package com.ryanmichela.sshd; import org.bukkit.command.CommandExecutor; import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender; import org.bukkit.command.Command; import org.bukkit.entity.Player; import java.util.Arrays; import com.ryanmichela.sshd.Cryptography; import com.ryanmichela.sshd.SshdPlugin; class MkpasswdCommand implements CommandExecutor { // Because Spigot's failed syntax API is really less than ideal (you should be required to add a // SendSyntax function override), we're just always going to return true even for syntax failures // as we will handle the syntax message internally. This also lets us send the messages more // securely to the client without people knowing we're using the command. This prevents password // or hash leakages from the user to other connected users. Plus this syntax will show how // to both use the command and what hashes we support which is important for people who don't // know how to RTFM. - Justin private void SendSyntax(CommandSender sender, boolean invalid) { if (invalid) sender.sendMessage("\u00A7cInvalid Syntax\u00A7r"); sender.sendMessage("\u00A7a/mkpasswd \u00A7r"); sender.sendMessage("\u00A79Supported Hashes: SHA256, PBKDF2, BCRYPT, PLAIN\u00A7r"); } @Override public boolean onCommand(CommandSender sender, Command command, String label, String[] args) { // If we're not mkpasswd, just fuck off. if (!label.equalsIgnoreCase("mkpasswd")) return false; String algoritm, password; try { // Stupid bukkit, we have to concatenate the arguments together if they're using // spaces in their passwords otherwise it won't be as strong as it should be. algoritm = args[0]; password = String.join(" ", Arrays.copyOfRange(args, 1, args.length)); if (password.trim().isEmpty()) // Shortcut to the catch statement below. throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException(); } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) { // ignore it. this.SendSyntax(sender, true); return true; } boolean hasperm = (sender instanceof Player) ? ((Player)sender).hasPermission("sshd.mkpasswd") : true; if (hasperm) { try { String hash = ""; // Dumb but whatever. Some people are really dense. if (algoritm.equalsIgnoreCase("PLAIN")) { // I mean c'mon... sender.sendMessage("Bro really? it's literally your unencrypted password..."); return true; } else if (algoritm.equalsIgnoreCase("pbkdf2")) hash = Cryptography.PBKDF2_HashPassword(password); else if (algoritm.equalsIgnoreCase("bcrypt")) hash = Cryptography.BCrypt_HashPassword(password); else if (algoritm.equalsIgnoreCase("sha256")) hash = Cryptography.SHA256_HashPassword(password); else { this.SendSyntax(sender, !algoritm.equalsIgnoreCase("help")); return true; } sender.sendMessage("\u00A79Your Hash: " + hash + "\u00A7r"); } catch (Exception e) { // We're console, just print the stack trace. e.printStackTrace(); sender.sendMessage("\u00A7cAn error occured. Please check console for details.\u00A7r"); } } return true; } }