/* * Copyright (c) 2013-present RedisBungee contributors * * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html */ package com.imaginarycode.minecraft.redisbungee.commands; import com.google.common.base.Joiner; import com.google.common.collect.HashMultimap; import com.google.common.collect.Multimap; import com.imaginarycode.minecraft.redisbungee.AbstractRedisBungeeAPI; import com.imaginarycode.minecraft.redisbungee.RedisBungeeVelocityPlugin; import com.velocitypowered.api.command.CommandSource; import com.velocitypowered.api.command.SimpleCommand; import com.velocitypowered.api.proxy.server.RegisteredServer; import com.velocitypowered.api.proxy.server.ServerInfo; import net.kyori.adventure.text.Component; import net.kyori.adventure.text.TextComponent; import net.kyori.adventure.text.format.NamedTextColor; import java.net.InetAddress; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeSet; import java.util.UUID; /** * This class contains subclasses that are used for the commands RedisBungee overrides or includes: /glist, /find and /lastseen. *

* All classes use the {@link AbstractRedisBungeeAPI}. * * @author tuxed * @since 0.2.3 */ public class RedisBungeeCommands { private static final Component NO_PLAYER_SPECIFIED = Component.text("You must specify a player name.", NamedTextColor.RED); private static final Component PLAYER_NOT_FOUND = Component.text("No such player found.", NamedTextColor.RED); private static final Component NO_COMMAND_SPECIFIED = Component.text("You must specify a command to be run.", NamedTextColor.RED); private static String playerPlural(int num) { return num == 1 ? num + " player is" : num + " players are"; } public static class GlistCommand implements SimpleCommand { private final RedisBungeeVelocityPlugin plugin; public GlistCommand(RedisBungeeVelocityPlugin plugin) { this.plugin = plugin; } @Override public void execute(final Invocation invocation) { plugin.getProxy().getScheduler().buildTask(plugin, () -> { int count = plugin.getAbstractRedisBungeeApi().getPlayerCount(); Component playersOnline = Component.text(playerPlural(count) + " currently online.", NamedTextColor.YELLOW); CommandSource sender = invocation.source(); if (invocation.arguments().length > 0 && invocation.arguments()[0].equals("showall")) { Multimap serverToPlayers = plugin.getAbstractRedisBungeeApi().getServerToPlayers(); Multimap human = HashMultimap.create(); serverToPlayers.forEach((key, value) -> { // if for any reason UUID translation fails just return the uuid as name, to make command finish executing. String playerName = plugin.getUuidTranslator().getNameFromUuid(value, false); human.put(key, playerName != null ? playerName : value.toString()); }); for (String server : new TreeSet<>(serverToPlayers.keySet())) { Component serverName = Component.text("[" + server + "] ", NamedTextColor.GREEN); Component serverCount = Component.text("(" + serverToPlayers.get(server).size() + "): ", NamedTextColor.YELLOW); Component serverPlayers = Component.text(Joiner.on(", ").join(human.get(server)), NamedTextColor.WHITE); sender.sendMessage(Component.textOfChildren(serverName, serverCount, serverPlayers)); } sender.sendMessage(playersOnline); } else { sender.sendMessage(playersOnline); sender.sendMessage(Component.text("To see all players online, use /glist showall.", NamedTextColor.YELLOW)); } }).schedule(); } @Override public boolean hasPermission(Invocation invocation) { return invocation.source().hasPermission("velocity.command.server"); } } public static class FindCommand implements SimpleCommand { private final RedisBungeeVelocityPlugin plugin; public FindCommand(RedisBungeeVelocityPlugin plugin) { this.plugin = plugin; } @Override public void execute(final Invocation invocation) { plugin.getProxy().getScheduler().buildTask(plugin, () -> { String[] args = invocation.arguments(); CommandSource sender = invocation.source(); if (args.length > 0) { UUID uuid = plugin.getUuidTranslator().getTranslatedUuid(args[0], true); if (uuid == null) { sender.sendMessage(PLAYER_NOT_FOUND); return; } ServerInfo si = plugin.getProxy().getServer(plugin.getAbstractRedisBungeeApi().getServerNameFor(uuid)).map(RegisteredServer::getServerInfo).orElse(null); if (si != null) { Component message = Component.text(args[0] + " is on " + si.getName() + ".", NamedTextColor.BLUE); sender.sendMessage(message); } else { sender.sendMessage(PLAYER_NOT_FOUND); } } else { sender.sendMessage(NO_PLAYER_SPECIFIED); } }).schedule(); } @Override public boolean hasPermission(Invocation invocation) { return invocation.source().hasPermission("redisbungee.command.find"); } } public static class LastSeenCommand implements SimpleCommand { private final RedisBungeeVelocityPlugin plugin; public LastSeenCommand(RedisBungeeVelocityPlugin plugin) { this.plugin = plugin; } @Override public void execute(final Invocation invocation) { plugin.getProxy().getScheduler().buildTask(plugin, () -> { String[] args = invocation.arguments(); CommandSource sender = invocation.source(); if (args.length > 0) { UUID uuid = plugin.getUuidTranslator().getTranslatedUuid(args[0], true); if (uuid == null) { sender.sendMessage(PLAYER_NOT_FOUND); return; } long secs = plugin.getAbstractRedisBungeeApi().getLastOnline(uuid); TextComponent.Builder message = Component.text(); if (secs == 0) { message.color(NamedTextColor.GREEN); message.content(args[0] + " is currently online."); } else if (secs != -1) { message.color(NamedTextColor.BLUE); message.content(args[0] + " was last online on " + new SimpleDateFormat().format(secs) + "."); } else { message.color(NamedTextColor.RED); message.content(args[0] + " has never been online."); } sender.sendMessage(message.build()); } else { sender.sendMessage(NO_PLAYER_SPECIFIED); } }).schedule(); } @Override public boolean hasPermission(Invocation invocation) { return invocation.source().hasPermission("redisbungee.command.lastseen"); } } public static class IpCommand implements SimpleCommand { private final RedisBungeeVelocityPlugin plugin; public IpCommand(RedisBungeeVelocityPlugin plugin) { this.plugin = plugin; } @Override public void execute(final Invocation invocation) { CommandSource sender = invocation.source(); String[] args = invocation.arguments(); plugin.getProxy().getScheduler().buildTask(plugin, () -> { if (args.length > 0) { UUID uuid = plugin.getUuidTranslator().getTranslatedUuid(args[0], true); if (uuid == null) { sender.sendMessage(PLAYER_NOT_FOUND); return; } InetAddress ia = plugin.getAbstractRedisBungeeApi().getPlayerIp(uuid); if (ia != null) { TextComponent message = Component.text(args[0] + " is connected from " + ia.toString() + ".", NamedTextColor.GREEN); sender.sendMessage(message); } else { sender.sendMessage(PLAYER_NOT_FOUND); } } else { sender.sendMessage(NO_PLAYER_SPECIFIED); } }).schedule(); } @Override public boolean hasPermission(Invocation invocation) { return invocation.source().hasPermission("redisbungee.command.ip"); } } public static class PlayerProxyCommand implements SimpleCommand { private final RedisBungeeVelocityPlugin plugin; public PlayerProxyCommand(RedisBungeeVelocityPlugin plugin) { this.plugin = plugin; } @Override public void execute(final Invocation invocation) { CommandSource sender = invocation.source(); String[] args = invocation.arguments(); plugin.getProxy().getScheduler().buildTask(plugin, () -> { if (args.length > 0) { UUID uuid = plugin.getUuidTranslator().getTranslatedUuid(args[0], true); if (uuid == null) { sender.sendMessage(PLAYER_NOT_FOUND); return; } String proxy = plugin.getAbstractRedisBungeeApi().getProxy(uuid); if (proxy != null) { TextComponent message = Component.text(args[0] + " is connected to " + proxy + ".", NamedTextColor.GREEN); sender.sendMessage(message); } else { sender.sendMessage(PLAYER_NOT_FOUND); } } else { sender.sendMessage(NO_PLAYER_SPECIFIED); } }).schedule(); } @Override public boolean hasPermission(Invocation invocation) { return invocation.source().hasPermission("redisbungee.command.pproxy"); } } public static class SendToAll implements SimpleCommand { private final RedisBungeeVelocityPlugin plugin; public SendToAll(RedisBungeeVelocityPlugin plugin) { //super("sendtoall", "redisbungee.command.sendtoall", "rsendtoall"); this.plugin = plugin; } @Override public void execute(final Invocation invocation) { String[] args = invocation.arguments(); CommandSource sender = invocation.source(); if (args.length > 0) { String command = Joiner.on(" ").skipNulls().join(args); plugin.getAbstractRedisBungeeApi().sendProxyCommand(command); TextComponent message = Component.text("Sent the command /" + command + " to all proxies.", NamedTextColor.GREEN); sender.sendMessage(message); } else { sender.sendMessage(NO_COMMAND_SPECIFIED); } } @Override public boolean hasPermission(Invocation invocation) { return invocation.source().hasPermission("redisbungee.command.sendtoall"); } } public static class ServerId implements SimpleCommand { private final RedisBungeeVelocityPlugin plugin; public ServerId(RedisBungeeVelocityPlugin plugin) { this.plugin = plugin; } @Override public void execute(Invocation invocation) { invocation.source().sendMessage(Component.text("You are on " + plugin.getAbstractRedisBungeeApi().getProxyId() + ".", NamedTextColor.YELLOW)); } @Override public boolean hasPermission(Invocation invocation) { return invocation.source().hasPermission("redisbungee.command.serverid"); } } public static class ServerIds implements SimpleCommand { private final RedisBungeeVelocityPlugin plugin; public ServerIds(RedisBungeeVelocityPlugin plugin) { this.plugin = plugin; } @Override public void execute(Invocation invocation) { invocation.source().sendMessage( Component.text("All server IDs: " + Joiner.on(", ").join(plugin.getAbstractRedisBungeeApi().getAllProxies()), NamedTextColor.YELLOW)); } @Override public boolean hasPermission(Invocation invocation) { return invocation.source().hasPermission("redisbungee.command.serverids"); } } public static class PlistCommand implements SimpleCommand { private final RedisBungeeVelocityPlugin plugin; public PlistCommand(RedisBungeeVelocityPlugin plugin) { this.plugin = plugin; } @Override public void execute(Invocation invocation) { CommandSource sender = invocation.source(); String[] args = invocation.arguments(); plugin.getProxy().getScheduler().buildTask(plugin, () -> { String proxy = args.length >= 1 ? args[0] : plugin.configuration().getProxyId(); if (!plugin.proxyDataManager().proxiesIds().contains(proxy)) { sender.sendMessage(Component.text(proxy + " is not a valid proxy. See /serverids for valid proxies.", NamedTextColor.RED)); return; } Set players = plugin.getAbstractRedisBungeeApi().getPlayersOnProxy(proxy); Component playersOnline = Component.text(playerPlural(players.size()) + " currently on proxy " + proxy + ".", NamedTextColor.YELLOW); if (args.length >= 2 && args[1].equals("showall")) { Multimap serverToPlayers = plugin.getAbstractRedisBungeeApi().getServerToPlayers(); Multimap human = HashMultimap.create(); serverToPlayers.forEach((key, value) -> { if (players.contains(value)) { human.put(key, plugin.getUuidTranslator().getNameFromUuid(value, false)); } }); for (String server : new TreeSet<>(human.keySet())) { TextComponent serverName = Component.text("[" + server + "] ", NamedTextColor.RED); TextComponent serverCount = Component.text("(" + human.get(server).size() + "): ", NamedTextColor.YELLOW); TextComponent serverPlayers = Component.text(Joiner.on(", ").join(human.get(server)), NamedTextColor.WHITE); sender.sendMessage(Component.textOfChildren(serverName, serverCount, serverPlayers)); } sender.sendMessage(playersOnline); } else { sender.sendMessage(playersOnline); sender.sendMessage(Component.text("To see all players online, use /plist " + proxy + " showall.", NamedTextColor.YELLOW)); } }).schedule(); } @Override public boolean hasPermission(Invocation invocation) { return invocation.source().hasPermission("redisbungee.command.plist"); } } }