +"Right click to activate game modifiers!": "Right click to activate game modifiers!" -"fallingblocksanimation": "Falling Blocks Animation" +"You have logged in §e§l$1$ §adays in a row! You will get higher rewards for every day logged in a row": "You have logged in &e&l$1$ &adays in a row! You will get higher rewards for every day logged in a row." -"animationiscurrentlyenabled": "Animation is currently &a&lENABLED&e." +"LOCKED": "LOCKED" -"youcanbuythisitemonlyonceperlife": "You can buy this item only once per life." +"§a$1$ §ehas gained an extra life from their §aImmortality Perk§e!": "&a$1$ &ehas gained an extra life from their &aImmortality Perk&e!" -"youhavegainedextralifefromyourimmortalityperk": "You have gained extra life from your &aImmortality Perk&e!" +"Your party is now open for public join! Other players can do §a/p join $1$ §eto join it!": "Your party is now open for public join! Other players can do &a/p join $1$ &eto join it!" -"rightclicktoactivategamemodifiers": "Right click to activate game modifiers!" +"§bEnchanted §7§lIron Cannon": "&bEnchanted &7&lIron Cannon" -"youhaveloggedin1daysinarowyouwillgethigherrewardsforeverydayloggedinarow": "You have logged in &e&l$1$ &adays in a row! You will get higher rewards for every day logged in a row." +? "Castle Wars, 1v1, Govindas Survival Games, Mini Sky Walls, Spleent, Knockout, Snowball, Checkers, Bomberman, Elemental Archers" +: "Castle Wars, 1v1, Govindas Survival Games, Mini Sky Walls, Spleent, Knockout, Snowball, Checkers, Bomberman, Elemental Archers" -"locked": "LOCKED" - -"1hasgainedanextralifefromtheirimmortalityperk": "&a$1$ &ehas gained an extra life from their &aImmortality Perk&e!" - -"/msgplayersendaprivatemessagetoaplayer": " /msg &2- &aSend a private message to a player." - -"/statsplayerviewplayersstats": " /stats &2- &aView player's stats." - -"/joingamelobbynametojoinapublicgamebyacommandorprivategamebyspecifyinglobbyname": " /join [lobbyname] &2- &aTo join a public game by a command or private game by specifying lobby name." - -"/partyinviteplayertoinviteaplayertoparty": " /party invite &2- &aTo invite a player to party." - -"/partyacceptplayertoacceptanpartyinvite": " /party accept &2- &aTo accept an party invite." - -"/partykickplayertokickaplayerfromyourparty": " /party kick &2- &aTo kick a player from your party." - -"/partytransferplayertotransferpartyleadertoothermember": " /party transfer &2- &aTo transfer party leader to other member." - -"/partyjoinplayertojoinpublicpartyofaplayer": " /party join &2- &aTo join public party of a player." - -"ifyouwanttospectateotherplayertype/stpplayer": "If you want to spectate other player type &e/stp " - -"yourpartyisnowopenforpublicjoinotherplayerscando/pjoin1tojoinit": "Your party is now open for public join! Other players can do &a/p join $1$ &eto join it!" - -"youcansendcarepackagestosupportaliveplayerswith/carepackageplayer": "You can send care packages to support alive players with &e&l/carepackage " - -"enchantedironcannon": "&bEnchanted &7&lIron Cannon" - -"castlewars1v1govindassurvivalgamesminiskywallsspleentknockoutsnowballcheckersbombermanelementalarchers": "Castle Wars, 1v1, Govindas Survival Games, Mini Sky Walls, Spleent, Knockout, Snowball, Checkers, Bomberman, Elemental Archers" - -? "creativeworldwithalotofusefulfeaturesworldeditvoxelsnipergobrushgopaintahugecollectionofplayerheadsandevenfurnituretoimproveyourbuilds" +? "Creative world with a lot of useful features! WorldEdit, VoxelSniper, goBrush, goPaint, a huge collection of player heads and even furniture to improve your builds!" : "Creative world with a lot of useful features! WorldEdit, VoxelSniper, goBrush, goPaint, a huge collection of player heads and even furniture to improve your builds!" diff --git a/LanguageLT.yml b/LanguageLT.yml index 3597501..e79c670 100644 --- a/LanguageLT.yml +++ b/LanguageLT.yml @@ -1,840 +1,837 @@ -? "{yougetpointsforkillsoneplayerischosentobejuggernautandthenalltheplayersareagainstthemifyoukillthejuggernautyouwillbecomethejuggernautyouneedtoreachtheneededamountofpointstowin257=Jūs gaunate taškus už nužudymus, vienas žaidėjas yra išrinktas būti Juggernaut ir visi žaidėjai turi kovoti prieš jį, jei jūs nužudote Juggernaut - jūs tampate Juggernaut. Jūs turite pasiekti tam tikra skaičiu taškų laimėjimui.}" -: +" /chat party §2- §aTo toggle party chat": " /chat party &2- &aPerjungti grupės chat'ą." -"/chatpartytotogglepartychat": " /chat party &2- &aPerjungti grupės chat'ą." +" /donate §2- §aView ways to donate money to our server": " /donate &2- &aView ways to donate money to our server." -"/donateviewwaystodonatemoneytoourserver": " /donate &2- &aView ways to donate money to our server." +" /group accept §2- §aAccept a group invitation": " /group accept &2- &aPriimti kvietimą į grupę." -"/groupacceptacceptagroupinvitation": " /group accept &2- &aPriimti kvietimą į grupę." +" /group chunks §2- §aBrowse claimed chunks of a group": " /group chunks &2- &aPeržiūrėti grupės žemes." -"/groupchunksbrowseclaimedchunksofagroup": " /group chunks &2- &aPeržiūrėti grupės žemes." +" /group claim §2- §aClaim a chunk to a group": " /group claim &2- &aUžimti žemės gabalą grupei." -"/groupclaimclaimachunktoagroup": " /group claim &2- &aUžimti žemės gabalą grupei." +" /group create §2- §aCreate a group": " /group create &2- &aSukurti grupę." -"/groupcreatecreateagroup": " /group create &2- &aSukurti grupę." +" /group demote §2- §aDemote a player in a group": " /group demote &2- &aPažeminti žaidėją grupėje." -"/groupdemotedemoteaplayerinagroup": " /group demote &2- &aPažeminti žaidėją grupėje." +" /group info §2- §aView information about a group": " /group info &2- &aPeržiūrėti grupės informaciją." -"/groupinfoviewinformationaboutagroup": " /group info &2- &aPeržiūrėti grupės informaciją." +" /group invite §2- §aInvite a player to a group": " /group invite <žaidėjas> &2- &aPakviesti žaidėją į grupę." -"/groupinviteinviteaplayertoagroup": " /group invite <žaidėjas> &2- &aPakviesti žaidėją į grupę." +" /group kick §2- §aKick a player from a group": " /group kick <žaidėjas> &2- &aIšmesti žaidėją iš grupės." -"/groupkickkickaplayerfromagroup": " /group kick <žaidėjas> &2- &aIšmesti žaidėją iš grupės." +" /group leave §2- §aLeave a group": " /group leave &2- &aIšeiti iš grupės." -"/groupleaveleaveagroup": " /group leave &2- &aIšeiti iš grupės." +" /group list §2- §aList the groups you are in": " /group list &2- &aPeržiūrėti grupių sąrašą kuriose esate." -"/grouplistlistthegroupsyouarein": " /group list &2- &aPeržiūrėti grupių sąrašą kuriose esate." +" /group promote §2- §aPromote a player in a group": " /group promote &2- &aPaaukštinti žaidėją grupėje." -"/grouppromotepromoteaplayerinagroup": " /group promote &2- &aPaaukštinti žaidėją grupėje." +" /group unclaim §2- §aUnclaim a chunk": " /group unclaim &2- &aApleisti žemės gabalą." -"/groupunclaimunclaimachunk": " /group unclaim &2- &aApleisti žemės gabalą." +" /group upgrade §2- §aUpgrade a group": " /group upgrade &2- &aPatobulinti grupę." -"/groupupgradeupgradeagroup": " /group upgrade &2- &aPatobulinti grupę." +" /join [lobbyname] §2- §aTo join a public game by a command or private game by specifying lobby name": " /join <žaidimas> [lobbypavadinimas] &2- &aKad ateiti į viešą žaidimą su komanda arba privatų žaidimą nurodant pavadinimą." -"/joinlobbynametojoinapublicgamebyacommandorprivategamebyspecifyinglobbyname": " /join <žaidimas> [lobbypavadinimas] &2- &aKad ateiti į viešą žaidimą su komanda arba privatų žaidimą nurodant pavadinimą." +" /list §2- §aView information about all online players": " /list &2- &aPeržiūrėti informaciją apie prisijungusius žaidėjus." -"/listviewinformationaboutallonlineplayers": " /list &2- &aPeržiūrėti informaciją apie prisijungusius žaidėjus." +" /msg §2- §aSend a private message to a player": " /msg <žaidėjas> &2- &aNusiųsti privačią žinutę žaidėjui." -"/msgsendaprivatemessagetoaplayer": " /msg <žaidėjas> &2- &aNusiųsti privačią žinutę žaidėjui." +" /party accept §2- §aTo accept an party invite": " /party accept &2- &aPriimti pakvietimą į grupę." -"/partyaccepttoacceptanpartyinvite": " /party accept &2- &aPriimti pakvietimą į grupę." +" /party disband §2- §aTo disband your party": " /party disband &2- &aSunaikinti grupę." -"/partydisbandtodisbandyourparty": " /party disband &2- &aSunaikinti grupę." +" /party invite §2- §aTo invite a player to party": " /party invite &2- &aPakviesti žaidėja į savo grupę." -"/partyinvitetoinviteaplayertoparty": " /party invite &2- &aPakviesti žaidėja į savo grupę." +" /party join §2- §aTo join public party of a player": " /party join &2- &aAteiti į viešą grupę." -"/partyjointojoinpublicpartyofaplayer": " /party join &2- &aAteiti į viešą grupę." +" /party kick §2- §aTo kick a player from your party": " /party kick &2- &aIšmesti žaidėją iš savo grupės." -"/partykicktokickaplayerfromyourparty": " /party kick &2- &aIšmesti žaidėją iš savo grupės." +" /party leave §2- §aTo leave a party": " /party leave &2- &aIšeiti iš grupės." -"/partyleavetoleaveaparty": " /party leave &2- &aIšeiti iš grupės." +" /party list §2- §aTo view members of your party list": " /party list &2- &aPeržiūrėti savo grupės narių sąrašą." -"/partylisttoviewmembersofyourpartylist": " /party list &2- &aPeržiūrėti savo grupės narių sąrašą." +" /party open §2- §aTo open your party for public join": " /party open &2- &aAtidaryti grupę viešam atėjimui." -"/partyopentoopenyourpartyforpublicjoin": " /party open &2- &aAtidaryti grupę viešam atėjimui." +" /party transfer §2- §aTo transfer party leader to other member": " /party transfer <žaidėjas> &2- &aKad perleisti lyderio pareigas kitam žaidėjui." -"/partytransfertotransferpartyleadertoothermember": " /party transfer <žaidėjas> &2- &aKad perleisti lyderio pareigas kitam žaidėjui." +" /party §2- §aView party help": " /party &2- &aPeržiūrėti grupių pagalbą." -"/partyviewpartyhelp": " /party &2- &aPeržiūrėti grupių pagalbą." +" /party warp §2- §aTo warp your party members to your game lobby": " /party warp &2- &aTeleportuoti savo grupės narius į savo žaidimą." -"/partywarptowarpyourpartymemberstoyourgamelobby": " /party warp &2- &aTeleportuoti savo grupės narius į savo žaidimą." +" /rules §2- §aRead server rules": " /rules &2- &aPerskaityti serverio taisykles." -"/rulesreadserverrules": " /rules &2- &aPerskaityti serverio taisykles." +" /spectate §2- §aEnter spectate mode": " /spectate &2- &aĮeiti į stebėjimo rėžimą." -"/spectateenterspectatemode": " /spectate &2- &aĮeiti į stebėjimo rėžimą." +" /staff §2- §aView staff list": " /staff &2- &aPeržiūrėti administracijos sąrašą." -"/staffviewstafflist": " /staff &2- &aPeržiūrėti administracijos sąrašą." +" /stats §2- §aView player's stats": " /stats <žaidėjas> &2- &aPeržiūrėti žaidėjo statistiką." -"/statsviewplayersstats": " /stats <žaidėjas> &2- &aPeržiūrėti žaidėjo statistiką." +"1 arrow on knockout!": "1 strėlė numetus priešininką!" -"1arrowonknockout": "1 strėlė numetus priešininką!" +"$1$ §cdefeated §6$2$": "$1$ &cdefeated &6$2$" -"1defeated2": "$1$ &cdefeated &6$2$" +"$1$ §edonated §e§l1 §fSnowball §eto you!": "$1$ &edonated &e&l1 &fSnowball &eto you!" -"1donated1snowballtoyou": "$1$ &edonated &e&l1 &fSnowball &eto you!" +"$1$ §eflag has been dropped!": "$1$ &eflag has been dropped!" -"1flaghasbeendropped": "$1$ &eflag has been dropped!" +"§a$1$ §egot first kill of the game!": "&a$1$ &egavo pirmą nužudymą žaidime!" -"1gotfirstkillofthegame": "&a$1$ &egavo pirmą nužudymą žaidime!" +"$1$ §ehas captured $2$ §eflag!": "$1$ &ehas captured $2$ &eflag!" -"1hascaptured2flag": "$1$ &ehas captured $2$ &eflag!" +"$1$ §ehas disbanded the party!": "$1$ &esunaikino grupę!" -"1hasdisbandedtheparty": "$1$ &esunaikino grupę!" +"$1$ §ehas invited you into a party!": "$1$ &epakvietė tave į savo grupę!" -"1hasinvitedyouintoaparty": "$1$ &epakvietė tave į savo grupę!" +"$1$ §ehas joined your party!": "$1$ &eprisijungė prie jūsų grupės!" -"1hasjoinedyourparty": "$1$ &eprisijungė prie jūsų grupės!" +"$1$ §ehas joined!": "$1$ &eatėjo!" -"1hasjoined": "$1$ &eatėjo!" +"$1$ §ehas left the party!": "$1$ &eišėjo iš grupės!" -"1haslefttheparty": "$1$ &eišėjo iš grupės!" +"$1$ §chas left!": "$1$ &cpaliko žaidimą!" -"1hasleft": "$1$ &cpaliko žaidimą!" +"$1$ §ehas not invited you into a party!": "$1$ &enėra pakvietęs jūsų į grupę." -"1hasnotinvitedyouintoaparty": "$1$ &enėra pakvietęs jūsų į grupę." +"$1$ §ehas picked up $2$ §eflag!": "$1$ &ehas picked up $2$ &eflag!" -"1haspickedup2flag": "$1$ &ehas picked up $2$ &eflag!" +"$1$ §ehas reached the max stick level!": "$1$ &epasiekė maksimalų pagaliuko lygį!" -"1hasreachedthemaxsticklevel": "$1$ &epasiekė maksimalų pagaliuko lygį!" +"$1$ §ehas returned $2$ §eflag!": "$1$ &ehas returned $2$ &eflag!" -"1hasreturned2flag": "$1$ &ehas returned $2$ &eflag!" +"$1$ §ehas voted for §b§l$2$ §emap!": "$1$ &ebalsuoja už &b&l$2$ &ežemėlapį!" -"1hasvotedfor2map": "$1$ &ebalsuoja už &b&l$2$ &ežemėlapį!" +"$1$ §ehas voted for §b§l$2$ §emode!": "$1$ &ehas voted for &b&l$2$ &emode!" -"1hasvotedfor2mode": "$1$ &ehas voted for &b&l$2$ &emode!" +"$1$ §ehas voted for §b§lBalanced Teams §emodifier!": "$1$ &ebalsuoja už &b&lBalansuotų Komandų &emodifikatorių!" -"1hasvotedforbalancedteamsmodifier": "$1$ &ebalsuoja už &b&lBalansuotų Komandų &emodifikatorių!" +"$1$ §ehas voted for §b§lDouble Jump §emodifier!": "$1$ &ehas voted for &b&lDouble Jump &emodifier!" -"1hasvotedfordoublejumpmodifier": "$1$ &ehas voted for &b&lDouble Jump &emodifier!" +"$1$ §ehas voted for §b§lFast Snowballs §emodifier!": "$1$ &ehas voted for &b&lFast Snowballs &emodifier!" -"1hasvotedforfastsnowballsmodifier": "$1$ &ehas voted for &b&lFast Snowballs &emodifier!" +"$1$ §ehas voted for §b§lInstakill Snowballs §emodifier!": "$1$ &ebalsuoja už &b&lMomentinio Nžudymo Gniužčių &emodifikatorių!" -"1hasvotedforinstakillsnowballsmodifier": "$1$ &ebalsuoja už &b&lMomentinio Nžudymo Gniužčių &emodifikatorių!" +"$1$ §ehas voted for §b§lNo Compass §emodifier!": "$1$ &ehas voted for &b&lNo Compass &emodifier!" -"1hasvotedfornocompassmodifier": "$1$ &ehas voted for &b&lNo Compass &emodifier!" +"$1$ §ehas voted for §b§lReflect Snowballs §emodifier!": "$1$ &ebalsuoja už &b&lReflektyvių Gniužčių &emodifikatorių!" -"1hasvotedforreflectsnowballsmodifier": "$1$ &ebalsuoja už &b&lReflektyvių Gniužčių &emodifikatorių!" +"$1$ §cis already in your party!": "$1$ &cis already in your party!" -"1isalreadyinyourparty": "$1$ &cis already in your party!" +"$1$§c is not your friend! Add $1$§c to friends with §e/f add $2$": "$1$&c is not your friend! Add $1$&c to friends with &e/f add $2$" -"1isnotyourfriendadd1tofriendswith/fadd2": "$1$&c is not your friend! Add $1$&c to friends with &e/f add $2$" +"$1$ §7of players needs to vote to enable": "$1$ &7žaidėjų turi prabalsuoti kad aktyvuoti" -"1ofplayersneedstovotetoenable": "$1$ &7žaidėjų turi prabalsuoti kad aktyvuoti" +"$1$ §cteam is full!": "$1$ &ckomanda yra pilna!" -"1teamisfull": "$1$ &ckomanda yra pilna!" +"[ACCEPT]": "[PRIIMTI]" -"accept": "[PRIIMTI]" +"A chance to spawn creeper where your snowball lands": "Galimybė kad atsiras creeper ten kur tavo sniego gniūžtė pataikys." -"achancetospawncreeperwhereyoursnowballlands": "Galimybė kad atsiras creeper ten kur tavo sniego gniūžtė pataikys." +"Activated Modifiers": "Aktyvūs Modifikatoriai" -"activatedmodifiers": "Aktyvūs Modifikatoriai" +"Allows to double jump by pressing the sneak button in mid-air": "Allows to double jump by pressing the sneak button in mid-air." -"allowstodoublejumpbypressingthesneakbuttoninmidair": "Allows to double jump by pressing the sneak button in mid-air." +"Animation is currently §c§lDISABLED§e": "Animacija šiuo metu yra &c&lIŠJUNGTA&e." -"animationiscurrentlydisabled": "Animacija šiuo metu yra &c&lIŠJUNGTA&e." +"Animation is currently §a§lENABLED§e": "Animacija šiuo metu yra &a&lĮJUNGTA&e." -"animationiscurrentlyenabled": "Animacija šiuo metu yra &a&lĮJUNGTA&e." +"Are you seriously going into a party with yourself? Invite someone!": "Ar tu rimtai eini į grupę su savimi? Pakviesk ką nors!" -"areyouseriouslygoingintoapartywithyourselfinvitesomeone": "Ar tu rimtai eini į grupę su savimi? Pakviesk ką nors!" +"Are you sure you want to leave? Type §e/q §6to confirm": "Ar jūs tikrai norite išeiti? Rašykite &e/q &6kad patvirtintumėte." -"areyousureyouwanttoleavetype/qtoconfirm": "Ar jūs tikrai norite išeiti? Rašykite &e/q &6kad patvirtintumėte." +"Armor": "Armor" -"armor": "Armor" +"Arrow Accuracy": "Strėlių Taiklumas" -"arrowaccuracy": "Strėlių Taiklumas" +"Arrow Bonus Perk": "Strėlės Priedas" -"arrowbonusperk": "Strėlės Priedas" +"Arrows Fired": "Arrows Fired" -"arrowsfired": "Arrows Fired" +"Arrows left": "Strėlių liko" -"arrowsleft": "Strėlių liko" +"A snowman which shoots enemies!": "A snowman which shoots enemies!" -"asnowmanwhichshootsenemies": "A snowman which shoots enemies!" +"Average Rating:": "Vidutinis Įvertinimas:" -"averagerating": "Vidutinis Įvertinimas:" +"Balanced Teams Modifier": "Balansuotų Komandų Modifikatorius" -"balancedteamsmodifier": "Balansuotų Komandų Modifikatorius" +"§7§lBecause of too much game changing modifiers activated this match will not affect your rating": "&7&lDėl per daug žaidimą keičiančių modifikatorių, šis turas nedarys įtakos jūsų reitingui." -"becauseoftoomuchgamechangingmodifiersactivatedthismatchwillnotaffectyourrating": "&7&lDėl per daug žaidimą keičiančių modifikatorių, šis turas nedarys įtakos jūsų reitingui." +"§e§lBe the commander of a giant army and defeat all the enemy kings with your army to win!": "&e&lVadovauk dideliai armijai ir nugalėk visus priešų karalius kad laimėtum!" -"bethecommanderofagiantarmyanddefeatalltheenemykingswithyourarmytowin": "&e&lVadovauk dideliai armijai ir nugalėk visus priešų karalius kad laimėtum!" +"Beware of gravity! Always build supports to your mines and buildings with at least 8 blocks of distance between supports": "Beware of gravity! Always build supports to your mines and buildings with at least 8 blocks of distance between supports." -"bewareofgravityalwaysbuildsupportstoyourminesandbuildingswithatleast8blocksofdistancebetweensupports": "Beware of gravity! Always build supports to your mines and buildings with at least 8 blocks of distance between supports." +"Blindness Perk": "Aklumo Priedas" -"blindnessperk": "Aklumo Priedas" - -"blockssnowballs50chancetobreakonfirsthit100onsecondhit": "Blocks snowballs. &e&l50% &7chance to break on first hit, &e&l100% &7on second hit." +"Blocks snowballs": + " §e§l50% §7chance to break on first hit, §e§l100% §7on second hit": "Blocks snowballs. &e&l50% &7chance to break on first hit, &e&l100% &7on second hit." "blocks": "blokai" -"bombsfired": "Bombos iššautos" +"Bombs fired": "Bombos iššautos" -"bombsplaced": "Bombs placed" +"Bombs placed": "Bombs placed" -"bonussnowballsonknockout": "Sniego gniūžtės išmetus priešininką!" +"Bonus snowballs on knockout": "Sniego gniūžtės išmetus priešininką!" -"burningstickperk": "Degančio Pagaliuko Priedas" +"Burning Stick Perk": "Degančio Pagaliuko Priedas" -"burns1oftargetssnowballs": "Burns &e&l$1$ &7of target's snowballs." +"Burns §e§l$1$ §7of target's snowballs": "Burns &e&l$1$ &7of target's snowballs." -"burnstargetonhit": "Burns target on hit." +"Burns target on hit": "Burns target on hit." -"cantfindaplayerbythenameof1": "Žaidėjas vardu '$1$' nerastas." +"Can't find a player by the name of '$1$'": "Žaidėjas vardu '$1$' nerastas." -"cantshootfarbecausesnowballsmeltintheair": "Can't shoot far because snowballs melt in the air." +"Can't shoot far because snowballs melt in the air": "Can't shoot far because snowballs melt in the air." -"chanceofcreeperspawn": "galimybė kad atsiras creeper" +"chance of creeper spawn": "galimybė kad atsiras creeper" -"chanceofdoubleexperience": "Galimybė gauti du kartus daugiau patirties" +"chance of double experience": "Galimybė gauti du kartus daugiau patirties" -"chanceofdoublemelons": "chance of double melons." +"chance of double melons": "chance of double melons." -"chanceofenchantedsnowballgainafterkill": "chance of &bEnchanted Snowball &7gain after kill." +"chance of §bEnchanted Snowball §7gain after kill": "chance of &bEnchanted Snowball &7gain after kill." -"chanceofreflection": "chance of reflection." +"chance of reflection": "chance of reflection." -"chancetoblindopponentonhit": "Galimybė įtrenkus priešininkui jį apakinti" +"Chance to blind opponent on hit": "Galimybė įtrenkus priešininkui jį apakinti" -"chancetoburnopponentonhit": "Galimybė uždegti priešininką įtrenkus" +"Chance to burn opponent on hit": "Galimybė uždegti priešininką įtrenkus" -"chancetonotlosealife": "Galimybė neprarasti gyvybės" +"Chance to not lose a life": "Galimybė neprarasti gyvybės" -"chancetoslowslowness1opponentonhit": "chance to slow(Slowness $1$) opponent on hit" +"chance to slow(Slowness $1$) opponent on hit": "chance to slow(Slowness $1$) opponent on hit" -"chancetoslowslownessiiopponentonhit": "Galimybė sulėtinti(Lėtumas II) priešininką įtrenkus" +"Chance to slow(Slowness II) opponent on hit": "Galimybė sulėtinti(Lėtumas II) priešininką įtrenkus" -"checkersinminecraftlikethepopularboardgame": "Šaškės Minecraft'e! Panašu į populiarų stalo žaidimą." +"Checkers in Minecraft! Like the popular board game": "Šaškės Minecraft'e! Panašu į populiarų stalo žaidimą." -"checkers": "Šaškės" +"Checkers": "Šaškės" -"checkpoint": "Taškas" +"Checkpoint": "Taškas" -"chestslooted": "Skrynios atidarytos" +"Chests looted": "Skrynios atidarytos" "classes": "klases" -"clickheretojoin1": "Spausk čia kad prisijungtum į $1$!" +"Click here to join $1$!": "Spausk čia kad prisijungtum į $1$!" -"clicktoacceptthepartyinvite": "Spausk kad priimti kvietimą į grupę!" +"Click to accept the party invite!": "Spausk kad priimti kvietimą į grupę!" -"clicktobuy": "Spausk kad galėtum nusipirkti!" +"Click to buy!": "Spausk kad galėtum nusipirkti!" -"clicktojoin": "[SPAUSK ČIA]" +"[CLICK TO JOIN]": "[SPAUSK ČIA]" -"clicktoopenmenu": "SPAUSK KAD ATIDARYTI MENIŲ" +"CLICK TO OPEN MENU": "SPAUSK KAD ATIDARYTI MENIŲ" -"clicktoplay": "SPAUSK KAD ŽAISTI" +"CLICK TO PLAY": "SPAUSK KAD ŽAISTI" -"clicktoratethismap": "Click to rate this map" +"Click to rate this map": "Click to rate this map" -"clicktoundothisrating": "Spausk kad anuliuoti šį įvertinimą!" +"Click to undo this rating!": "Spausk kad anuliuoti šį įvertinimą!" -"clicktovotefor1mode": "Spausk kad balsuoti už $1$ rėžimą!" +"Click to vote for $1$ §amode!": "Spausk kad balsuoti už $1$ rėžimą!" -"clicktovoteforthismap": "Spausk kad balsuoti už šį žemėlapį!" +"Click to vote for this map!": "Spausk kad balsuoti už šį žemėlapį!" -"clicktovoteforthismode": "Spausk kad prabalsuotum už šį tipą!" +"Click to vote for this mode!": "Spausk kad prabalsuotum už šį tipą!" -"clicktovoteforthismodifier": "Spausk kad balsuoti už šį modifikatorių!" +"Click to vote for this modifier!": "Spausk kad balsuoti už šį modifikatorių!" -"completeparkourracesearnprizesandcompeteinleaderboards": "Pereik parkour trasas, gauk prizus ir varžykis lyderių lentelėje!" +"Complete parkour races, earn prizes and compete in leaderboards!": "Pereik parkour trasas, gauk prizus ir varžykis lyderių lentelėje!" -"cooldown": "Laiko Tarpas" +"Cooldown": "Laiko Tarpas" -"crackedplayerscanjoinourservertheycanapplyat1tojoin": "Cracked players can join our server! They can apply at $1$ &rto join." +"Cracked players can join our server! They can apply at $1$ §rto join": "Cracked players can join our server! They can apply at $1$ &rto join." -? "creativeworldwithalotofusefulfeaturesworldeditvoxelsnipergobrushgopaintahugecollectionofplayerheadsandevenacustomprogramminglanguagetocreateyourowncustommaps" +? "Creative world with a lot of useful features! WorldEdit, VoxelSniper, goBrush, goPaint, a huge collection of player heads and even a custom programming language to create your own custom maps!" : "Kūrybinis pasaulis su daug naudingų galimybių! WorldEdit, VoxelSniper, goBrush, goPaint, didelė žaidėjų galvų kolekcija ir net speciali programavimo kalba su kuria galima kurti savo specialius žemėlapius!" -"creeperchanceperk": "Creeper Atsiradimo Priedas" +"Creeper Chance Perk": "Creeper Atsiradimo Priedas" -"crystal": "Kristalas" +"Crystal": "Kristalas" -"current": "Dabartinis" +"Current": "Dabartinis" -"damagedealt": "Žalos Padaryta" +"Damage Dealt": "Žalos Padaryta" -"damagetaken": "Žalos Gauta" +"Damage Taken": "Žalos Gauta" -"day": "Diena" +"Day": "Diena" -"deaths": "Mirtys" +"Deaths": "Mirtys" -"defeat": "PRALAIMĖJIMAS" +"DEFEAT": "PRALAIMĖJIMAS" -"defendyourcastleattackothercastlescommandyourarmyandbecomethebestcommander": "Gink savo pilį, pulk kitas pilis, įsakinėk savo armijai ir tapk geriausiu vadu!" +"Defend your castle, attack other castles, command your army and become the best commander!": "Gink savo pilį, pulk kitas pilis, įsakinėk savo armijai ir tapk geriausiu vadu!" -"destroyingotherplayercreationsorruiningtheminanywayisnotallowed": "Destroying other player creations or ruining them in any way is not allowed!" +"Destroying other player creations or ruining them in any way is not allowed!": "Destroying other player creations or ruining them in any way is not allowed!" -"destroyingthegoodlookofterrainbymakingholes1x1towersandanyotherwaywhichmakesitlookbadisnotallowed": "Destroying the good look of terrain by making holes, 1x1 towers and any other way which makes it look bad is not allowed." +"Destroying the good look of terrain by making holes, 1x1 towers and any other way which makes it look bad is not allowed": "Destroying the good look of terrain by making holes, 1x1 towers and any other way which makes it look bad is not allowed." -"didyouknow": "Did you know?" +"Did you know?": "Did you know?" -? "differentelementalclassescompetewitheachotherinbowfightingabilitiesusefascinitingabilitiesofyourclasstodefeatotherplayersandwin" -: "&e&lDifferent elemental classes compete with each other in bow-fighting abilities. Use fasciniting abilities of your class to defeat other players and win!" +"§e§lDifferent elemental classes compete with each other in bow-fighting abilities": + " Use fasciniting abilities of your class to defeat other players and win!": "&e&lDifferent elemental classes compete with each other in bow-fighting abilities. Use fasciniting abilities of your class to defeat other players and win!" -"dissappearsafter10soflanding": "Dissappears after &e&l10s &7of landing." +"Dissappears after §e§l10s §7of landing": "Dissappears after &e&l10s &7of landing." -"doubleemeralds": "Dvigubai Smaragdų" +"Double Emeralds": "Dvigubai Smaragdų" -"doublejumpmodifier": "Double Jump Modifier" +"Double Jump Modifier": "Double Jump Modifier" -"doublemelonsperk": "Double Melons Perk" +"Double Melons Perk": "Double Melons Perk" -"emeraldstotalearned": "Smaragdų viso gauta" +"Emeralds total earned": "Smaragdų viso gauta" -"emeralds": "Smaragdai" +"Emeralds": "Smaragdai" -"emerald": "Smaragdas" +"Emerald": "Smaragdas" -"enchanteddiamondcannon": "&bUžkerėta &b&lDeimantinė Patranka" +"§bEnchanted §b§lDiamond Cannon": "&bUžkerėta &b&lDeimantinė Patranka" -"enchantedsnowballperk": "Enchanted Snowball Perk" +"Enchanted Snowball Perk": "Enchanted Snowball Perk" -"enchantedstonecannon": "&bUžkerėta &7Akmeninė Patranka" +"§bEnchanted §7Stone Cannon": "&bUžkerėta &7Akmeninė Patranka" -"enchantedwoodcannon": "&bEnchanted &aWood Cannon" +"Enchanted §aWood Cannon": "&bEnchanted &aWood Cannon" -"enemyteam": "PRIEŠŲ KOMANDA" +"ENEMY TEAM": "PRIEŠŲ KOMANDA" -"everyplayergets3liveseliminateenemyteamtowin": "Kiekvienas žaidėjas gauna 3 gyvybės, pašalink priešų komandą kad laimėtum." +"Every player gets 3 lives, eliminate enemy team to win": "Kiekvienas žaidėjas gauna 3 gyvybės, pašalink priešų komandą kad laimėtum." -"everyplayergets3liveseliminateotherplayerstowin": "Kiekvienas žaidėjas gauna 3 gyvybės, pašalink kitus žaidėjus kad laimėtum." +"Every player gets 3 lives, eliminate other players to win": "Kiekvienas žaidėjas gauna 3 gyvybės, pašalink kitus žaidėjus kad laimėtum." -"experiencebonusperk": "Patirties Priedas" +"Experience Bonus Perk": "Patirties Priedas" -"explodeyourwaytootherplayersandexplodethem": "Išsprogdink savo kelią iki kitų žaidėjų ir juos susprogdink!" +"Explode your way to other players and explode them!": "Išsprogdink savo kelią iki kitų žaidėjų ir juos susprogdink!" -"exploringthevoidmayrevealmysterioussecrets": "Exploring the void may reveal mysterious secrets!" +"Exploring the void may reveal mysterious secrets!": "Exploring the void may reveal mysterious secrets!" -"explosionradius": "Sprogimo Spindulys" +"Explosion Radius": "Sprogimo Spindulys" -"fallingblocksanimation": "Krentančių Blokų Animacija" +"Falling Blocks Animation": "Krentančių Blokų Animacija" -"fastsnowballsmodifier": "Fast Snowballs Modifier" +"Fast Snowballs Modifier": "Fast Snowballs Modifier" -"feelfreetoinviteotherplayersbyusingthechat": "Galite pasikviesti žaidėjų rašydami chat'e!" +"Feel free to invite other players by using the chat": "Galite pasikviesti žaidėjų rašydami chat'e!" -"finalkills": "Finaliniai Nužudymai" +"Final Kills": "Finaliniai Nužudymai" -"flamethrower": "Flamethrower" +"Flamethrower": "Flamethrower" -"free": "Free!" +"Free!": "Free!" -"friendcommands": " &2&l--=-= &a&lDraugų Komandos &2&l=-=--" +" §2§l--=-= §a§lFriend Commands §2§l=-=--": " &2&l--=-= &a&lDraugų Komandos &2&l=-=--" -"friendlysurvivalwithtechandmagicexploremanydimensionsgrowbeautifultreesandmore": "Draugiškas išlikimas su technika ir magija! Tirinėk daug dimensijų, augink nuostabius medžius ir dar daugiau!" +"Friendly survival with tech and magic! Explore many dimensions, grow beautiful trees and more!": "Draugiškas išlikimas su technika ir magija! Tirinėk daug dimensijų, augink nuostabius medžius ir dar daugiau!" -"gameendedinadraw": "ŽAIDIMAS BAIGĖSI LYGIOSIOMIS" +"GAME ENDED IN A DRAW": "ŽAIDIMAS BAIGĖSI LYGIOSIOMIS" -"gameend": "GAME END" +"GAME END": "GAME END" -"gamehasstarted": "Žaidimas prasidėjo!" +"Game has started!": "Žaidimas prasidėjo!" -"gameisstarting": "Žaidimas prasideda" +"Game is starting": "Žaidimas prasideda" -"gamestartsin1seconds": "Žaidimas prasidės už &e&l$1$ &esekundžių" +"Game starts in §e§l$1$ §eseconds": "Žaidimas prasidės už &e&l$1$ &esekundžių" -"gamestartsin": "Žaidimas prasidės už" +"Game starts in": "Žaidimas prasidės už" -"gamestatistics": "Žaidimo Statistika" +"Game Statistics": "Žaidimo Statistika" -"gametime": "Žaidimo laikas" +"Game time": "Žaidimo laikas" -"gamewillendin1minutes": "Žaidimas pasibaigs už &e&l$1$ &eminučių." +"Game will end in §e§l$1$ §eminutes": "Žaidimas pasibaigs už &e&l$1$ &eminučių." -"gamewillendin1minute": "Game will end in &e&l$1$ &eminute." +"Game will end in §e§l$1$ §eminute": "Game will end in &e&l$1$ &eminute." -"gamewillstartin1seconds": "&eŽaidimas prasidės už &e&l$1$ &esekundžių" +"§eGame will start in §e§l$1$ §eseconds": "&eŽaidimas prasidės už &e&l$1$ &esekundžių" -"gamewillstartin1second": "&eŽaidimas prasidės už &e&l$1$ &esekundės" +"§eGame will start in §e§l$1$ §esecond": "&eŽaidimas prasidės už &e&l$1$ &esekundės" -"gatherresourcesprepareforfightprotectyourcrystaloflifeattackothercrystalsandwinthegame": "Rink resursus, ruoškis kovai, gink savo Gyvybės Kristalą, atakuok kitus kristalus ir laimėk žaidimą!" +"Gather resources, prepare for fight, protect your Crystal of Life, attack other crystals and win the game!": "Rink resursus, ruoškis kovai, gink savo Gyvybės Kristalą, atakuok kitus kristalus ir laimėk žaidimą!" -"gravityhasnoeffectonblocksheresoyoucanbuildinthesky": "Gravity has no effect on blocks here, so you can build in the sky!" +"Gravity has no effect on blocks here, so you can build in the sky!": "Gravity has no effect on blocks here, so you can build in the sky!" -"groupcommands": " &2&l --=-= &a&lGrupių Komandos &2&l=-=--" +" §2§l --=-= §a§lGroup Commands §2§l=-=--": " &2&l --=-= &a&lGrupių Komandos &2&l=-=--" -"havefun": "Sėkmės!" +"Have fun!": "Sėkmės!" -"health": "Gyvybės" +"Health": "Gyvybės" -"hereyoucanfindgameswhichcanbeplayedbothaloneandwithfriends": "Čia jūs galite rasti žaidimus kuriuos galima žaisti ir vienam ir su draugais!" +"Here you can find games which can be played both alone and with friends!": "Čia jūs galite rasti žaidimus kuriuos galima žaisti ir vienam ir su draugais!" -"hereyoucanfindgameswhichcanbeplayedonlywithfriends": "Čia jūs galite rasti žaidimus kuriuos galima žaisti tik su draugais!" +"Here you can find games which can be played only with friends!": "Čia jūs galite rasti žaidimus kuriuos galima žaisti tik su draugais!" -"hereyoucanfindlittleguiminigamestheseminigamesunlikeothersarentmadebyusitsjustadownloadedpluginbuttheyarestillfun": "Čia jūs galite rasti mažus GUI minižaidimus, šie minižaidimai ne taip kaip kiti, nėra sukurti mūsų, jie yra tiesiog atsisiųsti, bet jie vistiek yra įdomūs!" +? "Here you can find little GUI minigames, these minigames unlike others, aren't made by us, it's just a downloaded plugin, but they are still fun!" +: "Čia jūs galite rasti mažus GUI minižaidimus, šie minižaidimai ne taip kaip kiti, nėra sukurti mūsų, jie yra tiesiog atsisiųsti, bet jie vistiek yra įdomūs!" -"hereyoucanusevariousabilitiestoexplodethemapandotherplayers": "Čia jūs galite naudoti įvairius ginklus ir su jais sprogdinti žemėlapį, ir kitus žaidėjus!" +"Here you can use various abilities to explode the map and other players!": "Čia jūs galite naudoti įvairius ginklus ir su jais sprogdinti žemėlapį, ir kitus žaidėjus!" -"hitstaken": "Hits Taken" +"Hits Taken": "Hits Taken" -"hits": "Smūgiai" +"Hits": "Smūgiai" -"hittolevelupyourstickandknockotherplayersintothevoid": "Trankyk kitus žaidėjus kad pakiltų tavo pagaliuko lygis ir numesk juos į prarają!" +"Hit to level up your stick and knock other players in to the void!": "Trankyk kitus žaidėjus kad pakiltų tavo pagaliuko lygis ir numesk juos į prarają!" "hours": "valandų" -"howtoplay": "&b&lKaip Žaisti" +"§b§lHow To Play": "&b&lKaip Žaisti" -"ifyouwanttogetoutofthespectatormodetype/q": "Jei norite išeiti iš &eStebėjimo Režimo &crašykite &e/q" +"If you want to get out of the §eSpectator Mode §ctype §e/q": "Jei norite išeiti iš &eStebėjimo Režimo &crašykite &e/q" -"ifyouwanttoleavethegametype/q": "Jei norite išeiti iš žaidimo rašykite &e/q&6." +"If you want to leave the game type §e/q§6": "Jei norite išeiti iš žaidimo rašykite &e/q&6." -"ifyouwanttospectateotherplayertype/stp": "Jei norite stebėti kitą žaidėją rašykite &e/stp <žaidėjas>" +"If you want to spectate other player type §e/stp ": "Jei norite stebėti kitą žaidėją rašykite &e/stp <žaidėjas>" -"immortalityperk": "Nemirtingumo Priedas" +"Immortality Perk": "Nemirtingumo Priedas" -"increasesthechancetoreflectasnowballto100": "Padidina tikimybę kad sniego gniūžtė atsimuš iki 100%" +"Increases the chance to reflect a snowball to 100%": "Padidina tikimybę kad sniego gniūžtė atsimuš iki 100%" -"increasesthedamageofsnowballsto10hearts": "Padidina sniego gniūžčių žalą iki 10 širdučių." +"Increases the damage of snowballs to 10 hearts": "Padidina sniego gniūžčių žalą iki 10 širdučių." -"increasesyourspeedby1": "Increases your speed by $1$" +"Increases your speed by $1$": "Increases your speed by $1$" -"instakillsnowballsmodifier": "Momentinio Nužudymo Gniužčių Modifikatorius" +"Instakill Snowballs Modifier": "Momentinio Nužudymo Gniužčių Modifikatorius" -"invalidcode": "Invalid code." +"Invalid code": "Invalid code." -"ironcannon": "&7&lGeležinė Patranka" +"§7§lIron Cannon": "&7&lGeležinė Patranka" -"itsveryhotinmustafaryougonnaneedtodrinktwiceasmuchwater": "It's very hot in Mustafar, you gonna need to drink twice as much water." +"It's very hot in Mustafar, you gonna need to drink twice as much water": "It's very hot in Mustafar, you gonna need to drink twice as much water." -"jumps": "Šuoliai" +"Jumps": "Šuoliai" -"killer": "Killer" +"Killer": "Killer" -"killsanynormalopponentevenwitharmor": "Kills any normal opponent, even with armor." +"Kills any normal opponent, even with armor": "Kills any normal opponent, even with armor." -"killstreak": "Killstreak" +"Killstreak": "Killstreak" -"kills": "Nužudymai" +"Kills": "Nužudymai" -"king": "King" +"King": "King" -"knockotherplayersofftheplatformasyouhitplayersyoudealmoreknockback": "&e&lKnock other players off the platform. As you hit players, you deal more knockback." +"§e§lKnock other players off the platform": + " As you hit players, you deal more knockback": "&e&lKnock other players off the platform. As you hit players, you deal more knockback." -"level": "Lygis" +"Level": "Lygis" -"listofgames": "Žaidimų Sąrašas" +"List of Games": "Žaidimų Sąrašas" -"lives": "Gyvybės" +"Lives": "Gyvybės" -"lootchestsfightotherplayersfindrandomlygeneratedlootwithinterestingabilitiesandthrowmobeggslikepokeballs": "Atidaryk skrynias, kovok su kitais žaidėjais, rask atsitiktinai sugeneruotų daiktų su ypatingomis galiomis ir mėtyk monstrų kiaušinius kaip pokemonus!" +? "Loot chests, fight other players, find randomly generated loot with interesting abilities and throw mob eggs like pokeballs!" +: "Atidaryk skrynias, kovok su kitais žaidėjais, rask atsitiktinai sugeneruotų daiktų su ypatingomis galiomis ir mėtyk monstrų kiaušinius kaip pokemonus!" -"lootrandomlygeneratedchestswithuniqueitemsusethemtoeliminateyourenemiesbetheonlysurvivortowin": "&e&lLoot randomly generated chests with unique items. Use them to eliminate your enemies. Be the only survivor to win." +"§e§lLoot randomly generated chests with unique items": + " Use them to eliminate your enemies": + " Be the only survivor to win": "&e&lLoot randomly generated chests with unique items. Use them to eliminate your enemies. Be the only survivor to win." -"losses": "Pralamėjimai" +"Losses": "Pralamėjimai" -"makesallofyoursnowballsburn": "Makes all of your snowballs burn." +"Makes all of your snowballs burn": "Makes all of your snowballs burn." -"makesyoursnowballssuperfast": "Makes your snowballs super fast." +"Makes your snowballs super fast": "Makes your snowballs super fast." -"maxlevelreached": "Maksimalus lygis pasiektas" +"Max level reached": "Maksimalus lygis pasiektas" -"maxlevel": "MAKS. LYGIS:" +"MAX LEVEL:": "MAKS. LYGIS:" -"melonsearned": "Melons earned" +"Melons earned": "Melons earned" -"melonsspent": "Melons spent" +"Melons spent": "Melons spent" -"melons": "Melionai" +"Melons": "Melionai" -"melon": "Melon" +"Melon": "Melon" -"mineoresupgradepickaxesbuyawesomeupgradesandunlocknewcaves": "Kask iškasenas, tobulink kirtiklius, pirk nuostabius patobulinimus ir atrakink naujus urvus!" +"Mine ores, upgrade pickaxes, buy awesome upgrades and unlock new caves!": "Kask iškasenas, tobulink kirtiklius, pirk nuostabius patobulinimus ir atrakink naujus urvus!" "minutes": "minučių" -"mode": "Rėžimas" +"Mode": "Rėžimas" -"movetimeleft": "Judėjimo laiko liko" +"Move time left": "Judėjimo laiko liko" -"mustbeatlowerfloor": "Turite būti žemesniame aukšte" +"Must be at lower floor": "Turite būti žemesniame aukšte" -"mustnothaveanysuperjumps": "Privalote neturėti Super Šuolių!" +"Must not have any Super Jumps": "Privalote neturėti Super Šuolių!" -"newrating": "New Rating" +"New Rating": "New Rating" -"newrecord": "NEW RECORD!" +"NEW RECORD!": "NEW RECORD!" -"new": "NEW!" +"NEW!": "NEW!" -"nextsuperjumpin": "Sekantis Super Šuolis" +"Next Super Jump In": "Sekantis Super Šuolis" -"next": "Sekantis" +"Next": "Sekantis" -"night": "Naktis" +"Night": "Naktis" -"nocompassmodifier": "No Compass Modifier" +"No Compass Modifier": "No Compass Modifier" -"notenoughmelons": "Not enough melons!" +"Not enough melons!": "Not enough melons!" -"note": "Note:" +"Note:": "Note:" -"nowblockswillstartbreakingwhenyousteponthem": "Nuo šiol blokai pradės dingti kai jūs užlipsite ant jų!" +"Now blocks will start breaking when you step on them!": "Nuo šiol blokai pradės dingti kai jūs užlipsite ant jų!" -"oldrecord": "Old Record" +"Old Record": "Old Record" -"parkourcourse": "Parkour Iššūkis" +"Parkour Course": "Parkour Iššūkis" -"participateinamassivesnowballfightandusepowerupstoeaseyourexistencedelayingsnowballsallowstothrowthemfurther": "&e&lParticipate in a massive snowball fight and use powerups to ease your existence! Delaying snowballs allows to throw them further." +? "§e§lParticipate in a massive snowball fight and use powerups to ease your existence! Delaying snowballs allows to throw them further" +: "&e&lParticipate in a massive snowball fight and use powerups to ease your existence! Delaying snowballs allows to throw them further." -"partycommands": " &2&l --=-= &a&lGrupių Komandos &2&l=-=--" +" §2§l --=-= §a§lParty Commands §2§l=-=--": " &2&l --=-= &a&lGrupių Komandos &2&l=-=--" -"partyinvitefrom1hasexpired": "Grupės pakvietimas iš $1$ &epasibaigė." +"Party invite from $1$ §ehas expired": "Grupės pakvietimas iš $1$ &epasibaigė." -"partyleader": "Grupės Lyderis" +"Party Leader": "Grupės Lyderis" -"partymembers": "Grupės Nariai" +"Party Members": "Grupės Nariai" -"partyof1isnotopenforpublicjoin": "&a$1$ &cgrupė nėra atidaryta viešam atėjimui." +"Party of §a$1$ §cis not open for public join": "&a$1$ &cgrupė nėra atidaryta viešam atėjimui." -"placebombsandexplodeblocksarounditinashapeusepowerupstotakeadvantageoveropponents": "&e&lPlace bombs and explode blocks around it in a + shape. Use powerups to take advantage over opponents." +"§e§lPlace bombs and explode blocks around it in a + shape": + " Use powerups to take advantage over opponents": "&e&lPlace bombs and explode blocks around it in a + shape. Use powerups to take advantage over opponents." -"playercommands": " &2&l --=-= &a&lŽaidėjų Komandos &2&l=-=--" +" §2§l --=-= §a§lPlayer Commands §2§l=-=--": " &2&l --=-= &a&lŽaidėjų Komandos &2&l=-=--" -"playerdied1timesinarowwithoutkills": "Player died $1$ times in a row without kills" +"Player died $1$ times in a row without kills": "Player died $1$ times in a row without kills" -"playeriswaiting": "Žaidėjas laukia" +"Player is waiting": "Žaidėjas laukia" -"playernotfound": "Player not found." +"Player not found": "Player not found." -"playersarewaiting": "Žaidėjai Laukia" +"Players are waiting": "Žaidėjai Laukia" -"playersin": "Žaidėjai" +"Players in": "Žaidėjai" -"playersleft": "Žaidėjų liko" +"Players left": "Žaidėjų liko" -"playerswaiting": "Laukiantys Žaidėjai" +"Players Waiting": "Laukiantys Žaidėjai" -"players": "Žaidėjai" +"Players": "Žaidėjai" -"playerwason1killstreak": "Player was on $1$ killstreak" +"Player was on $1$ killstreak": "Player was on $1$ killstreak" -"playvariousclasseswithdifferentabilitiesanduseyourbowskillstowininmanydifferentmodes": "Žaisk su daug klasių su skirtingomis galiomis ir naudok savo lanko įgūdžius kad laimėtum skirtinguose žaidimo rėžimuose!" +"Play various classes with different abilities and use your bow skills to win in many different modes!": "Žaisk su daug klasių su skirtingomis galiomis ir naudok savo lanko įgūdžius kad laimėtum skirtinguose žaidimo rėžimuose!" -"pleaseratethismapbyclicking": "Please rate this map by clicking:" +"Please rate this map by clicking:": "Please rate this map by clicking:" -"pleasespecifygroupname": "Prašome nurodyti grupės pavadinimą!" +"Please specify group name!": "Prašome nurodyti grupės pavadinimą!" -"pleasespecifyplayername": "Prašome nurodyti žaidėjo vardą!" +"Please specify player name!": "Prašome nurodyti žaidėjo vardą!" -"plotname": "Ploto Pavadinimas" +"Plot Name": "Ploto Pavadinimas" -"plotowner": "Ploto Savininkas" +"Plot Owner": "Ploto Savininkas" -"points": "Taškai" +"Points": "Taškai" -"powerups": "Powerups" +"Powerups": "Powerups" -"price": "Kaina:" +"Price:": "Kaina:" -"quicklytestyourskillbyfightingotherplayerswithahugevarietyofmodifiers": "Greitai išbandyk savo kovojimo įgudžius kovodamas su kitu žaidėju su daug skirtingų modifikatorių!" +"Quickly test your skill by fighting other players with a huge variety of modifiers!": "Greitai išbandyk savo kovojimo įgudžius kovodamas su kitu žaidėju su daug skirtingų modifikatorių!" -"radarbreaker": "Radar Breaker" +"Radar Breaker": "Radar Breaker" -"rainisabletorefillwatersources": "Rain is able to refill water sources." +"Rain is able to refill water sources": "Rain is able to refill water sources." -"rapidfirepoweruphasspawnedatmiddleofthemap": "&6&lRapid Fire &bpowerup has spawned at middle of the map!" +"§6§lRapid Fire §bpowerup has spawned at middle of the map!": "&6&lRapid Fire &bpowerup has spawned at middle of the map!" -"rating": "Reitingas" +"Rating": "Reitingas" -"reflectionperk": "Reflection Perk" +"Reflection Perk": "Reflection Perk" -"reflectsasnowballreducingdamagetakenby1": "Reflects a snowball, reducing damage taken by $1$." +"Reflects a snowball, reducing damage taken by $1$": "Reflects a snowball, reducing damage taken by $1$." -"reflectsnowballsmodifier": "Reflektyvus Gniužčių Modifikatorius" +"Reflect Snowballs Modifier": "Reflektyvus Gniužčių Modifikatorius" -"regeneratesyourhealth1": "Regenerates your health $1$" +"Regenerates your health $1$": "Regenerates your health $1$" -"regeneration": "Regeneration" +"Regeneration": "Regeneration" -"removescompassfromthegame": "Removes compass from the game." +"Removes compass from the game": "Removes compass from the game." -"resources": "Resursai" +"Resources": "Resursai" -"respawningin": "Respawning in" +"Respawning in": "Respawning in" -"serverrulescanbereadin/rulesmakesuretofollowthem": "Serverio taisykles galima perskaityti &a/rules&e, laikykitės jų!" +"Server rules can be read in §a/rules§e, make sure to follow them!": "Serverio taisykles galima perskaityti &a/rules&e, laikykitės jų!" -"shootchickensandgetthemostkillstowinbewarefilthyzombiesandcreepers": "&e&lShoot chickens and get the most kills to win! Beware: filthy zombies and creepers!" +"§e§lShoot chickens and get the most kills to win! Beware: filthy zombies and creepers!": "&e&lShoot chickens and get the most kills to win! Beware: filthy zombies and creepers!" -"shootchickensasfastasyoucan": "Šaudyk viščiukus taip greitai kaip tik gali!" +"Shoot chickens as fast as you can!": "Šaudyk viščiukus taip greitai kaip tik gali!" -"shoototherplayerswithsnowballsbuypowerupswithmelonsandplayinmanydifferentmodes": "Šaudyk kitus žaidėjus su sniego gniūžtėmis, pirk daiktus su melionais ir išbandyk daug skirtingų žaidimo rėžimų!" +"Shoot other players with snowballs, buy powerups with melons and play in many different modes!": "Šaudyk kitus žaidėjus su sniego gniūžtėmis, pirk daiktus su melionais ir išbandyk daug skirtingų žaidimo rėžimų!" -"shoottntwithyourcannonandknockopponentstothevoidorexplodethemsaveyourselffromhazardsusingsuperjumpssneak": "&e&lŠaudyk TNT su savo patranka ir nustumk žaidėjus į prarają, arba susprogdink juos. Gelbėk save nuo pavojų naudodamas Super Šuolius. [Tūpk]" +"§e§lShoot TNT with your cannon and knock opponents to the void, or explode them": + " Save yourself from hazards using Super Jumps": + " [Sneak]": "&e&lŠaudyk TNT su savo patranka ir nustumk žaidėjus į prarają, arba susprogdink juos. Gelbėk save nuo pavojų naudodamas Super Šuolius. [Tūpk]" -"slowballs": "Slowballs" +"Slowballs": "Slowballs" -"slownessionhit": "Slowness I on hit" +"Slowness I on hit": "Slowness I on hit" -"slownessperk": "Lėtumo Priedas" +"Slowness Perk": "Lėtumo Priedas" -"sneaktouse": "Tūpk kad naudoti" +"Sneak to use": "Tūpk kad naudoti" -"snowballaccuracy": "Snowball Accuracy" +"Snowball Accuracy": "Snowball Accuracy" -"snowballsfired": "Sniego gniūžtės iššautos" +"Snowballs fired": "Sniego gniūžtės iššautos" -"snowmanperk": "Besmegenio Priedas" +"Snowman Perk": "Besmegenio Priedas" -"snowman": "Snowman" +"Snowman": "Snowman" -"sortsteamsbasedonkillscountforfairness": "Išrušiuoja žaidėjus į lygias komandas pagal nužudymų skaičių." +"Sorts teams based on kills count for fairness": "Išrušiuoja žaidėjus į lygias komandas pagal nužudymų skaičių." -"spawnpointswitch": "Spawnpoint Switch" +"Spawnpoint Switch": "Spawnpoint Switch" -"speed": "Greitis" +"Speed": "Greitis" -"spleeftntspleentexplodeotherplayersintothevoid": "Spleef + TNT = Spleent! Išsprogdink kitus žaidėjus į prarają!" +"Spleef + TNT = Spleent! Explode other players into the void!": "Spleef + TNT = Spleent! Išsprogdink kitus žaidėjus į prarają!" -"statistics": "Statistika" +"Statistics": "Statistika" -"stonecannon": "&7Akmėninė Patranka" +"§7Stone Cannon": "&7Akmėninė Patranka" -"succesfullysentpartyinviteto1": "Išsiuntei grupės pakvietimą $1$!" +"Succesfully sent party invite to $1$!": "Išsiuntei grupės pakvietimą $1$!" -"superjumps": "Super Šuoliai" +"Super Jumps": "Super Šuoliai" -"superjump": "Super Šuolis" +"Super Jump": "Super Šuolis" -"survivalbasedonoldminecraftversionsbetweenalpha12andbeta173warningnostalgiaisacertainty": "Išlikimas pagal senas Minecraft versijas tarp alpha 1.2 ir beta 1.7.3.||&cĮSPĖJIMAS: &7NOSTALGIJA GARANTUOTA." +"Survival based on old Minecraft versions between alpha 1": + "2 and beta 1": + "7": + "3": + "||§cWARNING: §7NOSTALGIA IS A CERTAINTY": "Išlikimas pagal senas Minecraft versijas tarp alpha 1.2 ir beta 1.7.3.||&cĮSPĖJIMAS: &7NOSTALGIJA GARANTUOTA." -"survivalrules": "Survival Rules" +"Survival Rules": "Survival Rules" -"team": "Komanda" +"Team": "Komanda" -"thankyouforratingthismap": "Dėkojame už šio žemėlapio įvertinimą!" +"Thank you for rating this map": "Dėkojame už šio žemėlapio įvertinimą!" -"theknockbackstick": "Smūgio Pagaliukas" +"The Knockback Stick": "Smūgio Pagaliukas" -"therearemanyspecialrecipescheckthemoutin/recipes": "There are many special recipes! Check them out in: &e/recipes&r" +"There are many special recipes! Check them out in: §e/recipes§r": "There are many special recipes! Check them out in: &e/recipes&r" -"thereisacustomprogramminglanguagemadeforcreativeworldwithityoucancreatesimplefeaturesforyourplot1": "There is a custom programming language made for Creative World, with it you can create simple features for your plot! $1$" +"There is a custom programming language made for Creative World, with it you can create simple features for your plot! $1$": "There is a custom programming language made for Creative World, with it you can create simple features for your plot! $1$" -"thisgamecanbeplayedalone": "&aŠį žaidimą galima žaisti &e&lvienam&a." +"§aThis game can be played §e§lalone§a": "&aŠį žaidimą galima žaisti &e&lvienam&a." -"thisgamecanbeplayedwith2players": "Šį žaidimą galima žaisti su &e&l2&a&l+ &ažaidėjais." +"This game can be played with §e§l2§a§l+ §aplayers": "Šį žaidimą galima žaisti su &e&l2&a&l+ &ažaidėjais." -"thisgamecanbeplayedwithonly2players": "Šį žaidimą galima žaisti tik su &e&l2 &ažaidėjais." +"This game can be played with only §e§l2 §aplayers": "Šį žaidimą galima žaisti tik su &e&l2 &ažaidėjais." -"thisgameisstartingearlyyouwillnotearnemeraldsandyourstatsachievementswontcountifitstartswithlessthan1players": "Šis žaidimas startuoja anksti. Jūs neuždirbsite Smaragdų ir jūsų statistika, pasiekimai nebus skaičiuojami jei šis žaidimas startuos su mažiau nei &e&l$1$ &6žaidėjais." +? "This game is starting early, You will not earn Emeralds and your stats, achievements won't count if it starts with less than §e§l$1$ §6players" +: "Šis žaidimas startuoja anksti. Jūs neuždirbsite Smaragdų ir jūsų statistika, pasiekimai nebus skaičiuojami jei šis žaidimas startuos su mažiau nei &e&l$1$ &6žaidėjais." -"thispowerupisalreadyactive": "This power-up is already active!" +"This power-up is already active!": "This power-up is already active!" -"thisroundof1v1didnotmeettherequirementsforwinrewardsandratingchanges": "Šitas 1v1 turas nepasiekė reikiamų reikalavimų laimėjimo apdovanojimui ir reitingo pasikeitimams." +"This round of 1v1 did not meet the requirements for win rewards and rating changes": "Šitas 1v1 turas nepasiekė reikiamų reikalavimų laimėjimo apdovanojimui ir reitingo pasikeitimams." -"throwablecobweb": "Throwable Cobweb" +"Throwable Cobweb": "Throwable Cobweb" -"timeelapsed": "Laiko praleista" +"Time elapsed": "Laiko praleista" -"timesincelastupdate": "Paskutinis atnaujinimas" +"Time since last update": "Paskutinis atnaujinimas" -"totalplaytime": "Laiko pražaista" +"Total play time": "Laiko pražaista" -"troopsalive": "Kariai gyvi" +"Troops alive": "Kariai gyvi" -"troopskilled": "Kariai nužudyti" +"Troops killed": "Kariai nužudyti" -"troopslost": "Kariai prarasti" +"Troops lost": "Kariai prarasti" -"troops": "Kariai" +"Troops": "Kariai" -"turnsyoursnowballsintoslowballs": "Turns your snowballs into slowballs." +"Turns your snowballs into slowballs": "Turns your snowballs into slowballs." -"turn": "Turas" +"Turn": "Turas" -"unlocked": "ATRAKINTA" +"UNLOCKED": "ATRAKINTA" -"use/agree1toagreewithsurvivalrules": "Use /agree $1$ to agree with survival rules." +"Use /agree $1$ to agree with survival rules": "Use /agree $1$ to agree with survival rules." -"usef5highfovtogetabetterviewofthegamefield": "Use F5 + high FOV to get a better view of the game field!" +"Use F5 + high FOV to get a better view of the game field!": "Use F5 + high FOV to get a better view of the game field!" -"utilisepreparationtimegiventogatherasmuchresourcesaspossibledefendyourcrystaloflifeandfightyourwaytovictory": "&e&lIšnaudok pasiruošimo laiką kad gautum kuo daugiau resursų, gink savo Gyvybės Kristalą ir kovok iki pergalės." +? "§e§lUtilise preparation time given to gather as much resources as possible, defend your Crystal of Life and fight your way to victory" +: "&e&lIšnaudok pasiruošimo laiką kad gautum kuo daugiau resursų, gink savo Gyvybės Kristalą ir kovok iki pergalės." -"victory": "PERGALĖ" +"VICTORY": "PERGALĖ" -"votes": "Balsai:" +"Votes:": "Balsai:" -"vote": "[BALSUOTI]" +"[VOTE]": "[BALSUOTI]" -"waitingplayers": "Laukiantys Žaidėjai" +"Waiting Players": "Laukiantys Žaidėjai" -"waitingqueuestatus": "Laukiama Eilėje" +"Waiting Queue Status": "Laukiama Eilėje" -"warped1partymemberstoyourlocation": "Warped &e&l$1$ &eparty members to your location!" +"Warped §e§l$1$ §eparty members to your location!": "Warped &e&l$1$ &eparty members to your location!" -"waterisfiniteheresoyouaregoingtoneedtobuildfarmsclosetobigsourcesofwater": "Water is finite here, so you are going to need to build farms close to big sources of water." +"Water is finite here, so you are going to need to build farms close to big sources of water": "Water is finite here, so you are going to need to build farms close to big sources of water." -"winspercentage": "Laimėjimų Procentas" +"Wins Percentage": "Laimėjimų Procentas" -"wins": "Laimėjimai" +"Wins": "Laimėjimai" -"woodcannon": "&aMedinė Patranka" +"Wood Cannon": "&aMedinė Patranka" -"youalreadyhavevotedforamap": "You already have voted for a map!" +"You already have voted for a map!": "You already have voted for a map!" -"youarealreadyinapartyof1": "Jūs jau esate grupėje žaidėjo &a$1$&c!" +"You are already in a party of §a$1$§c!": "Jūs jau esate grupėje žaidėjo &a$1$&c!" -"youarealreadyon1team": "Jūs jau esate $1$ &ckomandoje!" +"You are already on $1$ §cteam!": "Jūs jau esate $1$ &ckomandoje!" -"youareleaderofapartyuse/partydisbandtobeabletodothis": "You are leader of a party, use &e/party disband &cto be able to do this." +"You are leader of a party, use §e/party disband §cto be able to do this": "You are leader of a party, use &e/party disband &cto be able to do this." -"youarenowamemberof1team": "Dabar jūs esate $1$ &ekomandos narys!" +"You are now a member of $1$ §eteam!": "Dabar jūs esate $1$ &ekomandos narys!" -"youarenowjuggernaut": "You are now Juggernaut!" +"You are now Juggernaut!": "You are now Juggernaut!" -"youarentinaparty": "Jūs nesate grupėje!" +"You aren't in a party!": "Jūs nesate grupėje!" -"youarenttheleaderoftheparty": "Jūs nesate grupės lyderis!" +"You aren't the leader of the party!": "Jūs nesate grupės lyderis!" -"youcanchatonlyonceevery15second": "You can chat only once every 1.5 second!" +"You can chat only once every 1": + "5 second!": "You can chat only once every 1.5 second!" -"youcandiefromcoldduringnightinhothifyoudonothaveleatherarmor": "You can die from cold during night in &bHoth&r if you do not have leather armor." +"You can die from cold during night in §bHoth§r if you do not have leather armor": "You can die from cold during night in &bHoth&r if you do not have leather armor." -"youcanfindfriendlysurvivalwikiin1": "You can find Friendly Survival wiki in: $1$" +"You can find Friendly Survival wiki in: $1$": "You can find Friendly Survival wiki in: $1$" -"youcanlockyourcontainersanddoorswithsignsifyouwanttoprotectlandyoucanjoinagrouporcreateone": "You can lock your containers and doors with signs, if you want to protect land you can join a group or create one." +"You can lock your containers and doors with signs, if you want to protect land you can join a group or create one": "You can lock your containers and doors with signs, if you want to protect land you can join a group or create one." -"youcannothavemorethanonesnowmanininventoryatthesametime": "You cannot have more than one &fSnowman &cin inventory at the same time." +"You cannot have more than one §fSnowman §cin inventory at the same time": "You cannot have more than one &fSnowman &cin inventory at the same time." -"youcannotpartywarpintothisgame": "You cannot party warp into this game!" +"You cannot party warp into this game!": "You cannot party warp into this game!" -"youcanonlybuythisingame": "You can only buy this in-game!" +"You can only buy this in-game!": "You can only buy this in-game!" -"youcanonlyvotewhentheresenoughplayerstostartthegame": "Jūs galite balsuoti tik tada kai žaidime yra pakankamai žaidėjų." +"You can only vote when there's enough players to start the game": "Jūs galite balsuoti tik tada kai žaidime yra pakankamai žaidėjų." -"youcansendcarepackagestosupportaliveplayerswith/carepackage": "Jūs galite siųsti daiktus kad palaikyti gyvus žaidėjus su &e&l/carepackage <žaidėjas>" +"You can send care packages to support alive players with §e§l/carepackage ": "Jūs galite siųsti daiktus kad palaikyti gyvus žaidėjus su &e&l/carepackage <žaidėjas>" -"youcantoggledisplayoftheanimationofftoreduceyourfpslag": "Jūs galite išjungti krentančių blokų animacija kad sumažinti FPS lagą!" +"You can toggle display of the animation off to reduce your FPS lag!": "Jūs galite išjungti krentančių blokų animacija kad sumažinti FPS lagą!" -"youcanusedimensionalwarptowarptomanybeautifulandinterestingdimensions": "You can use &5Dimensional Warp&r to warp to many beautiful and interesting dimensions." +"You can use §5Dimensional Warp§r to warp to many beautiful and interesting dimensions": "You can use &5Dimensional Warp&r to warp to many beautiful and interesting dimensions." -"youcouldnotbewarpedtoyourpartyleaderslocationbecauseyouareinagameuse/qtoleave": "You could not be warped to your party leader's location, because you are in a game. Use &e/q &cto leave." +"You could not be warped to your party leader's location, because you are in a game": + " Use §e/q §cto leave": "You could not be warped to your party leader's location, because you are in a game. Use &e/q &cto leave." -"youdonated1snowballto1": "You donated &e&l1 &fSnowball &eto &a$1$&e!" +"You donated §e§l1 §fSnowball §eto §a$1$§e!": "You donated &e&l1 &fSnowball &eto &a$1$&e!" -"youdonothaveenoughemeralds": "Jūs neturite pakankamai &aSmaragdų&c!" +"You do not have enough §aEmeralds§c!": "Jūs neturite pakankamai &aSmaragdų&c!" -"youdonothaveenoughmelons": "You do not have enough melons!" +"You do not have enough melons!": "You do not have enough melons!" -"yougetpointsforflagcapturesyourteamneedstoreachtheneededamountofpointstowin": "Jūs gaunate taškus už užgrobtas vėliavas, jūsų komanda turi pasiekti tam tikrą skaičiu taškų laimėjimui." +"You get points for flag captures, your team needs to reach the needed amount of points to win": "Jūs gaunate taškus už užgrobtas vėliavas, jūsų komanda turi pasiekti tam tikrą skaičiu taškų laimėjimui." -? "yougetpointsforkillsoneplayerischosentobejuggernautandthenalltheplayersareagainstthemifyoukillthejuggernautyouwillbecomethejuggernautyouneedtoreachtheneededamountofpointstowin" -: "You get points for kills, one player is chosen to be juggernaut and then all the players are against them, if you kill the juggernaut - you will become the juggernaut. You need to reach the needed amount of points to win." +? "You get points for kills, one player is chosen to be juggernaut and then all the players are against them, if you kill the juggernaut - you will become the juggernaut" +: " You need to reach the needed amount of points to win": "You get points for kills, one player is chosen to be juggernaut and then all the players are against them, if you kill the juggernaut - you will become the juggernaut. You need to reach the needed amount of points to win." -"yougetpointsforkillsyouneedtoreachtheneededamountofpointstowin": "Jūs gaunate taškus už nužudymus, jums reikia pasiekti tam tikra skaičiu taškų laimėjimui." +"You get points for kills, you need to reach the needed amount of points to win": "Jūs gaunate taškus už nužudymus, jums reikia pasiekti tam tikra skaičiu taškų laimėjimui." -"yougetpointsforkillsyourteamneedstoreachtheneededamountofpointstowin": "Jūs gaunate taškus už nužudymus, tavo komandai reikia pasiekti tam tikra skaičiu taškų laimėjimui." +"You get points for kills, your team needs to reach the needed amount of points to win": "Jūs gaunate taškus už nužudymus, tavo komandai reikia pasiekti tam tikra skaičiu taškų laimėjimui." -"yougotaenchantedsnowballfromyourkill": "You got a &lEnchanted Snowball &bfrom your kill!" +"You got a §lEnchanted Snowball §bfrom your kill!": "You got a &lEnchanted Snowball &bfrom your kill!" -"youhaveagreedwiththesurvivalrulesfollowthemandeverythingwillbeokay": "You have agreed with the survival rules, follow them and everything will be okay!" +"You have agreed with the survival rules, follow them and everything will be okay!": "You have agreed with the survival rules, follow them and everything will be okay!" -"youhavealreadyinvited1intoyourparty": "Jūs jau esate pakvietę $1$ &cį savo grupę!" +"You have already invited $1$ §cinto your party!": "Jūs jau esate pakvietę $1$ &cį savo grupę!" -"youhavealreadyvotedforamapinthisgametodaysupporttheserverbybuyingvipifyouwanttovoteunlimitedamountoftimesperday": "Jūs jau balsavote už žemėlapį šiandien, paremkite serverį pirkdami &a&lVIP &cjei norite balsuoti neribojamą kiekį kartų per dieną." +? "You have already voted for a map in this game today, support the server by buying §a§lVIP §cif you want to vote unlimited amount of times per day" +: "Jūs jau balsavote už žemėlapį šiandien, paremkite serverį pirkdami &a&lVIP &cjei norite balsuoti neribojamą kiekį kartų per dieną." -"youhavealreadyvotedforamode": "Jūs jau balsavote už rėžimą!" +"You have already voted for a mode!": "Jūs jau balsavote už rėžimą!" -"youhavealreadyvotedforthismodifier": "Jūs jau balsavote už šį modifikatorių!" +"You have already voted for this modifier!": "Jūs jau balsavote už šį modifikatorių!" -"youhavefastasyncworldeditfastasyncvoxelsnipergobrushandgopaintbuildingtools": "You have FastAsyncWorldEdit, FastAsyncVoxelSniper, goBrush and goPaint building tools!" +"You have FastAsyncWorldEdit, FastAsyncVoxelSniper, goBrush and goPaint building tools!": "You have FastAsyncWorldEdit, FastAsyncVoxelSniper, goBrush and goPaint building tools!" -"youhavejoinedpartyof1": "Jūs atėjote į &a$1$ &egrupę!" +"You have joined party of §a$1$§e!": "Jūs atėjote į &a$1$ &egrupę!" -"youhaveleftpartyof1": "Jūs išėjote iš &a$1$ &egrupės!" +"You have left party of §a$1$§e!": "Jūs išėjote iš &a$1$ &egrupės!" -"youhavepurchased1": "You have purchased $1$&6!" +"You have purchased $1$§6!": "You have purchased $1$&6!" -"youhavereachedthelimitof1powerupspermatch": "You have reached the limit of &e&l$1$ &cpowerups per match!" +"You have reached the limit of §e§l$1$ §cpowerups per match!": "You have reached the limit of &e&l$1$ &cpowerups per match!" -"youhavereachedthelimitofsnowballs": "You have reached the limit of snowballs!" +"You have reached the limit of snowballs!": "You have reached the limit of snowballs!" -"youhavereceivedsnowmanforreachingkillstreakof5": "You have received &fSnowman &efor reaching killstreak of &e&l5&e!" +"You have received §fSnowman §efor reaching killstreak of §e§l5§e!": "You have received &fSnowman &efor reaching killstreak of &e&l5&e!" -"youhavereflectedsnowballof1": "You have reflected snowball of $1$&f!" +"You have reflected snowball of $1$§f!": "You have reflected snowball of $1$&f!" -"youhaveremovedyourlastratingofthismap": "You have removed your last rating of this map." +"You have removed your last rating of this map": "You have removed your last rating of this map." -"youhavetoreadandagreewiththerulesofsurvivaltobeabletobreak/placeblocksuse/survivalrules": "You have to read and agree with the rules of survival to be able to break/place blocks, use &e/survivalrules" +"You have to read and agree with the rules of survival to be able to break/place blocks, use §e/survivalrules": "You have to read and agree with the rules of survival to be able to break/place blocks, use &e/survivalrules" -"youhaveupgraded1to2": "Jūs pagerinote &a$1$ &6į &a$2$&6!" +"You have upgraded $1$ to $2$!": "Jūs pagerinote &a$1$ &6į &a$2$&6!" -"youhaveupgraded1": "Jūs pagerinote &a$1$&6!" +"You have upgraded §a$1$§6!": "Jūs pagerinote &a$1$&6!" -"youmustbeleaderofapartytousethis": "Jūs turite būti grupės lyderis kad tai naudoti!" +"You must be leader of a party to use this!": "Jūs turite būti grupės lyderis kad tai naudoti!" -"yourarmyisunderattack": "Your army is under attack!" +"Your army is under attack!": "Your army is under attack!" -"youropponentisblindedbyyourperk": "Jūsų oponentas tapo aklas nuo jūsų priedo!" +"Your opponent is blinded by your perk!": "Jūsų oponentas tapo aklas nuo jūsų priedo!" -"youropponentisignitedbyyourperk": "Jūsų oponentas įsiliepsnojo nuo jūsų priedo!" +"Your opponent is ignited by your perk!": "Jūsų oponentas įsiliepsnojo nuo jūsų priedo!" -"youropponentisslowedbyyourperk": "Jūsų oponentas tapo lėtas nuo jūsų priedo!" +"Your opponent is slowed by your perk!": "Jūsų oponentas tapo lėtas nuo jūsų priedo!" -"yourpartyinviteto1hasexpired": "Tavo grupės pakvietimas $1$ &epasibaigė." +"Your party invite to $1$ §ehas expired": "Tavo grupės pakvietimas $1$ &epasibaigė." -"yourpartyleaderhaswarpedyoutotheirlocation": "Your party leader has warped you to their location!" +"Your party leader has warped you to their location!": "Your party leader has warped you to their location!" -"yourradarbreakereffectisover": "Your Radar Breaker effect is over!" +"Your Radar Breaker effect is over!": "Your Radar Breaker effect is over!" -"yoursnowballhit1": "Your snowball hit $1$&f!" +"Your snowball hit $1$§f!": "Your snowball hit $1$&f!" -"yoursnowballhitboatof1": "Your snowball hit boat of $1$&f!" +"Your snowball hit boat of $1$§f!": "Your snowball hit boat of $1$&f!" -"yoursnowmanssnowballhit1": "Your snowman's snowball hit $1$&f!" +"Your snowman's snowball hit $1$§f!": "Your snowman's snowball hit $1$&f!" -"yourteam": "TAVO KOMANDA" +"YOUR TEAM": "TAVO KOMANDA" -"1kicked2fromtheparty": "$1$ &ekicked $2$ &efrom the party!" +"$1$ §ekicked $2$ §efrom the party!": "$1$ &ekicked $2$ &efrom the party!" -"youhavealreadyusedthispowerupinthislife": "You have already used this power-up in this life!" +"You have already used this power-up in this life!": "You have already used this power-up in this life!" -"swearingiscompletelyforbiddeninourserveryouwillgetanautomaticallyissuedpunishmentifyoudo": "Swearing is completely forbidden in our server, you will get an automatically issued punishment if you do." +"Swearing is completely forbidden in our server, you will get an automatically issued punishment if you do": "Swearing is completely forbidden in our server, you will get an automatically issued punishment if you do." -"1hastransferredpartyleaderto2": "$1$ &ehas transferred party leader to $2$&e!" +"$1$ §ehas transferred party leader to $2$§e!": "$1$ &ehas transferred party leader to $2$&e!" -"1isnotinyourparty": "$1$ &cis not in your party!" +"$1$ §cis not in your party!": "$1$ &cis not in your party!" -"youcanbuythisitemonlyonceperlife": "You can buy this item only once per life." +"You can buy this item only once per life": "You can buy this item only once per life." -"youhavegainedextralifefromyourimmortalityperk": "You have gained extra life from your &aImmortality Perk&e!" +"You have gained extra life from your §aImmortality Perk§e!": "You have gained extra life from your &aImmortality Perk&e!" -"rightclicktoactivategamemodifiers": "Right click to activate game modifiers!" +"Right click to activate game modifiers!": "Right click to activate game modifiers!" -"youhaveloggedin1daysinarowyouwillgethigherrewardsforeverydayloggedinarow": "You have logged in &e&l$1$ &adays in a row! You will get higher rewards for every day logged in a row." +"You have logged in §e§l$1$ §adays in a row! You will get higher rewards for every day logged in a row": "You have logged in &e&l$1$ &adays in a row! You will get higher rewards for every day logged in a row." -"locked": "LOCKED" +"LOCKED": "LOCKED" -"1hasgainedanextralifefromtheirimmortalityperk": "&a$1$ &ehas gained an extra life from their &aImmortality Perk&e!" +"§a$1$ §ehas gained an extra life from their §aImmortality Perk§e!": "&a$1$ &ehas gained an extra life from their &aImmortality Perk&e!" -"/msgplayersendaprivatemessagetoaplayer": " /msg &2- &aSend a private message to a player." +"Your party is now open for public join! Other players can do §a/p join $1$ §eto join it!": "Your party is now open for public join! Other players can do &a/p join $1$ &eto join it!" -"/statsplayerviewplayersstats": " /stats &2- &aView player's stats." +"§bEnchanted §7§lIron Cannon": "&bEnchanted &7&lIron Cannon" -"/joingamelobbynametojoinapublicgamebyacommandorprivategamebyspecifyinglobbyname": " /join [lobbyname] &2- &aTo join a public game by a command or private game by specifying lobby name." +? "Castle Wars, 1v1, Govindas Survival Games, Mini Sky Walls, Spleent, Knockout, Snowball, Checkers, Bomberman, Elemental Archers" +: "Castle Wars, 1v1, Govindas Survival Games, Mini Sky Walls, Spleent, Knockout, Snowball, Checkers, Bomberman, Elemental Archers" -"/partyinviteplayertoinviteaplayertoparty": " /party invite &2- &aTo invite a player to party." - -"/partyacceptplayertoacceptanpartyinvite": " /party accept &2- &aTo accept an party invite." - -"/partykickplayertokickaplayerfromyourparty": " /party kick &2- &aTo kick a player from your party." - -"/partytransferplayertotransferpartyleadertoothermember": " /party transfer &2- &aTo transfer party leader to other member." - -"/partyjoinplayertojoinpublicpartyofaplayer": " /party join &2- &aTo join public party of a player." - -"ifyouwanttospectateotherplayertype/stpplayer": "If you want to spectate other player type &e/stp " - -"yourpartyisnowopenforpublicjoinotherplayerscando/pjoin1tojoinit": "Your party is now open for public join! Other players can do &a/p join $1$ &eto join it!" - -"youcansendcarepackagestosupportaliveplayerswith/carepackageplayer": "You can send care packages to support alive players with &e&l/carepackage " - -"enchantedironcannon": "&bEnchanted &7&lIron Cannon" - -"castlewars1v1govindassurvivalgamesminiskywallsspleentknockoutsnowballcheckersbombermanelementalarchers": "Castle Wars, 1v1, Govindas Survival Games, Mini Sky Walls, Spleent, Knockout, Snowball, Checkers, Bomberman, Elemental Archers" - -? "creativeworldwithalotofusefulfeaturesworldeditvoxelsnipergobrushgopaintahugecollectionofplayerheadsandevenfurnituretoimproveyourbuilds" +? "Creative world with a lot of useful features! WorldEdit, VoxelSniper, goBrush, goPaint, a huge collection of player heads and even furniture to improve your builds!" : "Creative world with a lot of useful features! WorldEdit, VoxelSniper, goBrush, goPaint, a huge collection of player heads and even furniture to improve your builds!" diff --git a/LanguagePT.yml b/LanguagePT.yml index e88b93c..b1bf169 100644 --- a/LanguagePT.yml +++ b/LanguagePT.yml @@ -1,837 +1,837 @@ -"/chatpartytotogglepartychat": " /chat party &2- &aPara ligar/desligar o chat da party." +" /chat party §2- §aTo toggle party chat": " /chat party &2- &aPara ligar/desligar o chat da party." -"/donateviewwaystodonatemoneytoourserver": " /donate &2- &aView ways to donate money to our server." +" /donate §2- §aView ways to donate money to our server": " /donate &2- &aView ways to donate money to our server." -"/groupacceptacceptagroupinvitation": " /group accept &2- &aAceitar um convite." +" /group accept §2- §aAccept a group invitation": " /group accept &2- &aAceitar um convite." -"/groupchunksbrowseclaimedchunksofagroup": " /group chunks &2- &aProcurar chunks pertencentes ao grupo." +" /group chunks §2- §aBrowse claimed chunks of a group": " /group chunks &2- &aProcurar chunks pertencentes ao grupo." -"/groupclaimclaimachunktoagroup": " /group claim &2- &aObter uma chunk para o grupo." +" /group claim §2- §aClaim a chunk to a group": " /group claim &2- &aObter uma chunk para o grupo." -"/groupcreatecreateagroup": " /group create &2- &aCriar um grupo." +" /group create §2- §aCreate a group": " /group create &2- &aCriar um grupo." -"/groupdemotedemoteaplayerinagroup": " /group demote &2- &aRebaixar um jogador no grupo." +" /group demote §2- §aDemote a player in a group": " /group demote &2- &aRebaixar um jogador no grupo." -"/groupinfoviewinformationaboutagroup": " /group info &2- &aVer informação de um grupo." +" /group info §2- §aView information about a group": " /group info &2- &aVer informação de um grupo." -"/groupinviteinviteaplayertoagroup": " /group invite &2- &aEnviar convite a um jogador." +" /group invite §2- §aInvite a player to a group": " /group invite &2- &aEnviar convite a um jogador." -"/groupkickkickaplayerfromagroup": " /group kick &2- &aKickar um jogador do grupo." +" /group kick §2- §aKick a player from a group": " /group kick &2- &aKickar um jogador do grupo." -"/groupleaveleaveagroup": " /group leave &2- &aSair de um grupo." +" /group leave §2- §aLeave a group": " /group leave &2- &aSair de um grupo." -"/grouplistlistthegroupsyouarein": " /group list &2- &aVer os grupos que você fáz parte" +" /group list §2- §aList the groups you are in": " /group list &2- &aVer os grupos que você fáz parte" -"/grouppromotepromoteaplayerinagroup": " /group promote &2- &aPromover um jogador no grupo." +" /group promote §2- §aPromote a player in a group": " /group promote &2- &aPromover um jogador no grupo." -"/groupunclaimunclaimachunk": " /group unclaim &2- &aAbandonar uma chunk." +" /group unclaim §2- §aUnclaim a chunk": " /group unclaim &2- &aAbandonar uma chunk." -"/groupupgradeupgradeagroup": " /group upgrade &2- &aMelhorar o grupo." +" /group upgrade §2- §aUpgrade a group": " /group upgrade &2- &aMelhorar o grupo." -"/joinlobbynametojoinapublicgamebyacommandorprivategamebyspecifyinglobbyname": " /join [nomedolobby] &2- &aPara se juntar a um jogo publico em um lobby especifico" +" /join [lobbyname] §2- §aTo join a public game by a command or private game by specifying lobby name": " /join [nomedolobby] &2- &aPara se juntar a um jogo publico em um lobby especifico" -"/listviewinformationaboutallonlineplayers": " /list &2- &aVer informação sobre todos os jogadores online" +" /list §2- §aView information about all online players": " /list &2- &aVer informação sobre todos os jogadores online" -"/msgsendaprivatemessagetoaplayer": " /msg &2- &aMandar uma mensagem privada a um jogador." +" /msg §2- §aSend a private message to a player": " /msg &2- &aMandar uma mensagem privada a um jogador." -"/partyaccepttoacceptanpartyinvite": " /party accept &2- &aAceitar um convite." +" /party accept §2- §aTo accept an party invite": " /party accept &2- &aAceitar um convite." -"/partydisbandtodisbandyourparty": " /party disband &2- &aExcluir a party." +" /party disband §2- §aTo disband your party": " /party disband &2- &aExcluir a party." -"/partyinvitetoinviteaplayertoparty": " /party invite &2- &aConvide um jogador." +" /party invite §2- §aTo invite a player to party": " /party invite &2- &aConvide um jogador." -"/partyjointojoinpublicpartyofaplayer": " /party join &2- &aEntre em uma party." +" /party join §2- §aTo join public party of a player": " /party join &2- &aEntre em uma party." -"/partykicktokickaplayerfromyourparty": " /party kick &2- &aPara kickar um jogador na sua party." +" /party kick §2- §aTo kick a player from your party": " /party kick &2- &aPara kickar um jogador na sua party." -"/partyleavetoleaveaparty": " /party leave &2- &aSair da party." +" /party leave §2- §aTo leave a party": " /party leave &2- &aSair da party." -"/partylisttoviewmembersofyourpartylist": " /party list &2- &aVer jogadores na sua party." +" /party list §2- §aTo view members of your party list": " /party list &2- &aVer jogadores na sua party." -"/partyopentoopenyourpartyforpublicjoin": " /party open &2- &aPermita qualquer um entrar na party." +" /party open §2- §aTo open your party for public join": " /party open &2- &aPermita qualquer um entrar na party." -"/partytransfertotransferpartyleadertoothermember": " /party transfer &2- &aDar a liderança da sua party para alguém" +" /party transfer §2- §aTo transfer party leader to other member": " /party transfer &2- &aDar a liderança da sua party para alguém" -"/partyviewpartyhelp": " /party &2- &aVer ajuda de Party." +" /party §2- §aView party help": " /party &2- &aVer ajuda de Party." -"/partywarptowarpyourpartymemberstoyourgamelobby": " /party warp &2- &aPara trazer seus membros na party até o seu lobby" +" /party warp §2- §aTo warp your party members to your game lobby": " /party warp &2- &aPara trazer seus membros na party até o seu lobby" -"/rulesreadserverrules": " /rules &2- &aLer as regras do servidor." +" /rules §2- §aRead server rules": " /rules &2- &aLer as regras do servidor." -"/spectateenterspectatemode": " /spectate &2- &aIr no modo espectador." +" /spectate §2- §aEnter spectate mode": " /spectate &2- &aIr no modo espectador." -"/staffviewstafflist": " /staff &2- &aVer a lista da STAFF" +" /staff §2- §aView staff list": " /staff &2- &aVer a lista da STAFF" -"/statsviewplayersstats": " /stats &2- &aVer estatisticas de um jogador" +" /stats §2- §aView player's stats": " /stats &2- &aVer estatisticas de um jogador" -"1arrowonknockout": "1 felcha no knockout!" +"1 arrow on knockout!": "1 felcha no knockout!" -"1defeated2": "$1$ &cderrotou &6$2$" +"$1$ §cdefeated §6$2$": "$1$ &cderrotou &6$2$" -"1donated1snowballtoyou": "$1$ &edoou &e&l1 &fSnowball &ea você!" +"$1$ §edonated §e§l1 §fSnowball §eto you!": "$1$ &edoou &e&l1 &fSnowball &ea você!" -"1flaghasbeendropped": "bandeira $1$ &efoi dropada!" +"$1$ §eflag has been dropped!": "bandeira $1$ &efoi dropada!" -"1gotfirstkillofthegame": "&a$1$ &eobteve a primeira kill do jogo!" +"§a$1$ §egot first kill of the game!": "&a$1$ &eobteve a primeira kill do jogo!" -"1hascaptured2flag": "$1$ &ecapturou a bandeira $2$ &e!" +"$1$ §ehas captured $2$ §eflag!": "$1$ &ecapturou a bandeira $2$ &e!" -"1hasdisbandedtheparty": "$1$ &eexcluiu a party!" +"$1$ §ehas disbanded the party!": "$1$ &eexcluiu a party!" -"1hasinvitedyouintoaparty": "$1$ &econvidou você para uma party!" +"$1$ §ehas invited you into a party!": "$1$ &econvidou você para uma party!" -"1hasjoinedyourparty": "$1$ &ejuntou-se á party!" +"$1$ §ehas joined your party!": "$1$ &ejuntou-se á party!" -"1hasjoined": "$1$ &eentrou!" +"$1$ §ehas joined!": "$1$ &eentrou!" -"1haslefttheparty": "$1$ &esaiu da party!" +"$1$ §ehas left the party!": "$1$ &esaiu da party!" -"1hasleft": "$1$ &csaiu!" +"$1$ §chas left!": "$1$ &csaiu!" -"1hasnotinvitedyouintoaparty": "$1$ &enão lhe convidou para uma party!" +"$1$ §ehas not invited you into a party!": "$1$ &enão lhe convidou para uma party!" -"1haspickedup2flag": "$1$ &epegou a bandeira $2$ &e!" +"$1$ §ehas picked up $2$ §eflag!": "$1$ &epegou a bandeira $2$ &e!" -"1hasreachedthemaxsticklevel": "$1$ &echegou ao nivel máximo de graveto!" +"$1$ §ehas reached the max stick level!": "$1$ &echegou ao nivel máximo de graveto!" -"1hasreturned2flag": "$1$ &eretornou a bandeira $2$ &e!" +"$1$ §ehas returned $2$ §eflag!": "$1$ &eretornou a bandeira $2$ &e!" -"1hasvotedfor2map": "$1$ &evotou no mapa: &b&l$2$&e!" +"$1$ §ehas voted for §b§l$2$ §emap!": "$1$ &evotou no mapa: &b&l$2$&e!" -"1hasvotedfor2mode": "$1$ &evotou para o modo &b&l$2$ &e!" +"$1$ §ehas voted for §b§l$2$ §emode!": "$1$ &evotou para o modo &b&l$2$ &e!" -"1hasvotedforbalancedteamsmodifier": "$1$ &evotou para a modificação: &b&lEquipas Balanceadas&e" +"$1$ §ehas voted for §b§lBalanced Teams §emodifier!": "$1$ &evotou para a modificação: &b&lEquipas Balanceadas&e" -"1hasvotedfordoublejumpmodifier": "$1$ &evotou para &b&lDouble Jump &emodifier!" +"$1$ §ehas voted for §b§lDouble Jump §emodifier!": "$1$ &evotou para &b&lDouble Jump &emodifier!" -"1hasvotedforfastsnowballsmodifier": "$1$ &evotou para modificação: &b&lBolas de Neve Rápidas&e!" +"$1$ §ehas voted for §b§lFast Snowballs §emodifier!": "$1$ &evotou para modificação: &b&lBolas de Neve Rápidas&e!" -"1hasvotedforinstakillsnowballsmodifier": "$1$ &evotou para a modificação: &b&lBolas de neve Insta Kill!!" +"$1$ §ehas voted for §b§lInstakill Snowballs §emodifier!": "$1$ &evotou para a modificação: &b&lBolas de neve Insta Kill!!" -"1hasvotedfornocompassmodifier": "$1$ &evotou para modificação: &bSem bússula&e!" +"$1$ §ehas voted for §b§lNo Compass §emodifier!": "$1$ &evotou para modificação: &bSem bússula&e!" -"1hasvotedforreflectsnowballsmodifier": "$1$ &evotou para a modificação: &b&lBolas de Neve reflectoras!!" +"$1$ §ehas voted for §b§lReflect Snowballs §emodifier!": "$1$ &evotou para a modificação: &b&lBolas de Neve reflectoras!!" -"1isalreadyinyourparty": "$1$ &cjá está na sua party!" +"$1$ §cis already in your party!": "$1$ &cjá está na sua party!" -"1isnotyourfriendadd1tofriendswith/fadd2": "$1$&c is not your friend! Add $1$&c to friends with &e/f add $2$" +"$1$§c is not your friend! Add $1$§c to friends with §e/f add $2$": "$1$&c is not your friend! Add $1$&c to friends with &e/f add $2$" -"1ofplayersneedstovotetoenable": "$1$ &7jogadores precisam votar pata ativar" +"$1$ §7of players needs to vote to enable": "$1$ &7jogadores precisam votar pata ativar" -"1teamisfull": "equipa $1$ &c está cheia!" +"$1$ §cteam is full!": "equipa $1$ &c está cheia!" -"accept": "[ACEITAR]" +"[ACCEPT]": "[ACEITAR]" -"achancetospawncreeperwhereyoursnowballlands": "Uma chance de spawnar um creeper onde a sua bola de neve cair." +"A chance to spawn creeper where your snowball lands": "Uma chance de spawnar um creeper onde a sua bola de neve cair." -"activatedmodifiers": "Modificações Ativadas" +"Activated Modifiers": "Modificações Ativadas" -"allowstodoublejumpbypressingthesneakbuttoninmidair": "Habilita salto duplo apertando Shift no meio do AR." +"Allows to double jump by pressing the sneak button in mid-air": "Habilita salto duplo apertando Shift no meio do AR." -"animationiscurrentlydisabled": "Animação está &c&lDESATIVADA&e." +"Animation is currently §c§lDISABLED§e": "Animação está &c&lDESATIVADA&e." -"animationiscurrentlyenabled": "Animação está &a&lATIVADA&e." +"Animation is currently §a§lENABLED§e": "Animação está &a&lATIVADA&e." -"areyouseriouslygoingintoapartywithyourselfinvitesomeone": "Não faça party com você mesmo! Convide alguém!" +"Are you seriously going into a party with yourself? Invite someone!": "Não faça party com você mesmo! Convide alguém!" -"areyousureyouwanttoleavetype/qtoconfirm": "Tens a certeza que queres sair? Escreve &e/q &6para confirmares." +"Are you sure you want to leave? Type §e/q §6to confirm": "Tens a certeza que queres sair? Escreve &e/q &6para confirmares." -"armor": "Armadura" +"Armor": "Armadura" -"arrowaccuracy": "Acerto de Flecha" +"Arrow Accuracy": "Acerto de Flecha" -"arrowbonusperk": "Perk de Arco Bonus" +"Arrow Bonus Perk": "Perk de Arco Bonus" -"arrowsfired": "Flechas Jogadas" +"Arrows Fired": "Flechas Jogadas" -"arrowsleft": "Flechas restantes" +"Arrows left": "Flechas restantes" -"asnowmanwhichshootsenemies": "Um boneco de neve que dispara nos inimigos!" +"A snowman which shoots enemies!": "Um boneco de neve que dispara nos inimigos!" -"averagerating": "Media de Avaliação:" +"Average Rating:": "Media de Avaliação:" -"balancedteamsmodifier": "Modificação de Equipas Balanceadas" +"Balanced Teams Modifier": "Modificação de Equipas Balanceadas" -"becauseoftoomuchgamechangingmodifiersactivatedthismatchwillnotaffectyourrating": "&7&lDevido a muitas modificações ativadas esta partida não vai mudar a sua avaliação." +"§7§lBecause of too much game changing modifiers activated this match will not affect your rating": "&7&lDevido a muitas modificações ativadas esta partida não vai mudar a sua avaliação." -"bethecommanderofagiantarmyanddefeatalltheenemykingswithyourarmytowin": "&e&lSeja o comandante de um exercito! Derrote os comandantes adeversários para vencer" +"§e§lBe the commander of a giant army and defeat all the enemy kings with your army to win!": "&e&lSeja o comandante de um exercito! Derrote os comandantes adeversários para vencer" -"bewareofgravityalwaysbuildsupportstoyourminesandbuildingswithatleast8blocksofdistancebetweensupports": "Cuidade com a gravidade! Constroi sempre suportes nas tuas minas e certefica-te que os suportos teem 8 blocos de distância." +"Beware of gravity! Always build supports to your mines and buildings with at least 8 blocks of distance between supports": "Cuidade com a gravidade! Constroi sempre suportes nas tuas minas e certefica-te que os suportos teem 8 blocos de distância." -"blindnessperk": "Perk de Cegueira" +"Blindness Perk": "Perk de Cegueira" -"blockssnowballs50chancetobreakonfirsthit100onsecondhit": "Bloqueia bolas de neve. &e&l50% &7chance de partir-se no primeiro hit, &e&l100% &7no segundo hit." +"Blocks snowballs": + " §e§l50% §7chance to break on first hit, §e§l100% §7on second hit": "Bloqueia bolas de neve. &e&l50% &7chance de partir-se no primeiro hit, &e&l100% &7no segundo hit." "blocks": "blocos" -"bombsfired": "Bombas jogadas" +"Bombs fired": "Bombas jogadas" -"bombsplaced": "Bombas colocados" +"Bombs placed": "Bombas colocados" -"bonussnowballsonknockout": "Bolas de neve BONUS ao knockout" +"Bonus snowballs on knockout": "Bolas de neve BONUS ao knockout" -"burningstickperk": "Park de graveto queimando" +"Burning Stick Perk": "Park de graveto queimando" -"burns1oftargetssnowballs": "Queima &e&l$1$ &7das bolas de neve do adversário." +"Burns §e§l$1$ §7of target's snowballs": "Queima &e&l$1$ &7das bolas de neve do adversário." -"burnstargetonhit": "Queima o adversário ao bater." +"Burns target on hit": "Queima o adversário ao bater." -"cantfindaplayerbythenameof1": "Não foi possivel encontrar ninguém com o nome '$1$'." +"Can't find a player by the name of '$1$'": "Não foi possivel encontrar ninguém com o nome '$1$'." -"cantshootfarbecausesnowballsmeltintheair": "Não podes disparar porque as bolas de neve foram jogadas no céu" +"Can't shoot far because snowballs melt in the air": "Não podes disparar porque as bolas de neve foram jogadas no céu" -"chanceofcreeperspawn": "chance de spawnar creeper" +"chance of creeper spawn": "chance de spawnar creeper" -"chanceofdoubleexperience": "chance de experiencia dupla" +"chance of double experience": "chance de experiencia dupla" -"chanceofdoublemelons": "chance de melões duplos" +"chance of double melons": "chance de melões duplos" -"chanceofenchantedsnowballgainafterkill": "chance of &bEnchanted Snowball &7gain after" +"chance of §bEnchanted Snowball §7gain after kill": "chance of &bEnchanted Snowball &7gain after" -"chanceofreflection": "chance de reflecção" +"chance of reflection": "chance de reflecção" -"chancetoblindopponentonhit": "Chance de deixar o jogador cego ao bater." +"Chance to blind opponent on hit": "Chance de deixar o jogador cego ao bater." -"chancetoburnopponentonhit": "Chance de queimar um jogador ao bater nele." +"Chance to burn opponent on hit": "Chance de queimar um jogador ao bater nele." -"chancetonotlosealife": "Chance de não perder uma vida" +"Chance to not lose a life": "Chance de não perder uma vida" -"chancetoslowslowness1opponentonhit": "chance para dar lentidão(Lentidão $1$) no adversário ao bater" +"chance to slow(Slowness $1$) opponent on hit": "chance para dar lentidão(Lentidão $1$) no adversário ao bater" -"chancetoslowslownessiiopponentonhit": "Chance de dar lentidão(Lentidão II) ao jogador ao bater nele." +"Chance to slow(Slowness II) opponent on hit": "Chance de dar lentidão(Lentidão II) ao jogador ao bater nele." -"checkersinminecraftlikethepopularboardgame": "Damas no Minecraft! Igualzinho ao jogo popular!" +"Checkers in Minecraft! Like the popular board game": "Damas no Minecraft! Igualzinho ao jogo popular!" -"checkers": "Damas" +"Checkers": "Damas" -"checkpoint": "Checkpoint" +"Checkpoint": "Checkpoint" -"chestslooted": "Baús abertos" +"Chests looted": "Baús abertos" "classes": "classes" -"clickheretojoin1": "Clique para entrar $1$!" +"Click here to join $1$!": "Clique para entrar $1$!" -"clicktoacceptthepartyinvite": "Clique para aceitar!" +"Click to accept the party invite!": "Clique para aceitar!" -"clicktobuy": "Clique para comprar!" +"Click to buy!": "Clique para comprar!" -"clicktojoin": "[CLIQUE PARA ENTRAR]" +"[CLICK TO JOIN]": "[CLIQUE PARA ENTRAR]" -"clicktoopenmenu": "CLIQUE PARA ABRIR O MENU" +"CLICK TO OPEN MENU": "CLIQUE PARA ABRIR O MENU" -"clicktoplay": "CLICA PARA JOGAR" +"CLICK TO PLAY": "CLICA PARA JOGAR" -"clicktoratethismap": "Clica para avaliar o mapa" +"Click to rate this map": "Clica para avaliar o mapa" -"clicktoundothisrating": "Clique para retirares a tua avaliação" +"Click to undo this rating!": "Clique para retirares a tua avaliação" -"clicktovotefor1mode": "Clica para votar no modo $1$&a!" +"Click to vote for $1$ §amode!": "Clica para votar no modo $1$&a!" -"clicktovoteforthismap": "Clique para votar neste mapa!" +"Click to vote for this map!": "Clique para votar neste mapa!" -"clicktovoteforthismode": "Clique para votar messe modo!" +"Click to vote for this mode!": "Clique para votar messe modo!" -"clicktovoteforthismodifier": "Clica para votares nesta modificação!" +"Click to vote for this modifier!": "Clica para votares nesta modificação!" -"completeparkourracesearnprizesandcompeteinleaderboards": "Faz corridas de parkour, ganha prémios e suba seu rank nas scoreboards!" +"Complete parkour races, earn prizes and compete in leaderboards!": "Faz corridas de parkour, ganha prémios e suba seu rank nas scoreboards!" -"cooldown": "Cooldown" +"Cooldown": "Cooldown" -"crackedplayerscanjoinourservertheycanapplyat1tojoin": "Jogadores com minecraft pirata também podem se juntar ao nosso servidor! Eles podem aplicar para entrar em $1$ &r." +"Cracked players can join our server! They can apply at $1$ §rto join": "Jogadores com minecraft pirata também podem se juntar ao nosso servidor! Eles podem aplicar para entrar em $1$ &r." -? "creativeworldwithalotofusefulfeaturesworldeditvoxelsnipergobrushgopaintahugecollectionofplayerheadsandevenacustomprogramminglanguagetocreateyourowncustommaps" +? "Creative world with a lot of useful features! WorldEdit, VoxelSniper, goBrush, goPaint, a huge collection of player heads and even a custom programming language to create your own custom maps!" : "O mundo criativo tem várias coisas! WorldEdit, VoxelSniper, goBrush, goPaint, uma grande coleção de cabeças e até uma linguagem de programação customizada para fazeres os teus mapas!" -"creeperchanceperk": "Perk Chance de Creeper" +"Creeper Chance Perk": "Perk Chance de Creeper" -"crystal": "Cristal" +"Crystal": "Cristal" -"current": "Atual" +"Current": "Atual" -"damagedealt": "Dano Causado" +"Damage Dealt": "Dano Causado" -"damagetaken": "Dano Obtido" +"Damage Taken": "Dano Obtido" -"day": "Dia" +"Day": "Dia" -"deaths": "Mortes" +"Deaths": "Mortes" -"defeat": "DERROTA" +"DEFEAT": "DERROTA" -"defendyourcastleattackothercastlescommandyourarmyandbecomethebestcommander": "Defenda o seu castelo, ataque outros castelos, seja o melhor comandante!" +"Defend your castle, attack other castles, command your army and become the best commander!": "Defenda o seu castelo, ataque outros castelos, seja o melhor comandante!" -"destroyingotherplayercreationsorruiningtheminanywayisnotallowed": "Destruir cirações de outros jogadores não é permitido!" +"Destroying other player creations or ruining them in any way is not allowed!": "Destruir cirações de outros jogadores não é permitido!" -"destroyingthegoodlookofterrainbymakingholes1x1towersandanyotherwaywhichmakesitlookbadisnotallowed": "Destruir o terreno fazendo torres ou colocando blocos atoa não é permitido!" +"Destroying the good look of terrain by making holes, 1x1 towers and any other way which makes it look bad is not allowed": "Destruir o terreno fazendo torres ou colocando blocos atoa não é permitido!" -"didyouknow": "Did you know?" +"Did you know?": "Did you know?" -? "differentelementalclassescompetewitheachotherinbowfightingabilitiesusefascinitingabilitiesofyourclasstodefeatotherplayersandwin" -: "&e&lClasses elementais diferentes competem umas com as outros em uma batalha. Usa habilidades fascinantes para derrotares os teus adversários e ganhares!" +"§e§lDifferent elemental classes compete with each other in bow-fighting abilities": + " Use fasciniting abilities of your class to defeat other players and win!": "&e&lClasses elementais diferentes competem umas com as outros em uma batalha. Usa habilidades fascinantes para derrotares os teus adversários e ganhares!" -"dissappearsafter10soflanding": "Desaparece depois de &e&l10s &7vezes jogadas." +"Dissappears after §e§l10s §7of landing": "Desaparece depois de &e&l10s &7vezes jogadas." -"doubleemeralds": "Esmeraldas Duplas" +"Double Emeralds": "Esmeraldas Duplas" -"doublejumpmodifier": "Modificação de Salto duplo" +"Double Jump Modifier": "Modificação de Salto duplo" -"doublemelonsperk": "Perk de Melões duplos" +"Double Melons Perk": "Perk de Melões duplos" -"emeraldstotalearned": "Total de esmeraldas obtidas" +"Emeralds total earned": "Total de esmeraldas obtidas" -"emeralds": "Esmeraldas" +"Emeralds": "Esmeraldas" -"emerald": "Esmeralda" +"Emerald": "Esmeralda" -"enchanteddiamondcannon": "&b&lCanhão de Diamante&b encantado" +"§bEnchanted §b§lDiamond Cannon": "&b&lCanhão de Diamante&b encantado" -"enchantedsnowballperk": "Perk de Bola de neve Encantada" +"Enchanted Snowball Perk": "Perk de Bola de neve Encantada" -"enchantedstonecannon": "&7Canhão de Pedra&b Encantado" +"§bEnchanted §7Stone Cannon": "&7Canhão de Pedra&b Encantado" -"enchantedwoodcannon": "Canhão de Madeira Encantado" +"Enchanted §aWood Cannon": "Canhão de Madeira Encantado" -"enemyteam": "A EQUIPA ADVERSÁRIA" +"ENEMY TEAM": "A EQUIPA ADVERSÁRIA" -"everyplayergets3liveseliminateenemyteamtowin": "Todo jogador ganha 3 vidas, elimina a equipe inimiga para ganhar!" +"Every player gets 3 lives, eliminate enemy team to win": "Todo jogador ganha 3 vidas, elimina a equipe inimiga para ganhar!" -"everyplayergets3liveseliminateotherplayerstowin": "Todo jogador ganha 3 vidas, elimine os outros jogadores para ganhar!" +"Every player gets 3 lives, eliminate other players to win": "Todo jogador ganha 3 vidas, elimine os outros jogadores para ganhar!" -"experiencebonusperk": "Perk de Bonus de Experiencia" +"Experience Bonus Perk": "Perk de Bonus de Experiencia" -"explodeyourwaytootherplayersandexplodethem": "Exploda para o seu lado e expluda os jogadores lá!" +"Explode your way to other players and explode them!": "Exploda para o seu lado e expluda os jogadores lá!" -"exploringthevoidmayrevealmysterioussecrets": "Explora o void e podes descubrir segredos misteriosos!" +"Exploring the void may reveal mysterious secrets!": "Explora o void e podes descubrir segredos misteriosos!" -"explosionradius": "Raio de explosão" +"Explosion Radius": "Raio de explosão" -"fallingblocksanimation": "Animação Blocos Caindo" +"Falling Blocks Animation": "Animação Blocos Caindo" -"fastsnowballsmodifier": "Modificação de Bolas de Neve Rápidas" +"Fast Snowballs Modifier": "Modificação de Bolas de Neve Rápidas" -"feelfreetoinviteotherplayersbyusingthechat": "Sinta-se á vontade para convidar jogadores pelo chat!" +"Feel free to invite other players by using the chat": "Sinta-se á vontade para convidar jogadores pelo chat!" -"finalkills": "Abates Finais" +"Final Kills": "Abates Finais" -"flamethrower": "Lança-Chamas" +"Flamethrower": "Lança-Chamas" -"free": "Gratis!" +"Free!": "Gratis!" -"friendcommands": " &2&l--=-= &a&lComandos de Amigo &2&l=-=--" +" §2§l--=-= §a§lFriend Commands §2§l=-=--": " &2&l--=-= &a&lComandos de Amigo &2&l=-=--" -"friendlysurvivalwithtechandmagicexploremanydimensionsgrowbeautifultreesandmore": "Survival mágico e tecnológico! Explora várias dimensões!" +"Friendly survival with tech and magic! Explore many dimensions, grow beautiful trees and more!": "Survival mágico e tecnológico! Explora várias dimensões!" -"gameendedinadraw": "JOGO ACABOU EM UM EMPATE" +"GAME ENDED IN A DRAW": "JOGO ACABOU EM UM EMPATE" -"gameend": "FIM DE JOGO" +"GAME END": "FIM DE JOGO" -"gamehasstarted": "Jogo iniciou!" +"Game has started!": "Jogo iniciou!" -"gameisstarting": "Jogo está a iniciar" +"Game is starting": "Jogo está a iniciar" -"gamestartsin1seconds": "Jogo inicia em &e&l$1$ &esegundos" +"Game starts in §e§l$1$ §eseconds": "Jogo inicia em &e&l$1$ &esegundos" -"gamestartsin": "Jogo começa em" +"Game starts in": "Jogo começa em" -"gamestatistics": "Estatisticas do Jogo" +"Game Statistics": "Estatisticas do Jogo" -"gametime": "Tempo do jogo" +"Game time": "Tempo do jogo" -"gamewillendin1minutes": "Jogo acabará em &e&l$1$ &eminutos." +"Game will end in §e§l$1$ §eminutes": "Jogo acabará em &e&l$1$ &eminutos." -"gamewillendin1minute": "Jogo acabará em &e&l$1$ &eminuto." +"Game will end in §e§l$1$ §eminute": "Jogo acabará em &e&l$1$ &eminuto." -"gamewillstartin1seconds": "&eJogo inicia em &e&l$1$ &esegundos" +"§eGame will start in §e§l$1$ §eseconds": "&eJogo inicia em &e&l$1$ &esegundos" -"gamewillstartin1second": "&eJogo inicia em &e&l$1$ &esegundo" +"§eGame will start in §e§l$1$ §esecond": "&eJogo inicia em &e&l$1$ &esegundo" -"gatherresourcesprepareforfightprotectyourcrystaloflifeattackothercrystalsandwinthegame": "Obtem recursos, prepara para a batalha, defende o teu Cristal da Vida e ataca o Cristal de outras ilhas!" +"Gather resources, prepare for fight, protect your Crystal of Life, attack other crystals and win the game!": "Obtem recursos, prepara para a batalha, defende o teu Cristal da Vida e ataca o Cristal de outras ilhas!" -"gravityhasnoeffectonblocksheresoyoucanbuildinthesky": "Gravidade não tem efeito nos blocos aqui, então podes construir no céu!" +"Gravity has no effect on blocks here, so you can build in the sky!": "Gravidade não tem efeito nos blocos aqui, então podes construir no céu!" -"groupcommands": " &2&l --=-= &a&lComandos de Grupo &2&l=-=--" +" §2§l --=-= §a§lGroup Commands §2§l=-=--": " &2&l --=-= &a&lComandos de Grupo &2&l=-=--" -"havefun": "Divirta-se!" +"Have fun!": "Divirta-se!" -"health": "Vida" +"Health": "Vida" -"hereyoucanfindgameswhichcanbeplayedbothaloneandwithfriends": "Aqui encontras jogos que podem ser jogados sozinho e com amigos!" +"Here you can find games which can be played both alone and with friends!": "Aqui encontras jogos que podem ser jogados sozinho e com amigos!" -"hereyoucanfindgameswhichcanbeplayedonlywithfriends": "Aqui encontras jogos apenas jogáveis com amigos!" +"Here you can find games which can be played only with friends!": "Aqui encontras jogos apenas jogáveis com amigos!" -"hereyoucanfindlittleguiminigamestheseminigamesunlikeothersarentmadebyusitsjustadownloadedpluginbuttheyarestillfun": "Aqui podes entonrar minigames em GUI, feitos por plugins baixados, mas continuam a ser engraçados!" +? "Here you can find little GUI minigames, these minigames unlike others, aren't made by us, it's just a downloaded plugin, but they are still fun!" +: "Aqui podes entonrar minigames em GUI, feitos por plugins baixados, mas continuam a ser engraçados!" -"hereyoucanusevariousabilitiestoexplodethemapandotherplayers": "Aqui podes usar várias habilidades para explodir o mapa e os jogadores." +"Here you can use various abilities to explode the map and other players!": "Aqui podes usar várias habilidades para explodir o mapa e os jogadores." -"hitstaken": "Batidas Dadas" +"Hits Taken": "Batidas Dadas" -"hits": "Batidas" +"Hits": "Batidas" -"hittolevelupyourstickandknockotherplayersintothevoid": "Bata para subir seu graveto de nivel e jogar os outros jogadores no void!" +"Hit to level up your stick and knock other players in to the void!": "Bata para subir seu graveto de nivel e jogar os outros jogadores no void!" "hours": "horas" -"howtoplay": "&b&lComo jogar" +"§b§lHow To Play": "&b&lComo jogar" -"ifyouwanttogetoutofthespectatormodetype/q": "Para sair do modo &aEspectador &cescreve &e/q" +"If you want to get out of the §eSpectator Mode §ctype §e/q": "Para sair do modo &aEspectador &cescreve &e/q" -"ifyouwanttoleavethegametype/q": "Se você quiser sair use &e/q&6." +"If you want to leave the game type §e/q§6": "Se você quiser sair use &e/q&6." -"ifyouwanttospectateotherplayertype/stp": "Para ver outros jogadores escreva &e/stp " +"If you want to spectate other player type §e/stp ": "Para ver outros jogadores escreva &e/stp " -"immortalityperk": "Perk de Imortalidade" +"Immortality Perk": "Perk de Imortalidade" -"increasesthechancetoreflectasnowballto100": "Aumenta a chance de refletir uma bola de neve para 100%" +"Increases the chance to reflect a snowball to 100%": "Aumenta a chance de refletir uma bola de neve para 100%" -"increasesthedamageofsnowballsto10hearts": "Aumenta o Dano da Bola de Neve para 10 corações" +"Increases the damage of snowballs to 10 hearts": "Aumenta o Dano da Bola de Neve para 10 corações" -"increasesyourspeedby1": "Aumenta a tua velocidade por $1$" +"Increases your speed by $1$": "Aumenta a tua velocidade por $1$" -"instakillsnowballsmodifier": "Modificação de Bolas de Neve Insta Kill" +"Instakill Snowballs Modifier": "Modificação de Bolas de Neve Insta Kill" -"invalidcode": "Codigo inválido." +"Invalid code": "Codigo inválido." -"ironcannon": "&7&lCanhão de Ferro" +"§7§lIron Cannon": "&7&lCanhão de Ferro" -"itsveryhotinmustafaryougonnaneedtodrinktwiceasmuchwater": "It's very hot in Mustafar, you gonna need to drink twice as much water." +"It's very hot in Mustafar, you gonna need to drink twice as much water": "It's very hot in Mustafar, you gonna need to drink twice as much water." -"jumps": "Saltos" +"Jumps": "Saltos" -"killer": "Matador" +"Killer": "Matador" -"killsanynormalopponentevenwitharmor": "Mata qualquer adversário normal, até mesmo com armadura." +"Kills any normal opponent, even with armor": "Mata qualquer adversário normal, até mesmo com armadura." -"killstreak": "Killstreak" +"Killstreak": "Killstreak" -"kills": "Abates" +"Kills": "Abates" -"king": "Rei" +"King": "Rei" -"knockotherplayersofftheplatformasyouhitplayersyoudealmoreknockback": "&e&lJogue seus adversários para fora da plataforma. Quanto mais você bater, mais você leva knockback" +"§e§lKnock other players off the platform": + " As you hit players, you deal more knockback": "&e&lJogue seus adversários para fora da plataforma. Quanto mais você bater, mais você leva knockback" -"level": "Nivel" +"Level": "Nivel" -"listofgames": "Lista de Jogos" +"List of Games": "Lista de Jogos" -"lives": "Vidas" +"Lives": "Vidas" -"lootchestsfightotherplayersfindrandomlygeneratedlootwithinterestingabilitiesandthrowmobeggslikepokeballs": "Abra baús, lute contra outros jogadores, encontre itens alterórios com habilidades interessantes e use pokeballs" +? "Loot chests, fight other players, find randomly generated loot with interesting abilities and throw mob eggs like pokeballs!" +: "Abra baús, lute contra outros jogadores, encontre itens alterórios com habilidades interessantes e use pokeballs" -"lootrandomlygeneratedchestswithuniqueitemsusethemtoeliminateyourenemiesbetheonlysurvivortowin": "&e&lPegue Baús aleterórios com itens únicos. Use-os para derrotar seus adversários. Seja o unico sobrevivente para vencer." +"§e§lLoot randomly generated chests with unique items": + " Use them to eliminate your enemies": + " Be the only survivor to win": "&e&lPegue Baús aleterórios com itens únicos. Use-os para derrotar seus adversários. Seja o unico sobrevivente para vencer." -"losses": "Derrotas" +"Losses": "Derrotas" -"makesallofyoursnowballsburn": "Faz todas as tuas bolas de neve queimar." +"Makes all of your snowballs burn": "Faz todas as tuas bolas de neve queimar." -"makesyoursnowballssuperfast": "Faz as suas bolas de neve super rápidas!" +"Makes your snowballs super fast": "Faz as suas bolas de neve super rápidas!" -"maxlevelreached": "Nivel máximo antigido" +"Max level reached": "Nivel máximo antigido" -"maxlevel": "NIVEL MAXIMO:" +"MAX LEVEL:": "NIVEL MAXIMO:" -"melonsearned": "Melões ganhados" +"Melons earned": "Melões ganhados" -"melonsspent": "Melões investidos" +"Melons spent": "Melões investidos" -"melons": "Melões" +"Melons": "Melões" -"melon": "Melão" +"Melon": "Melão" -"mineoresupgradepickaxesbuyawesomeupgradesandunlocknewcaves": "Mine, melhore sua picareta, compre ótimas melhorias e desbloqueie novas caves!" +"Mine ores, upgrade pickaxes, buy awesome upgrades and unlock new caves!": "Mine, melhore sua picareta, compre ótimas melhorias e desbloqueie novas caves!" "minutes": "minutos" -"mode": "Modo" +"Mode": "Modo" -"movetimeleft": "Tempo de movimentação" +"Move time left": "Tempo de movimentação" -"mustbeatlowerfloor": "Você deve estár em um andar mais baixo!" +"Must be at lower floor": "Você deve estár em um andar mais baixo!" -"mustnothaveanysuperjumps": "Não deverá ter Super Saltos" +"Must not have any Super Jumps": "Não deverá ter Super Saltos" -"newrating": "Nova avaliação" +"New Rating": "Nova avaliação" -"newrecord": "NOVO RECORDE!" +"NEW RECORD!": "NOVO RECORDE!" -"new": "NOVO!" +"NEW!": "NOVO!" -"nextsuperjumpin": "Proximo super salto em" +"Next Super Jump In": "Proximo super salto em" -"next": "Próximo" +"Next": "Próximo" -"night": "Noite" +"Night": "Noite" -"nocompassmodifier": "Modificador sem Bússula" +"No Compass Modifier": "Modificador sem Bússula" -"notenoughmelons": "Melões insuficientes" +"Not enough melons!": "Melões insuficientes" -"note": "Nota:" +"Note:": "Nota:" -"nowblockswillstartbreakingwhenyousteponthem": "Agora os blocos vão começar a quebrar quando você pisar eles!" +"Now blocks will start breaking when you step on them!": "Agora os blocos vão começar a quebrar quando você pisar eles!" -"oldrecord": "Recorde Antigo" +"Old Record": "Recorde Antigo" -"parkourcourse": "Parkour" +"Parkour Course": "Parkour" -"participateinamassivesnowballfightandusepowerupstoeaseyourexistencedelayingsnowballsallowstothrowthemfurther": "&e&lParticipe numa derradeira luta de bolas de neve e use Power UPS para marcar a sua existência! Bolas de neve com delay faz com que eles caiam mais rapido." +? "§e§lParticipate in a massive snowball fight and use powerups to ease your existence! Delaying snowballs allows to throw them further" +: "&e&lParticipe numa derradeira luta de bolas de neve e use Power UPS para marcar a sua existência! Bolas de neve com delay faz com que eles caiam mais rapido." -"partycommands": " &2&l --=-= &a&lComandos de Party &2&l=-=--" +" §2§l --=-= §a§lParty Commands §2§l=-=--": " &2&l --=-= &a&lComandos de Party &2&l=-=--" -"partyinvitefrom1hasexpired": "O convite de $1$ &ehas expirou." +"Party invite from $1$ §ehas expired": "O convite de $1$ &ehas expirou." -"partyleader": "Líder da Party" +"Party Leader": "Líder da Party" -"partymembers": "Membros da Party" +"Party Members": "Membros da Party" -"partyof1isnotopenforpublicjoin": "A party de &a$1$ &cé privada" +"Party of §a$1$ §cis not open for public join": "A party de &a$1$ &cé privada" -"placebombsandexplodeblocksarounditinashapeusepowerupstotakeadvantageoveropponents": "&e&lMeta bombas em blocos para os explodir. Use powerups para ter vantagens sobre os seus adversários." +"§e§lPlace bombs and explode blocks around it in a + shape": + " Use powerups to take advantage over opponents": "&e&lMeta bombas em blocos para os explodir. Use powerups para ter vantagens sobre os seus adversários." -"playercommands": " &2&l --=-= &a&lComandos de Jogadores &2&l=-=--" +" §2§l --=-= §a§lPlayer Commands §2§l=-=--": " &2&l --=-= &a&lComandos de Jogadores &2&l=-=--" -"playerdied1timesinarowwithoutkills": "Jogador morreu $1$ vezes seguidas sem abates" +"Player died $1$ times in a row without kills": "Jogador morreu $1$ vezes seguidas sem abates" -"playeriswaiting": "Jogador está esperando" +"Player is waiting": "Jogador está esperando" -"playernotfound": "Jogador não encontrado." +"Player not found": "Jogador não encontrado." -"playersarewaiting": "Jogadores vendo" +"Players are waiting": "Jogadores vendo" -"playersin": "Jogadores aqui" +"Players in": "Jogadores aqui" -"playersleft": "Jogadores restantes" +"Players left": "Jogadores restantes" -"playerswaiting": "Jogadores esperando" +"Players Waiting": "Jogadores esperando" -"players": "Jogadores" +"Players": "Jogadores" -"playerwason1killstreak": "Jogador tinha um killstreak de $1$" +"Player was on $1$ killstreak": "Jogador tinha um killstreak de $1$" -"playvariousclasseswithdifferentabilitiesanduseyourbowskillstowininmanydifferentmodes": "Jogue com várias classes com habilidades diferentes e use o seu arco para mostrar suas habilidades!" +"Play various classes with different abilities and use your bow skills to win in many different modes!": "Jogue com várias classes com habilidades diferentes e use o seu arco para mostrar suas habilidades!" -"pleaseratethismapbyclicking": "Selecione a sua avaliação:" +"Please rate this map by clicking:": "Selecione a sua avaliação:" -"pleasespecifygroupname": "Por favor especifique o nome do grupo!" +"Please specify group name!": "Por favor especifique o nome do grupo!" -"pleasespecifyplayername": "Especifique o nome do jogador!" +"Please specify player name!": "Especifique o nome do jogador!" -"plotname": "Nome do Plot" +"Plot Name": "Nome do Plot" -"plotowner": "Dono do Plot" +"Plot Owner": "Dono do Plot" -"points": "Pontos" +"Points": "Pontos" -"powerups": "Powerups" +"Powerups": "Powerups" -"price": "Preço:" +"Price:": "Preço:" -"quicklytestyourskillbyfightingotherplayerswithahugevarietyofmodifiers": "Teste a sua habilidade rapidamente batalhando com outros jogadores com uma grnade variedade de modificações!" +"Quickly test your skill by fighting other players with a huge variety of modifiers!": "Teste a sua habilidade rapidamente batalhando com outros jogadores com uma grnade variedade de modificações!" -"radarbreaker": "Radar" +"Radar Breaker": "Radar" -"rainisabletorefillwatersources": "A chuva é capaz de te dar água." +"Rain is able to refill water sources": "A chuva é capaz de te dar água." -"rapidfirepoweruphasspawnedatmiddleofthemap": "&6&lRapid Fire &bpowerup spawnou no meio do mapa!" +"§6§lRapid Fire §bpowerup has spawned at middle of the map!": "&6&lRapid Fire &bpowerup spawnou no meio do mapa!" -"rating": "Classificação" +"Rating": "Classificação" -"reflectionperk": "Perk de Reflecção" +"Reflection Perk": "Perk de Reflecção" -"reflectsasnowballreducingdamagetakenby1": "Reflete uma bola de neve, reduzindo o dano por $1$." +"Reflects a snowball, reducing damage taken by $1$": "Reflete uma bola de neve, reduzindo o dano por $1$." -"reflectsnowballsmodifier": "Modificação de Reflecção de Bolas de Neve" +"Reflect Snowballs Modifier": "Modificação de Reflecção de Bolas de Neve" -"regeneratesyourhealth1": "Regenera a tua vida $1$" +"Regenerates your health $1$": "Regenera a tua vida $1$" -"regeneration": "Regeneração" +"Regeneration": "Regeneração" -"removescompassfromthegame": "Remove a Búsulla do Jogo" +"Removes compass from the game": "Remove a Búsulla do Jogo" -"resources": "Recursos" +"Resources": "Recursos" -"respawningin": "Renascendo em" +"Respawning in": "Renascendo em" -"serverrulescanbereadin/rulesmakesuretofollowthem": "Pode ler as regras com o comando &a/rules&e, certfefique-se que as segue!" +"Server rules can be read in §a/rules§e, make sure to follow them!": "Pode ler as regras com o comando &a/rules&e, certfefique-se que as segue!" -"shootchickensandgetthemostkillstowinbewarefilthyzombiesandcreepers": "&e&lDispara galinhas e obtem o maior numero de kills para vencer! Aviso: 50 zombies e creepers!" +"§e§lShoot chickens and get the most kills to win! Beware: filthy zombies and creepers!": "&e&lDispara galinhas e obtem o maior numero de kills para vencer! Aviso: 50 zombies e creepers!" -"shootchickensasfastasyoucan": "Jogue galinhas quão rápido puder!" +"Shoot chickens as fast as you can!": "Jogue galinhas quão rápido puder!" -"shoototherplayerswithsnowballsbuypowerupswithmelonsandplayinmanydifferentmodes": "Jogue bolas de neve nos jogadores, use Power UPS e veja outros modos de jogo!" +"Shoot other players with snowballs, buy powerups with melons and play in many different modes!": "Jogue bolas de neve nos jogadores, use Power UPS e veja outros modos de jogo!" -"shoottntwithyourcannonandknockopponentstothevoidorexplodethemsaveyourselffromhazardsusingsuperjumpssneak": "&e&lAtire TNT com o seu canhão para jogar os seus adversários no void. Save-se a si mesmo. usando Super Saltos. [Shift]" +"§e§lShoot TNT with your cannon and knock opponents to the void, or explode them": + " Save yourself from hazards using Super Jumps": + " [Sneak]": "&e&lAtire TNT com o seu canhão para jogar os seus adversários no void. Save-se a si mesmo. usando Super Saltos. [Shift]" -"slowballs": "Bolas de Neve Lentas" +"Slowballs": "Bolas de Neve Lentas" -"slownessionhit": "Lentidão I ao bater" +"Slowness I on hit": "Lentidão I ao bater" -"slownessperk": "Perk de lentidão" +"Slowness Perk": "Perk de lentidão" -"sneaktouse": "Shift para usar" +"Sneak to use": "Shift para usar" -"snowballaccuracy": "Acrobacia de Bolas de Neve" +"Snowball Accuracy": "Acrobacia de Bolas de Neve" -"snowballsfired": "Snowballs mandadas" +"Snowballs fired": "Snowballs mandadas" -"snowmanperk": "Perk de homem de neve" +"Snowman Perk": "Perk de homem de neve" -"snowman": "Boneco de Neve" +"Snowman": "Boneco de Neve" -"sortsteamsbasedonkillscountforfairness": "Apresentão as equipas com bases nos Abates." +"Sorts teams based on kills count for fairness": "Apresentão as equipas com bases nos Abates." -"spawnpointswitch": "Spawnpoint Switch" +"Spawnpoint Switch": "Spawnpoint Switch" -"speed": "Velocidade" +"Speed": "Velocidade" -"spleeftntspleentexplodeotherplayersintothevoid": "Spleef + TNT = Spleent! Exploda outros jogadores no void!" +"Spleef + TNT = Spleent! Explode other players into the void!": "Spleef + TNT = Spleent! Exploda outros jogadores no void!" -"statistics": "Estatisticas" +"Statistics": "Estatisticas" -"stonecannon": "&7Canhão de Pedra" +"§7Stone Cannon": "&7Canhão de Pedra" -"succesfullysentpartyinviteto1": "Você mandou um pedido a: $1$!" +"Succesfully sent party invite to $1$!": "Você mandou um pedido a: $1$!" -"superjumps": "Super saltos" +"Super Jumps": "Super saltos" -"superjump": "Super Salto" +"Super Jump": "Super Salto" -"survivalbasedonoldminecraftversionsbetweenalpha12andbeta173warningnostalgiaisacertainty": "Survival based on old Minecraft versions between alpha 1.2 and beta 1.7.3.||&cAVISO: &7VAI TER NOSTALGIA." +"Survival based on old Minecraft versions between alpha 1": + "2 and beta 1": + "7": + "3": + "||§cWARNING: §7NOSTALGIA IS A CERTAINTY": "Survival based on old Minecraft versions between alpha 1.2 and beta 1.7.3.||&cAVISO: &7VAI TER NOSTALGIA." -"survivalrules": "Regras de Survival" +"Survival Rules": "Regras de Survival" -"team": "Equipe" +"Team": "Equipe" -"thankyouforratingthismap": "Obrigado pela tua avaliação!" +"Thank you for rating this map": "Obrigado pela tua avaliação!" -"theknockbackstick": "O pau com knockback" +"The Knockback Stick": "O pau com knockback" -"therearemanyspecialrecipescheckthemoutin/recipes": "Á bastantes receitas especiais! Vê-las em: &e/recipes&r" +"There are many special recipes! Check them out in: §e/recipes§r": "Á bastantes receitas especiais! Vê-las em: &e/recipes&r" -"thereisacustomprogramminglanguagemadeforcreativeworldwithityoucancreatesimplefeaturesforyourplot1": "Aqui temos uma linguagem de programação customizada para o Creative World, com ela podes criar coisas simples para o teu terreno! $1$" +"There is a custom programming language made for Creative World, with it you can create simple features for your plot! $1$": "Aqui temos uma linguagem de programação customizada para o Creative World, com ela podes criar coisas simples para o teu terreno! $1$" -"thisgamecanbeplayedalone": "&aEste jogo pode ser jogado &e&lsozinho&a." +"§aThis game can be played §e§lalone§a": "&aEste jogo pode ser jogado &e&lsozinho&a." -"thisgamecanbeplayedwith2players": "Este jogo só pode ser jogado com &e&l2&a&l+ &ajogadores." +"This game can be played with §e§l2§a§l+ §aplayers": "Este jogo só pode ser jogado com &e&l2&a&l+ &ajogadores." -"thisgamecanbeplayedwithonly2players": "Este jogo só pode ser jogado com &e&l2 &ajogadores." +"This game can be played with only §e§l2 §aplayers": "Este jogo só pode ser jogado com &e&l2 &ajogadores." -"thisgameisstartingearlyyouwillnotearnemeraldsandyourstatsachievementswontcountifitstartswithlessthan1players": "Esta partida tem poucos jogadores. Ninguém ganhará conquistas ou esmeraldas, já que o jogo está a iniciar com menos de &e&l$1$ &6jogadores." +? "This game is starting early, You will not earn Emeralds and your stats, achievements won't count if it starts with less than §e§l$1$ §6players" +: "Esta partida tem poucos jogadores. Ninguém ganhará conquistas ou esmeraldas, já que o jogo está a iniciar com menos de &e&l$1$ &6jogadores." -"thispowerupisalreadyactive": "Esse power-up já está ativo!" +"This power-up is already active!": "Esse power-up já está ativo!" -"thisroundof1v1didnotmeettherequirementsforwinrewardsandratingchanges": "Esta ronda de 1v1 não teve os requisitos minimos para recopensas & avaliações." +"This round of 1v1 did not meet the requirements for win rewards and rating changes": "Esta ronda de 1v1 não teve os requisitos minimos para recopensas & avaliações." -"throwablecobweb": "Throwable Teia de Aranha" +"Throwable Cobweb": "Throwable Teia de Aranha" -"timeelapsed": "Time elapsed" +"Time elapsed": "Time elapsed" -"timesincelastupdate": "Ultima atualização" +"Time since last update": "Ultima atualização" -"totalplaytime": "Tempo jogado" +"Total play time": "Tempo jogado" -"troopsalive": "Tropas vivas" +"Troops alive": "Tropas vivas" -"troopskilled": "Tropar matadas" +"Troops killed": "Tropar matadas" -"troopslost": "Tropas perdidas" +"Troops lost": "Tropas perdidas" -"troops": "Tropas" +"Troops": "Tropas" -"turnsyoursnowballsintoslowballs": "Converta suas bolas de neve para bolas de neve lentas." +"Turns your snowballs into slowballs": "Converta suas bolas de neve para bolas de neve lentas." -"turn": "Olhar" +"Turn": "Olhar" -"unlocked": "DESBLOQUEADO" +"UNLOCKED": "DESBLOQUEADO" -"use/agree1toagreewithsurvivalrules": "Use /agree $1$ para aceitar as regras." +"Use /agree $1$ to agree with survival rules": "Use /agree $1$ para aceitar as regras." -"usef5highfovtogetabetterviewofthegamefield": "Use F5 + FOV: QUAKE PRO para uma melhor experiência!" +"Use F5 + high FOV to get a better view of the game field!": "Use F5 + FOV: QUAKE PRO para uma melhor experiência!" -"utilisepreparationtimegiventogatherasmuchresourcesaspossibledefendyourcrystaloflifeandfightyourwaytovictory": "&e&lUtilize tempo de preparação para obter recursos e proteger o Cristal da Vida e fazer o seu caminho para a vitória." +? "§e§lUtilise preparation time given to gather as much resources as possible, defend your Crystal of Life and fight your way to victory" +: "&e&lUtilize tempo de preparação para obter recursos e proteger o Cristal da Vida e fazer o seu caminho para a vitória." -"victory": "VITÓRIA" +"VICTORY": "VITÓRIA" -"votes": "Votos:" +"Votes:": "Votos:" -"vote": "[VOTAR]" +"[VOTE]": "[VOTAR]" -"waitingplayers": "Jogadores aguardando" +"Waiting Players": "Jogadores aguardando" -"waitingqueuestatus": "Status da Fila" +"Waiting Queue Status": "Status da Fila" -"warped1partymemberstoyourlocation": "Teleportado &e&l$1$ &emembros da party até a sua localização!" +"Warped §e§l$1$ §eparty members to your location!": "Teleportado &e&l$1$ &emembros da party até a sua localização!" -"waterisfiniteheresoyouaregoingtoneedtobuildfarmsclosetobigsourcesofwater": "Água é finita aqui, então vais precisar de construir grandes fazendas para teres água" +"Water is finite here, so you are going to need to build farms close to big sources of water": "Água é finita aqui, então vais precisar de construir grandes fazendas para teres água" -"winspercentage": "Percetagem de Vitorias" +"Wins Percentage": "Percetagem de Vitorias" -"wins": "Vitorias" +"Wins": "Vitorias" -"woodcannon": "Canhão de Madeira" +"Wood Cannon": "Canhão de Madeira" -"youalreadyhavevotedforamap": "Você já votou em um mapa!" +"You already have voted for a map!": "Você já votou em um mapa!" -"youarealreadyinapartyof1": "Você já está na party de &a$1$&c!" +"You are already in a party of §a$1$§c!": "Você já está na party de &a$1$&c!" -"youarealreadyon1team": "Você já partence á equipe $1$&c!" +"You are already on $1$ §cteam!": "Você já partence á equipe $1$&c!" -"youareleaderofapartyuse/partydisbandtobeabletodothis": "És o líder da party, usa &e/party disband &cpara fazeres isto." +"You are leader of a party, use §e/party disband §cto be able to do this": "És o líder da party, usa &e/party disband &cpara fazeres isto." -"youarenowamemberof1team": "Você não é um membro da equipe de $1$&e!" +"You are now a member of $1$ §eteam!": "Você não é um membro da equipe de $1$&e!" -"youarenowjuggernaut": "Você é o Juggernaut!" +"You are now Juggernaut!": "Você é o Juggernaut!" -"youarentinaparty": "Você não está em uma party" +"You aren't in a party!": "Você não está em uma party" -"youarenttheleaderoftheparty": "Você não é o Líder da Party!" +"You aren't the leader of the party!": "Você não é o Líder da Party!" -"youcanchatonlyonceevery15second": "Apenas podes falar a cada 1.5 segundos!" +"You can chat only once every 1": + "5 second!": "Apenas podes falar a cada 1.5 segundos!" -"youcandiefromcoldduringnightinhothifyoudonothaveleatherarmor": "You can die from cold during night in &bHoth&r if you do not have leather armor." +"You can die from cold during night in §bHoth§r if you do not have leather armor": "You can die from cold during night in &bHoth&r if you do not have leather armor." -"youcanfindfriendlysurvivalwikiin1": "Podes encontrar a Wiki do Friendly Survival em: $1$" +"You can find Friendly Survival wiki in: $1$": "Podes encontrar a Wiki do Friendly Survival em: $1$" -"youcanlockyourcontainersanddoorswithsignsifyouwanttoprotectlandyoucanjoinagrouporcreateone": "Tu podes proteger as tuas portas e contentores com tabuletas, mas para proteger o chão terás que criar ou juntar-te a um grupo." +"You can lock your containers and doors with signs, if you want to protect land you can join a group or create one": "Tu podes proteger as tuas portas e contentores com tabuletas, mas para proteger o chão terás que criar ou juntar-te a um grupo." -"youcannothavemorethanonesnowmanininventoryatthesametime": "Você não pode ter mais do que um &fBoneco de neve &cno seu inventário ao mesmo tempo." +"You cannot have more than one §fSnowman §cin inventory at the same time": "Você não pode ter mais do que um &fBoneco de neve &cno seu inventário ao mesmo tempo." -"youcannotpartywarpintothisgame": "You cannot party warp into this game!" +"You cannot party warp into this game!": "You cannot party warp into this game!" -"youcanonlybuythisingame": "Apenas podes comprar isso no jogo!" +"You can only buy this in-game!": "Apenas podes comprar isso no jogo!" -"youcanonlyvotewhentheresenoughplayerstostartthegame": "Apenas podes votar quando existirem jogadores suficientes para o jogo iniciar!" +"You can only vote when there's enough players to start the game": "Apenas podes votar quando existirem jogadores suficientes para o jogo iniciar!" -"youcansendcarepackagestosupportaliveplayerswith/carepackage": "Você pode enviar pacotes de primeiros socorros para ajudar jogadores com &e&l/carepackage " +"You can send care packages to support alive players with §e§l/carepackage ": "Você pode enviar pacotes de primeiros socorros para ajudar jogadores com &e&l/carepackage " -"youcantoggledisplayoftheanimationofftoreduceyourfpslag": "Podes desligar a animação para reduzir o lag!" +"You can toggle display of the animation off to reduce your FPS lag!": "Podes desligar a animação para reduzir o lag!" -"youcanusedimensionalwarptowarptomanybeautifulandinterestingdimensions": "Tu podes usar &5Warp Dimensional&r para ires a dimensões maravilhosas." +"You can use §5Dimensional Warp§r to warp to many beautiful and interesting dimensions": "Tu podes usar &5Warp Dimensional&r para ires a dimensões maravilhosas." -"youcouldnotbewarpedtoyourpartyleaderslocationbecauseyouareinagameuse/qtoleave": "Tu não foi teleportado para a localização do líder da sua party porque estás em um jogo!" +"You could not be warped to your party leader's location, because you are in a game": + " Use §e/q §cto leave": "Tu não foi teleportado para a localização do líder da sua party porque estás em um jogo!" -"youdonated1snowballto1": "Você doou &e&l1 &fBola de neve &epara &a$1$&e!" +"You donated §e§l1 §fSnowball §eto §a$1$§e!": "Você doou &e&l1 &fBola de neve &epara &a$1$&e!" -"youdonothaveenoughemeralds": "Você não tem &aEsmeraldas&c suficientes!" +"You do not have enough §aEmeralds§c!": "Você não tem &aEsmeraldas&c suficientes!" -"youdonothaveenoughmelons": "Você não tem melões suficientes!" +"You do not have enough melons!": "Você não tem melões suficientes!" -"yougetpointsforflagcapturesyourteamneedstoreachtheneededamountofpointstowin": "Você ganha pontos por capturar bandeiras. Chegue a uma quantia de pontos para vencer!" +"You get points for flag captures, your team needs to reach the needed amount of points to win": "Você ganha pontos por capturar bandeiras. Chegue a uma quantia de pontos para vencer!" -? "yougetpointsforkillsoneplayerischosentobejuggernautandthenalltheplayersareagainstthemifyoukillthejuggernautyouwillbecomethejuggernautyouneedtoreachtheneededamountofpointstowin" -: "Você ganha pontos por Abates, um jogador é escolhido para Juggernaut. Todo munto está contra ele se você matar o Juggernaut - você vira o juggernaut. Precisa de chegar a uma quantia de pontos para vencher" +? "You get points for kills, one player is chosen to be juggernaut and then all the players are against them, if you kill the juggernaut - you will become the juggernaut" +: " You need to reach the needed amount of points to win": "Você ganha pontos por Abates, um jogador é escolhido para Juggernaut. Todo munto está contra ele se você matar o Juggernaut - você vira o juggernaut. Precisa de chegar a uma quantia de pontos para vencher" -"yougetpointsforkillsyouneedtoreachtheneededamountofpointstowin": "Você ganha pontos por Kills, precisa chegar a uma quantia para vencer!" +"You get points for kills, you need to reach the needed amount of points to win": "Você ganha pontos por Kills, precisa chegar a uma quantia para vencer!" -"yougetpointsforkillsyourteamneedstoreachtheneededamountofpointstowin": "Ganha-se pontos por Abates, e a sua equipe precisa ter uma quantia de pontos para vencer." +"You get points for kills, your team needs to reach the needed amount of points to win": "Ganha-se pontos por Abates, e a sua equipe precisa ter uma quantia de pontos para vencer." -"yougotaenchantedsnowballfromyourkill": "Você pegou uma &lBola de neve Encantada &bdo seu abate!" +"You got a §lEnchanted Snowball §bfrom your kill!": "Você pegou uma &lBola de neve Encantada &bdo seu abate!" -"youhaveagreedwiththesurvivalrulesfollowthemandeverythingwillbeokay": "Você concordou com as regras de survival. Siga-as e tudo ficará bem!" +"You have agreed with the survival rules, follow them and everything will be okay!": "Você concordou com as regras de survival. Siga-as e tudo ficará bem!" -"youhavealreadyinvited1intoyourparty": "Você já convidou $1$ &cna sua party!" +"You have already invited $1$ §cinto your party!": "Você já convidou $1$ &cna sua party!" -"youhavealreadyvotedforamapinthisgametodaysupporttheserverbybuyingvipifyouwanttovoteunlimitedamountoftimesperday": "Você já votou em um mapa hoje, ajude o servidor comprando &a&lVIP &cse quiser ter votos ilimitados!" +? "You have already voted for a map in this game today, support the server by buying §a§lVIP §cif you want to vote unlimited amount of times per day" +: "Você já votou em um mapa hoje, ajude o servidor comprando &a&lVIP &cse quiser ter votos ilimitados!" -"youhavealreadyvotedforamode": "Já votaste em um modo!" +"You have already voted for a mode!": "Já votaste em um modo!" -"youhavealreadyvotedforthismodifier": "Já votaste nesta modificação!" +"You have already voted for this modifier!": "Já votaste nesta modificação!" -"youhavefastasyncworldeditfastasyncvoxelsnipergobrushandgopaintbuildingtools": "Tu tens FastAsyncWorldEdit, FastAsyncVoxelSniper, goBrush and goPaint como ferramentas de construção!" +"You have FastAsyncWorldEdit, FastAsyncVoxelSniper, goBrush and goPaint building tools!": "Tu tens FastAsyncWorldEdit, FastAsyncVoxelSniper, goBrush and goPaint como ferramentas de construção!" -"youhavejoinedpartyof1": "Você entrou na party de &a$1$&e!" +"You have joined party of §a$1$§e!": "Você entrou na party de &a$1$&e!" -"youhaveleftpartyof1": "Você saiu da party de &a$1$&e!" +"You have left party of §a$1$§e!": "Você saiu da party de &a$1$&e!" -"youhavepurchased1": "Compras-te $1$&6!" +"You have purchased $1$§6!": "Compras-te $1$&6!" -"youhavereachedthelimitof1powerupspermatch": "Você chegou ao limite de &e&l$1$ &cpowerups por partida!" +"You have reached the limit of §e§l$1$ §cpowerups per match!": "Você chegou ao limite de &e&l$1$ &cpowerups por partida!" -"youhavereachedthelimitofsnowballs": "Você chegou ao limite de bolas de neve!" +"You have reached the limit of snowballs!": "Você chegou ao limite de bolas de neve!" -"youhavereceivedsnowmanforreachingkillstreakof5": "You have received &fSnowman &efor reaching killstreak of &e&l5&e!" +"You have received §fSnowman §efor reaching killstreak of §e§l5§e!": "You have received &fSnowman &efor reaching killstreak of &e&l5&e!" -"youhavereflectedsnowballof1": "Você refletiu a bola de neve de $1$&f!" +"You have reflected snowball of $1$§f!": "Você refletiu a bola de neve de $1$&f!" -"youhaveremovedyourlastratingofthismap": "Removes-te a tua ultima avaliação desse mapa" +"You have removed your last rating of this map": "Removes-te a tua ultima avaliação desse mapa" -"youhavetoreadandagreewiththerulesofsurvivaltobeabletobreak/placeblocksuse/survivalrules": "Você tem que ler e concordar com as regras para colocar e quebrar blocos , use &e/survivalrules" +"You have to read and agree with the rules of survival to be able to break/place blocks, use §e/survivalrules": "Você tem que ler e concordar com as regras para colocar e quebrar blocos , use &e/survivalrules" -"youhaveupgraded1to2": "Você melhorou &a$1$ &6para &a$2$&6!" +"You have upgraded $1$ to $2$!": "Você melhorou &a$1$ &6para &a$2$&6!" -"youhaveupgraded1": "Você melhorou &a$1$&6!" +"You have upgraded §a$1$§6!": "Você melhorou &a$1$&6!" -"youmustbeleaderofapartytousethis": "Você não é o Líder da Party!" +"You must be leader of a party to use this!": "Você não é o Líder da Party!" -"yourarmyisunderattack": "Seu exercito está sobre ataque!" +"Your army is under attack!": "Seu exercito está sobre ataque!" -"youropponentisblindedbyyourperk": "O oponente é cegado com o seu perk!" +"Your opponent is blinded by your perk!": "O oponente é cegado com o seu perk!" -"youropponentisignitedbyyourperk": "O opnente é inflamado com o seu perk!" +"Your opponent is ignited by your perk!": "O opnente é inflamado com o seu perk!" -"youropponentisslowedbyyourperk": "O opnente ganha lentidão com o seu perk!" +"Your opponent is slowed by your perk!": "O opnente ganha lentidão com o seu perk!" -"yourpartyinviteto1hasexpired": "O convite para $1$ &eexpirou" +"Your party invite to $1$ §ehas expired": "O convite para $1$ &eexpirou" -"yourpartyleaderhaswarpedyoutotheirlocation": "O líder da party puxou-te!" +"Your party leader has warped you to their location!": "O líder da party puxou-te!" -"yourradarbreakereffectisover": "Your Radar Breaker effect is over!" +"Your Radar Breaker effect is over!": "Your Radar Breaker effect is over!" -"yoursnowballhit1": "Your snowball hit $1$&f!" +"Your snowball hit $1$§f!": "Your snowball hit $1$&f!" -"yoursnowballhitboatof1": "Your snowball hit boat of $1$&f!" +"Your snowball hit boat of $1$§f!": "Your snowball hit boat of $1$&f!" -"yoursnowmanssnowballhit1": "A bola de neve do seu boneco de neve bate $1$&f!" +"Your snowman's snowball hit $1$§f!": "A bola de neve do seu boneco de neve bate $1$&f!" -"yourteam": "A TUA EQUIPA" +"YOUR TEAM": "A TUA EQUIPA" -"1kicked2fromtheparty": "$1$ &ekicked $2$ &efrom the party!" +"$1$ §ekicked $2$ §efrom the party!": "$1$ &ekicked $2$ &efrom the party!" -"youhavealreadyusedthispowerupinthislife": "You have already used this power-up in this life!" +"You have already used this power-up in this life!": "You have already used this power-up in this life!" -"swearingiscompletelyforbiddeninourserveryouwillgetanautomaticallyissuedpunishmentifyoudo": "Swearing is completely forbidden in our server, you will get an automatically issued punishment if you do." +"Swearing is completely forbidden in our server, you will get an automatically issued punishment if you do": "Swearing is completely forbidden in our server, you will get an automatically issued punishment if you do." -"1hastransferredpartyleaderto2": "$1$ &ehas transferred party leader to $2$&e!" +"$1$ §ehas transferred party leader to $2$§e!": "$1$ &ehas transferred party leader to $2$&e!" -"1isnotinyourparty": "$1$ &cis not in your party!" +"$1$ §cis not in your party!": "$1$ &cis not in your party!" -"youcanbuythisitemonlyonceperlife": "You can buy this item only once per life." +"You can buy this item only once per life": "You can buy this item only once per life." -"youhavegainedextralifefromyourimmortalityperk": "You have gained extra life from your &aImmortality Perk&e!" +"You have gained extra life from your §aImmortality Perk§e!": "You have gained extra life from your &aImmortality Perk&e!" -"rightclicktoactivategamemodifiers": "Right click to activate game modifiers!" +"Right click to activate game modifiers!": "Right click to activate game modifiers!" -"youhaveloggedin1daysinarowyouwillgethigherrewardsforeverydayloggedinarow": "You have logged in &e&l$1$ &adays in a row! You will get higher rewards for every day logged in a row." +"You have logged in §e§l$1$ §adays in a row! You will get higher rewards for every day logged in a row": "You have logged in &e&l$1$ &adays in a row! You will get higher rewards for every day logged in a row." -"locked": "LOCKED" +"LOCKED": "LOCKED" -"1hasgainedanextralifefromtheirimmortalityperk": "&a$1$ &ehas gained an extra life from their &aImmortality Perk&e!" +"§a$1$ §ehas gained an extra life from their §aImmortality Perk§e!": "&a$1$ &ehas gained an extra life from their &aImmortality Perk&e!" -"/msgplayersendaprivatemessagetoaplayer": " /msg &2- &aSend a private message to a player." +"Your party is now open for public join! Other players can do §a/p join $1$ §eto join it!": "Your party is now open for public join! Other players can do &a/p join $1$ &eto join it!" -"/statsplayerviewplayersstats": " /stats &2- &aView player's stats." +"§bEnchanted §7§lIron Cannon": "&bEnchanted &7&lIron Cannon" -"/joingamelobbynametojoinapublicgamebyacommandorprivategamebyspecifyinglobbyname": " /join [lobbyname] &2- &aTo join a public game by a command or private game by specifying lobby name." +? "Castle Wars, 1v1, Govindas Survival Games, Mini Sky Walls, Spleent, Knockout, Snowball, Checkers, Bomberman, Elemental Archers" +: "Castle Wars, 1v1, Govindas Survival Games, Mini Sky Walls, Spleent, Knockout, Snowball, Checkers, Bomberman, Elemental Archers" -"/partyinviteplayertoinviteaplayertoparty": " /party invite &2- &aTo invite a player to party." - -"/partyacceptplayertoacceptanpartyinvite": " /party accept &2- &aTo accept an party invite." - -"/partykickplayertokickaplayerfromyourparty": " /party kick &2- &aTo kick a player from your party." - -"/partytransferplayertotransferpartyleadertoothermember": " /party transfer &2- &aTo transfer party leader to other member." - -"/partyjoinplayertojoinpublicpartyofaplayer": " /party join &2- &aTo join public party of a player." - -"ifyouwanttospectateotherplayertype/stpplayer": "If you want to spectate other player type &e/stp " - -"yourpartyisnowopenforpublicjoinotherplayerscando/pjoin1tojoinit": "Your party is now open for public join! Other players can do &a/p join $1$ &eto join it!" - -"youcansendcarepackagestosupportaliveplayerswith/carepackageplayer": "You can send care packages to support alive players with &e&l/carepackage " - -"enchantedironcannon": "&bEnchanted &7&lIron Cannon" - -"castlewars1v1govindassurvivalgamesminiskywallsspleentknockoutsnowballcheckersbombermanelementalarchers": "Castle Wars, 1v1, Govindas Survival Games, Mini Sky Walls, Spleent, Knockout, Snowball, Checkers, Bomberman, Elemental Archers" - -? "creativeworldwithalotofusefulfeaturesworldeditvoxelsnipergobrushgopaintahugecollectionofplayerheadsandevenfurnituretoimproveyourbuilds" +? "Creative world with a lot of useful features! WorldEdit, VoxelSniper, goBrush, goPaint, a huge collection of player heads and even furniture to improve your builds!" : "Creative world with a lot of useful features! WorldEdit, VoxelSniper, goBrush, goPaint, a huge collection of player heads and even furniture to improve your builds!" diff --git a/LanguageRU.yml b/LanguageRU.yml index d50dcd4..50a54b1 100644 --- a/LanguageRU.yml +++ b/LanguageRU.yml @@ -1,837 +1,837 @@ -"/chatpartytotogglepartychat": " /chat party &2- &aВключить/отключить командный чат." +" /chat party §2- §aTo toggle party chat": " /chat party &2- &aВключить/отключить командный чат." -"/donateviewwaystodonatemoneytoourserver": " /donate &2- &aПосмотреть способы поддержать наш сервер." +" /donate §2- §aView ways to donate money to our server": " /donate &2- &aПосмотреть способы поддержать наш сервер." -"/groupacceptacceptagroupinvitation": " /group accept <название группы> &2- &aПринять приглашение в группу." +" /group accept §2- §aAccept a group invitation": " /group accept <название группы> &2- &aПринять приглашение в группу." -"/groupchunksbrowseclaimedchunksofagroup": " /group chunks <название группы> &2- &aПросмотреть чанки, принадлежащие группе." +" /group chunks §2- §aBrowse claimed chunks of a group": " /group chunks <название группы> &2- &aПросмотреть чанки, принадлежащие группе." -"/groupclaimclaimachunktoagroup": " /group claim <название группы> &2- &aДобавить чанк к вашей территории." +" /group claim §2- §aClaim a chunk to a group": " /group claim <название группы> &2- &aДобавить чанк к вашей территории." -"/groupcreatecreateagroup": " /group create <название группы> &2- &aСоздать группу." +" /group create §2- §aCreate a group": " /group create <название группы> &2- &aСоздать группу." -"/groupdemotedemoteaplayerinagroup": " /group demote <ник игрока> <название группы> &2- &aПонизить игрока в группе." +" /group demote §2- §aDemote a player in a group": " /group demote <ник игрока> <название группы> &2- &aПонизить игрока в группе." -"/groupinfoviewinformationaboutagroup": " /group info <название группы> &2- &aПоказать информацию о группе." +" /group info §2- §aView information about a group": " /group info <название группы> &2- &aПоказать информацию о группе." -"/groupinviteinviteaplayertoagroup": " /group invite <ник игрока> <название группы> &2- &aПригласить игрока в группу." +" /group invite §2- §aInvite a player to a group": " /group invite <ник игрока> <название группы> &2- &aПригласить игрока в группу." -"/groupkickkickaplayerfromagroup": " /group kick <ник игрока> <название группы> &2- &aИсключить игрока из группы." +" /group kick §2- §aKick a player from a group": " /group kick <ник игрока> <название группы> &2- &aИсключить игрока из группы." -"/groupleaveleaveagroup": " /group leave <название группы> &2- &aПокинуть группу." +" /group leave §2- §aLeave a group": " /group leave <название группы> &2- &aПокинуть группу." -"/grouplistlistthegroupsyouarein": " /group list &2- &aПоказать все группы, в которых вы состоите." +" /group list §2- §aList the groups you are in": " /group list &2- &aПоказать все группы, в которых вы состоите." -"/grouppromotepromoteaplayerinagroup": " /group promote <ник игрока> <название группы> &2- &aПовысить игрока в группе." +" /group promote §2- §aPromote a player in a group": " /group promote <ник игрока> <название группы> &2- &aПовысить игрока в группе." -"/groupunclaimunclaimachunk": " /group unclaim &2- &aУдалить чанк из вашей территории." +" /group unclaim §2- §aUnclaim a chunk": " /group unclaim &2- &aУдалить чанк из вашей территории." -"/groupupgradeupgradeagroup": " /group upgrade <название группы> &2- &aУлучшить группу." +" /group upgrade §2- §aUpgrade a group": " /group upgrade <название группы> &2- &aУлучшить группу." -"/joinlobbynametojoinapublicgamebyacommandorprivategamebyspecifyinglobbyname": " /join [lobbyname] &2- &aПрисоединиться к открытой игре с помощью команды или присоединиться к приватной игре, указав название лобби." +" /join [lobbyname] §2- §aTo join a public game by a command or private game by specifying lobby name": " /join [lobbyname] &2- &aПрисоединиться к открытой игре с помощью команды или присоединиться к приватной игре, указав название лобби." -"/listviewinformationaboutallonlineplayers": " /list &2- &aПоказать информацию об игроках, находящихся в данный момент на сервере." +" /list §2- §aView information about all online players": " /list &2- &aПоказать информацию об игроках, находящихся в данный момент на сервере." -"/msgsendaprivatemessagetoaplayer": " /msg &2- &aОтправить личное сообщение игроку." +" /msg §2- §aSend a private message to a player": " /msg &2- &aОтправить личное сообщение игроку." -"/partyaccepttoacceptanpartyinvite": " /party accept <ник игрока> &2- &aПринять приглашение в группу." +" /party accept §2- §aTo accept an party invite": " /party accept <ник игрока> &2- &aПринять приглашение в группу." -"/partydisbandtodisbandyourparty": " /party disband &2- &aРаспустить команду." +" /party disband §2- §aTo disband your party": " /party disband &2- &aРаспустить команду." -"/partyinvitetoinviteaplayertoparty": " /party invite <ник игрока> &2- &aПригласить игрока в группу." +" /party invite §2- §aTo invite a player to party": " /party invite <ник игрока> &2- &aПригласить игрока в группу." -"/partyjointojoinpublicpartyofaplayer": " /party join <ник игрока> &2- &aВступить в публичную команду игрока." +" /party join §2- §aTo join public party of a player": " /party join <ник игрока> &2- &aВступить в публичную команду игрока." -"/partykicktokickaplayerfromyourparty": " /party kick <ник игрока> &2- &aИсключить игрока из команды." +" /party kick §2- §aTo kick a player from your party": " /party kick <ник игрока> &2- &aИсключить игрока из команды." -"/partyleavetoleaveaparty": " /party leave &2- &aПокинуть команду." +" /party leave §2- §aTo leave a party": " /party leave &2- &aПокинуть команду." -"/partylisttoviewmembersofyourpartylist": " /party list &2- &aПоказать список участников вашей группы." +" /party list §2- §aTo view members of your party list": " /party list &2- &aПоказать список участников вашей группы." -"/partyopentoopenyourpartyforpublicjoin": " /party open &2- &aСделать команду публичной." +" /party open §2- §aTo open your party for public join": " /party open &2- &aСделать команду публичной." -"/partytransfertotransferpartyleadertoothermember": " /party transfer <ник игрока> &2- &aНазначить другого члена команды владельцем." +" /party transfer §2- §aTo transfer party leader to other member": " /party transfer <ник игрока> &2- &aНазначить другого члена команды владельцем." -"/partyviewpartyhelp": " /party &2- &aПоказать помощь по командам типа Party." +" /party §2- §aView party help": " /party &2- &aПоказать помощь по командам типа Party." -"/partywarptowarpyourpartymemberstoyourgamelobby": " /party warp &2- &aТелепортировать членов команды к вам в лобби." +" /party warp §2- §aTo warp your party members to your game lobby": " /party warp &2- &aТелепортировать членов команды к вам в лобби." -"/rulesreadserverrules": " /rules &2- &aПрочитать правила сервера." +" /rules §2- §aRead server rules": " /rules &2- &aПрочитать правила сервера." -"/spectateenterspectatemode": " /spectate &2- &aПерейти в режим наблюдателя." +" /spectate §2- §aEnter spectate mode": " /spectate &2- &aПерейти в режим наблюдателя." -"/staffviewstafflist": " /staff &2- &aПоказать список администрации сервера." +" /staff §2- §aView staff list": " /staff &2- &aПоказать список администрации сервера." -"/statsviewplayersstats": " /stats &2- &aПоказать статистики игрока." +" /stats §2- §aView player's stats": " /stats &2- &aПоказать статистики игрока." -"1arrowonknockout": "+1 стрела за каждое убийство!" +"1 arrow on knockout!": "+1 стрела за каждое убийство!" -"1defeated2": "$1$ &cпобедил &6$2$" +"$1$ §cdefeated §6$2$": "$1$ &cпобедил &6$2$" -"1donated1snowballtoyou": "$1$ &eпожертвовал &e&l1 &fснежок &eвам!" +"$1$ §edonated §e§l1 §fSnowball §eto you!": "$1$ &eпожертвовал &e&l1 &fснежок &eвам!" -"1flaghasbeendropped": "$1$ &eфлаг был потерян!" +"$1$ §eflag has been dropped!": "$1$ &eфлаг был потерян!" -"1gotfirstkillofthegame": "&a$1$ &eсовершил первое убийство за игру!" +"§a$1$ §egot first kill of the game!": "&a$1$ &eсовершил первое убийство за игру!" -"1hascaptured2flag": "$1$ &eзахватил флаг $2$ &e!" +"$1$ §ehas captured $2$ §eflag!": "$1$ &eзахватил флаг $2$ &e!" -"1hasdisbandedtheparty": "$1$ &eраспустил команду!" +"$1$ §ehas disbanded the party!": "$1$ &eраспустил команду!" -"1hasinvitedyouintoaparty": "$1$ &eпригласил вас в команду!" +"$1$ §ehas invited you into a party!": "$1$ &eпригласил вас в команду!" -"1hasjoinedyourparty": "$1$ &eвступил в вашу команду!" +"$1$ §ehas joined your party!": "$1$ &eвступил в вашу команду!" -"1hasjoined": "$1$ &eприсоединился!" +"$1$ §ehas joined!": "$1$ &eприсоединился!" -"1haslefttheparty": "$1$ &e покинул команду!" +"$1$ §ehas left the party!": "$1$ &e покинул команду!" -"1hasleft": "$1$ &cпокинул игру!" +"$1$ §chas left!": "$1$ &cпокинул игру!" -"1hasnotinvitedyouintoaparty": "$1$ &eне приглашал вас в команду!" +"$1$ §ehas not invited you into a party!": "$1$ &eне приглашал вас в команду!" -"1haspickedup2flag": "$1$ &eподобрал флаг $2$ &e!" +"$1$ §ehas picked up $2$ §eflag!": "$1$ &eподобрал флаг $2$ &e!" -"1hasreachedthemaxsticklevel": "$1$ &eдостиг максимального уровня палки!" +"$1$ §ehas reached the max stick level!": "$1$ &eдостиг максимального уровня палки!" -"1hasreturned2flag": "$1$ &eвозвратил флаг $2$ &e!" +"$1$ §ehas returned $2$ §eflag!": "$1$ &eвозвратил флаг $2$ &e!" -"1hasvotedfor2map": "$1$ &eпроголосовал за карту &b&l$2$!" +"$1$ §ehas voted for §b§l$2$ §emap!": "$1$ &eпроголосовал за карту &b&l$2$!" -"1hasvotedfor2mode": "$1$ &eпроголосовал за режим &b&l$2$ &e!" +"$1$ §ehas voted for §b§l$2$ §emode!": "$1$ &eпроголосовал за режим &b&l$2$ &e!" -"1hasvotedforbalancedteamsmodifier": "$1$ &eпроголосовал за модификатор &b&lСбалансированные Команды!" +"$1$ §ehas voted for §b§lBalanced Teams §emodifier!": "$1$ &eпроголосовал за модификатор &b&lСбалансированные Команды!" -"1hasvotedfordoublejumpmodifier": "$1$ &eпроголосовал за модификатор &b&l\"Двойной Прыжок\"!" +"$1$ §ehas voted for §b§lDouble Jump §emodifier!": "$1$ &eпроголосовал за модификатор &b&l\"Двойной Прыжок\"!" -"1hasvotedforfastsnowballsmodifier": "$1$ &eпроголосовал за модификатор &b&l\"Быстрые Снежки\"&e!" +"$1$ §ehas voted for §b§lFast Snowballs §emodifier!": "$1$ &eпроголосовал за модификатор &b&l\"Быстрые Снежки\"&e!" -"1hasvotedforinstakillsnowballsmodifier": "$1$ &eпроголосовал за Модификатор &b&lСмертельные Снежки!" +"$1$ §ehas voted for §b§lInstakill Snowballs §emodifier!": "$1$ &eпроголосовал за Модификатор &b&lСмертельные Снежки!" -"1hasvotedfornocompassmodifier": "$1$ &eпроголосовал за модификатор &b&l\"Отключение компаса\"&e!" +"$1$ §ehas voted for §b§lNo Compass §emodifier!": "$1$ &eпроголосовал за модификатор &b&l\"Отключение компаса\"&e!" -"1hasvotedforreflectsnowballsmodifier": "$1$ &eпроголосовал за Модификатор &b&lОтражение Снежков!" +"$1$ §ehas voted for §b§lReflect Snowballs §emodifier!": "$1$ &eпроголосовал за Модификатор &b&lОтражение Снежков!" -"1isalreadyinyourparty": "$1$ &cуже в вашей команде!" +"$1$ §cis already in your party!": "$1$ &cуже в вашей команде!" -"1isnotyourfriendadd1tofriendswith/fadd2": "$1$&c ещё не ваш друг! Добавьте $1$&c в друзья с помощью &e/f add $2$" +"$1$§c is not your friend! Add $1$§c to friends with §e/f add $2$": "$1$&c ещё не ваш друг! Добавьте $1$&c в друзья с помощью &e/f add $2$" -"1ofplayersneedstovotetoenable": "$1$ &7игроков должны проголосовать для активации." +"$1$ §7of players needs to vote to enable": "$1$ &7игроков должны проголосовать для активации." -"1teamisfull": "$1$ &cкоманда заполнена!" +"$1$ §cteam is full!": "$1$ &cкоманда заполнена!" -"accept": "[ПРИНЯТЬ]" +"[ACCEPT]": "[ПРИНЯТЬ]" -"achancetospawncreeperwhereyoursnowballlands": "Шанс заспавнить крипера там, где приземлится ваш снежок." +"A chance to spawn creeper where your snowball lands": "Шанс заспавнить крипера там, где приземлится ваш снежок." -"activatedmodifiers": "Активированные модификаторы" +"Activated Modifiers": "Активированные модификаторы" -"allowstodoublejumpbypressingthesneakbuttoninmidair": "Позволяет использовать двойной прыжок с помощью нажатия кнопки [ПРИСЕСТЬ] в воздухе." +"Allows to double jump by pressing the sneak button in mid-air": "Позволяет использовать двойной прыжок с помощью нажатия кнопки [ПРИСЕСТЬ] в воздухе." -"animationiscurrentlydisabled": "Анимация &c&lВЫКЛЮЧЕНА&e." +"Animation is currently §c§lDISABLED§e": "Анимация &c&lВЫКЛЮЧЕНА&e." -"animationiscurrentlyenabled": "Анимация &a&lВКЛЮЧЕНА&e." +"Animation is currently §a§lENABLED§e": "Анимация &a&lВКЛЮЧЕНА&e." -"areyouseriouslygoingintoapartywithyourselfinvitesomeone": "Вы серьёзно собираетесь играть в команде самим с собой? Пригласите кого-нибудь!" +"Are you seriously going into a party with yourself? Invite someone!": "Вы серьёзно собираетесь играть в команде самим с собой? Пригласите кого-нибудь!" -"areyousureyouwanttoleavetype/qtoconfirm": "Вы точно хотите покинуть игру? Пишите &e/q &6, чтобы подтвердить." +"Are you sure you want to leave? Type §e/q §6to confirm": "Вы точно хотите покинуть игру? Пишите &e/q &6, чтобы подтвердить." -"armor": "Броня" +"Armor": "Броня" -"arrowaccuracy": "Точность попадания" +"Arrow Accuracy": "Точность попадания" -"arrowbonusperk": "Бонусные Стрелы" +"Arrow Bonus Perk": "Бонусные Стрелы" -"arrowsfired": "Стрел выстрелено" +"Arrows Fired": "Стрел выстрелено" -"arrowsleft": "Стрел осталось" +"Arrows left": "Стрел осталось" -"asnowmanwhichshootsenemies": "Снеговик, который стреляет во врагов!" +"A snowman which shoots enemies!": "Снеговик, который стреляет во врагов!" -"averagerating": "Средний рейтинг:" +"Average Rating:": "Средний рейтинг:" -"balancedteamsmodifier": "Модификатор \"Сбалансированные Команды\"" +"Balanced Teams Modifier": "Модификатор \"Сбалансированные Команды\"" -"becauseoftoomuchgamechangingmodifiersactivatedthismatchwillnotaffectyourrating": "&7&lИз-за очень большого количества модификаторов этот матч не будет влиять на рейтинг." +"§7§lBecause of too much game changing modifiers activated this match will not affect your rating": "&7&lИз-за очень большого количества модификаторов этот матч не будет влиять на рейтинг." -"bethecommanderofagiantarmyanddefeatalltheenemykingswithyourarmytowin": "&e&lБудьте коммандиром гигантской армии и победите всех вражеских королей, чтобы победить!" +"§e§lBe the commander of a giant army and defeat all the enemy kings with your army to win!": "&e&lБудьте коммандиром гигантской армии и победите всех вражеских королей, чтобы победить!" -"bewareofgravityalwaysbuildsupportstoyourminesandbuildingswithatleast8blocksofdistancebetweensupports": "Опасайтесь гравитации! Всегда стройте подпорки в шахтах и колонны в зданиях хотя бы на расстоянии 8 блоков." +"Beware of gravity! Always build supports to your mines and buildings with at least 8 blocks of distance between supports": "Опасайтесь гравитации! Всегда стройте подпорки в шахтах и колонны в зданиях хотя бы на расстоянии 8 блоков." -"blindnessperk": "Слепота" +"Blindness Perk": "Слепота" -"blockssnowballs50chancetobreakonfirsthit100onsecondhit": "Блокирует снежки. &e&l50% &7шанс сломаться после первого удара, &e&l100% &7после второго удара." +"Blocks snowballs": + " §e§l50% §7chance to break on first hit, §e§l100% §7on second hit": "Блокирует снежки. &e&l50% &7шанс сломаться после первого удара, &e&l100% &7после второго удара." "blocks": "блоков" -"bombsfired": "Выстрелено бомб" +"Bombs fired": "Выстрелено бомб" -"bombsplaced": "Бомб поставлено" +"Bombs placed": "Бомб поставлено" -"bonussnowballsonknockout": "Бонусные снежки за каждое убийство" +"Bonus snowballs on knockout": "Бонусные снежки за каждое убийство" -"burningstickperk": "Горящая Палка" +"Burning Stick Perk": "Горящая Палка" -"burns1oftargetssnowballs": "Сжигает &e&l$1$ &7снежков цели." +"Burns §e§l$1$ §7of target's snowballs": "Сжигает &e&l$1$ &7снежков цели." -"burnstargetonhit": "Поджигает цель после удара." +"Burns target on hit": "Поджигает цель после удара." -"cantfindaplayerbythenameof1": "Игрок с ником '$1$' не найден." +"Can't find a player by the name of '$1$'": "Игрок с ником '$1$' не найден." -"cantshootfarbecausesnowballsmeltintheair": "Не может стрелять далеко, потому что снежки тают пока летят." +"Can't shoot far because snowballs melt in the air": "Не может стрелять далеко, потому что снежки тают пока летят." -"chanceofcreeperspawn": "шанс спавна крипера" +"chance of creeper spawn": "шанс спавна крипера" -"chanceofdoubleexperience": "шанс на двойной опыт" +"chance of double experience": "шанс на двойной опыт" -"chanceofdoublemelons": "шанс удвоенных арбузов." +"chance of double melons": "шанс удвоенных арбузов." -"chanceofenchantedsnowballgainafterkill": "шанс получить &bЗачарованный Снежок &7после убийства." +"chance of §bEnchanted Snowball §7gain after kill": "шанс получить &bЗачарованный Снежок &7после убийства." -"chanceofreflection": "шанс отражения." +"chance of reflection": "шанс отражения." -"chancetoblindopponentonhit": "Шанс ослепить противника, ударив его" +"Chance to blind opponent on hit": "Шанс ослепить противника, ударив его" -"chancetoburnopponentonhit": "Шанс поджечь противника, ударив его" +"Chance to burn opponent on hit": "Шанс поджечь противника, ударив его" -"chancetonotlosealife": "Шанс не потерять жизнь после смерти" +"Chance to not lose a life": "Шанс не потерять жизнь после смерти" -"chancetoslowslowness1opponentonhit": "шанс замедлить (Замедление $1$) оппонента после удара" +"chance to slow(Slowness $1$) opponent on hit": "шанс замедлить (Замедление $1$) оппонента после удара" -"chancetoslowslownessiiopponentonhit": "Шанс замедлить противника, ударив его (Замедление II)" +"Chance to slow(Slowness II) opponent on hit": "Шанс замедлить противника, ударив его (Замедление II)" -"checkersinminecraftlikethepopularboardgame": "Шашки в Майнкрафте! Прямо как популярная настольная игра." +"Checkers in Minecraft! Like the popular board game": "Шашки в Майнкрафте! Прямо как популярная настольная игра." -"checkers": "Шашек" +"Checkers": "Шашек" -"checkpoint": "Чекпоинт" +"Checkpoint": "Чекпоинт" -"chestslooted": "Сундуков открыто" +"Chests looted": "Сундуков открыто" "classes": "классов" -"clickheretojoin1": "Нажмите сюда, чтобы войти в игру $1$!" +"Click here to join $1$!": "Нажмите сюда, чтобы войти в игру $1$!" -"clicktoacceptthepartyinvite": "Нажмите, чтобы принять приглашение в команду!" +"Click to accept the party invite!": "Нажмите, чтобы принять приглашение в команду!" -"clicktobuy": "Нажмите, чтобы купить!" +"Click to buy!": "Нажмите, чтобы купить!" -"clicktojoin": "[ЗАЙТИ]" +"[CLICK TO JOIN]": "[ЗАЙТИ]" -"clicktoopenmenu": "ОТКРЫТЬ МЕНЮ" +"CLICK TO OPEN MENU": "ОТКРЫТЬ МЕНЮ" -"clicktoplay": "ИГРАТЬ" +"CLICK TO PLAY": "ИГРАТЬ" -"clicktoratethismap": "Нажмите, чтобы оценить эту карту!" +"Click to rate this map": "Нажмите, чтобы оценить эту карту!" -"clicktoundothisrating": "Нажмите, чтобы отменить оценку!" +"Click to undo this rating!": "Нажмите, чтобы отменить оценку!" -"clicktovotefor1mode": "Нажмите, чтобы проголосовать за $1$ &aрежим!" +"Click to vote for $1$ §amode!": "Нажмите, чтобы проголосовать за $1$ &aрежим!" -"clicktovoteforthismap": "Нажмите, чтобы проголосовать за карту!" +"Click to vote for this map!": "Нажмите, чтобы проголосовать за карту!" -"clicktovoteforthismode": "Нажмите, чтобы проголосовать за этот режим!" +"Click to vote for this mode!": "Нажмите, чтобы проголосовать за этот режим!" -"clicktovoteforthismodifier": "Нажмите, чтобы проголосовать за этот модификатор!" +"Click to vote for this modifier!": "Нажмите, чтобы проголосовать за этот модификатор!" -"completeparkourracesearnprizesandcompeteinleaderboards": "Проходите паркур-испытания, зарабатывайте призы и соревнуйтесь с друзьями!" +"Complete parkour races, earn prizes and compete in leaderboards!": "Проходите паркур-испытания, зарабатывайте призы и соревнуйтесь с друзьями!" -"cooldown": "Перезагрузка" +"Cooldown": "Перезагрузка" -"crackedplayerscanjoinourservertheycanapplyat1tojoin": "Вы можете присоединяться к нашему серверу с помощью нелицензионных аккаунтов! Подайте заявку на $1$&r." +"Cracked players can join our server! They can apply at $1$ §rto join": "Вы можете присоединяться к нашему серверу с помощью нелицензионных аккаунтов! Подайте заявку на $1$&r." -? "creativeworldwithalotofusefulfeaturesworldeditvoxelsnipergobrushgopaintahugecollectionofplayerheadsandevenacustomprogramminglanguagetocreateyourowncustommaps" +? "Creative world with a lot of useful features! WorldEdit, VoxelSniper, goBrush, goPaint, a huge collection of player heads and even a custom programming language to create your own custom maps!" : "Творческий мир с множеством полезных функций! WorldEdit, VoxelSniper, goBrush, goPaint, огромная база голов игроков и даже свой язык программирования для создания приключенческих карт!" -"creeperchanceperk": "Шанс Спавна Крипера" +"Creeper Chance Perk": "Шанс Спавна Крипера" -"crystal": "Кристалл" +"Crystal": "Кристалл" -"current": "Текущий" +"Current": "Текущий" -"damagedealt": "Урона нанесено" +"Damage Dealt": "Урона нанесено" -"damagetaken": "Урона получено" +"Damage Taken": "Урона получено" -"day": "День" +"Day": "День" -"deaths": "Смертей" +"Deaths": "Смертей" -"defeat": "ПОРАЖЕНИЕ" +"DEFEAT": "ПОРАЖЕНИЕ" -"defendyourcastleattackothercastlescommandyourarmyandbecomethebestcommander": "Защищайте свой замок, атакуйте противников, командуйте своей армией и станьте лучшим полководцем!" +"Defend your castle, attack other castles, command your army and become the best commander!": "Защищайте свой замок, атакуйте противников, командуйте своей армией и станьте лучшим полководцем!" -"destroyingotherplayercreationsorruiningtheminanywayisnotallowed": "Уничтожение созданий других игроков и их порча любым другим способом запрещена!" +"Destroying other player creations or ruining them in any way is not allowed!": "Уничтожение созданий других игроков и их порча любым другим способом запрещена!" -"destroyingthegoodlookofterrainbymakingholes1x1towersandanyotherwaywhichmakesitlookbadisnotallowed": "Уничтожение окружающего мира, создавая дыры в земле, столбы 1x1 или любым другим способом запрещено." +"Destroying the good look of terrain by making holes, 1x1 towers and any other way which makes it look bad is not allowed": "Уничтожение окружающего мира, создавая дыры в земле, столбы 1x1 или любым другим способом запрещено." -"didyouknow": "Знали ли вы?" +"Did you know?": "Знали ли вы?" -? "differentelementalclassescompetewitheachotherinbowfightingabilitiesusefascinitingabilitiesofyourclasstodefeatotherplayersandwin" -: "&e&lРазличные элементальные классы соревнуются друг с другом в умениях стрелять из лука. Используйте зрелищные способности, чтобы уничтожить других игроков и победить!" +"§e§lDifferent elemental classes compete with each other in bow-fighting abilities": + " Use fasciniting abilities of your class to defeat other players and win!": "&e&lРазличные элементальные классы соревнуются друг с другом в умениях стрелять из лука. Используйте зрелищные способности, чтобы уничтожить других игроков и победить!" -"dissappearsafter10soflanding": "Исчезает после &e&l10 секунд &7падения." +"Dissappears after §e§l10s §7of landing": "Исчезает после &e&l10 секунд &7падения." -"doubleemeralds": "Удвоенные Изумруды" +"Double Emeralds": "Удвоенные Изумруды" -"doublejumpmodifier": "Модификатор \"Двойной Прыжок\"" +"Double Jump Modifier": "Модификатор \"Двойной Прыжок\"" -"doublemelonsperk": "Удвоенные арбузы" +"Double Melons Perk": "Удвоенные арбузы" -"emeraldstotalearned": "Всего изумрудов получено" +"Emeralds total earned": "Всего изумрудов получено" -"emeralds": "Изумруды" +"Emeralds": "Изумруды" -"emerald": "Изумруд" +"Emerald": "Изумруд" -"enchanteddiamondcannon": "&bЗачарованная &b&lАлмазная Пушка" +"§bEnchanted §b§lDiamond Cannon": "&bЗачарованная &b&lАлмазная Пушка" -"enchantedsnowballperk": "Улучшение \"Зачарованный Снежок\"" +"Enchanted Snowball Perk": "Улучшение \"Зачарованный Снежок\"" -"enchantedstonecannon": "&bЗачарованная &7Каменная Пушка" +"§bEnchanted §7Stone Cannon": "&bЗачарованная &7Каменная Пушка" -"enchantedwoodcannon": "Зачарованная &aДеревянная Пушка" +"Enchanted §aWood Cannon": "Зачарованная &aДеревянная Пушка" -"enemyteam": "ВРАЖЕСКАЯ КОМАНДА" +"ENEMY TEAM": "ВРАЖЕСКАЯ КОМАНДА" -"everyplayergets3liveseliminateenemyteamtowin": "Каждый игрок получает 3 жизни, уничтожьте вражескую команду, чтобы победить." +"Every player gets 3 lives, eliminate enemy team to win": "Каждый игрок получает 3 жизни, уничтожьте вражескую команду, чтобы победить." -"everyplayergets3liveseliminateotherplayerstowin": "Каждый игрок получает 3 жизни, уничтожьте всех других игроков, чтобы победить." +"Every player gets 3 lives, eliminate other players to win": "Каждый игрок получает 3 жизни, уничтожьте всех других игроков, чтобы победить." -"experiencebonusperk": "Бонусный Опыт" +"Experience Bonus Perk": "Бонусный Опыт" -"explodeyourwaytootherplayersandexplodethem": "Взрывайте себе путь к другим игрокам и делайте то же самое с ними!" +"Explode your way to other players and explode them!": "Взрывайте себе путь к другим игрокам и делайте то же самое с ними!" -"exploringthevoidmayrevealmysterioussecrets": "Exploring the void may reveal mysterious secrets!" +"Exploring the void may reveal mysterious secrets!": "Exploring the void may reveal mysterious secrets!" -"explosionradius": "Радиус взрыва" +"Explosion Radius": "Радиус взрыва" -"fallingblocksanimation": "Анимация падающих блоков." +"Falling Blocks Animation": "Анимация падающих блоков." -"fastsnowballsmodifier": "Модификатор \"Быстрые Снежки\"" +"Fast Snowballs Modifier": "Модификатор \"Быстрые Снежки\"" -"feelfreetoinviteotherplayersbyusingthechat": "Не стесняйтесь приглашать других игроков в игру с помощью чата!" +"Feel free to invite other players by using the chat": "Не стесняйтесь приглашать других игроков в игру с помощью чата!" -"finalkills": "Финальных убийств" +"Final Kills": "Финальных убийств" -"flamethrower": "Огнемёт" +"Flamethrower": "Огнемёт" -"free": "Бесплатно!" +"Free!": "Бесплатно!" -"friendcommands": " &2&l--=-= &a&lКоманды типа Friend &2&l=-=--" +" §2§l--=-= §a§lFriend Commands §2§l=-=--": " &2&l--=-= &a&lКоманды типа Friend &2&l=-=--" -"friendlysurvivalwithtechandmagicexploremanydimensionsgrowbeautifultreesandmore": "Дружелюбное выживание с технологиями и магией! Исследуйте множество измерений, выращивайте красивые деревья и открывайте для себя больше нового!" +"Friendly survival with tech and magic! Explore many dimensions, grow beautiful trees and more!": "Дружелюбное выживание с технологиями и магией! Исследуйте множество измерений, выращивайте красивые деревья и открывайте для себя больше нового!" -"gameendedinadraw": "НИЧЬЯ" +"GAME ENDED IN A DRAW": "НИЧЬЯ" -"gameend": "КОНЕЦ ИГРЫ" +"GAME END": "КОНЕЦ ИГРЫ" -"gamehasstarted": "Игра началась!" +"Game has started!": "Игра началась!" -"gameisstarting": "Игра начинается" +"Game is starting": "Игра начинается" -"gamestartsin1seconds": "Игра начнётся через &e&l$1$ &eсекунд." +"Game starts in §e§l$1$ §eseconds": "Игра начнётся через &e&l$1$ &eсекунд." -"gamestartsin": "Игра начинается через" +"Game starts in": "Игра начинается через" -"gamestatistics": "Игровые статистики" +"Game Statistics": "Игровые статистики" -"gametime": "Время игры" +"Game time": "Время игры" -"gamewillendin1minutes": "Игра закончится через &e&l$1$ &eминут." +"Game will end in §e§l$1$ §eminutes": "Игра закончится через &e&l$1$ &eминут." -"gamewillendin1minute": "Игра закончится через &e&l$1$ &eминуту." +"Game will end in §e§l$1$ §eminute": "Игра закончится через &e&l$1$ &eминуту." -"gamewillstartin1seconds": "&eНачало через &e&l$1$ &eсекунд." +"§eGame will start in §e§l$1$ §eseconds": "&eНачало через &e&l$1$ &eсекунд." -"gamewillstartin1second": "&eНачало через &e&l$1$ &eсекунду." +"§eGame will start in §e§l$1$ §esecond": "&eНачало через &e&l$1$ &eсекунду." -"gatherresourcesprepareforfightprotectyourcrystaloflifeattackothercrystalsandwinthegame": "Собирайте ресурсы, готовьтесь к битве, защищайте свой Кристалл Жизни, атакуйте другие кристаллы и побеждайте!" +"Gather resources, prepare for fight, protect your Crystal of Life, attack other crystals and win the game!": "Собирайте ресурсы, готовьтесь к битве, защищайте свой Кристалл Жизни, атакуйте другие кристаллы и побеждайте!" -"gravityhasnoeffectonblocksheresoyoucanbuildinthesky": "Здесь гравитация не действует, так что вы можете строить в небе!" +"Gravity has no effect on blocks here, so you can build in the sky!": "Здесь гравитация не действует, так что вы можете строить в небе!" -"groupcommands": " &2&l --=-= &a&lКоманды типа Group &2&l=-=--" +" §2§l --=-= §a§lGroup Commands §2§l=-=--": " &2&l --=-= &a&lКоманды типа Group &2&l=-=--" -"havefun": "Развлекайтесь!" +"Have fun!": "Развлекайтесь!" -"health": "Здоровье" +"Health": "Здоровье" -"hereyoucanfindgameswhichcanbeplayedbothaloneandwithfriends": "Здесь вы можете найти игры, в которые можно играть как и одному, так и с друзьями!" +"Here you can find games which can be played both alone and with friends!": "Здесь вы можете найти игры, в которые можно играть как и одному, так и с друзьями!" -"hereyoucanfindgameswhichcanbeplayedonlywithfriends": "Здесь вы можете найти игры, в которые можно играть только с друзьями!" +"Here you can find games which can be played only with friends!": "Здесь вы можете найти игры, в которые можно играть только с друзьями!" -"hereyoucanfindlittleguiminigamestheseminigamesunlikeothersarentmadebyusitsjustadownloadedpluginbuttheyarestillfun": "Здесь находятся минигры, в которые можно играть в инвентаре, они отчичаются от других игр тем, что они не были созданы нами, это всего лишь скачанный плагин, но они всё равно очень увлекательны!" +? "Here you can find little GUI minigames, these minigames unlike others, aren't made by us, it's just a downloaded plugin, but they are still fun!" +: "Здесь находятся минигры, в которые можно играть в инвентаре, они отчичаются от других игр тем, что они не были созданы нами, это всего лишь скачанный плагин, но они всё равно очень увлекательны!" -"hereyoucanusevariousabilitiestoexplodethemapandotherplayers": "Здесь вы можете использовать различные возможности, чтобы взрывать карту и других игроков!" +"Here you can use various abilities to explode the map and other players!": "Здесь вы можете использовать различные возможности, чтобы взрывать карту и других игроков!" -"hitstaken": "Ударов получено" +"Hits Taken": "Ударов получено" -"hits": "Ударов" +"Hits": "Ударов" -"hittolevelupyourstickandknockotherplayersintothevoid": "Ударяйте игроков для улучшения вашего оружия и сталкивайте их в бездну!" +"Hit to level up your stick and knock other players in to the void!": "Ударяйте игроков для улучшения вашего оружия и сталкивайте их в бездну!" "hours": "часов" -"howtoplay": "&b&lКак играть" +"§b§lHow To Play": "&b&lКак играть" -"ifyouwanttogetoutofthespectatormodetype/q": "Если вы хотите выйти из &eрежима наблюдателя &c, пишите &e/q&c." +"If you want to get out of the §eSpectator Mode §ctype §e/q": "Если вы хотите выйти из &eрежима наблюдателя &c, пишите &e/q&c." -"ifyouwanttoleavethegametype/q": "Чтобы покинуть игру, напишите &e/q&6." +"If you want to leave the game type §e/q§6": "Чтобы покинуть игру, напишите &e/q&6." -"ifyouwanttospectateotherplayertype/stp": "Если вы хотите наблюдать за другими игроками, пишите &e/stp <ник игрока>&c." +"If you want to spectate other player type §e/stp ": "Если вы хотите наблюдать за другими игроками, пишите &e/stp <ник игрока>&c." -"immortalityperk": "Бессмертие" +"Immortality Perk": "Бессмертие" -"increasesthechancetoreflectasnowballto100": "Увеличивает шанс отразить снежок до 100%." +"Increases the chance to reflect a snowball to 100%": "Увеличивает шанс отразить снежок до 100%." -"increasesthedamageofsnowballsto10hearts": "Увеличивает урон от снежков до 10 сердец." +"Increases the damage of snowballs to 10 hearts": "Увеличивает урон от снежков до 10 сердец." -"increasesyourspeedby1": "Увеличивает вашу скорость на $1$" +"Increases your speed by $1$": "Увеличивает вашу скорость на $1$" -"instakillsnowballsmodifier": "Модификатор \"Смертельные Снежки\"" +"Instakill Snowballs Modifier": "Модификатор \"Смертельные Снежки\"" -"invalidcode": "Неправильный код" +"Invalid code": "Неправильный код" -"ironcannon": "&7&lЖелезная Пушка" +"§7§lIron Cannon": "&7&lЖелезная Пушка" -"itsveryhotinmustafaryougonnaneedtodrinktwiceasmuchwater": "В Мустафаре очень жарко, вам нужно пить в два раза больше воды." +"It's very hot in Mustafar, you gonna need to drink twice as much water": "В Мустафаре очень жарко, вам нужно пить в два раза больше воды." -"jumps": "Прыжков" +"Jumps": "Прыжков" -"killer": "Убийца" +"Killer": "Убийца" -"killsanynormalopponentevenwitharmor": "Убивает любого нормального оппонента, даже с бронёй." +"Kills any normal opponent, even with armor": "Убивает любого нормального оппонента, даже с бронёй." -"killstreak": "Серия убийств" +"Killstreak": "Серия убийств" -"kills": "Убийства" +"Kills": "Убийства" -"king": "Король" +"King": "Король" -"knockotherplayersofftheplatformasyouhitplayersyoudealmoreknockback": "&e&lСталкивайте других игроков с платформы. Чем больше вы наносите ударов, тем сильнее вы отталкиваете других игроков." +"§e§lKnock other players off the platform": + " As you hit players, you deal more knockback": "&e&lСталкивайте других игроков с платформы. Чем больше вы наносите ударов, тем сильнее вы отталкиваете других игроков." -"level": "Уровень" +"Level": "Уровень" -"listofgames": "Список игр" +"List of Games": "Список игр" -"lives": "Жизней" +"Lives": "Жизней" -"lootchestsfightotherplayersfindrandomlygeneratedlootwithinterestingabilitiesandthrowmobeggslikepokeballs": "Обкрадывайте сундуки, сражайтесь с другими игроками, находите случайно сгенерированный лут с интересными способностями и кидайте яйца спавна мобов как покеболы!" +? "Loot chests, fight other players, find randomly generated loot with interesting abilities and throw mob eggs like pokeballs!" +: "Обкрадывайте сундуки, сражайтесь с другими игроками, находите случайно сгенерированный лут с интересными способностями и кидайте яйца спавна мобов как покеболы!" -"lootrandomlygeneratedchestswithuniqueitemsusethemtoeliminateyourenemiesbetheonlysurvivortowin": "&e&lОбкрадывайте сундуки с уникальными вещами. Используйте их, чтобы убивать ваших противников. Будьте единственным выжившим, чтобы победить." +"§e§lLoot randomly generated chests with unique items": + " Use them to eliminate your enemies": + " Be the only survivor to win": "&e&lОбкрадывайте сундуки с уникальными вещами. Используйте их, чтобы убивать ваших противников. Будьте единственным выжившим, чтобы победить." -"losses": "Поражений" +"Losses": "Поражений" -"makesallofyoursnowballsburn": "Делает все ваши снежки поджигающими." +"Makes all of your snowballs burn": "Делает все ваши снежки поджигающими." -"makesyoursnowballssuperfast": "Делает ваши снежки невероятно быстрыми." +"Makes your snowballs super fast": "Делает ваши снежки невероятно быстрыми." -"maxlevelreached": "Максимальный уровень достигнут" +"Max level reached": "Максимальный уровень достигнут" -"maxlevel": "МАКС. УРОВЕНЬ:" +"MAX LEVEL:": "МАКС. УРОВЕНЬ:" -"melonsearned": "Арбузов получено" +"Melons earned": "Арбузов получено" -"melonsspent": "Арбузов потрачено" +"Melons spent": "Арбузов потрачено" -"melons": "Арбузов" +"Melons": "Арбузов" -"melon": "Арбуз" +"Melon": "Арбуз" -"mineoresupgradepickaxesbuyawesomeupgradesandunlocknewcaves": "Копайте руды, улучшайте кирки, покупайте улучшения и открывайте новые пещеры!" +"Mine ores, upgrade pickaxes, buy awesome upgrades and unlock new caves!": "Копайте руды, улучшайте кирки, покупайте улучшения и открывайте новые пещеры!" "minutes": "минут" -"mode": "Режим" +"Mode": "Режим" -"movetimeleft": "Времени на ход осталось" +"Move time left": "Времени на ход осталось" -"mustbeatlowerfloor": "Нужно быть на этаже ниже" +"Must be at lower floor": "Нужно быть на этаже ниже" -"mustnothaveanysuperjumps": "Нельзя получить Супер Прыжок" +"Must not have any Super Jumps": "Нельзя получить Супер Прыжок" -"newrating": "Новый рейтинг" +"New Rating": "Новый рейтинг" -"newrecord": "НОВЫЙ РЕКОРД!" +"NEW RECORD!": "НОВЫЙ РЕКОРД!" -"new": "НОВОЕ!" +"NEW!": "НОВОЕ!" -"nextsuperjumpin": "Супер Прыжок через" +"Next Super Jump In": "Супер Прыжок через" -"next": "Следующий" +"Next": "Следующий" -"night": "Ночь" +"Night": "Ночь" -"nocompassmodifier": "Модификатор \"Отключение Компаса\"" +"No Compass Modifier": "Модификатор \"Отключение Компаса\"" -"notenoughmelons": "Недостаточно арбузов!" +"Not enough melons!": "Недостаточно арбузов!" -"note": "НО:" +"Note:": "НО:" -"nowblockswillstartbreakingwhenyousteponthem": "Теперь блоки под вами будут ломаться!" +"Now blocks will start breaking when you step on them!": "Теперь блоки под вами будут ломаться!" -"oldrecord": "Последний Рекорд" +"Old Record": "Последний Рекорд" -"parkourcourse": "Паркур Испытание" +"Parkour Course": "Паркур Испытание" -"participateinamassivesnowballfightandusepowerupstoeaseyourexistencedelayingsnowballsallowstothrowthemfurther": "&e&lУчавствуйте в грандиозной битве снежками и используйте улучшение, чтобы облегчить себе существование! Перерыв между бросками позволяет кидать снежки дальше." +? "§e§lParticipate in a massive snowball fight and use powerups to ease your existence! Delaying snowballs allows to throw them further" +: "&e&lУчавствуйте в грандиозной битве снежками и используйте улучшение, чтобы облегчить себе существование! Перерыв между бросками позволяет кидать снежки дальше." -"partycommands": " &2&l --=-= &a&lКоманды типа Party &2&l=-=--" +" §2§l --=-= §a§lParty Commands §2§l=-=--": " &2&l --=-= &a&lКоманды типа Party &2&l=-=--" -"partyinvitefrom1hasexpired": "Срок приглашения от игрока $1$ &eв команду истёк." +"Party invite from $1$ §ehas expired": "Срок приглашения от игрока $1$ &eв команду истёк." -"partyleader": "Владелец Команды" +"Party Leader": "Владелец Команды" -"partymembers": "Члены Команды" +"Party Members": "Члены Команды" -"partyof1isnotopenforpublicjoin": "Команда игрока &a$1$ &cприватная." +"Party of §a$1$ §cis not open for public join": "Команда игрока &a$1$ &cприватная." -"placebombsandexplodeblocksarounditinashapeusepowerupstotakeadvantageoveropponents": "&e&lРасставляйте бомбы и взрывайте блоки вокруг её в форме креста [+]. Используйте усиления для того, чтобы получить преимущество над оппонентами." +"§e§lPlace bombs and explode blocks around it in a + shape": + " Use powerups to take advantage over opponents": "&e&lРасставляйте бомбы и взрывайте блоки вокруг её в форме креста [+]. Используйте усиления для того, чтобы получить преимущество над оппонентами." -"playercommands": " &2&l --=-= &a&lКоманды для игроков &2&l=-=--" +" §2§l --=-= §a§lPlayer Commands §2§l=-=--": " &2&l --=-= &a&lКоманды для игроков &2&l=-=--" -"playerdied1timesinarowwithoutkills": "Игрок был убит $1$ раз подряд без убийств." +"Player died $1$ times in a row without kills": "Игрок был убит $1$ раз подряд без убийств." -"playeriswaiting": "Игроков ожидают" +"Player is waiting": "Игроков ожидают" -"playernotfound": "Игрок не найден" +"Player not found": "Игрок не найден" -"playersarewaiting": "Игроков ожидают" +"Players are waiting": "Игроков ожидают" -"playersin": "Всего игроков" +"Players in": "Всего игроков" -"playersleft": "Игроков осталось" +"Players left": "Игроков осталось" -"playerswaiting": "Игроков ожидают" +"Players Waiting": "Игроков ожидают" -"players": "Игроков" +"Players": "Игроков" -"playerwason1killstreak": "Игрок был на серии убийств из $1$ убийств." +"Player was on $1$ killstreak": "Игрок был на серии убийств из $1$ убийств." -"playvariousclasseswithdifferentabilitiesanduseyourbowskillstowininmanydifferentmodes": "Играйте различными классами с разными способностями и используйте свои умения для того, чтобы выйграть в множестве различных режимов!" +"Play various classes with different abilities and use your bow skills to win in many different modes!": "Играйте различными классами с разными способностями и используйте свои умения для того, чтобы выйграть в множестве различных режимов!" -"pleaseratethismapbyclicking": "Пожалуйста, оцените эту карту, нажав:" +"Please rate this map by clicking:": "Пожалуйста, оцените эту карту, нажав:" -"pleasespecifygroupname": "Пожалуйста укажите название группы!" +"Please specify group name!": "Пожалуйста укажите название группы!" -"pleasespecifyplayername": "Пожалуйста укажите ник игрока!" +"Please specify player name!": "Пожалуйста укажите ник игрока!" -"plotname": "Название участка" +"Plot Name": "Название участка" -"plotowner": "Владелец" +"Plot Owner": "Владелец" -"points": "Очков" +"Points": "Очков" -"powerups": "Усиления" +"Powerups": "Усиления" -"price": "Цена:" +"Price:": "Цена:" -"quicklytestyourskillbyfightingotherplayerswithahugevarietyofmodifiers": "Испытывайте свои умения, сражайтесь с другими игроками и используйте огромный ассортимент различных модификаторов!" +"Quickly test your skill by fighting other players with a huge variety of modifiers!": "Испытывайте свои умения, сражайтесь с другими игроками и используйте огромный ассортимент различных модификаторов!" -"radarbreaker": "Помехи на радаре." +"Radar Breaker": "Помехи на радаре." -"rainisabletorefillwatersources": "Дождь может восполнять источники воды." +"Rain is able to refill water sources": "Дождь может восполнять источники воды." -"rapidfirepoweruphasspawnedatmiddleofthemap": "Усиление&6&l Серия Выстрелов &bпоявилось в центре карты!" +"§6§lRapid Fire §bpowerup has spawned at middle of the map!": "Усиление&6&l Серия Выстрелов &bпоявилось в центре карты!" -"rating": "Рейтинг" +"Rating": "Рейтинг" -"reflectionperk": "Отражение" +"Reflection Perk": "Отражение" -"reflectsasnowballreducingdamagetakenby1": "Отражает снежок, уменьшая урон на $1$." +"Reflects a snowball, reducing damage taken by $1$": "Отражает снежок, уменьшая урон на $1$." -"reflectsnowballsmodifier": "Модификатор \"Отражение Снежков\"" +"Reflect Snowballs Modifier": "Модификатор \"Отражение Снежков\"" -"regeneratesyourhealth1": "Регенерирует ваше здоровье на $1$" +"Regenerates your health $1$": "Регенерирует ваше здоровье на $1$" -"regeneration": "Регенерация" +"Regeneration": "Регенерация" -"removescompassfromthegame": "Отключает компас." +"Removes compass from the game": "Отключает компас." -"resources": "Ресурсов" +"Resources": "Ресурсов" -"respawningin": "Воскрешение через" +"Respawning in": "Воскрешение через" -"serverrulescanbereadin/rulesmakesuretofollowthem": "Правила сервера можно прочитать в &a/rules&e, не забывайте их соблюдать!" +"Server rules can be read in §a/rules§e, make sure to follow them!": "Правила сервера можно прочитать в &a/rules&e, не забывайте их соблюдать!" -"shootchickensandgetthemostkillstowinbewarefilthyzombiesandcreepers": "&e&lСтреляйте по курицам и получите больше всего убийств, чтобы победить! Опасность: злые зомби и криперы!" +"§e§lShoot chickens and get the most kills to win! Beware: filthy zombies and creepers!": "&e&lСтреляйте по курицам и получите больше всего убийств, чтобы победить! Опасность: злые зомби и криперы!" -"shootchickensasfastasyoucan": "Стреляйте в цыплят настолько быстро, насколько можете!" +"Shoot chickens as fast as you can!": "Стреляйте в цыплят настолько быстро, насколько можете!" -"shoototherplayerswithsnowballsbuypowerupswithmelonsandplayinmanydifferentmodes": "Кидайте в других игроков снежки, покупайте мгновенные улучшения за арбузы и играйте во множество различных режимов!" +"Shoot other players with snowballs, buy powerups with melons and play in many different modes!": "Кидайте в других игроков снежки, покупайте мгновенные улучшения за арбузы и играйте во множество различных режимов!" -"shoottntwithyourcannonandknockopponentstothevoidorexplodethemsaveyourselffromhazardsusingsuperjumpssneak": "&e&lСтреляйте динамитом из вашей пушки и сталкивайте ваших врагов в бездну или взрывайте их! Избегайте опасностей с помощью Супер прыжков. [Присесть]" +"§e§lShoot TNT with your cannon and knock opponents to the void, or explode them": + " Save yourself from hazards using Super Jumps": + " [Sneak]": "&e&lСтреляйте динамитом из вашей пушки и сталкивайте ваших врагов в бездну или взрывайте их! Избегайте опасностей с помощью Супер прыжков. [Присесть]" -"slowballs": "Замедляжки" +"Slowballs": "Замедляжки" -"slownessionhit": "Замедление I после удара" +"Slowness I on hit": "Замедление I после удара" -"slownessperk": "Замедление" +"Slowness Perk": "Замедление" -"sneaktouse": "Супер Прыжков осталось" +"Sneak to use": "Супер Прыжков осталось" -"snowballaccuracy": "Точность попадания" +"Snowball Accuracy": "Точность попадания" -"snowballsfired": "Снежков кинуто" +"Snowballs fired": "Снежков кинуто" -"snowmanperk": "Снеговик" +"Snowman Perk": "Снеговик" -"snowman": "Снеговик" +"Snowman": "Снеговик" -"sortsteamsbasedonkillscountforfairness": "Распределяем игроков по командам, основываясь на количестве убийств." +"Sorts teams based on kills count for fairness": "Распределяем игроков по командам, основываясь на количестве убийств." -"spawnpointswitch": "Переключать точки спавна" +"Spawnpoint Switch": "Переключать точки спавна" -"speed": "Скорость" +"Speed": "Скорость" -"spleeftntspleentexplodeotherplayersintothevoid": "Сплиф + ТНТ = Сплент! Взрывайте других игроков или отправляйте их в бездну!" +"Spleef + TNT = Spleent! Explode other players into the void!": "Сплиф + ТНТ = Сплент! Взрывайте других игроков или отправляйте их в бездну!" -"statistics": "Статистики" +"Statistics": "Статистики" -"stonecannon": "&7Каменная Пушка" +"§7Stone Cannon": "&7Каменная Пушка" -"succesfullysentpartyinviteto1": "Приглашение вступить в команду успешно отправлено игроку $1$!" +"Succesfully sent party invite to $1$!": "Приглашение вступить в команду успешно отправлено игроку $1$!" -"superjumps": "Супер Прыжков" +"Super Jumps": "Супер Прыжков" -"superjump": "Супер Прыжок" +"Super Jump": "Супер Прыжок" -"survivalbasedonoldminecraftversionsbetweenalpha12andbeta173warningnostalgiaisacertainty": "Выживание, основанное на старых версиях Майкрафта между alpha 1.2 и beta 1.7.3.||&cПРЕДУПРЕЖДЕНИЕ: &7НОСТАЛЬГИЯ НЕОТЪЕМЛЕМА." +"Survival based on old Minecraft versions between alpha 1": + "2 and beta 1": + "7": + "3": + "||§cWARNING: §7NOSTALGIA IS A CERTAINTY": "Выживание, основанное на старых версиях Майкрафта между alpha 1.2 и beta 1.7.3.||&cПРЕДУПРЕЖДЕНИЕ: &7НОСТАЛЬГИЯ НЕОТЪЕМЛЕМА." -"survivalrules": "Правила выживания" +"Survival Rules": "Правила выживания" -"team": "Команда" +"Team": "Команда" -"thankyouforratingthismap": "Спасибо за то, что вы оценили эту карту!" +"Thank you for rating this map": "Спасибо за то, что вы оценили эту карту!" -"theknockbackstick": "Палка-Толкалка" +"The Knockback Stick": "Палка-Толкалка" -"therearemanyspecialrecipescheckthemoutin/recipes": "Существует множество особых рецептов крафта! Вы всегда можете просмотреть список здесь: &e/recipes&r" +"There are many special recipes! Check them out in: §e/recipes§r": "Существует множество особых рецептов крафта! Вы всегда можете просмотреть список здесь: &e/recipes&r" -"thereisacustomprogramminglanguagemadeforcreativeworldwithityoucancreatesimplefeaturesforyourplot1": "Существует уникальный язык программирования, специально созданный для Creative World-а, с его помощью вы можете создавать простые особенности на своей территории. $1$" +"There is a custom programming language made for Creative World, with it you can create simple features for your plot! $1$": "Существует уникальный язык программирования, специально созданный для Creative World-а, с его помощью вы можете создавать простые особенности на своей территории. $1$" -"thisgamecanbeplayedalone": "&aВ эту игру можно играть &e&lодному&a." +"§aThis game can be played §e§lalone§a": "&aВ эту игру можно играть &e&lодному&a." -"thisgamecanbeplayedwith2players": "В эту игру можно играть с &e&l2&a&l+ &aигроками." +"This game can be played with §e§l2§a§l+ §aplayers": "В эту игру можно играть с &e&l2&a&l+ &aигроками." -"thisgamecanbeplayedwithonly2players": "В эту игру можно играть только &e&lвдвоём &a." +"This game can be played with only §e§l2 §aplayers": "В эту игру можно играть только &e&lвдвоём &a." -"thisgameisstartingearlyyouwillnotearnemeraldsandyourstatsachievementswontcountifitstartswithlessthan1players": "Эта игра начинается раньше, вы не будете получать изумруды, ваши статистики не будут повышаться и вы не будете получать достижения, если игра начнётся меньше, чем с &e&l$1$ &6игроками." +? "This game is starting early, You will not earn Emeralds and your stats, achievements won't count if it starts with less than §e§l$1$ §6players" +: "Эта игра начинается раньше, вы не будете получать изумруды, ваши статистики не будут повышаться и вы не будете получать достижения, если игра начнётся меньше, чем с &e&l$1$ &6игроками." -"thispowerupisalreadyactive": "Это усиление уже активно!" +"This power-up is already active!": "Это усиление уже активно!" -"thisroundof1v1didnotmeettherequirementsforwinrewardsandratingchanges": "Этот раунд 1v1 не удовлетворяет требованиям для получения наград за победу или изменения рейтинга." +"This round of 1v1 did not meet the requirements for win rewards and rating changes": "Этот раунд 1v1 не удовлетворяет требованиям для получения наград за победу или изменения рейтинга." -"throwablecobweb": "Кидательная паутина" +"Throwable Cobweb": "Кидательная паутина" -"timeelapsed": "Времени прошло" +"Time elapsed": "Времени прошло" -"timesincelastupdate": "Последнее обновление" +"Time since last update": "Последнее обновление" -"totalplaytime": "Общее время игры" +"Total play time": "Общее время игры" -"troopsalive": "Войнов живо" +"Troops alive": "Войнов живо" -"troopskilled": "Войнов убито" +"Troops killed": "Войнов убито" -"troopslost": "Войнов потеряно" +"Troops lost": "Войнов потеряно" -"troops": "Войнов" +"Troops": "Войнов" -"turnsyoursnowballsintoslowballs": "Превращает ваши снежки в замедляжки." +"Turns your snowballs into slowballs": "Превращает ваши снежки в замедляжки." -"turn": "Ход" +"Turn": "Ход" -"unlocked": "РАЗБЛОКИРОВАНО" +"UNLOCKED": "РАЗБЛОКИРОВАНО" -"use/agree1toagreewithsurvivalrules": "Используйте /agree $1$, чтобы согласиться с правилами выживания." +"Use /agree $1$ to agree with survival rules": "Используйте /agree $1$, чтобы согласиться с правилами выживания." -"usef5highfovtogetabetterviewofthegamefield": "Используйте F5 + высокий FOV, чтобы лучше видеть игровое поле!" +"Use F5 + high FOV to get a better view of the game field!": "Используйте F5 + высокий FOV, чтобы лучше видеть игровое поле!" -"utilisepreparationtimegiventogatherasmuchresourcesaspossibledefendyourcrystaloflifeandfightyourwaytovictory": "&e&lИспользуйте время на подготовку, чтобы получить как можно больше ресурсов, затем защищайте свой кристалл жизни и сражайтесь за победу!" +? "§e§lUtilise preparation time given to gather as much resources as possible, defend your Crystal of Life and fight your way to victory" +: "&e&lИспользуйте время на подготовку, чтобы получить как можно больше ресурсов, затем защищайте свой кристалл жизни и сражайтесь за победу!" -"victory": "ПОБЕДА" +"VICTORY": "ПОБЕДА" -"votes": "Голосов:" +"Votes:": "Голосов:" -"vote": "[ПРОГОЛОСОВАТЬ]" +"[VOTE]": "[ПРОГОЛОСОВАТЬ]" -"waitingplayers": "Игроков ждут" +"Waiting Players": "Игроков ждут" -"waitingqueuestatus": "Статус ожидания" +"Waiting Queue Status": "Статус ожидания" -"warped1partymemberstoyourlocation": "Все члены &e&l$1$ &eгруппы телепортированы в вашу локацию!" +"Warped §e§l$1$ §eparty members to your location!": "Все члены &e&l$1$ &eгруппы телепортированы в вашу локацию!" -"waterisfiniteheresoyouaregoingtoneedtobuildfarmsclosetobigsourcesofwater": "Water is finite here, so you are going to need to build farms close to big sources of water." +"Water is finite here, so you are going to need to build farms close to big sources of water": "Water is finite here, so you are going to need to build farms close to big sources of water." -"winspercentage": "Процент побед" +"Wins Percentage": "Процент побед" -"wins": "Побед" +"Wins": "Побед" -"woodcannon": "Деревянная Пушка" +"Wood Cannon": "Деревянная Пушка" -"youalreadyhavevotedforamap": "Вы уже проголосовали за карту!" +"You already have voted for a map!": "Вы уже проголосовали за карту!" -"youarealreadyinapartyof1": "Вы уже находитесь в команде игрока &a$1$&c!" +"You are already in a party of §a$1$§c!": "Вы уже находитесь в команде игрока &a$1$&c!" -"youarealreadyon1team": "Вы уже в $1$ &cкомнаде!" +"You are already on $1$ §cteam!": "Вы уже в $1$ &cкомнаде!" -"youareleaderofapartyuse/partydisbandtobeabletodothis": "Вы - лидер команды, используйте &e/party disband &c, чтобы это сделать." +"You are leader of a party, use §e/party disband §cto be able to do this": "Вы - лидер команды, используйте &e/party disband &c, чтобы это сделать." -"youarenowamemberof1team": "Теперь вы член $1$ &eкоманды!" +"You are now a member of $1$ §eteam!": "Теперь вы член $1$ &eкоманды!" -"youarenowjuggernaut": "Теперь вы Джаггернаут!" +"You are now Juggernaut!": "Теперь вы Джаггернаут!" -"youarentinaparty": "Вы не находитесь в команде!" +"You aren't in a party!": "Вы не находитесь в команде!" -"youarenttheleaderoftheparty": "Вы не владелец вашей команды!" +"You aren't the leader of the party!": "Вы не владелец вашей команды!" -"youcanchatonlyonceevery15second": "Вы можете писать в чат только каждые 1.5 секунды!" +"You can chat only once every 1": + "5 second!": "Вы можете писать в чат только каждые 1.5 секунды!" -"youcandiefromcoldduringnightinhothifyoudonothaveleatherarmor": "Вы можете умереть от холода ночью в &bHoth-е&r, если у вас нету кожаной брони." +"You can die from cold during night in §bHoth§r if you do not have leather armor": "Вы можете умереть от холода ночью в &bHoth-е&r, если у вас нету кожаной брони." -"youcanfindfriendlysurvivalwikiin1": "Вы можете найти википедию по Friendly Survival-у здесь: $1$" +"You can find Friendly Survival wiki in: $1$": "Вы можете найти википедию по Friendly Survival-у здесь: $1$" -"youcanlockyourcontainersanddoorswithsignsifyouwanttoprotectlandyoucanjoinagrouporcreateone": "Вы можете запирать ваши контейнеры и двери с помощью табличек, а если вы хотите защитить территорию, то вступите в группу или создайте одну." +"You can lock your containers and doors with signs, if you want to protect land you can join a group or create one": "Вы можете запирать ваши контейнеры и двери с помощью табличек, а если вы хотите защитить территорию, то вступите в группу или создайте одну." -"youcannothavemorethanonesnowmanininventoryatthesametime": "У вас в инвентаре одновременно не может находиться более одного &fСнеговика&c." +"You cannot have more than one §fSnowman §cin inventory at the same time": "У вас в инвентаре одновременно не может находиться более одного &fСнеговика&c." -"youcannotpartywarpintothisgame": "Вы не можете Party-телепортироваться в эту игру!" +"You cannot party warp into this game!": "Вы не можете Party-телепортироваться в эту игру!" -"youcanonlybuythisingame": "Вы можете покупать это только внутри игры!" +"You can only buy this in-game!": "Вы можете покупать это только внутри игры!" -"youcanonlyvotewhentheresenoughplayerstostartthegame": "Вы можете голосовать только тогда, когда в игре достаточно игроков." +"You can only vote when there's enough players to start the game": "Вы можете голосовать только тогда, когда в игре достаточно игроков." -"youcansendcarepackagestosupportaliveplayerswith/carepackage": "Вы можете отправлять ящики с полезными предметами для поддержки живых игроков с помощью &e&l/carepackage <игрок>" +"You can send care packages to support alive players with §e§l/carepackage ": "Вы можете отправлять ящики с полезными предметами для поддержки живых игроков с помощью &e&l/carepackage <игрок>" -"youcantoggledisplayoftheanimationofftoreduceyourfpslag": "Вы можете включать/выключать анимацию, чтобы уменьшить лаги FPS!" +"You can toggle display of the animation off to reduce your FPS lag!": "Вы можете включать/выключать анимацию, чтобы уменьшить лаги FPS!" -"youcanusedimensionalwarptowarptomanybeautifulandinterestingdimensions": "Вы можете использовать &Dimensional Warp&r, чтобы телепортироваться во множество различных интересных и красивых измерений." +"You can use §5Dimensional Warp§r to warp to many beautiful and interesting dimensions": "Вы можете использовать &dimensional Warp&r, чтобы телепортироваться во множество различных интересных и красивых измерений." -"youcouldnotbewarpedtoyourpartyleaderslocationbecauseyouareinagameuse/qtoleave": "Вы не можете быть телепортированы в локацию лидера вашей группы, потому что вы находитесь в игре. Пишите &e/q &c, чтобы покинуть игру." +"You could not be warped to your party leader's location, because you are in a game": + " Use §e/q §cto leave": "Вы не можете быть телепортированы в локацию лидера вашей группы, потому что вы находитесь в игре. Пишите &e/q &c, чтобы покинуть игру." -"youdonated1snowballto1": "Вы пожертвовали &e&l1 &fснежок &eигроку &a$1$&e!" +"You donated §e§l1 §fSnowball §eto §a$1$§e!": "Вы пожертвовали &e&l1 &fснежок &eигроку &a$1$&e!" -"youdonothaveenoughemeralds": "У вас не хватает &aИзумрудов&c!" +"You do not have enough §aEmeralds§c!": "У вас не хватает &aИзумрудов&c!" -"youdonothaveenoughmelons": "У вас не хватает &2Арбузов&c!" +"You do not have enough melons!": "У вас не хватает &2Арбузов&c!" -"yougetpointsforflagcapturesyourteamneedstoreachtheneededamountofpointstowin": "Вы получаете очки за захваты флагов, ваша команда должна достичь определённого количества очков, чтобы победить." +"You get points for flag captures, your team needs to reach the needed amount of points to win": "Вы получаете очки за захваты флагов, ваша команда должна достичь определённого количества очков, чтобы победить." -? "yougetpointsforkillsoneplayerischosentobejuggernautandthenalltheplayersareagainstthemifyoukillthejuggernautyouwillbecomethejuggernautyouneedtoreachtheneededamountofpointstowin" -: "Вы получаете очки за убийства, один игрок назначается Джаггернаутом и все остальные игроки играют в команде против него, если вы убивайте Джаггернаута - вы становитесь Джаггернаутом. Вам нужно достичь определённого количества очков, чтобы победить." +? "You get points for kills, one player is chosen to be juggernaut and then all the players are against them, if you kill the juggernaut - you will become the juggernaut" +: " You need to reach the needed amount of points to win": "Вы получаете очки за убийства, один игрок назначается Джаггернаутом и все остальные игроки играют в команде против него, если вы убивайте Джаггернаута - вы становитесь Джаггернаутом. Вам нужно достичь определённого количества очков, чтобы победить." -"yougetpointsforkillsyouneedtoreachtheneededamountofpointstowin": "Вы получаете очки за убийства, вы должны набрать нужное количество очков, чтобы победить." +"You get points for kills, you need to reach the needed amount of points to win": "Вы получаете очки за убийства, вы должны набрать нужное количество очков, чтобы победить." -"yougetpointsforkillsyourteamneedstoreachtheneededamountofpointstowin": "Вы получаете очки за убийства, ваша команда должна набрать нужное количество очков, чтобы победить." +"You get points for kills, your team needs to reach the needed amount of points to win": "Вы получаете очки за убийства, ваша команда должна набрать нужное количество очков, чтобы победить." -"yougotaenchantedsnowballfromyourkill": "Вы получили &lЗачарованный Снежок &b за своё убийство." +"You got a §lEnchanted Snowball §bfrom your kill!": "Вы получили &lЗачарованный Снежок &b за своё убийство." -"youhaveagreedwiththesurvivalrulesfollowthemandeverythingwillbeokay": "Вы согласились с правилами выживания, следуйте им и всё будет отлично!" +"You have agreed with the survival rules, follow them and everything will be okay!": "Вы согласились с правилами выживания, следуйте им и всё будет отлично!" -"youhavealreadyinvited1intoyourparty": "Вы уже приглашали $1$ &cв свою группу!" +"You have already invited $1$ §cinto your party!": "Вы уже приглашали $1$ &cв свою группу!" -"youhavealreadyvotedforamapinthisgametodaysupporttheserverbybuyingvipifyouwanttovoteunlimitedamountoftimesperday": "Вы уже голосовали за карту сегодня, поддержите сервер, купив &a&lVIP &c, если вы хотите голосовать сколько угодно раз в день." +? "You have already voted for a map in this game today, support the server by buying §a§lVIP §cif you want to vote unlimited amount of times per day" +: "Вы уже голосовали за карту сегодня, поддержите сервер, купив &a&lVIP &c, если вы хотите голосовать сколько угодно раз в день." -"youhavealreadyvotedforamode": "Вы уже голосовали за этот режим!" +"You have already voted for a mode!": "Вы уже голосовали за этот режим!" -"youhavealreadyvotedforthismodifier": "Вы уже голосовали за этот модификатор!" +"You have already voted for this modifier!": "Вы уже голосовали за этот модификатор!" -"youhavefastasyncworldeditfastasyncvoxelsnipergobrushandgopaintbuildingtools": "У вас теперь есть FastAsyncWorldEdit, FastAsyncVoxelSniper, goBrush и goPaint!" +"You have FastAsyncWorldEdit, FastAsyncVoxelSniper, goBrush and goPaint building tools!": "У вас теперь есть FastAsyncWorldEdit, FastAsyncVoxelSniper, goBrush и goPaint!" -"youhavejoinedpartyof1": "Вы вступили в команду &a$1$&e!" +"You have joined party of §a$1$§e!": "Вы вступили в команду &a$1$&e!" -"youhaveleftpartyof1": "Вы покинули комнаду &a$1$&e!" +"You have left party of §a$1$§e!": "Вы покинули комнаду &a$1$&e!" -"youhavepurchased1": "Вы купили $1$&6!" +"You have purchased $1$§6!": "Вы купили $1$&6!" -"youhavereachedthelimitof1powerupspermatch": "Вы превысили лимит &e&l$1$ &cусиления за матч!" +"You have reached the limit of §e§l$1$ §cpowerups per match!": "Вы превысили лимит &e&l$1$ &cусиления за матч!" -"youhavereachedthelimitofsnowballs": "Вы превысили лимит снежков!" +"You have reached the limit of snowballs!": "Вы превысили лимит снежков!" -"youhavereceivedsnowmanforreachingkillstreakof5": "Вы получили &fСнеговика &eза за достижение серии убийств из &e&l5&e-ти убийств!" +"You have received §fSnowman §efor reaching killstreak of §e§l5§e!": "Вы получили &fСнеговика &eза за достижение серии убийств из &e&l5&e-ти убийств!" -"youhavereflectedsnowballof1": "Вы отразили снежок игрока $1$&f!" +"You have reflected snowball of $1$§f!": "Вы отразили снежок игрока $1$&f!" -"youhaveremovedyourlastratingofthismap": "Вы отменили свою последнюю оценку этой карты." +"You have removed your last rating of this map": "Вы отменили свою последнюю оценку этой карты." -"youhavetoreadandagreewiththerulesofsurvivaltobeabletobreak/placeblocksuse/survivalrules": "Вам нужно прочитать правила Survival-a и согласиться с ними, чтобы получить право ломать/ставить блоки. Используйте &e/survivalrules" +"You have to read and agree with the rules of survival to be able to break/place blocks, use §e/survivalrules": "Вам нужно прочитать правила Survival-a и согласиться с ними, чтобы получить право ломать/ставить блоки. Используйте &e/survivalrules" -"youhaveupgraded1to2": "Вы улучшили &a$1$ &6до &a$2$&6!" +"You have upgraded $1$ to $2$!": "Вы улучшили &a$1$ &6до &a$2$&6!" -"youhaveupgraded1": "Вы улучшили &a$1$&6!" +"You have upgraded §a$1$§6!": "Вы улучшили &a$1$&6!" -"youmustbeleaderofapartytousethis": "Вы должны быть владельцем команды, чтобы использовать это!" +"You must be leader of a party to use this!": "Вы должны быть владельцем команды, чтобы использовать это!" -"yourarmyisunderattack": "Вашу армию атакуют!" +"Your army is under attack!": "Вашу армию атакуют!" -"youropponentisblindedbyyourperk": "Вы ослепили вашего оппонента! (Слепота)" +"Your opponent is blinded by your perk!": "Вы ослепили вашего оппонента! (Слепота)" -"youropponentisignitedbyyourperk": "Вы подожгли вашего оппонента! (Горящая Палка)" +"Your opponent is ignited by your perk!": "Вы подожгли вашего оппонента! (Горящая Палка)" -"youropponentisslowedbyyourperk": "Вы замедлили вашего оппонента! (Замедление)" +"Your opponent is slowed by your perk!": "Вы замедлили вашего оппонента! (Замедление)" -"yourpartyinviteto1hasexpired": "Срок приглашения игрока $1$ &eв команду истёк." +"Your party invite to $1$ §ehas expired": "Срок приглашения игрока $1$ &eв команду истёк." -"yourpartyleaderhaswarpedyoutotheirlocation": "Владелец вашей команды телепортировал вас к себе!" +"Your party leader has warped you to their location!": "Владелец вашей команды телепортировал вас к себе!" -"yourradarbreakereffectisover": "Ваш эффект \"Отключение Компаса\" закончился" +"Your Radar Breaker effect is over!": "Ваш эффект \"Отключение Компаса\" закончился" -"yoursnowballhit1": "Ваш снежок ударил $1$&f!" +"Your snowball hit $1$§f!": "Ваш снежок ударил $1$&f!" -"yoursnowballhitboatof1": "Ваш снежок ударил лодку $1$&f!" +"Your snowball hit boat of $1$§f!": "Ваш снежок ударил лодку $1$&f!" -"yoursnowmanssnowballhit1": "Снежок вашего снеговика ударил $1$&f!" +"Your snowman's snowball hit $1$§f!": "Снежок вашего снеговика ударил $1$&f!" -"yourteam": "ВАША КОМАНДА" +"YOUR TEAM": "ВАША КОМАНДА" -"1kicked2fromtheparty": "$1$ &eбыл исключён $2$ &eиз команды!" +"$1$ §ekicked $2$ §efrom the party!": "$1$ &eбыл исключён $2$ &eиз команды!" -"youhavealreadyusedthispowerupinthislife": "Вы уже использовали это усиление в этой жизни!" +"You have already used this power-up in this life!": "Вы уже использовали это усиление в этой жизни!" -"swearingiscompletelyforbiddeninourserveryouwillgetanautomaticallyissuedpunishmentifyoudo": "Ругаться абсолютно запрещено на нашем сервер! Если вы нарушите это правило, вы автоматически подвергнетесь наказанию." +"Swearing is completely forbidden in our server, you will get an automatically issued punishment if you do": "Ругаться абсолютно запрещено на нашем сервер! Если вы нарушите это правило, вы автоматически подвергнетесь наказанию." -"1hastransferredpartyleaderto2": "$1$ &eпередал права на владение командой игроку $2$&e!" +"$1$ §ehas transferred party leader to $2$§e!": "$1$ &eпередал права на владение командой игроку $2$&e!" -"1isnotinyourparty": "$1$ &cне в вашей команде!" +"$1$ §cis not in your party!": "$1$ &cне в вашей команде!" -"youcanbuythisitemonlyonceperlife": "You can buy this item only once per life." +"You can buy this item only once per life": "You can buy this item only once per life." -"youhavegainedextralifefromyourimmortalityperk": "You have gained extra life from your &aImmortality Perk&e!" +"You have gained extra life from your §aImmortality Perk§e!": "You have gained extra life from your &aImmortality Perk&e!" -"rightclicktoactivategamemodifiers": "Right click to activate game modifiers!" +"Right click to activate game modifiers!": "Right click to activate game modifiers!" -"youhaveloggedin1daysinarowyouwillgethigherrewardsforeverydayloggedinarow": "You have logged in &e&l$1$ &adays in a row! You will get higher rewards for every day logged in a row." +"You have logged in §e§l$1$ §adays in a row! You will get higher rewards for every day logged in a row": "You have logged in &e&l$1$ &adays in a row! You will get higher rewards for every day logged in a row." -"locked": "LOCKED" +"LOCKED": "LOCKED" -"1hasgainedanextralifefromtheirimmortalityperk": "&a$1$ &ehas gained an extra life from their &aImmortality Perk&e!" +"§a$1$ §ehas gained an extra life from their §aImmortality Perk§e!": "&a$1$ &ehas gained an extra life from their &aImmortality Perk&e!" -"/msgplayersendaprivatemessagetoaplayer": " /msg &2- &aSend a private message to a player." +"Your party is now open for public join! Other players can do §a/p join $1$ §eto join it!": "Your party is now open for public join! Other players can do &a/p join $1$ &eto join it!" -"/statsplayerviewplayersstats": " /stats &2- &aView player's stats." +"§bEnchanted §7§lIron Cannon": "&bEnchanted &7&lIron Cannon" -"/joingamelobbynametojoinapublicgamebyacommandorprivategamebyspecifyinglobbyname": " /join [lobbyname] &2- &aTo join a public game by a command or private game by specifying lobby name." +? "Castle Wars, 1v1, Govindas Survival Games, Mini Sky Walls, Spleent, Knockout, Snowball, Checkers, Bomberman, Elemental Archers" +: "Castle Wars, 1v1, Govindas Survival Games, Mini Sky Walls, Spleent, Knockout, Snowball, Checkers, Bomberman, Elemental Archers" -"/partyinviteplayertoinviteaplayertoparty": " /party invite &2- &aTo invite a player to party." - -"/partyacceptplayertoacceptanpartyinvite": " /party accept &2- &aTo accept an party invite." - -"/partykickplayertokickaplayerfromyourparty": " /party kick &2- &aTo kick a player from your party." - -"/partytransferplayertotransferpartyleadertoothermember": " /party transfer &2- &aTo transfer party leader to other member." - -"/partyjoinplayertojoinpublicpartyofaplayer": " /party join &2- &aTo join public party of a player." - -"ifyouwanttospectateotherplayertype/stpplayer": "If you want to spectate other player type &e/stp " - -"yourpartyisnowopenforpublicjoinotherplayerscando/pjoin1tojoinit": "Your party is now open for public join! Other players can do &a/p join $1$ &eto join it!" - -"youcansendcarepackagestosupportaliveplayerswith/carepackageplayer": "You can send care packages to support alive players with &e&l/carepackage " - -"enchantedironcannon": "&bEnchanted &7&lIron Cannon" - -"castlewars1v1govindassurvivalgamesminiskywallsspleentknockoutsnowballcheckersbombermanelementalarchers": "Castle Wars, 1v1, Govindas Survival Games, Mini Sky Walls, Spleent, Knockout, Snowball, Checkers, Bomberman, Elemental Archers" - -? "creativeworldwithalotofusefulfeaturesworldeditvoxelsnipergobrushgopaintahugecollectionofplayerheadsandevenfurnituretoimproveyourbuilds" +? "Creative world with a lot of useful features! WorldEdit, VoxelSniper, goBrush, goPaint, a huge collection of player heads and even furniture to improve your builds!" : "Creative world with a lot of useful features! WorldEdit, VoxelSniper, goBrush, goPaint, a huge collection of player heads and even furniture to improve your builds!" diff --git a/code/!lang.sk b/code/!lang.sk new file mode 100644 index 0000000..10408d7 --- /dev/null +++ b/code/!lang.sk @@ -0,0 +1,162 @@ +function YAMLtoSQL(): + loop {languageslist::*}: + load yaml "plugins/Skript/scripts/languages/Language%loop-value in lowercase%.yml" as "lang%loop-value in lowercase%" + execute "TRUNCATE TABLE `languages`" in {-sql} + send last sql error to console if last sql error is set + wait a tick + loop yaml nodes from "langen": + loop {languageslist::*}: + set {_list::%loop-value-2%} to yaml value loop-value-1 from "lang%loop-value-2 in lowercase%" + execute "INSERT INTO `languages` VALUES (%{_list::en}%, %{_list::lt}%, %{_list::ru}%, %{_list::es}%, %{_list::da}%, %{_list::pt}%, %{_list::CN_Simplified}%)" in {-sql} + send last sql error to console if last sql error is set +#load languages from mysql +function loadSQLLanguages(): + execute "SELECT * FROM `languages`" in {-sql} and store the result in {_l::*} + loop indexes of {_l::*}: + set {_list::%loop-value%} to loop-value + + #done to make it the first index + set {_list::1} to "en" + delete {_list::en} + loop {_list::*}: + loop {_l::%loop-value%::*}: + if loop-value-1 is "en": + set {_index::%loop-index-2%} to loop-value-2 + set {langmsg::%loop-value-1%::%{_index::%loop-index-2%}%} to loop-value-2 +on script load: + wait a tick + loadSQLLanguages() +function SQLtoYAML(): + execute "SELECT * FROM `languages`" in {-sql} and store the result in {_l::*} + send last sql error to console if last sql error is set + loop indexes of {_l::*}: + unload yaml "lang%loop-value%" + load yaml "plugins/Skript/scripts/languages/Language%loop-value%.yml" as "lang%loop-value%" + set {_list::%loop-value%} to loop-value + + #done to make it the first index + set {_list::1} to "en" + delete {_list::en} + loop {_list::*}: + loop {_l::%loop-value%::*}: + if loop-value-1 is "en": + set {_index::%loop-index-2%} to loop-value-2 + set yaml value "%{_index::%loop-index-2%}%" from "lang%loop-value-1%" to "%loop-value-2%" + save yaml "lang%loop-value%" +on script load: + send "LOADING GLOBAL LANGUAGE FILES" to console + set {_languages::*} to "EN", "LT", "RU", "ES", "DA", "PT", "CN_Simplified" + loop {_languages::*}: + set {languageslist::%loop-value%} to loop-value +expression: + patterns: + translate %string% [for %player/string%] [with variables %-strings%] + translate %string% [with variables %-strings%] [for %player/string%] + get: + if expressions 3 is not set: + return translate(expression 1, expression 2) + else: + return translate(expression 1, expression 2, expressions 3) +function insertlater(m: text): + execute "INSERT INTO `languages` VALUES (%{_m}%, %{_m}%, %{_m}%, %{_m}%, %{_m}%, %{_m}%, %{_m}%)" in {-sql} +function translate(m: text, p: object, variables: strings = "null") :: text: + + #support both UUIDS and player names for getting language of the player + + set {_uuid} to {uuid::%{_p}%} if {name::%{_p}%} is not set else {_p} + + set {_lang} to epic variable "%{_uuid}%::language" ? "EN" + if {langmsg::%{_lang}%::%{_m}%} is not set: + + set {langmsg::%{_lang}%::%{_m}%} to {_m} + insertlater({_m}) + + + #replace $1$, $2$, etc. stuff into proper values (function provides arguments for it) + if {_variables::1} is not "null": + set {_msg} to {langmsg::%{_lang}%::%{_m}%} + loop {_variables::*}: + {_msg} contains "$%loop-index%$": + replace "$%loop-index%$" with loop-value in {_msg} + else: + exit loop + return {_msg} + + #Translation Mode 1, return the message (MOST USEFUL!) + return {langmsg::%{_lang}%::%{_m}%} + +function getSlotFromLanguage(lang: text) :: number: + switch {_lang}: + case "EN": + return 0 + case "LT": + return 1 + case "RU": + return 2 + case "DA": + return 3 + case "PT": + return 4 + case "CN_Simplified": + return 5 +command /languages []: + description: Set your language + usage: /languages + trigger: + wait a tick + open chest with 1 row named "&6- &a&lSelect language &6-" to player + set {_inventory} to player's current inventory + + #diamond block is displayed if the banner variable isn't set + set slot 0 of {_inventory} to ({banners::english} ? diamond block) named "&aEnglish" with lore "&e&lCLICK TO SELECT" with no nbt + set slot 1 of {_inventory} to ({banners::lithuania} ? diamond block) named "&aLietuvių" with lore "&e&lCLICK TO SELECT" with no nbt + set slot 2 of {_inventory} to ({banners::russia} ? diamond block) named "&aРусский" with lore "&e&lCLICK TO SELECT" with no nbt + set slot 3 of {_inventory} to ({banners::denmark} ? diamond block) named "&aDansk" with lore "&e&lCLICK TO SELECT" with no nbt + set slot 4 of {_inventory} to ({banners::portugal} ? diamond block) named "&aPortuguês" with lore "&e&lCLICK TO SELECT" with no nbt + set slot 5 of {_inventory} to ({banners::china} ? diamond block) named "&aChinese (Simplified)" with lore "&e&lCLICK TO SELECT" with no nbt + + set {_slot} to getSlotFromLanguage(epic variable "%uuid of player%::language") + set {_item} to {_inventory}.getItem({_slot}) + + set lore of {_item} to "&a&lSELECTED" + + set slot {_enchantslot} of {_inventory} to {_item} + + + + + set {_sp} to "Automatically detects your language based on your location." + + if {forcedenglish::%uuid of player%} is not set: + set slot 8 of {_inventory} to glowing redstone dust named "&eAutomatic Language Detection &2[&a&lON&2]" with lore "&7%{_sp}%", "&7This is enabled by default.", "&a", "&a&lCLICK TO TOGGLE" + else: + set slot 8 of {_inventory} to redstone dust named "&eAutomatic Language Detection &2[&c&lOFF&2]" with lore "&7%{_sp}%", "&7This is enabled by default.", "&a", "&a&lCLICK TO TOGGLE" + +on inventory click: + inventory name of player's current inventory = "&6- &a&lSelect language &6-" + clicked inventory is not player's inventory + set {_l} to epic variable "%uuid of player%::language" + switch clicked slot: + case 0: + set {_lang} to "EN" + case 1: + set {_lang} to "LT" + case 2: + set {_lang} to "RU" + case 3: + set {_lang} to "DA" + case 4: + set {_lang} to "PT" + case 5: + set {_lang} to "CN_Simplified" + case 8: + {forcedenglish::%uuid of player%} is not set: + set {forcedenglish::%uuid of player%} to true + send "&cAutomatic language detection has been disabled." + else: + delete {forcedenglish::%uuid of player%} + send "&aAutomatic language detection has been enabled back." + {_l} is not {_lang}: + set epic variable "%uuid of player%::language" to {_lang} + send "&eYou have selected &a%{_lang}% &elanguage!" + close inventory of player