Alternative method to provide dynamic arguments into sql query #28

szumielxd wants to merge 3 commits from szumielxd/skript-db:master into master
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Sometimes you want to create a query with dynamic content. For now, you're limited to using unsafe keyword, but as name states it isn't safe.
So... Here's simple idea to provide query arguments directly as object array. Maybe not 100% foolproof, but in my opinion much better option than self-made sanitization of input.

Some examples:

  • Select specific column
    execute unsafe "SELECT uuid, name, %{_columnName}% FROM stats WHERE displayname = ? LIMIT ?" in {-sql} with arguments {_displayName} and {_count} and store result in {_result::*}
  • Bulk update
    loop all players:
        add "(?, ?, ?)" to {_valuesString::*}
        add uuid of player to {_values::*}
        add name of player to {_values::*}
        add rounded unix timestamp of now to {_values::*}
    if size of {_valuesString::*} is bigger than 0:
        execute unsafe "INSERT INTO players (uuid,name,lastjoin) VALUES %join {_valuesString::*} by ", "% ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE name=VALUES(name), lastjoin=VALUES(lastjoin)" in {-sql} with arguments {_values::*}
Sometimes you want to create a query with dynamic content. For now, you're limited to using `unsafe` keyword, but as name states it isn't safe. So... Here's simple idea to provide query arguments directly as object array. Maybe not 100% foolproof, but in my opinion much better option than self-made sanitization of input. Some examples: - Select specific column ``` execute unsafe "SELECT uuid, name, %{_columnName}% FROM stats WHERE displayname = ? LIMIT ?" in {-sql} with arguments {_displayName} and {_count} and store result in {_result::*} ``` - Bulk update ``` loop all players: add "(?, ?, ?)" to {_valuesString::*} add uuid of player to {_values::*} add name of player to {_values::*} add rounded unix timestamp of now to {_values::*} if size of {_valuesString::*} is bigger than 0: execute unsafe "INSERT INTO players (uuid,name,lastjoin) VALUES %join {_valuesString::*} by ", "% ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE name=VALUES(name), lastjoin=VALUES(lastjoin)" in {-sql} with arguments {_values::*} ```
szumielxd added 3 commits 2024-07-17 23:16:52 +00:00
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