diff --git a/fastworldreset.sk b/fastworldreset.sk index f373e4c..420cf93 100644 --- a/fastworldreset.sk +++ b/fastworldreset.sk @@ -638,7 +638,7 @@ command /fastworldreset [] [] []: send formatted "&a&lWorld: &e%{-fastworldresetworld::%arg 2%}%" - if {fastworldreset::chunkresetdisabled::%{_world}%} is set: + if {fastworldreset::chunkresetdisabled::%arg 2%} is set: set {_type} to "world-based" else: set {_type} to "chunk-based with fallback to world-based if it fails" @@ -689,7 +689,7 @@ command /fastworldreset [] [] []: send "&f/fwr exit &a- sets exit point to where players get teleported when their world resets." send "&f/fwr load [generator] &a- loads a world. Optionally with a generator." send "&f/fwr unload [] &a- loads a world. true/false if the world should be saved, defaults to true." - send formatted "%new line%&7May be useful for unloading worlds which you no longer need.>&f/fwr unload &a- unload a world." + send formatted "%newline%&7May be useful for unloading worlds which you no longer need.>&f/fwr unload &a- unload a world." send "&f/fwr unload-chunks &a- unloads chunks in the specified world, with saving or without." send "&f/fwr tp [player] &a- teleport to a world or teleport another player to the world." send formatted "%{_newline}%&7May be useful in situations where the world uses very much RAM and you prefer slower reset than higher RAM usage>&f/fwr disable-chunk-reset &a- disables chunk-based resetting of the specified world, which makes the chunks unload normally."