import os from html5tagger import Document, E, HTML from shutil import rmtree import markdown import html def generateNavigationBar(lines): global navbar navbar = E rawhtml = False htmlstring = "" for id, line in enumerate(lines): #parse raw HTML rawhtml, navbar, htmlstring = parseRawHTML(navbar, line, htmlstring, rawhtml, id, len(lines)) #parse markdown if not rawhtml: navbar =, line))) #title, link = line.strip().split(";", 1) #navbar ="" + title + "")) def parseRawHTML(doc, line, htmlstring, rawhtml, id, maxlines): #raw html start if line.strip() == ">": rawhtml = True htmlstring = "" #parse indented raw html elif rawhtml: if line.startswith(" "): #experimental markdown inside HTML support htmlstring = htmlstring + html.unescape(markdown.markdown(html.escape(line.strip()))) #if indented html was the last line, this is needed for it to not be ignored #since this is the end of the file, we will not set rawhtml to False. if maxlines - id == 1: doc.div(HTML(htmlstring)) else: rawhtml = False doc.div(HTML(htmlstring)) htmlstring = "" return rawhtml, doc, htmlstring def parseMarkdown(doc, line): line = html.escape(line.strip()) return doc(HTML(markdown.markdown(line))) def generateLines(title, lines): title = title.replace(".page", "") doc = Document(title, lang="en") rawhtml = False htmlstring = "" for id, line in enumerate(lines): #parse raw HTML rawhtml, doc, htmlstring = parseRawHTML(doc, line, htmlstring, rawhtml, id, len(lines)) #parse markdown if not rawhtml: doc = parseMarkdown(doc, line) generatePage(title, doc) def generatePage(title, doc): #creates ./website-output/pagetitle/index.html file if it is not homepage foldername = "" if title != homepage: foldername = "/" + title.replace(" ", "-").lower() os.mkdir("./website-output" + foldername) with open("./website-output" + foldername + "/index.html", 'w') as newpage: if 'navbar' in globals(): newpage.write(str(E.ul(navbar)) + str(doc)) else: newpage.write(str(doc)) def main(): #if homepage is at, set homepage to "Home" global homepage homepage = "Home" try: os.mkdir("./website-output") except FileExistsError: print("Output directory already exists, let's clean it!") #deleting contents of folder without deleting the folder, to increase compatibility with various systems for root, dirs, files in os.walk('./website-output'): for f in files: os.unlink(os.path.join(root, f)) for d in dirs: rmtree(os.path.join(root, d)) if os.path.exists("./navbar"): with open("./navbar", 'r') as navbarfile: generateNavigationBar(navbarfile.readlines()) else: print("No 'navbar' file found, there will be no navigation bar.") pagescount = 0 for file in os.listdir("./"): if file.endswith(".page"): with open(file, 'r') as page: generateLines(os.path.basename(file), page.readlines()) pagescount += 1 print("Generated " + str(pagescount) + " pages") if __name__ == "__main__": main()