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RedisBungee fork By Limework
Spigot link: click
The main project of RedisBungee is no longer maintained, so we have forked the plugin.
if you are here for transfering players to another proxy when the first proxy crashs or whatever this plugin wont do it, tell mojang to implement transfer packet
RedisBungee uses Redis to Synchronize data between BungeeCord proxies
Velocity version is comming in next few months.
Supported Redis versions
Redis version | Supported |
1.x.x | ✖ |
2.x.x | ✖ |
3.x.x | ✖ |
4.x.x | ✖ |
5.x.x | ✖ |
6.x.x | ✔ |
7.x.x | ✔ |
Implementing RedisBungee in your plugin:

RedisBungee is distributed as a maven project.
first, install it to your maven local repo as we don't have public maven repo.
git clone https://github.com/ProxioDev/RedisBungee.git
cd RedisBungee
mvn clean install
then to import for bungeecord use:
Second method by using jitpack
first, add this repository
then add this in your dependencies
Notice 2: users on git.limework.net
please create the issues on GitHub as its main project source.
REDISBUNGEE REQUIRES A REDIS SERVER, preferably with reasonably low latency. The default config is saved when the plugin first starts.
This project is distributed under Eclipse Public License 1.0
You can find it here
You can find the original RedisBungee by minecrafter here or spigot page here
You can join our matrix room here
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