So reflection was awful to work with. I'm moving on to a new method...

using an Interface full of useful NMS methods. I'm still using
reflection, but only when absolutely needed.
I'm also working on a new and better implementation for NBT Lists.
Made NBT Lists and NBT Compounds serializable (can be saved in variables
through restarts), needs testing.
This commit is contained in:
Richard 2016-02-28 20:01:28 -03:00
parent 042aaa6ceb
commit f3fcb59fa1
17 changed files with 2316 additions and 545 deletions

View File

@ -6,5 +6,8 @@
<classpathentry kind="lib" path="C:/Users/Rubi/AppData/Roaming/.minecraft/Server - Survival - 1.8/plugins/WorldEdit.jar"/>
<classpathentry kind="lib" path="C:/Users/Rubi/AppData/Roaming/.minecraft/workspace/Spigot 1.8, 1.8.3/1.8.7.jar"/>
<classpathentry kind="lib" path="C:/Users/Rubi/AppData/Roaming/.minecraft/workspace/Spigot 1.8, 1.8.3/VanishNoPacket.jar"/>
<classpathentry kind="lib" path="C:/Users/Rubi/AppData/Roaming/.minecraft/workspace/Spigot 1.8, 1.8.3/1.7.10.jar"/>
<classpathentry kind="lib" path="C:/Users/Rubi/AppData/Roaming/.minecraft/workspace/Spigot 1.8, 1.8.3/1.8.3.jar"/>
<classpathentry kind="lib" path="C:/Users/Rubi/AppData/Roaming/.minecraft/workspace/Spigot 1.8, 1.8.3/1.8.jar"/>
<classpathentry kind="output" path="bin"/>

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
name: SkStuff
author: TheBukor
description: A Skript addon which adds extra functionalities such as NBT and extended WorldEdit support.
version: 1.5
version: 1.5.1
main: me.TheBukor.SkStuff.SkStuff
softdepend: [Skript, WorldEdit]

View File

@ -1,7 +1,5 @@
package me.TheBukor.SkStuff;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
@ -11,25 +9,21 @@ import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.inventory.Inventory;
import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack;
import org.fusesource.jansi.Ansi;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.EditSession;
import ch.njol.skript.Skript;
import ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer;
import ch.njol.skript.classes.ClassInfo;
import ch.njol.skript.classes.Parser;
import ch.njol.skript.lang.ExpressionType;
import ch.njol.skript.lang.ParseContext;
import ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleEvent;
import ch.njol.skript.registrations.Classes;
import ch.njol.skript.registrations.EventValues;
import ch.njol.skript.util.Getter;
import ch.njol.util.coll.CollectionUtils;
import me.TheBukor.SkStuff.conditions.CondSelectionContains;
import me.TheBukor.SkStuff.effects.EffClearPathGoals;
import me.TheBukor.SkStuff.effects.EffDrainLiquid;
import me.TheBukor.SkStuff.effects.EffDrawLineWE;
import me.TheBukor.SkStuff.effects.EffGZipFile;
import me.TheBukor.SkStuff.effects.EffMakeCylinder;
import me.TheBukor.SkStuff.effects.EffMakeJump;
import me.TheBukor.SkStuff.effects.EffMakePyramid;
@ -55,6 +49,8 @@ import me.TheBukor.SkStuff.expressions.ExprEndermanBlocks;
import me.TheBukor.SkStuff.expressions.ExprFileNBT;
import me.TheBukor.SkStuff.expressions.ExprFireProof;
import me.TheBukor.SkStuff.expressions.ExprItemNBT;
import me.TheBukor.SkStuff.expressions.ExprNBTListContents;
import me.TheBukor.SkStuff.expressions.ExprNBTListIndex;
import me.TheBukor.SkStuff.expressions.ExprNBTOf;
import me.TheBukor.SkStuff.expressions.ExprNewEditSession;
import me.TheBukor.SkStuff.expressions.ExprNoClip;
@ -68,7 +64,11 @@ import me.TheBukor.SkStuff.expressions.ExprToLowerCase;
import me.TheBukor.SkStuff.expressions.ExprToUpperCase;
import me.TheBukor.SkStuff.expressions.ExprVanishState;
import me.TheBukor.SkStuff.expressions.ExprWordsToUpperCase;
import me.TheBukor.SkStuff.util.NBTUtil;
import me.TheBukor.SkStuff.util.NMSInterface;
import me.TheBukor.SkStuff.util.NMS_v1_7_R4;
import me.TheBukor.SkStuff.util.NMS_v1_8_R1;
import me.TheBukor.SkStuff.util.NMS_v1_8_R2;
import me.TheBukor.SkStuff.util.NMS_v1_8_R3;
import me.TheBukor.SkStuff.util.ReflectionUtils;
public class SkStuff extends JavaPlugin {
@ -78,212 +78,47 @@ public class SkStuff extends JavaPlugin {
private int exprAmount = 0;
private int typeAmount = 0;
private Class<?> nbtClass = ReflectionUtils.getNMSClass("NBTTagCompound", false);
private Class<?> nbtListClass = ReflectionUtils.getNMSClass("NBTTagList", false);
private Class<?> nbtArrayClass = ReflectionUtils.getNMSClass("NBTTagCompound", true);
private Class<?> nbtParserClass = ReflectionUtils.getNMSClass("MojangsonParser", false);
public static SkStuff instance;
private static NMSInterface nmsMethods;
public void onEnable() {
if (Bukkit.getPluginManager().getPlugin("Skript") != null && Skript.isAcceptRegistrations()) {
getLogger().info("SkStuff " + this.getDescription().getVersion() + " has been successfully enabled!");
getLogger().info("Registering general non version specific stuff...");
Skript.registerEffect(EffShowEntityEffect.class, "(display|play|show) entity effect (0¦firework[s] explo(de|sion)|1¦hurt|2¦[[iron] golem] (give|offer) (rose|poppy)|3¦[sheep] eat grass|4¦wolf shake) at %entity%");
Skript.registerExpression(ExprToUpperCase.class, String.class, ExpressionType.SIMPLE, "%string% [converted] to [all] (cap[ital]s|upper[ ]case)", "convert %string% to [all] (cap[ital]s|upper[ ]case)", "capitalize [all] [char[acter]s (of|in)] %string%");
Skript.registerExpression(ExprToLowerCase.class, String.class, ExpressionType.SIMPLE, "%string% [converted] to [all] lower[ ]case", "convert %string% to [all] lower[ ]case", "un[( |-)]capitalize [all] [char[acter]s (of|in)] %string%");
Skript.registerExpression(ExprWordsToUpperCase.class, String.class, ExpressionType.SIMPLE, "(first|1st) (letter|char[acter]) (of|in) (each word|[all] words) (of|in) %string% [converted] to (cap[ital]s|upper[ ]case) (0¦|1¦ignoring [other] upper[ ]case [(char[acter]s|letters)])", "convert (first|1st) (letter|char[acter]) (of|in) (each word|[all] words) (of|in) %string% to (cap[ital]s|upper[ ]case) (0¦|1¦ignoring [other] upper[ ]case [(char[acter]s|letters)])", "capitalize (first|1st) (letter|char[acter]) (of|in) (each word|[all] words) (of|in) %string% (0¦|1¦ignoring [other] upper[ ]case [(char[acter]s|letters)])");
Skript.registerExpression(ExprTimespanToNumber.class, Number.class, ExpressionType.SIMPLE, "%timespan% [converted] [in]to (0¦ticks|1¦sec[ond]s|2¦min[ute]s|3¦hours|4¦days)");
Skript.registerExpression(ExprClickedInventory.class, Inventory.class, ExpressionType.SIMPLE, "[skstuff] clicked inventory");
effAmount += 1;
exprAmount += 5;
if (setupNMSVersion()) {
getLogger().info("Trying to register version specific stuff...");
Skript.registerEffect(EffClearPathGoals.class, "(clear|delete) [all] pathfind[er] goals (of|from) %livingentity%");
Skript.registerEffect(EffRemovePathGoal.class, "remove pathfind[er] goal (0¦(avoid|run away from) entit(y|ies)|1¦break door[s]|2¦breed|3¦eat grass|4¦(flee from the sun|seek shad(e|ow))|5¦float (in[side]|on) water|6¦follow (owner|tamer)|7¦follow (adult|parent)[s]|8¦(fight back|react to|target) (damager|attacker)|9¦o(c|z)elot jump on blocks|10¦leap at target|11¦look at entit(y|ies)|12¦melee attack entit(y|ies)|13¦move to[wards] target|14¦target nearest entity|15¦o(c|z)elot attack [chicken[s]]|16¦open door[s]|17¦(panic|flee)|18¦look around randomly|19¦(walk around randomly|wander)|20¦sit|21¦[creeper] (explode|inflate|swell)|22¦squid (swim|wander)|23¦shoot fireball[s]|24¦[silverfish] hide (in[side]|on) block[s]|25¦(wake other silverfish[es]|[silverfish] call (help|reinforcement|other [hidden] silverfish[es]))|26¦[enderm(a|e)n] pick[[ ]up] block[s]|27¦[enderm(a|e)n] place block[s]|28¦[enderman] attack player (staring|looking) [at eye[s]]|29¦ghast move to[wards] target|30¦ghast (idle move[ment]|wander|random fl(ight|y[ing]))|31¦(tempt to|follow players (holding|with)) [a[n]] item|32¦target [random] entity (if|when) (not tamed|untamed)|33¦guardian attack [entity]|34¦[z[ombie[ ]]pig[man]] attack [player[s]] (if|when) angry|35¦[z[ombie[ ]]pig[man]] (react to|fight back|target) (attacker|damager) (if|when) angry|36¦[rabbit] eat carrot crops|37¦[killer] rabbit [melee] attack|38¦slime [random] jump|39¦slime change (direction|facing) randomly|40¦slime (idle move[ment]|wander)) from %livingentity%");
Skript.registerEffect(EffSetPathGoal.class, "add pathfind[er] goal [[with] priority %-integer%] (0¦(avoid|run away from) %entitydata%[, radius %-number%[, speed %-number%[, speed (if|when) (close|near) %-number]]]|1¦break door[s]|2¦breed[,[move[ment]] speed %-number%]|3¦eat grass|4¦(flee from the sun|seek shad(e|ow))[, [move[ment]] speed %-number%]|5¦(float (in[side]|on) water|swim)|6¦follow (owner|tamer)[, speed %-number%[, min[imum] distance %-number%[, max[imum] distance %-number%]]]|7¦follow (adult|parent)[s][, [move[ment]] speed %-number%]|8¦(fight back|react to|target) (damager|attacker) [[of] type] %entitydata%[, call ([for] help|reinforcement) %-boolean%]|9¦o(c|z)elot jump on blocks[, [move[ment]] speed %-number%]|10¦leap at target[, [leap] height %-number%]|11¦look at %entitydata%[, (radius|max[imum] distance) %-number%]|12¦melee attack %entitydata%[, [move[ment]] speed %-number%[, (memorize|do('nt| not) forget) target [for [a] long[er] time] %-boolean%]]|13¦move to[wards] target[, [move[ment]] speed %-number%[, (radius|max[imum] distance) %-number%]]|14¦target nearest [entity [of] type] %entitydata%[, check sight %-boolean%]|15¦o(c|z)elot attack|16¦open door[s]|17¦(panic|flee)[, [move[ment]] speed %-number%]|18¦look around randomly|19¦(walk around randomly|wander)[, [move[ment]] speed %-number%[, min[imum] [of] %-timespan% between mov(e[ment][s]|ing)]]|20¦sit|21¦[creeper] (explode|inflate|swell)|22¦squid (swim around|wander)|23¦shoot fireball[s]|24¦[silverfish] hide (in[side]|on) block[s]|25¦((call|summon|wake) [other] [hidden] silverfish[es])|26¦[enderman] pick[[ ]up] block[s]|27¦[enderman] place block[s]|28¦[enderman] attack player (staring|looking) at [their] eye[s]]|29¦ghast move to[wards] target|30¦ghast (idle move[ment]|wander|random fl(ight|y[ing]))|31¦(tempt to|follow players (holding|with)) %-itemstack%[, [move[ment]] speed %number%[, scared of player movement %-boolean%]]|32¦target [random] %entitydata% (if|when) (not |un)tamed|33¦guardian attack [entities]|34¦[z[ombie[ ]]pig[man]] attack [player[s]] (if|when) angry|35¦[z[ombie[ ]]pig[man]] (react to|fight back|target) (attacker|damager) (if|when) angry|36¦[rabbit] eat carrot crops|37¦[killer] rabbit [melee] attack|38¦slime [random] jump|39¦slime change (direction|facing) randomly|40¦slime (idle move[ment]|wander)) to %livingentity%");
Skript.registerEffect(EffSetPathGoal.class, "add pathfind[er] goal [[with] priority %-integer%] (0¦(avoid|run away from) %entitydata%[, radius %-number%[, speed %-number%[, speed (if|when) (close|near) %-number%]]]|1¦break door[s]|2¦breed[,[move[ment]] speed %-number%]|3¦eat grass|4¦(flee from the sun|seek shad(e|ow))[, [move[ment]] speed %-number%]|5¦(float (in[side]|on) water|swim)|6¦follow (owner|tamer)[, speed %-number%[, min[imum] distance %-number%[, max[imum] distance %-number%]]]|7¦follow (adult|parent)[s][, [move[ment]] speed %-number%]|8¦(fight back|react to|target) (damager|attacker) [[of] type] %entitydata%[, call ([for] help|reinforcement) %-boolean%]|9¦o(c|z)elot jump on blocks[, [move[ment]] speed %-number%]|10¦leap at target[, [leap] height %-number%]|11¦look at %entitydata%[, (radius|max[imum] distance) %-number%]|12¦melee attack %entitydata%[, [move[ment]] speed %-number%[, (memorize|do('nt| not) forget) target [for [a] long[er] time] %-boolean%]]|13¦move to[wards] target[, [move[ment]] speed %-number%[, (radius|max[imum] distance) %-number%]]|14¦target nearest [entity [of] type] %entitydata%[, check sight %-boolean%]|15¦o(c|z)elot attack|16¦open door[s]|17¦(panic|flee)[, [move[ment]] speed %-number%]|18¦look around randomly|19¦(walk around randomly|wander)[, [move[ment]] speed %-number%[, min[imum] [of] %-timespan% between mov(e[ment][s]|ing)]]|20¦sit|21¦[creeper] (explode|inflate|swell)|22¦squid (swim around|wander)|23¦shoot fireball[s]|24¦[silverfish] hide (in[side]|on) block[s]|25¦((call|summon|wake) [other] [hidden] silverfish[es])|26¦[enderman] pick[[ ]up] block[s]|27¦[enderman] place block[s]|28¦[enderman] attack player (staring|looking) at [their] eye[s]]|29¦ghast move to[wards] target|30¦ghast (idle move[ment]|wander|random fl(ight|y[ing]))|31¦(tempt to|follow players (holding|with)) %-itemstack%[, [move[ment]] speed %number%[, scared of player movement %-boolean%]]|32¦target [random] %entitydata% (if|when) (not |un)tamed|33¦guardian attack [entities]|34¦[z[ombie[ ]]pig[man]] attack [player[s]] (if|when) angry|35¦[z[ombie[ ]]pig[man]] (react to|fight back|target) (attacker|damager) (if|when) angry|36¦[rabbit] eat carrot crops|37¦[killer] rabbit [melee] attack|38¦slime [random] jump|39¦slime change (direction|facing) randomly|40¦slime (idle move[ment]|wander)) to %livingentity%");
Skript.registerEffect(EffMakeJump.class, "make %livingentities% jump", "force %livingentities% to jump");
Skript.registerEffect(EffShowEntityEffect.class, "(display|play|show) entity effect (0¦firework[s] explo(de|sion)|1¦hurt|2¦[[iron] golem] (give|offer) (rose|poppy)|3¦[sheep] eat grass|4¦wolf shake) at %entity%");
Skript.registerExpression(ExprNBTOf.class, Object.class, ExpressionType.PROPERTY, "nbt[[ ]tag[s]] of %object%", "%object%'s nbt[[ ]tag[s]]");
Skript.registerEffect(EffGZipFile.class, "create [a] gzip[ped] file [at] %string%");
Skript.registerExpression(ExprNBTOf.class, Object.class, ExpressionType.PROPERTY, "nbt[[ ]tag[s]] of %~object%", "%~object%'s nbt[[ ]tag[s]]");
Skript.registerExpression(ExprItemNBT.class, ItemStack.class, ExpressionType.SIMPLE, "%itemstack% with [custom] nbt[[ ]tag[s]] %string%");
Skript.registerExpression(ExprTagOf.class, Object.class, ExpressionType.PROPERTY, "[nbt[ ]]tag %string% of [[nbt] compound] %compound%");
Skript.registerExpression(ExprFileNBT.class, Object.class, ExpressionType.PROPERTY, "nbt[[ ]tag[s]] from [file] %string%");
Skript.registerExpression(ExprNBTListIndex.class, Object.class, ExpressionType.PROPERTY, "[nbt[ ]list] %nbtlist% index %number%");
Skript.registerExpression(ExprNBTListContents.class, Object.class, ExpressionType.PROPERTY, "[all] contents (of|from) [nbt[ ]list] %nbtlist%", "[nbt[ ]list] %nbtlist% contents");
Skript.registerExpression(ExprNoClip.class, Boolean.class, ExpressionType.PROPERTY, "no[( |-)]clip (state|mode) of %entities%", "%entities%'s no[( |-)]clip (state|mode)");
Skript.registerExpression(ExprFireProof.class, Boolean.class, ExpressionType.PROPERTY, "fire[ ]proof (state|mode) of %entities%", "%entities%'s fire[ ]proof (state|mode)");
Skript.registerExpression(ExprEndermanBlocks.class, ItemStack.class, ExpressionType.PROPERTY, "blocks that %entity% can (carry|hold|grab|steal)");
Classes.registerClass(new ClassInfo<Object>((Class<Object>) nbtClass, "compound").user("((nbt)?( ?tag)?) ?compounds?").name("NBT Compound").changer(new Changer<Object>() {
public Class<?>[] acceptChange(ChangeMode mode) {
if (mode == ChangeMode.ADD || mode == ChangeMode.REMOVE || mode == ChangeMode.SET) {
return CollectionUtils.array(String[].class, nbtArrayClass);
return null;
public void change(Object[] NBT, @Nullable Object[] delta, ChangeMode mode) {
if (NBT[0].getClass().getName().contains("NBTTagCompound")) {
if (!(delta[0] instanceof String) || !(delta[0].getClass().isInstance(nbtClass)))
String newTags = (String) delta[0];
if (mode == ChangeMode.SET) {
if (!(delta[0] instanceof String))
NBT[0] = delta[0];
} else if (mode == ChangeMode.ADD) {
if (delta[0] instanceof String) {
Object NBT1 = null;
try {
NBT1 = nbtParserClass.getMethod("parse", String.class).invoke(NBT1, newTags);
} catch (Exception ex) {
if (ex instanceof InvocationTargetException && ex.getCause().getClass().getName().contains("MojangsonParseException")) {
getLogger().warning(Ansi.ansi().fgBright(Ansi.Color.RED) + "Error when parsing NBT - " + ex.getCause().getMessage() + Ansi.ansi().fgBright(Ansi.Color.DEFAULT));
NBTUtil.addCompound(NBT[0], NBT1);
} else {
NBTUtil.addCompound(NBT[0], delta[0]);
} else if (mode == ChangeMode.REMOVE) {
if (!(delta[0] instanceof String))
for (Object s : delta) {
try {
nbtClass.getMethod("remove", String.class).invoke(NBT[0], (String) s);
} catch (Exception ex) {
}).parser(new Parser<Object>() {
public String getVariableNamePattern() {
return ".+";
public Object parse(String rawNBT, ParseContext context) {
if (rawNBT.startsWith("nbt:{") && rawNBT.endsWith("}")) {
Object NBT = null;
try {
NBT = nbtParserClass.getMethod("parse", String.class).invoke(NBT, rawNBT);
} catch (Exception ex) {
if (ex instanceof InvocationTargetException && ex.getCause().getClass().getName().contains("MojangsonParseException")) {
return null;
if (NBT.toString().equals("{}") || NBT == null) {
return null;
return NBT;
return null;
public String toString(Object compound, int arg1) {
return compound.toString();
public String toVariableNameString(Object compound) {
return "nbt:" + compound.toString();
Classes.registerClass(new ClassInfo<Object>((Class<Object>) nbtListClass, "nbtlist").user("nbt ?list ?(tag)?").name("NBT List").changer(new Changer<Object>() {
public Class<?>[] acceptChange(ChangeMode mode) {
if (mode == ChangeMode.ADD || mode == ChangeMode.SET || mode == ChangeMode.DELETE || mode == ChangeMode.RESET) {
return CollectionUtils.array(Float[].class, Double[].class, String[].class, nbtArrayClass, Integer[].class);
return null;
public void change(Object[] list, @Nullable Object[] delta, ChangeMode mode) {
if (list[0].getClass().getName().contains("NBTTagList")) {
int typeId = 0;
if (delta instanceof Float[]) {
typeId = 5;
} else if (delta instanceof Double[]) {
typeId = 6;
} else if (delta instanceof String[]) {
typeId = 8;
} else if (delta.getClass() == nbtArrayClass) {
typeId = 10;
} else if (delta instanceof Integer[]) {
typeId = 11;
} else {
if (mode == ChangeMode.SET) {
if (NBTUtil.getContentsId(list) == typeId)
list[0] = delta[0];
} else if (mode == ChangeMode.ADD) {
if (NBTUtil.getContentsId(list) == typeId) {
if (typeId == 10) {
String newTags = (String) delta[0];
Object NBT1 = null;
try {
NBT1 = nbtParserClass.getMethod("parse", String.class).invoke(NBT1, newTags);
} catch (Exception ex) {
if (ex instanceof InvocationTargetException && ex.getCause().getClass().getName().contains("MojangsonParseException")) {
Skript.warning(Ansi.ansi().fgBright(Ansi.Color.RED) + "Error when parsing NBT - " + ex.getCause().getMessage() + Ansi.ansi().fgBright(Ansi.Color.DEFAULT));
NBTUtil.addToList(list[0], new Object[] { NBT1 });
} else {
NBTUtil.addToList(list[0], delta);
} else if (mode == ChangeMode.DELETE || mode == ChangeMode.RESET) {
try {
list[0] = nbtListClass.newInstance();
} catch (Exception ex) {
}).parser(new Parser<Object>() {
public String getVariableNamePattern() {
return ".+";
public Object parse(String rawNBTList, ParseContext context) {
return null;
public String toString(Object list, int arg1) {
return list.toString();
public String toVariableNameString(Object list) {
return list.toString();
effAmount += 5;
exprAmount += 6;
exprAmount += 9;
typeAmount += 2;
if (Bukkit.getPluginManager().getPlugin("WorldEdit") != null) {
getLogger().info("WorldEdit found! Registering WorldEdit stuff...");
Skript.registerCondition(CondSelectionContains.class, "[(world[ ]edit|we)] selection of %player% (contains|has) %location%", "%player%'s [(world[ ]edit|we)] selection (contains|has) %location%", "[(world[ ]edit|we)] selection of %player% does(n't| not) (contain|have) %location%", "%player%'s [(world[ ]edit|we)] selection does(n't| not) (contain|have) %location%");
@ -350,6 +185,34 @@ public class SkStuff extends JavaPlugin {
private boolean setupNMSVersion() {
String version = ReflectionUtils.getVersion();
if (version.equals("v1_7_R4.")) {
nmsMethods = new NMS_v1_7_R4();
getLogger().info("It looks like you're running 1.7.10!");
} else if (version.equals("v1_8_R1.")) {
nmsMethods = new NMS_v1_8_R1();
getLogger().info("It looks like you're running 1.8.0!");
} else if (version.equals("v1_8_R2.")) {
nmsMethods = new NMS_v1_8_R2();
getLogger().info("It looks like you're running 1.8.3!");
} else if (version.equals("v1_8_R3.")) {
nmsMethods = new NMS_v1_8_R3();
getLogger().info("It looks like you're either running 1.8.7, 1.8.8 or 1.8.9!");
} else {
getLogger().warning("It looks like you're running an unsupported server version, some features will not be available :(");
return nmsMethods != null;
public static SkStuff getInstance() {
return instance;
public static NMSInterface getNMSMethods() {
return nmsMethods;
public void onDisable() {
getLogger().info("SkStuff " + this.getDescription().getVersion() + " has been successfully disabled.");

View File

@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
package me.TheBukor.SkStuff.effects;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import org.bukkit.event.Event;
import ch.njol.skript.lang.Effect;
import ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression;
import ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult;
import ch.njol.util.Kleenean;
public class EffGZipFile extends Effect {
private Expression<String> filePath;
public boolean init(Expression<?>[] expr, int matchedPattern, Kleenean arg2, ParseResult result) {
filePath = (Expression<String>) expr[0];
return true;
public String toString(@Nullable Event e, boolean debug) {
return "create GZipped file at " + filePath.toString(e, debug);
protected void execute(Event e) {
File newFile = new File(filePath.getSingle(e));
if (!newFile.exists()) {
try {
} catch (IOException ex) {
try {
new GZIPOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(newFile)).close();
} catch (FileNotFoundException ex) {
} catch (IOException ex) {
if (!(ex instanceof EOFException)) {

View File

@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ public class WorldEditExtent extends AbstractLoggingExtent {
protected void onBlockChange(final Vector vec, BaseBlock baseBlock) {
final Block b = BukkitUtil.toLocation(world, vec).getBlock();
final Player p = Bukkit.getPlayerExact(actor.getName());
Bukkit.getPluginManager().callEvent(new EvtWorldEditChange(p, b));
EvtWorldEditChange event = new EvtWorldEditChange(p, b);

View File

@ -1,36 +1,24 @@
package me.TheBukor.SkStuff.expressions;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import org.bukkit.event.Event;
import org.fusesource.jansi.Ansi;
import ch.njol.skript.Skript;
import ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode;
import ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression;
import ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult;
import ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression;
import ch.njol.util.Kleenean;
import ch.njol.util.coll.CollectionUtils;
import me.TheBukor.SkStuff.util.NBTUtil;
import me.TheBukor.SkStuff.SkStuff;
import me.TheBukor.SkStuff.util.ReflectionUtils;
public class ExprFileNBT extends SimpleExpression<Object> {
private Expression<String> input;
private Class<?> nbtClass = ReflectionUtils.getNMSClass("NBTTagCompound", false);
private Class<?> nbtParserClass = ReflectionUtils.getNMSClass("MojangsonParser", false);
private Class<?> nbtCompressedClass = ReflectionUtils.getNMSClass("NBTCompressedStreamTools", false);
public Class<? extends Object> getReturnType() {
@ -57,82 +45,31 @@ public class ExprFileNBT extends SimpleExpression<Object> {
public Object[] get(Event e) {
Object NBT = null;
File file = new File(input.getSingle(e));
InputStream fis;
try {
fis = new FileInputStream(file);
} catch (FileNotFoundException ex) {
return null; // File doesn't exist
try {
NBT = nbtCompressedClass.getMethod("a", FileInputStream.class).invoke(NBT, fis);
} catch (Exception ex) {
} finally {
try {
} catch (IOException ex) {
return new Object[] { NBT };
String fileName = input.getSingle(e);
fileName = !fileName.endsWith(".dat") ? fileName + ".dat" : fileName;
File file = new File(fileName);
if (!file.exists())
return null;
return new Object[] { SkStuff.getNMSMethods().getFileNBT(file) };
public void change(Event e, @Nullable Object[] delta, ChangeMode mode) {
File file = new File(input.getSingle(e));
String tags = (String) delta[0];
OutputStream os = null;
InputStream fis = null;
try {
os = new FileOutputStream(file);
fis = new FileInputStream(file);
} catch (FileNotFoundException ex) {
return; // File doesn't exist.
if (mode == ChangeMode.ADD) {
try {
Object NBT = null;
NBT = nbtCompressedClass.getMethod("a", FileInputStream.class).invoke(NBT, fis);
Object NBT1 = null;
NBT1 = nbtParserClass.getMethod("parse", String.class).invoke(NBT1, tags);
NBTUtil.addCompound(NBT, NBT1);
nbtCompressedClass.getMethod("a", nbtClass, FileOutputStream.class).invoke(nbtCompressedClass.newInstance(), NBT, os);
} catch (Exception ex) {
if (ex instanceof InvocationTargetException && ex.getCause().getClass().getName().contains("MojangsonParseException")) {
Skript.warning(Ansi.ansi().fgBright(Ansi.Color.RED) + "Error when parsing NBT - " + ex.getCause().getMessage() + Ansi.ansi().fgBright(Ansi.Color.DEFAULT));
String fileName = input.getSingle(e);
fileName = !fileName.endsWith(".dat") ? fileName + ".dat" : fileName;
File file = new File(fileName);
if (!file.exists())
} finally {
try {
} catch (IOException e1) {
Object fileNBT = SkStuff.getNMSMethods().getFileNBT(file);
if (mode == ChangeMode.ADD) {
Object parsedNBT = SkStuff.getNMSMethods().parseRawNBT((String) delta[0]);
SkStuff.getNMSMethods().addToCompound(fileNBT, parsedNBT);
SkStuff.getNMSMethods().setFileNBT(file, fileNBT);
} else if (mode == ChangeMode.REMOVE) {
try {
Object NBT = null;
NBT = nbtCompressedClass.getMethod("a", FileInputStream.class).invoke(NBT, fis);
for (Object s : delta) {
nbtClass.getMethod("remove", String.class).invoke(NBT, s);
nbtCompressedClass.getMethod("a", nbtClass, FileOutputStream.class).invoke(nbtCompressedClass.newInstance(), NBT, os);
} catch (Exception ex) {
if (ex instanceof EOFException) {
// No actual error, just end of the file. Ignore it.
} else {
SkStuff.getNMSMethods().removeFromCompound(fileNBT, (String) s);
SkStuff.getNMSMethods().setFileNBT(file, fileNBT);
@ -141,7 +78,7 @@ public class ExprFileNBT extends SimpleExpression<Object> {
public Class<?>[] acceptChange(ChangeMode mode) {
if (mode == ChangeMode.ADD || mode == ChangeMode.REMOVE) {
return CollectionUtils.array(String.class);
return CollectionUtils.array(String[].class);
return null;

View File

@ -1,30 +1,21 @@
package me.TheBukor.SkStuff.expressions;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import org.bukkit.Material;
import org.bukkit.event.Event;
import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack;
import org.fusesource.jansi.Ansi;
import ch.njol.skript.Skript;
import ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression;
import ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult;
import ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression;
import ch.njol.util.Kleenean;
import me.TheBukor.SkStuff.util.ReflectionUtils;
import me.TheBukor.SkStuff.SkStuff;
public class ExprItemNBT extends SimpleExpression<ItemStack> {
private Expression<ItemStack> itemStack;
private Expression<String> string;
private Class<?> nbtClass = ReflectionUtils.getNMSClass("NBTTagCompound", false);
private Class<?> nbtParseClass = ReflectionUtils.getNMSClass("MojangsonParser", false);
private Class<?> nmsItemClass = ReflectionUtils.getNMSClass("ItemStack", false);
private Class<?> craftItemClass = ReflectionUtils.getOBCClass("inventory.CraftItemStack");
public Class<? extends ItemStack> getReturnType() {
@ -57,32 +48,8 @@ public class ExprItemNBT extends SimpleExpression<ItemStack> {
if (item.getType() == Material.AIR || item == null) {
return null;
Object nmsItem = null;
try {
nmsItem = craftItemClass.getMethod("asNMSCopy", ItemStack.class).invoke(item, item);
} catch (Exception ex) {
try {
Object NBT = null;
NBT = nbtParseClass.getMethod("parse", String.class).invoke(NBT, newTags);
if (NBT == null || NBT.toString().equals("{}")) { //"{}" is an empty compound.
return new ItemStack[] { item }; //There's no NBT involved, so just give a normal item.
nmsItem.getClass().getMethod("setTag", nbtClass).invoke(nmsItem, NBT);
} catch (Exception ex) {
if (ex instanceof InvocationTargetException && ex.getCause().getClass().getName().contains("MojangsonParseException")) {
Skript.warning(Ansi.ansi().fgBright(Ansi.Color.RED) + "Error when parsing NBT - " + ex.getCause().getMessage() + Ansi.ansi().fgBright(Ansi.Color.DEFAULT));
return null;
Object newItem = null;
try {
newItem = craftItemClass.getMethod("asCraftMirror", nmsItemClass).invoke(newItem, nmsItem);
} catch (Exception ex) {
return new ItemStack[] { (ItemStack) newItem };
Object parsedNBT = SkStuff.getNMSMethods().parseRawNBT(newTags);
ItemStack newItem = SkStuff.getNMSMethods().getItemWithNBT(item, parsedNBT);
return new ItemStack[] { newItem };

View File

@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
package me.TheBukor.SkStuff.expressions;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import org.bukkit.event.Event;
//import ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode;
import ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression;
import ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult;
import ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression;
import ch.njol.util.Kleenean;
//import ch.njol.util.coll.CollectionUtils;
import me.TheBukor.SkStuff.SkStuff;
//import me.TheBukor.SkStuff.util.ReflectionUtils;
public class ExprNBTListContents extends SimpleExpression<Object> {
private Expression<Object> nbtList;
//private Class<?> nbtListClass = ReflectionUtils.getNMSClass("NBTTagList", false);
//private Class<?> nbtClass = ReflectionUtils.getNMSClass("NBTTagCompound", false);
public Class<? extends Object> getReturnType() {
return Object.class;
public boolean isSingle() {
return false;
public boolean init(Expression<?>[] expr, int matchedPattern, Kleenean arg2, ParseResult result) {
nbtList = (Expression<Object>) expr[0];
return false;
public String toString(@Nullable Event e, boolean debug) {
return "contents from NBT list " + nbtList.toString(e, debug);
protected Object[] get(Event e) {
Object list = nbtList.getSingle(e);
return null;
public void change(Event e, @Nullable Object[] delta, ChangeMode mode) {
Object list = nbtList.getSingle(e);
if (mode == ChangeMode.ADD) {
if (!(delta[0] instanceof Number || delta[0] instanceof String || nbtListClass.isAssignableFrom(delta[0].getClass()) || nbtClass.isAssignableFrom(delta[0].getClass())))
return; //NBT can only store numbers, strings, lists or compounds.
SkStuff.getNMSMethods().addToList(list, delta[0]);
} else if (mode == ChangeMode.REMOVE) {
// TODO A method to remove a specific object from a NBT List
} else if (mode == ChangeMode.REMOVE_ALL) {
// TODO A method to remove all objects of some type from a NBT List
public Class<?>[] acceptChange(ChangeMode mode) {
if (mode == ChangeMode.ADD || mode == ChangeMode.REMOVE || mode == ChangeMode.REMOVE_ALL) {
return CollectionUtils.array(Object.class);
return null;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
package me.TheBukor.SkStuff.expressions;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import org.bukkit.event.Event;
import ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode;
import ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression;
import ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult;
import ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression;
import ch.njol.util.Kleenean;
import ch.njol.util.coll.CollectionUtils;
import me.TheBukor.SkStuff.SkStuff;
import me.TheBukor.SkStuff.util.ReflectionUtils;
public class ExprNBTListIndex extends SimpleExpression<Object> {
private Expression<Object> nbtList;
private Expression<Number> index;
private Class<?> nbtBaseClass = ReflectionUtils.getNMSClass("NBTBase", false);
public Class<? extends Object> getReturnType() {
return Object.class;
public boolean isSingle() {
return false;
public boolean init(Expression<?>[] expr, int matchedPattern, Kleenean arg2, ParseResult result) {
nbtList = (Expression<Object>) expr[0];
index = (Expression<Number>) expr[1];
return false;
public String toString(@Nullable Event e, boolean debug) {
return "NBT list" + nbtList.toString(e, debug) + " index " + index.toString(e, debug);
protected Object[] get(Event e) {
int i = index.getSingle(e).intValue();
Object list = nbtList.getSingle(e);
SkStuff.getNMSMethods().getIndex(list, i);
return null;
public void change(Event e, @Nullable Object[] delta, ChangeMode mode) {
int i = index.getSingle(e).intValue();
Object list = nbtList.getSingle(e);
if (mode == ChangeMode.SET) {
if (!(delta[0] instanceof Number || delta[0] instanceof String || nbtBaseClass.isAssignableFrom(delta[0].getClass())))
//All NBTTags extends NBTBase, so it will check if delta[0] is instance of NBTTagList or NBTTagCompound, because these are the only NBTTagX classes registered in this addon.
return; //NBT can only store numbers, strings, lists or compounds.
SkStuff.getNMSMethods().setIndex(list, i, delta[0]);
} else if (mode == ChangeMode.DELETE) {
SkStuff.getNMSMethods().removeFromList(list, i);
public Class<?>[] acceptChange(ChangeMode mode) {
if (mode == ChangeMode.SET || mode == ChangeMode.DELETE) {
return CollectionUtils.array(Object.class);
return null;

View File

@ -1,38 +1,32 @@
package me.TheBukor.SkStuff.expressions;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.util.Arrays;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import org.bukkit.Material;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.block.Block;
import org.bukkit.entity.Entity;
import org.bukkit.event.Event;
import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack;
import org.fusesource.jansi.Ansi;
import ch.njol.skript.ScriptLoader;
import ch.njol.skript.Skript;
import ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode;
import ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression;
import ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult;
import ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression;
import ch.njol.skript.log.ErrorQuality;
import ch.njol.skript.util.Slot;
import ch.njol.util.Kleenean;
import ch.njol.util.coll.CollectionUtils;
import me.TheBukor.SkStuff.util.NBTUtil;
import me.TheBukor.SkStuff.SkStuff;
import me.TheBukor.SkStuff.util.ReflectionUtils;
public class ExprNBTOf extends SimpleExpression<Object> {
private Expression<Object> target;
private Class<?> nbtClass = ReflectionUtils.getNMSClass("NBTTagCompound", false);
private Class<?> nbtParserClass = ReflectionUtils.getNMSClass("MojangsonParser", false);
private Class<?> nmsPosClass = ReflectionUtils.getNMSClass("BlockPosition", false);
private Class<?> nmsItemClass = ReflectionUtils.getNMSClass("ItemStack", false);
private Class<?> craftEntClass = ReflectionUtils.getOBCClass("entity.CraftEntity");
private Class<?> craftItemClass = ReflectionUtils.getOBCClass("inventory.CraftItemStack");
private Class<?> craftWorldClass = ReflectionUtils.getOBCClass("CraftWorld");
public Class<? extends Object> getReturnType() {
@ -46,8 +40,17 @@ public class ExprNBTOf extends SimpleExpression<Object> {
public boolean init(Expression<?>[] expr, int matchedPattern, Kleenean arg2, ParseResult arg3) {
public boolean init(Expression<?>[] expr, int matchedPattern, Kleenean arg2, ParseResult result) {
target = (Expression<Object>) expr[0];
Class<?> type = target.getReturnType();
Class<? extends Event>[] evts = ScriptLoader.getCurrentEvents();
for (int i = 0; i < evts.length; i++) {
Bukkit.broadcastMessage("Event #" + i + ": \u00A7b" + evts[i].getSimpleName());
Bukkit.broadcastMessage("Object type: \u00A79" + type.getSimpleName());
if (type != Entity.class || type != Block.class || type != ItemStack.class || type != Slot.class) {
Skript.error(target.toString() + " is neither an entity, a block nor an itemstack.", ErrorQuality.SEMANTIC_ERROR);
return true;
@ -61,54 +64,11 @@ public class ExprNBTOf extends SimpleExpression<Object> {
public Object[] get(Event e) {
Object tar = target.getSingle(e);
if (tar instanceof Entity) {
Object NBT = null;
try {
Object nmsEnt = craftEntClass.getMethod("getHandle").invoke(tar);
NBT = nbtClass.newInstance();
nmsEnt.getClass().getMethod("e", nbtClass).invoke(nmsEnt, NBT);
} catch (Exception ex) {
return new Object[] { NBT };
return new Object[] { SkStuff.getNMSMethods().getEntityNBT((Entity) tar) };
} else if (tar instanceof Block) {
Block block = (Block) tar;
Object NBT = null;
Object tileEntity = null;
try {
NBT = nbtClass.newInstance();
Object craftWorld = craftWorldClass.cast(block.getWorld());
Object nmsWorld = craftWorld.getClass().getMethod("getHandle").invoke(craftWorld);
tileEntity = nmsWorld.getClass().getMethod("getTileEntity", nmsPosClass).invoke(nmsWorld, nmsPosClass.getConstructor(int.class, int.class, int.class).newInstance(block.getX(), block.getY(), block.getZ()));
} catch (Exception ex) {
if (tileEntity == null) {
return null;
try {
tileEntity.getClass().getMethod("b", nbtClass).invoke(tileEntity, NBT);
} catch (Exception ex) {
return new Object[] { NBT };
return new Object[] { SkStuff.getNMSMethods().getTileNBT((Block) tar) };
} else if (tar instanceof ItemStack) {
ItemStack item = (ItemStack) tar;
if (item.getType() == Material.AIR) {
return null;
Object NBT = null;
try {
Object nmsItem = craftItemClass.getMethod("asNMSCopy", ItemStack.class).invoke(item, item);
NBT = nmsItem.getClass().getMethod("getTag").invoke(nmsItem);
} catch (Exception ex) {
if (NBT == null || NBT.toString().equals("{}")) { //Null or empty.
return null;
return new Object[] { NBT };
return new Object[] { SkStuff.getNMSMethods().getItemNBT((ItemStack) tar) };
return null;
@ -116,182 +76,60 @@ public class ExprNBTOf extends SimpleExpression<Object> {
public void change(Event e, Object[] delta, ChangeMode mode) {
Object tar = target.getSingle(e);
if (!(delta[0] instanceof String))
if (tar instanceof Entity) {
Object NBT = null;
Object nmsEnt = null;
try {
nmsEnt = craftEntClass.getMethod("getHandle").invoke(tar);
NBT = nbtClass.newInstance();
nmsEnt.getClass().getMethod("e", nbtClass).invoke(nmsEnt, NBT);
} catch (Exception ex) {
Object entNBT = SkStuff.getNMSMethods().getEntityNBT((Entity) tar);
if (mode == ChangeMode.ADD) {
String newTags = (String) (delta[0]);
try {
Object NBT1 = null;
NBT1 = nbtParserClass.getMethod("parse", String.class).invoke(NBT1, newTags);
NBT1.getClass().getMethod("remove", String.class).invoke(NBT1, "UUIDMost"); // Prevent crucial data from being modified
NBT1.getClass().getMethod("remove", String.class).invoke(NBT1, "UUIDLeast"); // Prevent crucial data from being modified
NBT1.getClass().getMethod("remove", String.class).invoke(NBT1, "WorldUUIDMost"); // Prevent crucial data from being modified
NBT1.getClass().getMethod("remove", String.class).invoke(NBT1, "WorldUUIDLeast"); // Prevent crucial data from being modified
NBT1.getClass().getMethod("remove", String.class).invoke(NBT1, "Bukkit.updateLevel"); // Prevent crucial data from being modified
NBTUtil.addCompound(NBT, NBT1);
nmsEnt.getClass().getMethod("f", nbtClass).invoke(nmsEnt, NBT);
} catch (Exception ex) {
if (ex instanceof InvocationTargetException && ex.getCause().getClass().getName().contains("MojangsonParseException")) {
Skript.warning(Ansi.ansi().fgBright(Ansi.Color.RED) + "Error when parsing NBT - " + ex.getCause().getMessage() + Ansi.ansi().fgBright(Ansi.Color.DEFAULT));
Object parsedNBT = SkStuff.getNMSMethods().parseRawNBT((String) delta[0]);
SkStuff.getNMSMethods().removeFromCompound(parsedNBT, "UUIDMost", "UUIDLeast", "WorldUUDMost", "WorldUUIDLeast", "Bukkit.updateLevel");
SkStuff.getNMSMethods().addToCompound(entNBT, parsedNBT);
SkStuff.getNMSMethods().setEntityNBT((Entity) tar, entNBT);
} else if (mode == ChangeMode.REMOVE) {
for (Object s : delta) {
if (s != "UUIDMost" || s != "UUIDLeast" || s != "WorldUUIDMost" || s != "WorldUUIDLeast" || s != "Bukkit.updateLevel") { // Prevent crucial data from being modified
try {
NBT.getClass().getMethod("remove", String.class).invoke(NBT, (String) s);
nmsEnt.getClass().getMethod("f", nbtClass).invoke(nmsEnt, NBT);
} catch (Exception ex) {
SkStuff.getNMSMethods().removeFromCompound(entNBT, (String) s);
SkStuff.getNMSMethods().setEntityNBT((Entity) tar, entNBT);
} else if (tar instanceof Block) {
Block block = (Block) tar;
Object NBT = null;
Object tileEntity = null;
Object nmsWorld = null;
try {
NBT = nbtClass.newInstance();
Object craftWorld = craftWorldClass.cast(block.getWorld());
nmsWorld = craftWorld.getClass().getMethod("getHandle").invoke(craftWorld);
tileEntity = nmsWorld.getClass().getMethod("getTileEntity", nmsPosClass).invoke(nmsWorld, nmsPosClass.getConstructor(int.class, int.class, int.class).newInstance(block.getX(), block.getY(), block.getZ()));
} catch (Exception ex) {
if (tileEntity == null) {
Object blockNBT = SkStuff.getNMSMethods().getTileNBT((Block) tar);
if (mode == ChangeMode.ADD) {
String newTags = (String) (delta[0]);
try {
tileEntity.getClass().getMethod("b", nbtClass).invoke(tileEntity, NBT);
} catch (Exception ex) {
try {
Object NBT1 = null;
NBT1 = nbtParserClass.getMethod("parse", String.class).invoke(NBT1, newTags);
NBTUtil.addCompound(NBT, NBT1);
NBT1.getClass().getMethod("setInt", String.class, int.class).invoke(NBT1, "x", block.getX());
NBT1.getClass().getMethod("setInt", String.class, int.class).invoke(NBT1, "y", block.getY());
NBT1.getClass().getMethod("setInt", String.class, int.class).invoke(NBT1, "z", block.getZ());
tileEntity.getClass().getMethod("a", nbtClass).invoke(tileEntity, NBT);
nmsWorld.getClass().getMethod("notify", nmsPosClass).invoke(nmsWorld, tileEntity.getClass().getMethod("getPosition").invoke(tileEntity));
} catch (Exception ex) {
if (ex instanceof InvocationTargetException && ex.getCause().getClass().getName().contains("MojangsonParseException")) {
Skript.warning(Ansi.ansi().fgBright(Ansi.Color.RED) + "Error when parsing NBT - " + ex.getCause().getMessage() + Ansi.ansi().fgBright(Ansi.Color.DEFAULT));
Object parsedNBT = SkStuff.getNMSMethods().parseRawNBT((String) delta[0]);
SkStuff.getNMSMethods().removeFromCompound(parsedNBT, "x", "y", "z", "id");
SkStuff.getNMSMethods().addToCompound(blockNBT, parsedNBT);
SkStuff.getNMSMethods().setTileNBT((Block) tar, blockNBT);
} else if (mode == ChangeMode.REMOVE) {
try {
tileEntity.getClass().getMethod("b", nbtClass).invoke(tileEntity, NBT);
} catch (Exception ex) {
for (Object s : delta) {
if (s != "x" || s != "y" || s != "z" || s != "id") {
try {
NBT.getClass().getMethod("remove", String.class).invoke(NBT, ((String) s));
tileEntity.getClass().getMethod("a", nbtClass).invoke(tileEntity, NBT);
nmsWorld.getClass().getMethod("notify", nmsPosClass).invoke(nmsWorld, tileEntity.getClass().getMethod("getPosition").invoke(tileEntity));
} catch (Exception ex) {
SkStuff.getNMSMethods().removeFromCompound(blockNBT, (String) s);
SkStuff.getNMSMethods().setTileNBT((Block) tar, blockNBT);
} else if (tar instanceof ItemStack) {
ItemStack item = (ItemStack) tar;
if (item.getType() == Material.AIR) {
Object nmsItem = null;
Object NBT = null;
try {
nmsItem = craftItemClass.getMethod("asNMSCopy", ItemStack.class).invoke(item, item);
NBT = nmsItem.getClass().getMethod("getTag").invoke(nmsItem);
} catch (Exception ex) {
if (NBT == null) { //No need to check for "{}" (empty) NBT because a new instance of NBT is actually "{}".
try {
NBT = nbtClass.newInstance();
} catch (Exception ex) {
Object itemNBT = SkStuff.getNMSMethods().getItemNBT((ItemStack) tar);
if (mode == ChangeMode.ADD) {
String newTags = (String) (delta[0]);
try {
Object NBT1 = null;
NBT1 = nbtParserClass.getMethod("parse", String.class).invoke(NBT1, newTags);
NBTUtil.addCompound(NBT, NBT1);
nmsItem.getClass().getMethod("setTag", nbtClass).invoke(nmsItem, NBT);
Object newItem = null;
newItem = craftItemClass.getMethod("asCraftMirror", nmsItemClass).invoke(newItem, nmsItem);
Object[] slot = target.getSource().getAll(e);
if (!(slot[0] instanceof Slot)) {
((Slot) slot[0]).setItem((ItemStack) newItem);
} catch (Exception ex) {
if (ex instanceof InvocationTargetException && ex.getCause().getClass().getName().contains("MojangsonParseException")) {
Skript.warning(Ansi.ansi().fgBright(Ansi.Color.RED) + "Error when parsing NBT - " + ex.getCause().getMessage() + Ansi.ansi().fgBright(Ansi.Color.DEFAULT));
Object parsedNBT = SkStuff.getNMSMethods().parseRawNBT((String) delta[0]);
SkStuff.getNMSMethods().addToCompound(itemNBT, parsedNBT);
ItemStack newItem = SkStuff.getNMSMethods().getItemWithNBT((ItemStack) tar, itemNBT);
Object slot = target.getSource().getSingle(e);
if (slot instanceof Slot) {
((Slot) slot).setItem(newItem);
} else if (mode == ChangeMode.REMOVE) {
if (NBT == null || NBT.toString().equals("{}")) { //Check for "{}" (empty) NBT because executing the remove is just useless.
String[] toRemove = Arrays.copyOf(delta, delta.length, String[].class);
SkStuff.getNMSMethods().removeFromCompound(itemNBT, toRemove);
ItemStack newItem = SkStuff.getNMSMethods().getItemWithNBT((ItemStack) tar, itemNBT);
Object slot = target.getSource().getSingle(e);
if (slot instanceof Slot) {
((Slot) slot).setItem(newItem);
for (Object s : delta) {
try {
NBT.getClass().getMethod("remove", String.class).invoke(NBT ,((String) s));
} catch (Exception ex) {
Object newItem = null;
try {
nmsItem.getClass().getMethod("setTag", nbtClass).invoke(nmsItem, NBT);
newItem = craftItemClass.getMethod("asCraftMirror", nmsItemClass).invoke(newItem, nmsItem);
} catch (Exception ex) {
Object[] slot = target.getSource().getAll(e);
((Slot) slot[0]).setItem((ItemStack) newItem);
} else if (mode == ChangeMode.DELETE || mode == ChangeMode.RESET) {
Object newItem = null;
try {
nmsItem.getClass().getMethod("setTag", nbtClass).invoke(nmsItem, nbtClass.newInstance());
newItem = craftItemClass.getMethod("asCraftMirror", nmsItemClass).invoke(newItem, nmsItem);
} catch (Exception ex) {
ItemStack newItem = SkStuff.getNMSMethods().getItemWithNBT((ItemStack) tar, null);
Object slot = target.getSource().getSingle(e);
if (slot instanceof Slot) {
((Slot) slot).setItem(newItem);
Object[] slot = target.getSource().getAll(e);
if (!(slot[0] instanceof Slot)) {
((Slot) slot[0]).setItem((ItemStack) newItem);

View File

@ -99,13 +99,8 @@ public class NBTUtil {
public static List<Object> getContents(Object list) {
if (list.getClass() == nbtListClass) {
List<Object> result = null;
try {
result = (List<Object>) ReflectionUtils.getField("list", nbtListClass, list);
return result;
} catch (Exception ex) {
return result;
return null;
@ -164,7 +159,7 @@ public class NBTUtil {
} else if (listTypeId != toAddId) {
Skript.warning(Ansi.ansi().fgBright(Ansi.Color.RED) + "Adding mismatching tag types to NBT list" + Ansi.ansi().fgBright(Ansi.Color.DEFAULT));
Skript.warning("Adding mismatching tag types to NBT list");

View File

@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
package me.TheBukor.SkStuff.util;
import org.bukkit.block.Block;
import org.bukkit.entity.Entity;
import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack;
public interface NMSInterface {
public void addToCompound(Object compound, Object toAdd);
public void removeFromCompound(Object compound, String ... toRemove);
public Object parseRawNBT(String rawNBT);
public int getContentsId(Object nbtList);
public Object[] getContents(Object nbtList);
public void addToList(Object nbtList, Object toAdd);
public void removeFromList(Object nbtList, int index);
public void setIndex(Object nbtList, int index, Object toSet);
public Object getIndex(Object nbtList, int index);
public void removePathfinderGoal(Object entity, Class<?> goalClass, boolean isTargetSelector);
public void addPathfinderGoal(Object entity, int priority, Object goal, boolean isTargetSelector);
public void registerCompoundClassInfo();
public void registerNBTListClassInfo();
public Object getEntityNBT(Entity entity);
public Object getTileNBT(Block block);
public Object getItemNBT(ItemStack itemStack);
public void setEntityNBT(Entity entity, Object newCompound);
public void setTileNBT(Block block, Object newCompound);
public ItemStack getItemWithNBT(ItemStack itemStack, Object compound);
public Object getFileNBT(File file);
public void setFileNBT(File file, Object newCompound);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,444 @@
package me.TheBukor.SkStuff.util;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.Material;
import org.bukkit.block.Block;
import org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_7_R4.CraftWorld;
import org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_7_R4.entity.CraftEntity;
import org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_7_R4.inventory.CraftItemStack;
import org.bukkit.entity.Entity;
import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack;
import ch.njol.skript.Skript;
import ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer;
import ch.njol.skript.classes.ClassInfo;
import ch.njol.skript.classes.Parser;
import ch.njol.skript.lang.ParseContext;
import ch.njol.skript.registrations.Classes;
import ch.njol.util.coll.CollectionUtils;
import net.minecraft.server.v1_7_R4.MojangsonParser;
import net.minecraft.server.v1_7_R4.NBTBase;
import net.minecraft.server.v1_7_R4.NBTCompressedStreamTools;
import net.minecraft.server.v1_7_R4.NBTTagCompound;
import net.minecraft.server.v1_7_R4.NBTTagDouble;
import net.minecraft.server.v1_7_R4.NBTTagEnd;
import net.minecraft.server.v1_7_R4.NBTTagFloat;
import net.minecraft.server.v1_7_R4.NBTTagInt;
import net.minecraft.server.v1_7_R4.NBTTagList;
import net.minecraft.server.v1_7_R4.NBTTagString;
import net.minecraft.server.v1_7_R4.TileEntity;
import net.minecraft.server.v1_7_R4.World;
public class NMS_v1_7_R4 implements NMSInterface {
public void addToCompound(Object compound, Object toAdd) {
if (compound instanceof NBTTagCompound && toAdd instanceof NBTTagCompound) {
HashMap<String, Object> map = (HashMap<String, Object>) ReflectionUtils.getField("map", NBTTagCompound.class, toAdd);
Set<String> keySet = ((NBTTagCompound) toAdd).c();
Iterator<String> iterator = keySet.iterator();
while(iterator.hasNext()) {
String string = (String);
NBTBase base = (NBTBase) map.get(string);
if(base.getTypeId() == 10) {
if(((NBTTagCompound) compound).hasKeyOfType(string, 10)) {
NBTTagCompound localNBT = ((NBTTagCompound) compound).getCompound(string);
addToCompound(localNBT, (NBTTagCompound) base);
} else {
((NBTTagCompound) compound).set(string, base.clone());
} else {
((NBTTagCompound) compound).set(string, base.clone());
public void removeFromCompound(Object compound, String ... toRemove) {
if (compound instanceof NBTTagCompound) {
((NBTTagCompound) compound).remove(toRemove.toString()); //FIXME
public Object parseRawNBT(String rawNBT) {
NBTTagCompound parsedNBT = null;
parsedNBT = (NBTTagCompound) MojangsonParser.parse(rawNBT);
return parsedNBT;
public int getContentsId(Object nbtList) {
if (nbtList instanceof NBTTagList) {
return ((NBTTagList) nbtList).d();
return 0;
public Object[] getContents(Object nbtList) {
if (nbtList instanceof NBTTagList) {
List<Object> contents = new ArrayList<Object>();
for (int i = 0; i < ((NBTTagList) nbtList).size(); i++) {
if (getIndex(nbtList, i) != null) {
contents.add(getIndex(nbtList, i));
return contents.toArray();
return null;
public void addToList(Object nbtList, Object toAdd) {
if (nbtList instanceof NBTTagList && toAdd instanceof NBTBase) {
((NBTTagList) nbtList).add((NBTBase) toAdd);
public void removeFromList(Object nbtList, int index) {
if (nbtList instanceof NBTTagList && index >= 0 && index < ((NBTTagList) nbtList).size()) {
List<Object> actualList = null;
actualList = (List<Object>) ReflectionUtils.getField("list", NBTTagList.class, nbtList);
public void setIndex(Object nbtList, int index, Object toSet) {
if (nbtList instanceof NBTTagList && toSet instanceof NBTBase && index >= 0 && index < ((NBTTagList) nbtList).size()) {
int typeId = getContentsId(nbtList);
int toSetId = ((NBTBase) toSet).getTypeId();
if (typeId == 0) {
ReflectionUtils.setField("type", NBTTagList.class, nbtList, toSetId);
} else if (typeId != toSetId) {
Skript.warning("Adding mismatching tag types to NBT list");
List<Object> actualList = null;
actualList = (List<Object>) ReflectionUtils.getField("list", NBTTagList.class, nbtList);
actualList.set(index, toSet);
public Object getIndex(Object nbtList, int index) {
if (nbtList instanceof NBTTagList && index >= 0 && index < ((NBTTagList) nbtList).size()) {
List<NBTBase> actualList = null;
actualList = (List<NBTBase>) ReflectionUtils.getField("list", NBTTagList.class, nbtList);
NBTBase value = (NBTBase) actualList.get(index);
if (value instanceof NBTTagEnd)
return null;
return value;
return null;
public void removePathfinderGoal(Object entity, Class<?> goalClass, boolean isTargetSelector) {
Bukkit.getLogger().warning("Sorry, Pathfinder Goals are only supported in 1.8 and above");
public void addPathfinderGoal(Object entity, int priority, Object goal, boolean isTargetSelector) {
Bukkit.getLogger().warning("Sorry, Pathfinder Goals are only supported in 1.8 and above");
public void registerCompoundClassInfo() {
Classes.registerClass(new ClassInfo<NBTTagCompound>(NBTTagCompound.class, "compound").user("((nbt)?( ?tag)?) ?compounds?").name("NBT Compound").changer(new Changer<NBTTagCompound>() {
public Class<?>[] acceptChange(ChangeMode mode) {
if (mode == ChangeMode.ADD || mode == ChangeMode.REMOVE || mode == ChangeMode.SET) {
return CollectionUtils.array(String[].class, NBTTagCompound[].class);
return null;
public void change(NBTTagCompound[] NBT, @Nullable Object[] delta, ChangeMode mode) {
if (mode == ChangeMode.SET) {
if (delta[0] instanceof NBTTagCompound) {
NBT[0] = (NBTTagCompound) delta[0];
} else {
NBTTagCompound parsedNBT = (NBTTagCompound) parseRawNBT((String) delta[0]);
NBT[0] = parsedNBT;
} else if (mode == ChangeMode.ADD) {
if (delta[0] instanceof String) {
NBTTagCompound parsedNBT = (NBTTagCompound) parseRawNBT((String) delta[0]);
addToCompound(NBT[0], parsedNBT);
} else {
addToCompound(NBT[0], delta[0]);
} else if (mode == ChangeMode.REMOVE) {
if (delta[0] instanceof NBTTagCompound)
for (Object s : delta) {
NBT[0].remove((String) s);
}).parser(new Parser<NBTTagCompound>() {
public String getVariableNamePattern() {
return ".+";
public NBTTagCompound parse(String rawNBT, ParseContext context) {
if (rawNBT.startsWith("nbt:{") && rawNBT.endsWith("}")) {
NBTTagCompound NBT = (NBTTagCompound) parseRawNBT(rawNBT);
if (NBT.toString().equals("{}")) {
return null;
return NBT;
return null;
public String toString(NBTTagCompound compound, int arg1) {
return compound.toString();
public String toVariableNameString(NBTTagCompound compound) {
return "nbt:" + compound.toString();
public void registerNBTListClassInfo() {
Classes.registerClass(new ClassInfo<NBTTagList>(NBTTagList.class, "nbtlist").user("nbt ?list ?(tag)?").name("NBT List").changer(new Changer<NBTTagList>() {
public Class<?>[] acceptChange(ChangeMode mode) {
if (mode == ChangeMode.ADD || mode == ChangeMode.SET || mode == ChangeMode.DELETE || mode == ChangeMode.RESET) {
return CollectionUtils.array(Float[].class, Double[].class, String[].class, NBTTagCompound[].class, Integer[].class, NBTTagList[].class);
return null;
public void change(NBTTagList[] nbtList, @Nullable Object[] delta, ChangeMode mode) {
int typeId = 0;
if (delta instanceof Float[]) {
typeId = 5;
} else if (delta instanceof Double[]) {
typeId = 6;
} else if (delta instanceof String[]) {
typeId = 8;
} else if (delta instanceof NBTTagList[]) {
typeId = 9;
} else if (delta instanceof NBTTagCompound[]) {
typeId = 10;
} else if (delta instanceof Integer[]) {
typeId = 11;
} else {
if (mode == ChangeMode.SET) {
if (typeId == 9)
nbtList[0] = (NBTTagList) delta[0];
} else if (mode == ChangeMode.ADD) {
if (getContentsId(nbtList[0]) == typeId) {
if (typeId == 5) {
NBTTagFloat floatTag = new NBTTagFloat((float) delta[0]);
addToList(nbtList[0], floatTag);
} else if (typeId == 6) {
NBTTagDouble doubleTag = new NBTTagDouble((double) delta[0]);
addToList(nbtList[0], doubleTag);
} else if (typeId == 8) {
NBTTagString stringTag = new NBTTagString((String) delta [0]);
addToList(nbtList[0], stringTag);
} else if (typeId == 10) {
addToList(nbtList[0], delta[0]);
} else if (typeId == 11) {
NBTTagInt intTag = new NBTTagInt((int) delta[0]);
addToList(nbtList[0], intTag);
} else if (mode == ChangeMode.DELETE || mode == ChangeMode.RESET) {
nbtList[0] = new NBTTagList();
}).parser(new Parser<NBTTagList>() {
public String getVariableNamePattern() {
return ".+";
public NBTTagList parse(String ignored, ParseContext context) {
return null;
public String toString(NBTTagList nbtList, int arg1) {
return nbtList.toString();
public String toVariableNameString(NBTTagList nbtList) {
return nbtList.toString();
public Object getEntityNBT(Entity entity) {
net.minecraft.server.v1_7_R4.Entity nmsEntity = ((CraftEntity) entity).getHandle();
NBTTagCompound NBT = new NBTTagCompound();
return NBT;
public Object getTileNBT(Block block) {
NBTTagCompound NBT = new NBTTagCompound();
World nmsWorld = ((CraftWorld) block.getWorld()).getHandle();
TileEntity tileEntity = nmsWorld.getTileEntity(block.getX(), block.getY(), block.getZ());
if (tileEntity == null)
return null;
return NBT;
public Object getItemNBT(ItemStack itemStack) {
if (itemStack.getType() == Material.AIR)
return null;
NBTTagCompound NBT = new NBTTagCompound();
net.minecraft.server.v1_7_R4.ItemStack nmsItem = CraftItemStack.asNMSCopy(itemStack);
NBT = nmsItem.getTag();
if (NBT == null || NBT.toString().equals("{}")) //Null or empty.
return null;
return new Object[] { NBT };
public void setEntityNBT(Entity entity, Object newCompound) {
if (newCompound instanceof NBTTagCompound) {
net.minecraft.server.v1_7_R4.Entity nmsEntity = ((CraftEntity) entity).getHandle();
nmsEntity.f((NBTTagCompound) newCompound);
public void setTileNBT(Block block, Object newCompound) {
if (newCompound instanceof NBTTagCompound) {
World nmsWorld = ((CraftWorld) block.getWorld()).getHandle();
TileEntity tileEntity = nmsWorld.getTileEntity(block.getX(), block.getY(), block.getZ());
if (tileEntity == null)
tileEntity.a((NBTTagCompound) newCompound);
nmsWorld.notify(tileEntity.x, tileEntity.y, tileEntity.z);
public ItemStack getItemWithNBT(ItemStack itemStack, Object compound) {
if (compound instanceof NBTTagCompound) {
if (itemStack.getType() == Material.AIR || itemStack == null)
return null;
if (compound == null || compound.toString().equals("{}"))
return itemStack;
net.minecraft.server.v1_7_R4.ItemStack nmsItem = CraftItemStack.asNMSCopy(itemStack);
nmsItem.setTag((NBTTagCompound) compound);
ItemStack newItem = CraftItemStack.asCraftMirror(nmsItem);
return newItem;
return null;
public Object getFileNBT(File file) {
FileInputStream fis = null;
try {
fis = new FileInputStream(file);
} catch (FileNotFoundException ex) {
return null; //File doesn't exist.
NBTTagCompound fileNBT = null;
try {
fileNBT = NBTCompressedStreamTools.a(fis);
} catch (IOException ex) {
} finally {
try {
} catch (IOException ex) {
return fileNBT;
public void setFileNBT(File file, Object newCompound) {
OutputStream os = null;
try {
os = new FileOutputStream(file);
} catch (FileNotFoundException ex) {
try {
NBTCompressedStreamTools.a((NBTTagCompound) newCompound, os);
} catch (Exception ex) {
if (ex instanceof EOFException) {
; //Ignore, just end of the file
} else {
} finally {
try {
} catch (Exception ex) {
if (ex instanceof EOFException) {
; //Ignore.
} else {

View File

@ -0,0 +1,434 @@
package me.TheBukor.SkStuff.util;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import org.bukkit.Material;
import org.bukkit.block.Block;
import org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_8_R1.CraftWorld;
import org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_8_R1.entity.CraftEntity;
import org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_8_R1.inventory.CraftItemStack;
import org.bukkit.entity.Entity;
import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack;
import ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer;
import ch.njol.skript.classes.ClassInfo;
import ch.njol.skript.classes.Parser;
import ch.njol.skript.lang.ParseContext;
import ch.njol.skript.registrations.Classes;
import ch.njol.util.coll.CollectionUtils;
import net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R1.BlockPosition;
import net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R1.EntityInsentient;
import net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R1.MojangsonParser;
import net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R1.NBTBase;
import net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R1.NBTCompressedStreamTools;
import net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R1.NBTTagCompound;
import net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R1.NBTTagDouble;
import net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R1.NBTTagEnd;
import net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R1.NBTTagFloat;
import net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R1.NBTTagInt;
import net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R1.NBTTagList;
import net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R1.NBTTagString;
import net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R1.PathfinderGoal;
import net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R1.PathfinderGoalSelector;
import net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R1.TileEntity;
import net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R1.World;
public class NMS_v1_8_R1 implements NMSInterface {
public void addToCompound(Object compound, Object toAdd) {
if (compound instanceof NBTTagCompound && toAdd instanceof NBTTagCompound) {
((NBTTagCompound) compound).a((NBTTagCompound) toAdd);
public void removeFromCompound(Object compound, String ... toRemove) {
if (compound instanceof NBTTagCompound) {
((NBTTagCompound) compound).remove(toRemove.toString()); //FIXME
public Object parseRawNBT(String rawNBT) {
NBTTagCompound parsedNBT = null;
parsedNBT = MojangsonParser.parse(rawNBT);
return parsedNBT;
public int getContentsId(Object nbtList) {
if (nbtList instanceof NBTTagList) {
return ((NBTTagList) nbtList).f();
return 0;
public Object[] getContents(Object nbtList) {
if (nbtList instanceof NBTTagList) {
List<Object> contents = new ArrayList<Object>();
for (int i = 0; i < ((NBTTagList) nbtList).size(); i++) {
if (getIndex(nbtList, i) != null) {
contents.add(getIndex(nbtList, i));
return contents.toArray();
return null;
public void addToList(Object nbtList, Object toAdd) {
if (nbtList instanceof NBTTagList && toAdd instanceof NBTBase) {
((NBTTagList) nbtList).add((NBTBase) toAdd);
public void removeFromList(Object nbtList, int index) {
if (nbtList instanceof NBTTagList) {
((NBTTagList) nbtList).a(index);
public void setIndex(Object nbtList, int index, Object toSet) {
if (nbtList instanceof NBTTagList && toSet instanceof NBTBase) {
((NBTTagList) nbtList).a(index, (NBTBase) toSet);
public Object getIndex(Object nbtList, int index) {
if (nbtList instanceof NBTTagList) {
NBTBase value = ((NBTTagList) nbtList).g(index);
if (value instanceof NBTTagEnd)
return null;
return value;
return null;
public void removePathfinderGoal(Object entity, Class<?> goalClass, boolean isTargetSelector) {
if (entity instanceof EntityInsentient) {
((EntityInsentient) entity).setGoalTarget(null);
if (isTargetSelector) {
Iterator<?> goals = ((List<?>) ReflectionUtils.getField("b", PathfinderGoalSelector.class, ((EntityInsentient) entity).targetSelector)).iterator();
while (goals.hasNext()) {
Object goal =;
if (ReflectionUtils.getField("a", goal.getClass(), goal).getClass() == goalClass) {
} else {
Iterator<?> goals = ((List<?>) ReflectionUtils.getField("b", PathfinderGoalSelector.class, ((EntityInsentient) entity).goalSelector)).iterator();
while (goals.hasNext()) {
Object goal =;
if (ReflectionUtils.getField("a", goal.getClass(), goal).getClass() == goalClass) {
public void addPathfinderGoal(Object entity, int priority, Object goal, boolean isTargetSelector) {
if (entity instanceof EntityInsentient && goal instanceof PathfinderGoal) {
if (isTargetSelector)
((EntityInsentient) entity).targetSelector.a(priority, (PathfinderGoal) goal);
((EntityInsentient) entity).goalSelector.a(priority, (PathfinderGoal) goal);
public void registerCompoundClassInfo() {
Classes.registerClass(new ClassInfo<NBTTagCompound>(NBTTagCompound.class, "compound").user("((nbt)?( ?tag)?) ?compounds?").name("NBT Compound").changer(new Changer<NBTTagCompound>() {
public Class<?>[] acceptChange(ChangeMode mode) {
if (mode == ChangeMode.ADD || mode == ChangeMode.REMOVE || mode == ChangeMode.SET) {
return CollectionUtils.array(String[].class, NBTTagCompound[].class);
return null;
public void change(NBTTagCompound[] NBT, @Nullable Object[] delta, ChangeMode mode) {
if (mode == ChangeMode.SET) {
if (delta[0] instanceof NBTTagCompound) {
NBT[0] = (NBTTagCompound) delta[0];
} else {
NBTTagCompound parsedNBT = (NBTTagCompound) parseRawNBT((String) delta[0]);
NBT[0] = parsedNBT;
} else if (mode == ChangeMode.ADD) {
if (delta[0] instanceof String) {
NBTTagCompound parsedNBT = (NBTTagCompound) parseRawNBT((String) delta[0]);
addToCompound(NBT[0], parsedNBT);
} else {
addToCompound(NBT[0], delta[0]);
} else if (mode == ChangeMode.REMOVE) {
if (delta[0] instanceof NBTTagCompound)
for (Object s : delta) {
NBT[0].remove((String) s);
}).parser(new Parser<NBTTagCompound>() {
public String getVariableNamePattern() {
return ".+";
public NBTTagCompound parse(String rawNBT, ParseContext context) {
if (rawNBT.startsWith("nbt:{") && rawNBT.endsWith("}")) {
NBTTagCompound NBT = (NBTTagCompound) parseRawNBT(rawNBT);
if (NBT.toString().equals("{}")) {
return null;
return NBT;
return null;
public String toString(NBTTagCompound compound, int arg1) {
return compound.toString();
public String toVariableNameString(NBTTagCompound compound) {
return "nbt:" + compound.toString();
public void registerNBTListClassInfo() {
Classes.registerClass(new ClassInfo<NBTTagList>(NBTTagList.class, "nbtlist").user("nbt ?list ?(tag)?").name("NBT List").changer(new Changer<NBTTagList>() {
public Class<?>[] acceptChange(ChangeMode mode) {
if (mode == ChangeMode.ADD || mode == ChangeMode.SET || mode == ChangeMode.DELETE || mode == ChangeMode.RESET) {
return CollectionUtils.array(Float[].class, Double[].class, String[].class, NBTTagCompound[].class, Integer[].class, NBTTagList[].class);
return null;
public void change(NBTTagList[] nbtList, @Nullable Object[] delta, ChangeMode mode) {
int typeId = 0;
if (delta instanceof Float[]) {
typeId = 5;
} else if (delta instanceof Double[]) {
typeId = 6;
} else if (delta instanceof String[]) {
typeId = 8;
} else if (delta instanceof NBTTagList[]) {
typeId = 9;
} else if (delta instanceof NBTTagCompound[]) {
typeId = 10;
} else if (delta instanceof Integer[]) {
typeId = 11;
} else {
if (mode == ChangeMode.SET) {
if (typeId == 9)
nbtList[0] = (NBTTagList) delta[0];
} else if (mode == ChangeMode.ADD) {
if (getContentsId(nbtList[0]) == typeId) {
if (typeId == 5) {
NBTTagFloat floatTag = new NBTTagFloat((float) delta[0]);
addToList(nbtList[0], floatTag);
} else if (typeId == 6) {
NBTTagDouble doubleTag = new NBTTagDouble((double) delta[0]);
addToList(nbtList[0], doubleTag);
} else if (typeId == 8) {
NBTTagString stringTag = new NBTTagString((String) delta [0]);
addToList(nbtList[0], stringTag);
} else if (typeId == 10) {
addToList(nbtList[0], delta[0]);
} else if (typeId == 11) {
NBTTagInt intTag = new NBTTagInt((int) delta[0]);
addToList(nbtList[0], intTag);
} else if (mode == ChangeMode.DELETE || mode == ChangeMode.RESET) {
nbtList[0] = new NBTTagList();
}).parser(new Parser<NBTTagList>() {
public String getVariableNamePattern() {
return ".+";
public NBTTagList parse(String ignored, ParseContext context) {
return null;
public String toString(NBTTagList nbtList, int arg1) {
return nbtList.toString();
public String toVariableNameString(NBTTagList nbtList) {
return nbtList.toString();
public Object getEntityNBT(Entity entity) {
net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R1.Entity nmsEntity = ((CraftEntity) entity).getHandle();
NBTTagCompound NBT = new NBTTagCompound();
return NBT;
public Object getTileNBT(Block block) {
NBTTagCompound NBT = new NBTTagCompound();
World nmsWorld = ((CraftWorld) block.getWorld()).getHandle();
TileEntity tileEntity = nmsWorld.getTileEntity(new BlockPosition(block.getX(), block.getY(), block.getZ()));
if (tileEntity == null)
return null;
return NBT;
public Object getItemNBT(ItemStack itemStack) {
if (itemStack.getType() == Material.AIR)
return null;
NBTTagCompound NBT = new NBTTagCompound();
net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R1.ItemStack nmsItem = CraftItemStack.asNMSCopy(itemStack);
NBT = nmsItem.getTag();
if (NBT == null || NBT.toString().equals("{}")) //Null or empty.
return null;
return new Object[] { NBT };
public void setEntityNBT(Entity entity, Object newCompound) {
if (newCompound instanceof NBTTagCompound) {
net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R1.Entity nmsEntity = ((CraftEntity) entity).getHandle();
nmsEntity.f((NBTTagCompound) newCompound);
public void setTileNBT(Block block, Object newCompound) {
if (newCompound instanceof NBTTagCompound) {
World nmsWorld = ((CraftWorld) block.getWorld()).getHandle();
TileEntity tileEntity = nmsWorld.getTileEntity(new BlockPosition(block.getX(), block.getY(), block.getZ()));
if (tileEntity == null)
tileEntity.a((NBTTagCompound) newCompound);
public ItemStack getItemWithNBT(ItemStack itemStack, Object compound) {
if (compound instanceof NBTTagCompound) {
if (itemStack.getType() == Material.AIR || itemStack == null)
return null;
if (compound == null || compound.toString().equals("{}"))
return itemStack;
net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R1.ItemStack nmsItem = CraftItemStack.asNMSCopy(itemStack);
nmsItem.setTag((NBTTagCompound) compound);
ItemStack newItem = CraftItemStack.asCraftMirror(nmsItem);
return newItem;
return null;
public Object getFileNBT(File file) {
FileInputStream fis = null;
try {
fis = new FileInputStream(file);
} catch (FileNotFoundException ex) {
return null; //File doesn't exist.
NBTTagCompound fileNBT = null;
try {
fileNBT = NBTCompressedStreamTools.a(fis);
} catch (IOException ex) {
} finally {
try {
} catch (IOException ex) {
return fileNBT;
public void setFileNBT(File file, Object newCompound) {
OutputStream os = null;
try {
os = new FileOutputStream(file);
} catch (FileNotFoundException ex) {
try {
NBTCompressedStreamTools.a((NBTTagCompound) newCompound, os);
} catch (Exception ex) {
if (ex instanceof EOFException) {
; //Ignore, just end of the file
} else {
} finally {
try {
} catch (Exception ex) {
if (ex instanceof EOFException) {
; //Ignore.
} else {

View File

@ -0,0 +1,439 @@
package me.TheBukor.SkStuff.util;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import org.bukkit.Material;
import org.bukkit.block.Block;
import org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_8_R2.CraftWorld;
import org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_8_R2.entity.CraftEntity;
import org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_8_R2.inventory.CraftItemStack;
import org.bukkit.entity.Entity;
import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack;
import ch.njol.skript.Skript;
import ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer;
import ch.njol.skript.classes.ClassInfo;
import ch.njol.skript.classes.Parser;
import ch.njol.skript.lang.ParseContext;
import ch.njol.skript.registrations.Classes;
import ch.njol.util.coll.CollectionUtils;
import net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R2.BlockPosition;
import net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R2.EntityInsentient;
import net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R2.MojangsonParseException;
import net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R2.MojangsonParser;
import net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R2.NBTBase;
import net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R2.NBTCompressedStreamTools;
import net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R2.NBTTagCompound;
import net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R2.NBTTagDouble;
import net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R2.NBTTagEnd;
import net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R2.NBTTagFloat;
import net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R2.NBTTagInt;
import net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R2.NBTTagList;
import net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R2.NBTTagString;
import net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R2.PathfinderGoal;
import net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R2.PathfinderGoalSelector;
import net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R2.TileEntity;
import net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R2.World;
public class NMS_v1_8_R2 implements NMSInterface {
public void addToCompound(Object compound, Object toAdd) {
if (compound instanceof NBTTagCompound && toAdd instanceof NBTTagCompound) {
((NBTTagCompound) compound).a((NBTTagCompound) toAdd);
public void removeFromCompound(Object compound, String ... toRemove) {
if (compound instanceof NBTTagCompound) {
((NBTTagCompound) compound).remove(toRemove.toString()); //FIXME
public Object parseRawNBT(String rawNBT) {
NBTTagCompound parsedNBT = null;
try {
parsedNBT = MojangsonParser.parse(rawNBT);
} catch (MojangsonParseException ex) {
Skript.warning("Error when parsing NBT - " + ex.getMessage());
return parsedNBT;
public int getContentsId(Object nbtList) {
if (nbtList instanceof NBTTagList) {
return ((NBTTagList) nbtList).f();
return 0;
public Object[] getContents(Object nbtList) {
if (nbtList instanceof NBTTagList) {
List<Object> contents = new ArrayList<Object>();
for (int i = 0; i < ((NBTTagList) nbtList).size(); i++) {
if (getIndex(nbtList, i) != null) {
contents.add(getIndex(nbtList, i));
return contents.toArray();
return null;
public void addToList(Object nbtList, Object toAdd) {
if (nbtList instanceof NBTTagList && toAdd instanceof NBTBase) {
((NBTTagList) nbtList).add((NBTBase) toAdd);
public void removeFromList(Object nbtList, int index) {
if (nbtList instanceof NBTTagList) {
((NBTTagList) nbtList).a(index);
public void setIndex(Object nbtList, int index, Object toSet) {
if (nbtList instanceof NBTTagList && toSet instanceof NBTBase) {
((NBTTagList) nbtList).a(index, (NBTBase) toSet);
public Object getIndex(Object nbtList, int index) {
if (nbtList instanceof NBTTagList) {
NBTBase value = ((NBTTagList) nbtList).g(index);
if (value instanceof NBTTagEnd)
return null;
return value;
return null;
public void removePathfinderGoal(Object entity, Class<?> goalClass, boolean isTargetSelector) {
if (entity instanceof EntityInsentient) {
((EntityInsentient) entity).setGoalTarget(null);
if (isTargetSelector) {
Iterator<?> goals = ((List<?>) ReflectionUtils.getField("b", PathfinderGoalSelector.class, ((EntityInsentient) entity).targetSelector)).iterator();
while (goals.hasNext()) {
Object goal =;
if (ReflectionUtils.getField("a", goal.getClass(), goal).getClass() == goalClass) {
} else {
Iterator<?> goals = ((List<?>) ReflectionUtils.getField("b", PathfinderGoalSelector.class, ((EntityInsentient) entity).goalSelector)).iterator();
while (goals.hasNext()) {
Object goal =;
if (ReflectionUtils.getField("a", goal.getClass(), goal).getClass() == goalClass) {
public void addPathfinderGoal(Object entity, int priority, Object goal, boolean isTargetSelector) {
if (entity instanceof EntityInsentient && goal instanceof PathfinderGoal) {
if (isTargetSelector)
((EntityInsentient) entity).targetSelector.a(priority, (PathfinderGoal) goal);
((EntityInsentient) entity).goalSelector.a(priority, (PathfinderGoal) goal);
public void registerCompoundClassInfo() {
Classes.registerClass(new ClassInfo<NBTTagCompound>(NBTTagCompound.class, "compound").user("((nbt)?( ?tag)?) ?compounds?").name("NBT Compound").changer(new Changer<NBTTagCompound>() {
public Class<?>[] acceptChange(ChangeMode mode) {
if (mode == ChangeMode.ADD || mode == ChangeMode.REMOVE || mode == ChangeMode.SET) {
return CollectionUtils.array(String[].class, NBTTagCompound[].class);
return null;
public void change(NBTTagCompound[] NBT, @Nullable Object[] delta, ChangeMode mode) {
if (mode == ChangeMode.SET) {
if (delta[0] instanceof NBTTagCompound) {
NBT[0] = (NBTTagCompound) delta[0];
} else {
NBTTagCompound parsedNBT = (NBTTagCompound) parseRawNBT((String) delta[0]);
NBT[0] = parsedNBT;
} else if (mode == ChangeMode.ADD) {
if (delta[0] instanceof String) {
NBTTagCompound parsedNBT = (NBTTagCompound) parseRawNBT((String) delta[0]);
addToCompound(NBT[0], parsedNBT);
} else {
addToCompound(NBT[0], delta[0]);
} else if (mode == ChangeMode.REMOVE) {
if (delta[0] instanceof NBTTagCompound)
for (Object s : delta) {
NBT[0].remove((String) s);
}).parser(new Parser<NBTTagCompound>() {
public String getVariableNamePattern() {
return ".+";
public NBTTagCompound parse(String rawNBT, ParseContext context) {
if (rawNBT.startsWith("nbt:{") && rawNBT.endsWith("}")) {
NBTTagCompound NBT = (NBTTagCompound) parseRawNBT(rawNBT);
if (NBT.toString().equals("{}")) {
return null;
return NBT;
return null;
public String toString(NBTTagCompound compound, int arg1) {
return compound.toString();
public String toVariableNameString(NBTTagCompound compound) {
return "nbt:" + compound.toString();
public void registerNBTListClassInfo() {
Classes.registerClass(new ClassInfo<NBTTagList>(NBTTagList.class, "nbtlist").user("nbt ?list ?(tag)?").name("NBT List").changer(new Changer<NBTTagList>() {
public Class<?>[] acceptChange(ChangeMode mode) {
if (mode == ChangeMode.ADD || mode == ChangeMode.SET || mode == ChangeMode.DELETE || mode == ChangeMode.RESET) {
return CollectionUtils.array(Float[].class, Double[].class, String[].class, NBTTagCompound[].class, Integer[].class, NBTTagList[].class);
return null;
public void change(NBTTagList[] nbtList, @Nullable Object[] delta, ChangeMode mode) {
int typeId = 0;
if (delta instanceof Float[]) {
typeId = 5;
} else if (delta instanceof Double[]) {
typeId = 6;
} else if (delta instanceof String[]) {
typeId = 8;
} else if (delta instanceof NBTTagList[]) {
typeId = 9;
} else if (delta instanceof NBTTagCompound[]) {
typeId = 10;
} else if (delta instanceof Integer[]) {
typeId = 11;
} else {
if (mode == ChangeMode.SET) {
if (typeId == 9)
nbtList[0] = (NBTTagList) delta[0];
} else if (mode == ChangeMode.ADD) {
if (getContentsId(nbtList[0]) == typeId) {
if (typeId == 5) {
NBTTagFloat floatTag = new NBTTagFloat((float) delta[0]);
addToList(nbtList[0], floatTag);
} else if (typeId == 6) {
NBTTagDouble doubleTag = new NBTTagDouble((double) delta[0]);
addToList(nbtList[0], doubleTag);
} else if (typeId == 8) {
NBTTagString stringTag = new NBTTagString((String) delta [0]);
addToList(nbtList[0], stringTag);
} else if (typeId == 10) {
addToList(nbtList[0], delta[0]);
} else if (typeId == 11) {
NBTTagInt intTag = new NBTTagInt((int) delta[0]);
addToList(nbtList[0], intTag);
} else if (mode == ChangeMode.DELETE || mode == ChangeMode.RESET) {
nbtList[0] = new NBTTagList();
}).parser(new Parser<NBTTagList>() {
public String getVariableNamePattern() {
return ".+";
public NBTTagList parse(String ignored, ParseContext context) {
return null;
public String toString(NBTTagList nbtList, int arg1) {
return nbtList.toString();
public String toVariableNameString(NBTTagList nbtList) {
return nbtList.toString();
public Object getEntityNBT(Entity entity) {
net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R2.Entity nmsEntity = ((CraftEntity) entity).getHandle();
NBTTagCompound NBT = new NBTTagCompound();
return NBT;
public Object getTileNBT(Block block) {
NBTTagCompound NBT = new NBTTagCompound();
World nmsWorld = ((CraftWorld) block.getWorld()).getHandle();
TileEntity tileEntity = nmsWorld.getTileEntity(new BlockPosition(block.getX(), block.getY(), block.getZ()));
if (tileEntity == null)
return null;
return NBT;
public Object getItemNBT(ItemStack itemStack) {
if (itemStack.getType() == Material.AIR)
return null;
NBTTagCompound NBT = new NBTTagCompound();
net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R2.ItemStack nmsItem = CraftItemStack.asNMSCopy(itemStack);
NBT = nmsItem.getTag();
if (NBT == null || NBT.toString().equals("{}")) //Null or empty.
return null;
return new Object[] { NBT };
public void setEntityNBT(Entity entity, Object newCompound) {
if (newCompound instanceof NBTTagCompound) {
net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R2.Entity nmsEntity = ((CraftEntity) entity).getHandle();
nmsEntity.f((NBTTagCompound) newCompound);
public void setTileNBT(Block block, Object newCompound) {
if (newCompound instanceof NBTTagCompound) {
World nmsWorld = ((CraftWorld) block.getWorld()).getHandle();
TileEntity tileEntity = nmsWorld.getTileEntity(new BlockPosition(block.getX(), block.getY(), block.getZ()));
if (tileEntity == null)
tileEntity.a((NBTTagCompound) newCompound);
public ItemStack getItemWithNBT(ItemStack itemStack, Object compound) {
if (compound instanceof NBTTagCompound) {
if (itemStack.getType() == Material.AIR || itemStack == null)
return null;
if (compound == null || compound.toString().equals("{}"))
return itemStack;
net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R2.ItemStack nmsItem = CraftItemStack.asNMSCopy(itemStack);
nmsItem.setTag((NBTTagCompound) compound);
ItemStack newItem = CraftItemStack.asCraftMirror(nmsItem);
return newItem;
return null;
public Object getFileNBT(File file) {
FileInputStream fis = null;
try {
fis = new FileInputStream(file);
} catch (FileNotFoundException ex) {
return null; //File doesn't exist.
NBTTagCompound fileNBT = null;
try {
fileNBT = NBTCompressedStreamTools.a(fis);
} catch (IOException ex) {
} finally {
try {
} catch (IOException ex) {
return fileNBT;
public void setFileNBT(File file, Object newCompound) {
OutputStream os = null;
try {
os = new FileOutputStream(file);
} catch (FileNotFoundException ex) {
try {
NBTCompressedStreamTools.a((NBTTagCompound) newCompound, os);
} catch (Exception ex) {
if (ex instanceof EOFException) {
; //Ignore, just end of the file
} else {
} finally {
try {
} catch (Exception ex) {
if (ex instanceof EOFException) {
; //Ignore.
} else {

View File

@ -0,0 +1,588 @@
package me.TheBukor.SkStuff.util;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.Material;
import org.bukkit.block.Block;
import org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_8_R3.CraftWorld;
import org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_8_R3.entity.CraftEntity;
import org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_8_R3.inventory.CraftItemStack;
import org.bukkit.entity.Entity;
import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack;
import ch.njol.skript.Skript;
import ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer;
import ch.njol.skript.classes.ClassInfo;
import ch.njol.skript.classes.Parser;
import ch.njol.skript.classes.Serializer;
import ch.njol.skript.lang.ParseContext;
import ch.njol.skript.registrations.Classes;
import ch.njol.util.coll.CollectionUtils;
import ch.njol.yggdrasil.Fields;
import net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.BlockPosition;
import net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.EntityInsentient;
import net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.MojangsonParseException;
import net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.MojangsonParser;
import net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.NBTBase;
import net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.NBTCompressedStreamTools;
import net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.NBTTagByte;
import net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.NBTTagCompound;
import net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.NBTTagDouble;
import net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.NBTTagEnd;
import net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.NBTTagFloat;
import net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.NBTTagInt;
import net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.NBTTagList;
import net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.NBTTagLong;
import net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.NBTTagShort;
import net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.NBTTagString;
import net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.PathfinderGoal;
import net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.PathfinderGoalSelector;
import net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.TileEntity;
import net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.World;
public class NMS_v1_8_R3 implements NMSInterface {
public void addToCompound(Object compound, Object toAdd) {
if (compound instanceof NBTTagCompound && toAdd instanceof NBTTagCompound) {
((NBTTagCompound) compound).a((NBTTagCompound) toAdd);
public void removeFromCompound(Object compound, String ... toRemove) {
if (compound instanceof NBTTagCompound) {
for (String s : toRemove) {
((NBTTagCompound) compound).remove(s);
public Object parseRawNBT(String rawNBT) {
NBTTagCompound parsedNBT = null;
try {
parsedNBT = MojangsonParser.parse(rawNBT);
} catch (MojangsonParseException ex) {
Skript.warning("Error when parsing NBT - " + ex.getMessage());
return parsedNBT;
public int getContentsId(Object nbtList) {
if (nbtList instanceof NBTTagList) {
return ((NBTTagList) nbtList).f();
return 0;
public Object[] getContents(Object nbtList) {
if (nbtList instanceof NBTTagList) {
List<Object> contents = new ArrayList<Object>();
for (int i = 0; i < ((NBTTagList) nbtList).size(); i++) {
if (getIndex(nbtList, i) != null) {
contents.add(getIndex(nbtList, i));
return contents.toArray();
return null;
public void addToList(Object nbtList, Object toAdd) {
if (nbtList instanceof NBTTagList && toAdd instanceof NBTBase) {
((NBTTagList) nbtList).add((NBTBase) toAdd);
public void removeFromList(Object nbtList, int index) {
if (nbtList instanceof NBTTagList) {
((NBTTagList) nbtList).a(index);
public void setIndex(Object nbtList, int index, Object toSet) {
if (nbtList instanceof NBTTagList) {
if (toSet instanceof NBTBase) {
((NBTTagList) nbtList).a(index, (NBTBase) toSet);
} else {
if (toSet instanceof Byte) {
((NBTTagList) nbtList).a(index, new NBTTagByte((byte) toSet));
} else if (toSet instanceof Short) {
((NBTTagList) nbtList).a(index, new NBTTagShort((short) toSet));
} else if (toSet instanceof Integer) {
((NBTTagList) nbtList).a(index, new NBTTagInt((int) toSet));
} else if (toSet instanceof Long) {
((NBTTagList) nbtList).a(index, new NBTTagLong((long) toSet));
} else if (toSet instanceof Float) {
((NBTTagList) nbtList).a(index, new NBTTagFloat((float) toSet));
} else if (toSet instanceof Double) {
((NBTTagList) nbtList).a(index, new NBTTagDouble((double) toSet));
} else if (toSet instanceof String) {
((NBTTagList) nbtList).a(index, new NBTTagString((String) toSet));
} //No need to check for NBTTagList and NBTTagCompound, these extend NBTBase.
public Object getIndex(Object nbtList, int index) {
if (nbtList instanceof NBTTagList) {
NBTBase value = ((NBTTagList) nbtList).g(index);
if (value instanceof NBTTagEnd) {
return null;
} else if (value instanceof NBTTagByte) {
return ((NBTTagByte) value).f(); //Byte stored inside a NBTNumber
} else if (value instanceof NBTTagShort) {
return ((NBTTagShort) value).e(); //Short inside a NBTNumber
} else if (value instanceof NBTTagInt) {
return ((NBTTagInt) value).d(); //Integer inside a NBTNumber
} else if (value instanceof NBTTagLong) {
return ((NBTTagLong) value).c(); //Long inside a NBTNumber
} else if (value instanceof NBTTagFloat) {
return ((NBTTagFloat) value).h(); //Float inside a NBTNumber
} else if (value instanceof NBTTagDouble) {
return ((NBTTagDouble) value).g(); //Double inside a NBTNumber
} else if (value instanceof NBTTagString) {
return ((NBTTagString) value).a_(); //String inside the NBTTagString
} else if (value instanceof NBTTagList || value instanceof NBTTagCompound) {
return value; //No need to convert anything, these are registered by the addon.
return null;
public void removePathfinderGoal(Object entity, Class<?> goalClass, boolean isTargetSelector) {
if (entity instanceof EntityInsentient) {
((EntityInsentient) entity).setGoalTarget(null);
if (isTargetSelector) {
Iterator<?> goals = ((List<?>) ReflectionUtils.getField("b", PathfinderGoalSelector.class, ((EntityInsentient) entity).targetSelector)).iterator();
while (goals.hasNext()) {
Object goal =;
if (ReflectionUtils.getField("a", goal.getClass(), goal).getClass() == goalClass) {
} else {
Iterator<?> goals = ((List<?>) ReflectionUtils.getField("b", PathfinderGoalSelector.class, ((EntityInsentient) entity).goalSelector)).iterator();
while (goals.hasNext()) {
Object goal =;
if (ReflectionUtils.getField("a", goal.getClass(), goal).getClass() == goalClass) {
public void addPathfinderGoal(Object entity, int priority, Object goal, boolean isTargetSelector) {
if (entity instanceof EntityInsentient && goal instanceof PathfinderGoal) {
if (isTargetSelector)
((EntityInsentient) entity).targetSelector.a(priority, (PathfinderGoal) goal);
((EntityInsentient) entity).goalSelector.a(priority, (PathfinderGoal) goal);
public void registerCompoundClassInfo() {
Classes.registerClass(new ClassInfo<NBTTagCompound>(NBTTagCompound.class, "compound").user("((nbt)?( ?tag)?) ?compounds?").name("NBT Compound").changer(new Changer<NBTTagCompound>() {
public Class<?>[] acceptChange(ChangeMode mode) {
if (mode == ChangeMode.ADD || mode == ChangeMode.REMOVE || mode == ChangeMode.SET) {
return CollectionUtils.array(String[].class, NBTTagCompound[].class);
return null;
public void change(NBTTagCompound[] NBT, @Nullable Object[] delta, ChangeMode mode) {
if (mode == ChangeMode.SET) {
if (delta[0] instanceof NBTTagCompound) {
NBT[0] = (NBTTagCompound) delta[0];
} else {
NBTTagCompound parsedNBT = (NBTTagCompound) parseRawNBT((String) delta[0]);
NBT[0] = parsedNBT;
} else if (mode == ChangeMode.ADD) {
if (delta[0] instanceof String) {
NBTTagCompound parsedNBT = (NBTTagCompound) parseRawNBT((String) delta[0]);
addToCompound(NBT[0], parsedNBT);
} else {
addToCompound(NBT[0], delta[0]);
} else if (mode == ChangeMode.REMOVE) {
if (delta[0] instanceof NBTTagCompound)
for (Object s : delta) {
NBT[0].remove((String) s);
}).parser(new Parser<NBTTagCompound>() {
public String getVariableNamePattern() {
return ".+";
public NBTTagCompound parse(String rawNBT, ParseContext context) {
if (rawNBT.startsWith("nbt:{") && rawNBT.endsWith("}")) {
Bukkit.broadcastMessage("rawNBT: \u00A72" + rawNBT.substring(4));
NBTTagCompound NBT = (NBTTagCompound) parseRawNBT(rawNBT.substring(4));
return NBT;
return null;
public String toString(NBTTagCompound compound, int arg1) {
return compound.toString();
public String toVariableNameString(NBTTagCompound compound) {
return "nbt:" + compound.toString();
}).serializer(new Serializer<NBTTagCompound>() {
public Fields serialize(NBTTagCompound compound) throws NotSerializableException {
Fields f = new Fields();
f.putObject("asString", compound.toString());
return f;
public void deserialize(NBTTagCompound compound, Fields f) throws StreamCorruptedException, NotSerializableException {
assert false;
protected boolean canBeInstantiated() {
return false;
protected NBTTagCompound deserialize(Fields fields) throws StreamCorruptedException, NotSerializableException {
String s = fields.getObject("asString", String.class);
NBTTagCompound compound = (NBTTagCompound) parseRawNBT(s);
return compound;
public NBTTagCompound deserialize(String s) {
NBTTagCompound compound = (NBTTagCompound) parseRawNBT(s);
return compound;
public boolean mustSyncDeserialization() {
return true;
public void registerNBTListClassInfo() {
Classes.registerClass(new ClassInfo<NBTTagList>(NBTTagList.class, "nbtlist").user("nbt ?list ?(tag)?").name("NBT List").changer(new Changer<NBTTagList>() {
public Class<?>[] acceptChange(ChangeMode mode) {
if (mode == ChangeMode.ADD || mode == ChangeMode.SET || mode == ChangeMode.DELETE || mode == ChangeMode.RESET) {
return CollectionUtils.array(Float[].class, Double[].class, String[].class, NBTTagCompound[].class, Integer[].class, NBTTagList[].class);
return null;
public void change(NBTTagList[] nbtList, @Nullable Object[] delta, ChangeMode mode) {
int typeId = 0;
if (delta instanceof Byte[]) {
typeId = 1;
} else if (delta instanceof Short[]) {
typeId = 2;
} else if (delta instanceof Integer[]) {
typeId = 3;
} else if (delta instanceof Long[]) {
typeId = 4;
} else if (delta instanceof Float[]) {
typeId = 5;
} else if (delta instanceof Double[]) {
typeId = 6;
} else if (delta instanceof String[]) {
typeId = 8;
} else if (delta instanceof NBTTagList[]) {
typeId = 9;
} else if (delta instanceof NBTTagCompound[]) {
typeId = 10;
} else {
if (mode == ChangeMode.SET) {
if (typeId == 9)
nbtList[0] = (NBTTagList) delta[0];
} else if (mode == ChangeMode.ADD) {
if (getContentsId(nbtList[0]) == typeId) {
if (typeId == 1) {
NBTTagByte byteTag = new NBTTagByte((byte) delta[0]);
addToList(nbtList[0], byteTag);
} else if (typeId == 2) {
NBTTagShort shortTag = new NBTTagShort((short) delta[0]);
addToList(nbtList[0], shortTag);
} else if (typeId == 3) {
NBTTagInt intTag = new NBTTagInt((int) delta[0]);
addToList(nbtList[0], intTag);
} else if (typeId == 4) {
NBTTagLong longTag = new NBTTagLong((long) delta[0]);
addToList(nbtList[0], longTag);
} else if (typeId == 5) {
NBTTagFloat floatTag = new NBTTagFloat((float) delta[0]);
addToList(nbtList[0], floatTag);
} else if (typeId == 6) {
NBTTagDouble doubleTag = new NBTTagDouble((double) delta[0]);
addToList(nbtList[0], doubleTag);
} else if (typeId == 8) {
NBTTagString stringTag = new NBTTagString((String) delta [0]);
addToList(nbtList[0], stringTag);
} else if (typeId == 9) {
addToList(nbtList[0], delta[0]);
} else if (typeId == 10) {
addToList(nbtList[0], delta[0]);
} else if (mode == ChangeMode.DELETE || mode == ChangeMode.RESET) {
nbtList[0] = new NBTTagList();
}).parser(new Parser<NBTTagList>() {
public String getVariableNamePattern() {
return ".+";
public NBTTagList parse(String listString, ParseContext context) {
if (listString.startsWith("[") && listString.endsWith("]")) {
NBTTagCompound NBT = (NBTTagCompound) parseRawNBT("{SkStuffIsCool:[0:" + listString.substring(1) + "}");
NBTTagList parsedList = (NBTTagList) NBT.get("SkStuffIsCool");
return parsedList;
return null;
public String toString(NBTTagList nbtList, int arg1) {
return nbtList.toString();
public String toVariableNameString(NBTTagList nbtList) {
return nbtList.toString();
}).serializer(new Serializer<NBTTagList>() {
public Fields serialize(NBTTagList nbtList) throws NotSerializableException {
Fields f = new Fields();
f.putObject("asString", nbtList.toString());
return f;
public void deserialize(NBTTagList nbtList, Fields f) throws StreamCorruptedException, NotSerializableException {
assert false;
protected boolean canBeInstantiated() {
return false;
protected NBTTagList deserialize(Fields fields) throws StreamCorruptedException, NotSerializableException {
String s = fields.getObject("asString", String.class);
NBTTagCompound tempNBT = (NBTTagCompound) parseRawNBT("{SkStuffIsCool:" + s + "}");
NBTTagList nbtList = (NBTTagList) tempNBT.get("SkStuffIsCool");
return nbtList;
public NBTTagList deserialize(String s) {
NBTTagCompound tempNBT = (NBTTagCompound) parseRawNBT("{SkStuffIsCool:" + s + "}");
NBTTagList nbtList = (NBTTagList) tempNBT.get("SkStuffIsCool");
return nbtList;
public boolean mustSyncDeserialization() {
return true;
public Object getEntityNBT(Entity entity) {
net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.Entity nmsEntity = ((CraftEntity) entity).getHandle();
NBTTagCompound NBT = new NBTTagCompound();
return NBT;
public Object getTileNBT(Block block) {
NBTTagCompound NBT = new NBTTagCompound();
World nmsWorld = ((CraftWorld) block.getWorld()).getHandle();
TileEntity tileEntity = nmsWorld.getTileEntity(new BlockPosition(block.getX(), block.getY(), block.getZ()));
if (tileEntity == null)
return null;
return NBT;
public Object getItemNBT(ItemStack itemStack) {
if (itemStack.getType() == Material.AIR)
return null;
NBTTagCompound itemNBT = CraftItemStack.asNMSCopy(itemStack).getTag();
if (itemNBT.isEmpty())
itemNBT = null;
return itemNBT;
public void setEntityNBT(Entity entity, Object newCompound) {
if (newCompound instanceof NBTTagCompound) {
net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.Entity nmsEntity = ((CraftEntity) entity).getHandle();
nmsEntity.f((NBTTagCompound) newCompound);
public void setTileNBT(Block block, Object newCompound) {
if (newCompound instanceof NBTTagCompound) {
World nmsWorld = ((CraftWorld) block.getWorld()).getHandle();
TileEntity tileEntity = nmsWorld.getTileEntity(new BlockPosition(block.getX(), block.getY(), block.getZ()));
if (tileEntity == null)
tileEntity.a((NBTTagCompound) newCompound);
public ItemStack getItemWithNBT(ItemStack itemStack, Object compound) {
net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.ItemStack nmsItem = CraftItemStack.asNMSCopy(itemStack);
if (compound instanceof NBTTagCompound && itemStack != null) {
if (itemStack.getType() == Material.AIR)
return null;
if (((NBTTagCompound) compound).isEmpty())
return itemStack;
nmsItem.setTag((NBTTagCompound) compound);
ItemStack newItem = CraftItemStack.asBukkitCopy(nmsItem);
return newItem;
} else if (compound == null) {
ItemStack newItem = CraftItemStack.asBukkitCopy(nmsItem);
return newItem;
return itemStack;
public Object getFileNBT(File file) {
FileInputStream fis = null;
try {
fis = new FileInputStream(file);
} catch (FileNotFoundException ex) {
return null; //File doesn't exist.
NBTTagCompound fileNBT = null;
try {
fileNBT = NBTCompressedStreamTools.a(fis);
} catch (IOException ex) {
if (ex instanceof EOFException) {
; //Nothing.
} else {
} finally {
try {
} catch (IOException ex) {
if (ex instanceof EOFException) {
; //Ignore it!
} else {
return fileNBT;
public void setFileNBT(File file, Object newCompound) {
OutputStream os = null;
try {
os = new FileOutputStream(file);
} catch (FileNotFoundException ex) {
try {
NBTCompressedStreamTools.a((NBTTagCompound) newCompound, os);
} catch (IOException ex) {
if (ex instanceof EOFException) {
; //Ignore, just end of the file
} else {
} finally {
try {
} catch (IOException ex) {
if (ex instanceof EOFException) {
; //Ignore.
} else {