# The IP addresses(s) the SSH server will listen on. Use a comma separated list for multiple addresses. # Leave as "all" for all addresses. ListenAddress: all # The port the SSH server will listen on. Note that anything above 1024 will require you to run # the whole minecraft server with elevated privileges, this is not recommended and you should # use iptables to route packets from a lower port. Port: 1025 # Operational mode. Don't touch if you don't know what you're doing. Can be either DEFAULT or RPC Mode: DEFAULT # Enable built-in SFTP server or not. You'll be able to connect and upload/download files via SFTP protocol. # Might be useful for testing purposes as well , i. e. docker containers. EnableSFTP: true # Number of times a person can fail to use an SSH key or enter a password # before it terminates the connection. LoginRetries: 3 ######################################################################################## # By default, only public key authentication is enabled. This is the most secure mode. # To authorize a user to login with their public key, install their key using the # OpenSSH authorized_keys file format in the authorized_users directory. Name the key # file with the user's username and no extension. Note: If you want to let a user have # many keys, you can append the keys to their file in authorized_users. ######################################################################################## # For less secure username and password based authentication, complete the sections below. # Type of hashing to use for the passwords below. # Options are: PLAIN (insecure), bcrypt, pbkdf2, sha256 # # You can use the console/in-game command `/mkpasswd [hash] PASSWORD` to # generate a password hash string then copy it for your passwords below. # You can also use `/mkpasswd help` to see what algorithms are supported. PasswordType: bcrypt # Associate each username with a password hash (or the password if the PasswordType is set to PLAIN) Credentials: # Username (should match SSH key if using key-based authentication) justasic: # Password hash from /mkpasswd command password: $2a$10$Oqk83FrypRrMF35EDeoQDuidJOQEWBE0joEQ7MJFi/Oeg26wQ3fm2 # Whether they can read, write, or have read/write permissions to console. console: RW # SFTP access for this user. sftp: # Whether SFTP is enabled for this user. enabled: true # Whether to deny by default or allow by default default: allow # Rules regarding their SFTP access. # These rules are relative to the server root. # This acts as a chroot for the server root. # Each path can be an absolute path or a regular expression. rules: "/path/to/file": # Whether the user can read the file over SFTP readable: true # Whether the user can write/modify the file over SFTP writeable: true "/path/to/regex/*": readable: true writeable: false "/path/to/directory/": readable: false writeable: true "/another/example/path": readable: false writeable: false