package io.github.bi0qaw.biosphere.util; import org.bukkit.Location; import org.bukkit.World; import org.bukkit.util.Vector; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; public class LocationLib { public static Location[] getCircle(Location[] locations, double radius, double density) { Vector[] circle = VectorLib.getCircle(radius, density); return offset(locations, circle); } public static Location[] getCube(Location[] locations, double radius) { Vector[] cube = VectorLib.getCube(radius); return offset(locations, cube); } public static Location[] getCubeOutline(Location[] locations, double radius, double density) { Vector[] cubeoutline = VectorLib.getCubeOutline(radius, density); return offset(locations, cubeoutline); } public static Location[] getCylindricalCoordinate(Location[] locations, double radius, double yaw, double height) { return offset(locations, VectorMath.fromCylindricalCoordinates(radius, yaw, height)); } public static Location[] getHelix(Location[] locations, double radius, double height, double step, double density) { Vector[] helix = VectorLib.getHelix(radius, height, step, density); return offset(locations, helix); } public static Location[] getLine(Location[] locations, Location end, double density) { Vector origin = new Vector(0, 0, 0); Vector vector; ArrayList line = new ArrayList(); for (Location l: locations) { vector = end.toVector().subtract(l.toVector()); line.addAll(Arrays.asList(LocationLib.offset(new Location[] {l}, VectorLib.getLine(origin, vector, density)))); } return line.toArray(new Location[line.size()]); } public static Location[] getLineCoordinate(Location[] locations, Location end, double position) { Location[] coordinates = new Location[locations.length]; Vector delta; int i = 0; for (Location l: locations) { delta = end.toVector().subtract(l.toVector()).multiply(position); locations[i] = l.clone().add(delta); i++; } return locations; } public static Location[] getPolygon(Location[] locations, int points, double radius) { Vector[] polygon = VectorLib.getPolygon(points, radius); return offset(locations, polygon); } public static Location[] getPolygonOutline(Location[] locations, int points, double radius, double density) { Vector[] polygonoutline = VectorLib.getPolygonOutline(points, radius, density); return offset(locations, polygonoutline); } public static Location[] getRandomSphere(Location[] locations, double radius, double density) { Vector[] sphere = VectorLib.getRandomSphere(radius, density); return offset(locations, sphere); } public static Location[] getSphere(Location[] locations, double radius, double density) { Vector[] sphere = VectorLib.getSphere(radius, density); return offset(locations, sphere); } public static Location[] getSphericalCoordinates(Location[] locations, double radius, double yaw, double pitch) { Vector spherical = VectorMath.fromSphericalCoordinates(radius, yaw, pitch); return offset(locations, spherical); } public static Location[] linkAll(Location[] locations, double density) { if (locations.length > 0) { Vector[] vectors = VectorLib.toVector(locations); Vector[] linked = VectorLib.linkAll(vectors, density); Location[] linkedLocations = new Location[linked.length]; World world = locations[0].getWorld(); int i = 0; for (Vector v: linked) { linkedLocations[i] = v.toLocation(world); i++; } return linkedLocations; } else { return new Location[] {}; } } public static Location midpoint(Location[] locations) { if (locations.length > 0) { Vector[] vectors = VectorLib.toVector(locations); Vector midpoint = VectorLib.midpoint(vectors); return midpoint.toLocation(locations[0].getWorld()); } else { return null; } } public static Location[] offset(Location[] locations, Vector vector) { return offset(locations, new Vector[]{vector}); } public static Location[] offset(Location[] locations, Vector[] vectors) { Location[] offset = new Location[locations.length * vectors.length]; int i = 0; for (Location l: locations) { for (Vector v: vectors) { offset[i] = l.clone().add(v); i++; } } return offset; } public static Location[] pointReflection(Location[] locations, Location point) { if (locations.length > 0) { Vector[] vectors = VectorLib.toVector(locations); Vector[] reflection = VectorLib.pointReflection(vectors, point.toVector()); return toLocation(reflection, locations[0].getWorld()); } else { return new Location[]{}; } } public static Location[] reflection(Location[] locations, Location center, Vector direction) { if (locations.length > 0) { Vector[] vectors = VectorLib.toVector(locations); Vector[] reflection = VectorLib.reflection(vectors, center.toVector(), direction); return toLocation(reflection, locations[0].getWorld()); } else { return new Location[]{}; } } public static Location[] rotate(Location[] locations, Location center, Vector axis, double angle) { if (locations.length > 0) { Vector[] vectors = VectorLib.toVector(offset(locations, center.toVector().multiply(-1))); //move locations to origin & convert to vectors vectors = VectorLib.rotate(vectors, axis, angle); return offset(toLocation(vectors, locations[0].getWorld()), center.toVector()); } else { return new Location[] {}; } } public static Location[] rotateX(Location[] locations, Location center, double angle) { if (locations.length > 0) { Vector[] vectors = VectorLib.toVector(offset(locations, center.toVector().multiply(-1))); VectorLib.rotateX(vectors, angle); return offset(toLocation(vectors, locations[0].getWorld()), center.toVector()); } else { return new Location[]{}; } } public static Location[] rotateY(Location[] locations, Location center, double angle) { if (locations.length > 0) { Vector[] vectors = VectorLib.toVector(offset(locations, center.toVector().multiply(-1))); VectorLib.rotateY(vectors, angle); return offset(toLocation(vectors, locations[0].getWorld()), center.toVector()); } else { return new Location[]{}; } } public static Location[] rotateZ(Location[] locations, Location center, double angle) { if (locations.length > 0) { Vector[] vectors = VectorLib.toVector(offset(locations, center.toVector().multiply(-1))); VectorLib.rotateZ(vectors, angle); return offset(toLocation(vectors, locations[0].getWorld()), center.toVector()); } else { return new Location[]{}; } } public static Location[] scale(Location[] locations, Location center, double factor) { if (locations.length > 0) { Vector[] vectors = VectorLib.toVector(offset(locations, center.toVector().multiply(-1))); VectorLib.scale(vectors, factor); return offset(toLocation(vectors, locations[0].getWorld()), center.toVector()); } else { return new Location[]{}; } } public static Location[] scaleDirectional(Location[] locations, Location center, Vector direction, double factor) { if (locations.length > 0) { Vector[] vectors = VectorLib.toVector(offset(locations, center.toVector().multiply(-1))); VectorLib.scaleDirectional(vectors, direction, factor); return offset(toLocation(vectors, locations[0].getWorld()), center.toVector()); } else { return new Location[]{}; } } public static Location[] toLocation(Vector[] vectors, World world) { Location[] locations = new Location[vectors.length]; int i = 0; for (Vector v: vectors) { locations[i] = v.toLocation(world); i++; } return locations; } }