package me.TheBukor.SkStuff.pathfinders; import net.minecraft.server.v1_13_R2.*; import java.util.List; public class PathfinderGoalFollow_v1_13_R2 extends PathfinderGoal { private EntityCreature follower; private EntityLiving followed; private Class followedClass; private float radius; private double speed; private boolean isByName; private String customName; public PathfinderGoalFollow_v1_13_R2(EntityCreature follower, Class followedClass, float radius, double speed, boolean isByName, String customName) { this.follower = follower; this.followedClass = followedClass; this.radius = radius; this.speed = speed; this.isByName = isByName; this.customName = customName; } // a() is shouldExecute() @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public boolean a() { if (followed == null) { List list = followedClass, follower.getBoundingBox().grow(radius, 4.0D, radius)); if (list.isEmpty()) { return false; } if (isByName) { for (Object entity : list) { if (((EntityLiving) entity).getCustomName().equals(customName)) { followed = (EntityLiving) entity; return true; } } } else { followed = (EntityLiving) list.get(0); return true; } } return true; } // b() is shouldContinueExecuting() @Override public boolean b() { if (followed.dead) { followed = null; return false; } else if (followed.h(follower) < 9.0D || followed.h(follower) > Math.pow(radius, 2)) { // h() = distanceSquaredFrom() return false; // if 3 blocks away or not in radius, stop moving. //Maybe I'll add a teleport feature later. } else if (isByName) { if (!followed.getCustomName().equals(customName)) { followed = null; return false; } } return true; // n() is now protected void and I'm not sure how to access it, so I'm just returning a boolean, this probably will cause some issues with this pathfinder goal, if you know a better solution, let me know. - Govindas. } // c() is execute() @Override public void c() { follower.getNavigation().a(followed, speed); // a() means moveTo() } }