• 1.2.0 3e7cf7a6dd

    GovindasOM released this 2020-06-24 05:19:09 +00:00 | 68 commits to master since this release

    • Fixed a bug where when using local variables with SQL queries, only the first SQL query executed in the same tick populates variables, other queries do nothing if they're executed within the same tick

    • Fixed a bug where first startup of skript-db wasn't working due to configuration being generated after registration of syntaxes instead of before

  • 1.0.0 efa37217c2

    GovindasOM released this 2020-05-18 10:20:01 +00:00 | 71 commits to master since this release

    Re-added synchronous on current thread support and merged FranKusmiruk's fork which allows use of local variables within skript-db on newer Skript versions

  • 1.1.0 efa37217c2

    GovindasOM released this 2020-05-18 10:20:01 +00:00 | 71 commits to master since this release

    I've made thread pool size to now be configurable, previously it was just using it to be the same as the cores count.

    this can be useful when you do a lot of mysql connections to a separate machine and require a bigger thread pool to account for ping

    the current default value is cores count + 1 (only gets calculated on the first generation of the config)

    EDIT: Removed a debug message, please re-download the jar again if you've downloaded it previously.

  • 0.3.0-Govindas b2a53078a6

    GovindasOM released this 2020-05-02 17:02:25 +00:00 | 73 commits to master since this release

    Updated HikariCP to 3.4.3, the previous version of HikariCP was ancient and caused weird errors on specific Java 11 environments when using custom keystores
