Ready for more testing, removal of goals with specific data will not... in this update, but rather a future update.
This commit is contained in:
Richard 2016-02-07 10:39:37 -02:00
parent 0c5cbc44f6
commit 4ec8dbae2a
3 changed files with 36 additions and 199 deletions

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@ -93,8 +93,8 @@ public class SkStuff extends JavaPlugin {
getLogger().info("Trying to register version specific stuff...");
Skript.registerEffect(EffClearPathGoals.class, "(clear|delete) [all] pathfind[er] goals (of|from) %livingentity%");
Skript.registerEffect(EffRemovePathGoal.class, "remove pathfind[er] goal (0¦(avoid|run away from) %entitydata%,[ ]radius %number%,[ ][at] speed %number%,[ ][at] speed if close %number%|1¦break door[s]|2¦breed,[ ][move to[wards] lover at] speed %number%|3¦eat grass|4¦(flee from the sun|seek shad(e|ow)),[ ][at] speed %number%|5¦float (in[side]|on) water|6¦follow (owner|tamer),[ ][at] speed %number%|7¦follow (adult[s]|parent[s]),[ ][at] speed %number%|8¦(fight back|react to|target) (damager|attacker) [[of] type %entitydata%]|9¦o(c|z)elot jump on blocks,[ ][at] speed %number%|10¦leap at target height %number%|11¦look at %entitydata%,[ ]radius %number%|12¦melee attack %entitydata%,[ ][at] speed %number%|13¦move to[wards] target,[ ][at] speed %number%,[ ]radius %number%|14¦attack nearest entity [of] type %entitydata%|15¦o(c|z)elot attack [chicken]|16¦open door[s]|17¦(panic|flee),[ ][at] speed %number%|18¦look around randomly|19¦(walk around randomly|wander),[ ][at] speed %number%,[ ][with] %-timespan% between mov(e[ment]|ing)|20¦sit|21¦[creeper] swell) from %livingentity%");
Skript.registerEffect(EffSetPathGoal.class, "add pathfind[er] goal [[with] priority %-integer%] (0¦(avoid|run away from) %entitydata%,[ ]radius %number%,[ ][at] speed %number%,[ ][at] speed if close %number%|1¦break door[s]|2¦breed,[ ][move to[wards] lover at] speed %number%|3¦eat grass|4¦(flee from the sun|seek shad(e|ow)),[ ][at] speed %number%|5¦float (in[side]|on) water|6¦follow (owner|tamer),[ ][at] speed %number%|7¦follow (adult[s]|parent[s]),[ ][at] speed %number%|8¦(fight back|react to|target) (damager|attacker) [[of] type %entitydata%]|9¦o(c|z)elot jump on blocks,[ ][at] speed %number%|10¦leap at target height %number%|11¦look at %entitydata%,[ ]radius %number%|12¦melee attack %entitydata%,[ ][at] speed %number%|13¦move to[wards] target,[ ][at] speed %number%,[ ]radius %number%|14¦attack nearest entity [of] type %entitydata%|15¦o(c|z)elot attack [chicken]|16¦open door[s]|17¦(panic|flee),[ ][at] speed %number%|18¦look around randomly|19¦(walk around randomly|wander),[ ][at] speed %number%,[ ][with] min[imum] [of] %-timespan% between mov(e[ment][s]|ing)|20¦sit|21¦[creeper] swell) to %livingentity%");
Skript.registerEffect(EffRemovePathGoal.class, "remove pathfind[er] goal (0¦(avoid|run away from) entit(y|ies)|1¦break door[s]|2¦breed|3¦eat grass|4¦(flee from the sun|seek shad(e|ow))|5¦float (in[side]|on) water|6¦follow (owner|tamer)|7¦follow (adult|parent)[s]|8¦(fight back|react to|target) (damager|attacker)|9¦o(c|z)elot jump on blocks|10¦leap at target|11¦look at entit(y|ies)|12¦melee attack entit(y|ies)|13¦move to[wards] target|14¦attack nearest entity|15¦o(c|z)elot attack [chicken[s]]|16¦open door[s]|17¦(panic|flee)|18¦look around randomly|19¦(walk around randomly|wander)|20¦sit|21¦[creeper] swell) from %livingentity%");
Skript.registerEffect(EffSetPathGoal.class, "add pathfind[er] goal [[with] priority %-integer%] (0¦(avoid|run away from) %entitydata%,[ ]radius %number%,[ ][at] speed %number%,[ ][at] speed if close %number%|1¦break door[s]|2¦breed,[ ][move to[wards] lover at] speed %number%|3¦eat grass|4¦(flee from the sun|seek shad(e|ow)),[ ][at] speed %number%|5¦float (in[side]|on) water|6¦follow (owner|tamer),[ ][at] speed %number%|7¦follow (adult|parent)[s],[ ][at] speed %number%|8¦(fight back|react to|target) (damager|attacker) [[of] type] %entitydata%|9¦o(c|z)elot jump on blocks,[ ][at] speed %number%|10¦leap at target [with [leap]] height %number%|11¦look at %entitydata%,[ ]radius %number%|12¦melee attack %entitydata%,[ ][at] speed %number%|13¦move to[wards] target,[ ][at] speed %number%,[ ]radius %number%|14¦attack nearest [entity [of] type] %entitydata%|15¦o(c|z)elot attack [chicken]|16¦open door[s]|17¦(panic|flee),[ ][at] speed %number%|18¦look around randomly|19¦(walk around randomly|wander),[ ][at] speed %number%,[ ][with] min[imum] [of] %-timespan% between mov(e[ment][s]|ing)|20¦sit|21¦[creeper] swell) to %livingentity%");
Skript.registerEffect(EffMakeJump.class, "make %livingentity% jump");
Skript.registerExpression(ExprNBTOf.class, Object.class, ExpressionType.PROPERTY, "nbt[[ ]tag[s]] of %entity/block/itemstack%", "%entity/block/itemstack%'s nbt[[ ]tag[s]]");
Skript.registerExpression(ExprItemNBT.class, ItemStack.class, ExpressionType.SIMPLE, "%itemstack% with [custom] nbt[[ ]tag[s]] %string%");

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@ -5,42 +5,17 @@ import java.util.List;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.entity.Creeper;
import org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.event.Event;
import ch.njol.skript.entity.EntityData;
import ch.njol.skript.lang.Effect;
import ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression;
import ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult;
import ch.njol.skript.util.Timespan;
import ch.njol.util.Kleenean;
import me.TheBukor.SkStuff.util.ReflectionUtils;
public class EffRemovePathGoal extends Effect {
private Expression<EntityData<?>> typeToAvoid;
private Expression<Number> avoidRadius;
private Expression<Number> avoidSpeed1;
private Expression<Number> avoidSpeed2;
private Expression<Number> breedSpeed;
private Expression<Number> fleeSunSpeed;
private Expression<Number> followOwnerSpeed;
private Expression<Number> followAdultsSpeed;
private Expression<EntityData<?>> typesToFightBack;
private Expression<Number> jumpOnBlockSpeed;
private Expression<Number> leapHeight;
private Expression<EntityData<?>> lookType;
private Expression<Number> lookRadius;
private Expression<EntityData<?>> meleeTarget;
private Expression<Number> meleeSpeed;
private Expression<Number> moveTargetSpeed;
private Expression<Number> moveTargetRadius;
private Expression<EntityData<?>> nearTarget;
private Expression<Number> panicSpeed;
private Expression<Number> randomWalkSpeed;
private Expression<Timespan> randomWalkInterval;
private Expression<LivingEntity> entity;
private int mark;
@ -69,54 +44,14 @@ public class EffRemovePathGoal extends Effect {
private Class<?> goalSit = ReflectionUtils.getNMSClass("PathfinderGoalSit", false);
private Class<?> goalSwell = ReflectionUtils.getNMSClass("PathfinderGoalSwell", false);
private Class<?> entAnimal = ReflectionUtils.getNMSClass("EntityAnimal", false);
private Class<?> entCreature = ReflectionUtils.getNMSClass("EntityCreature", false);
private Class<?> entInsent = ReflectionUtils.getNMSClass("EntityInsentient", false);
private Class<?> entOcelot = ReflectionUtils.getNMSClass("EntityOcelot", false);
private Class<?> entTameable = ReflectionUtils.getNMSClass("EntityTameableAnimal", false);
private Class<?> craftLivEnt = ReflectionUtils.getOBCClass("entity.CraftLivingEntity");
public boolean init(Expression<?>[] expr, int matchedPattern, Kleenean arg2, ParseResult result) {
mark = result.mark;
if (mark == 0) {
typeToAvoid = (Expression<EntityData<?>>) expr[0];
avoidRadius = (Expression<Number>) expr[1];
avoidSpeed1 = (Expression<Number>) expr[2];
avoidSpeed2 = (Expression<Number>) expr[3];
} else if (mark == 2) {
breedSpeed = (Expression<Number>) expr[4];
} else if (mark == 4) {
fleeSunSpeed = (Expression<Number>) expr[5];
} else if (mark == 6) {
followOwnerSpeed = (Expression<Number>) expr[6];
} else if (mark == 7) {
followAdultsSpeed = (Expression<Number>) expr[7];
} else if (mark == 8) {
typesToFightBack = (Expression<EntityData<?>>) expr[8];
} else if (mark == 9) {
jumpOnBlockSpeed = (Expression<Number>) expr[9];
} else if (mark == 10) {
leapHeight = (Expression<Number>) expr[10];
} else if (mark == 11) {
lookType = (Expression<EntityData<?>>) expr[11];
lookRadius = (Expression<Number>) expr[12];
} else if (mark == 12) {
meleeTarget = (Expression<EntityData<?>>) expr[13];
meleeSpeed = (Expression<Number>) expr[14];
} else if (mark == 13) {
moveTargetSpeed = (Expression<Number>) expr[15];
moveTargetRadius = (Expression<Number>) expr[16];
} else if (mark == 14) {
nearTarget = (Expression<EntityData<?>>) expr[17];
} else if (mark == 17) {
panicSpeed = (Expression<Number>) expr[18];
} else if (mark == 19) {
randomWalkSpeed = (Expression<Number>) expr[19];
randomWalkInterval = (Expression<Timespan>) expr[20];
entity = (Expression<LivingEntity>) expr[21];
entity = (Expression<LivingEntity>) expr[0];
return true;
@ -125,7 +60,7 @@ public class EffRemovePathGoal extends Effect {
return "remove pathfind goal of " + entity.toString(e, false);
@SuppressWarnings({ "unused", "deprecation" })
@SuppressWarnings({ "unused" })
protected void execute(Event e) {
LivingEntity ent = entity.getSingle(e);
@ -136,160 +71,60 @@ public class EffRemovePathGoal extends Effect {
Object nmsEnt = entInsent.cast(obcEnt.getClass().getMethod("getHandle").invoke(obcEnt));
Object goalSelector = ReflectionUtils.getField("goalSelector", entInsent, nmsEnt);
Object targetSelector = ReflectionUtils.getField("targetSelector", entInsent, nmsEnt);
Object newGoal = null;
Object toRemove = null;
if (mark == 0) {
float radius = avoidRadius.getSingle(e).floatValue();
double spd1 = avoidSpeed1.getSingle(e).doubleValue();
double spd2 = avoidSpeed2.getSingle(e).doubleValue();
EntityData<?> entityData;
String exprInput = typeToAvoid.toString(e, false);
if (exprInput.startsWith("the ")) {
exprInput = exprInput.substring(4);
entityData = EntityData.parseWithoutIndefiniteArticle(exprInput);
String className = entityData.getType().getSimpleName();
if (className.equals("HumanEntity"))
className = "Human";
className = "Entity" + className;
Class<?> nmsClass = ReflectionUtils.getNMSClass(className, false);
if (nmsClass == null)
newGoal = goalAvoid.getConstructor(entCreature, Class.class, float.class, double.class, double.class).newInstance(nmsEnt, nmsClass, radius, spd1, spd2);
toRemove = goalAvoid;
} else if (mark == 1) {
newGoal = goalBreakDoor.getConstructor(entInsent).newInstance(nmsEnt);
toRemove = goalBreakDoor;
} else if (mark == 2) {
double spd = breedSpeed.getSingle(e).doubleValue();
if (!(nmsEnt.getClass().isAssignableFrom(entAnimal)))
newGoal = goalBreed.getConstructor(entAnimal, double.class).newInstance(nmsEnt, spd);
toRemove = goalBreed;
} else if (mark == 3) {
newGoal = goalEatGrass.getConstructor(entInsent).newInstance(nmsEnt);
toRemove = goalEatGrass;
} else if (mark == 4) {
double spd = fleeSunSpeed.getSingle(e).doubleValue();
newGoal = goalFleeSun.getConstructor(entCreature, double.class).newInstance(nmsEnt, spd);
toRemove = goalFleeSun;
} else if (mark == 5) {
newGoal = goalFloat.getConstructor(entInsent).newInstance(nmsEnt);
toRemove = goalFloat;
} else if (mark == 6) {
double spd = followOwnerSpeed.getSingle(e).doubleValue();
if (!(nmsEnt.getClass().isAssignableFrom(entTameable)))
newGoal = goalFollowOwner.getConstructor(entTameable, double.class, float.class, float.class).newInstance(nmsEnt, spd, 20.0F, 5.0F);
toRemove = goalFollowOwner;
} else if (mark == 7) {
double spd = followAdultsSpeed.getSingle(e).doubleValue();
if (!(nmsEnt.getClass().isAssignableFrom(entAnimal)))
newGoal = goalFollowAdults.getConstructor(entAnimal, double.class).newInstance(nmsEnt, spd);
toRemove = goalFollowAdults;
} else if (mark == 8) {
EntityData<?> entityData;
String exprInput = typesToFightBack.toString(e, false);
if (exprInput.startsWith("the ")) {
exprInput = exprInput.substring(4);
entityData = EntityData.parseWithoutIndefiniteArticle(exprInput);
String className = entityData.getType().getSimpleName();
if (className.equals("HumanEntity"))
className = "Human";
className = "Entity" + className;
Class<?>[] nmsClass = new Class<?>[] { ReflectionUtils.getNMSClass(className, false) };
if (nmsClass[0] == null)
newGoal = goalReactAttack.getConstructor(entCreature, boolean.class, Class[].class).newInstance(nmsEnt, false, nmsClass[0]);
toRemove = goalReactAttack;
} else if (mark == 9) {
double spd = jumpOnBlockSpeed.getSingle(e).doubleValue();
if (nmsEnt.getClass() != entOcelot)
newGoal = goalJumpOnBlock.getConstructor(entOcelot, double.class).newInstance(nmsEnt, spd);
toRemove = goalJumpOnBlock;
} else if (mark == 10) {
float height = leapHeight.getSingle(e).floatValue();
newGoal = goalLeapTarget.getConstructor(entInsent, float.class).newInstance(nmsEnt, height);
toRemove = goalLeapTarget;
} else if (mark == 11) {
EntityData<?> entityData;
String exprInput = lookType.toString(e, false);
if (exprInput.startsWith("the ")) {
exprInput = exprInput.substring(4);
entityData = EntityData.parseWithoutIndefiniteArticle(exprInput);
String className = entityData.getType().getSimpleName();
if (className.equals("HumanEntity"))
className = "Human";
className = "Entity" + className;
Class<?> nmsClass = ReflectionUtils.getNMSClass(className, false);
if (nmsClass == null)
float radius = lookRadius.getSingle(e).floatValue();
newGoal = goalLookEntities.getConstructor(entInsent, Class.class, float.class).newInstance(nmsEnt, nmsClass, radius);
toRemove = goalLookEntities;
} else if (mark == 12) {
EntityData<?> entityData;
String exprInput = meleeTarget.toString(e, false);
if (exprInput.startsWith("the ")) {
exprInput = exprInput.substring(4);
entityData = EntityData.parseWithoutIndefiniteArticle(exprInput);
String className = entityData.getType().getSimpleName();
if (className.equals("HumanEntity"))
className = "Human";
className = "Entity" + className;
Class<?> nmsClass = ReflectionUtils.getNMSClass(className, false);
if (nmsClass == null)
double spd = meleeSpeed.getSingle(e).doubleValue();
newGoal = goalMeleeAttack.getConstructor(entCreature, Class.class, double.class, boolean.class).newInstance(nmsEnt, nmsClass, spd, false);
toRemove = goalMeleeAttack;
} else if (mark == 13) {
double spd = moveTargetSpeed.getSingle(e).doubleValue();
float radius = moveTargetRadius.getSingle(e).floatValue();
newGoal = goalGotoTarget.getConstructor(entCreature, double.class, float.class).newInstance(nmsEnt, spd, radius);
toRemove = goalGotoTarget;
} else if (mark == 14) {
EntityData<?> entityData;
String exprInput = nearTarget.toString(e, false);
if (exprInput.startsWith("the ")) {
exprInput = exprInput.substring(4);
entityData = EntityData.parseWithoutIndefiniteArticle(exprInput);
String className = entityData.getType().getSimpleName();
if (className.equals("HumanEntity"))
className = "Human";
className = "Entity" + className;
Class<?> nmsClass = ReflectionUtils.getNMSClass(className, false);
if (nmsClass == null)
newGoal = goalNearTarget.getConstructor(entCreature, Class.class, boolean.class).newInstance(nmsEnt, nmsClass, false);
toRemove = goalNearTarget;
} else if (mark == 15) {
newGoal = goalOcelotAttack.getConstructor(entInsent).newInstance(nmsEnt);
toRemove = goalOcelotAttack;
} else if (mark == 16) {
newGoal = goalOpenDoors.getConstructor(entInsent, boolean.class).newInstance(nmsEnt, false);
toRemove = goalOpenDoors;
} else if (mark == 17) {
double spd = panicSpeed.getSingle(e).doubleValue();
newGoal = goalPanic.getConstructor(entCreature, double.class).newInstance(nmsEnt, spd);
toRemove = goalPanic;
} else if (mark == 18) {
newGoal = goalRandomLook.getConstructor(entInsent).newInstance(nmsEnt);
toRemove = goalRandomLook;
} else if (mark == 19) {
double spd = randomWalkSpeed.getSingle(e).doubleValue();
int interval = randomWalkInterval.getSingle(e).getTicks();
newGoal = goalWander.getConstructor(entCreature, double.class, int.class).newInstance(nmsEnt, spd, interval);
toRemove = goalWander;
} else if (mark == 20) {
if (!(nmsEnt.getClass().isAssignableFrom(entTameable))) {
Bukkit.broadcastMessage("\u00A7c" + ent.getType().toString() + " is not a tameable animal - \u00A7e[DEBUG MESSAGE]");
newGoal = goalSit.getConstructor(entTameable).newInstance(nmsEnt);
toRemove = goalSit;
} else if (mark == 21) {
if (!(ent instanceof Creeper)) {
Bukkit.broadcastMessage("\u00A7c" + ent.getType().toString() + " is not a creeper - \u00A7e[DEBUG MESSAGE]");
newGoal = goalSwell.getConstructor(nmsEnt.getClass()).newInstance(nmsEnt);
toRemove = goalSwell;
Iterator<?> goals = ((List<?>) ReflectionUtils.getField("b", goalSelectorClass, goalSelector)).iterator();
Iterator<?> goalPriorities = ((List<?>) ReflectionUtils.getField("c", goalSelectorClass, goalSelector)).iterator();
while (goals.hasNext()) {
Object o =;
Bukkit.broadcastMessage("\u00A7eClass from \'a\' field of iterated goal: \u00A76" + ReflectionUtils.getField("a", o.getClass(), o).getClass());
Bukkit.broadcastMessage("\u00A7eClass from \'newGoal\': \u00A76" + newGoal.getClass());
Bukkit.broadcastMessage("\n\u00A79String form of \'a\' field of iterated goal: \u00A7b" + ReflectionUtils.getField("a", o.getClass(), o));
Bukkit.broadcastMessage("\u00A79String form of \'newGoal\': \u00A7b" + newGoal);
if (ReflectionUtils.getField("a", o.getClass(), o).getClass() == newGoal.getClass()) {;
if (ReflectionUtils.getField("a", o.getClass(), o).getClass() == toRemove) {
Bukkit.broadcastMessage("\u00A7aClasses were the same. Just need to know how to check values");

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@ -3,9 +3,11 @@ package me.TheBukor.SkStuff.effects;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.entity.Animals;
import org.bukkit.entity.Creeper;
import org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.entity.Tameable;
import org.bukkit.event.Event;
import ch.njol.skript.entity.EntityData;
@ -171,7 +173,7 @@ public class EffSetPathGoal extends Effect {
newGoal = goalBreakDoor.getConstructor(entInsent).newInstance(nmsEnt);
} else if (mark == 2) {
double spd = breedSpeed.getSingle(e).doubleValue();
if (!(nmsEnt.getClass().isAssignableFrom(entAnimal))) {
if (!(ent instanceof Animals)) {
Bukkit.broadcastMessage("\u00A7c" + ent.getType().toString() + " is not an animal - \u00A7e[DEBUG MESSAGE]");
@ -185,14 +187,14 @@ public class EffSetPathGoal extends Effect {
newGoal = goalFloat.getConstructor(entInsent).newInstance(nmsEnt);
} else if (mark == 6) {
double spd = followOwnerSpeed.getSingle(e).doubleValue();
if (!(nmsEnt.getClass().isAssignableFrom(entTameable))) {
if (!(ent instanceof Tameable)) {
Bukkit.broadcastMessage("\u00A7c" + ent.getType().toString() + " is not a tameable animal - \u00A7e[DEBUG MESSAGE]");
newGoal = goalFollowOwner.getConstructor(entTameable, double.class, float.class, float.class).newInstance(nmsEnt, spd, 20.0F, 5.0F);
} else if (mark == 7) {
double spd = followAdultsSpeed.getSingle(e).doubleValue();
if (!(nmsEnt.getClass().isAssignableFrom(entAnimal))) {
if (!(ent instanceof Animals)) {
Bukkit.broadcastMessage("\u00A7c" + ent.getType().toString() + " is not an animal - \u00A7e[DEBUG MESSAGE]");
@ -287,7 +289,7 @@ public class EffSetPathGoal extends Effect {
int interval = randomWalkInterval.getSingle(e).getTicks();
newGoal = goalWander.getConstructor(entCreature, double.class, int.class).newInstance(nmsEnt, spd, interval);
} else if (mark == 20) {
if (!(nmsEnt.getClass().isAssignableFrom(entTameable))) {
if (!(ent instanceof Tameable)) {
Bukkit.broadcastMessage("\u00A7c" + ent.getType().toString() + " is not a tameable animal - \u00A7e[DEBUG MESSAGE]");